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/lit/ - Literature

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4100578 No.4100578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

today was the first meeting of my universities book club. Let me summarize it

>fedoras everywhere
>90% Terry Pratchett 10% Stephen King
>literally every recommendation is tempered with "I've never read it but" or "ive always wanted to read"
>people are told to give total page numbers with their recommendations; every book over 200 pages is disregarded

I don't know why my expectations were so high, but holy shit. I moved one of my classes to the morning so I could come to this damn club and it's all for fucking nothing. Has anyone had any better experiences with a book club?

>> No.4100586

This board is my book club.

>> No.4100591

Pratchett? King? you're confusing fedoras with neckbeards.

Fedoras would be more after Tolstoy or Proust or Amis. Someone with pretension value. Guys who'll openly admit to liking King are probably not pretentious, and Pratchett is a safe middle of the road author.

>> No.4100592

>every book over 200 pages is disregarded
>10% Stephen King

I don't understand

>> No.4100593

>Fedoras would be more after Tolstoy or Proust

Lel no. "Fedoras" are primarily into genre fiction from my experience; that or New Atheist authors.

>> No.4100594

you misunderstand, I'm not using fedora as a derogatory term, I mean at least 50% of the men there were literally wearing fedoras

>> No.4100600

from what is see on this board, it seems to include anybody pretentious, about atheism, about what they read, their philosophy or whatever. It's just shorthand for hipster pretension, and genre fiction, college litcore, and Joyce, Proust, DFW fans are all part of that.

>> No.4100602


>> No.4100604

Tolstoy? Proust? No. They might say Joyce is their favorite author and only have read Dubliners though. Or they might love DFW.

>> No.4100616

It's not about who they read, so much as the pretension: everybody's read those authors and everybody usually has a high opinion of them, but they don't make a big deal out of it. It's the ostentatious display of affected taste that is the identifying factor. Combined that they don't seem to be awre of the fact that it's rude and uncivil to wear a hat indoors.

>> No.4100619

So you're saying /lit/ consists of fedoras

>> No.4100620

University sounds like such a horrible place. I am glad I didn't in.

Forever be my safety net /lit/.

>> No.4100624

well, this is sort of the place where it's okay. It's a little embarassing to always be discussing the same fifty books all the time, but if you're not going to air your literay tastes here, it's hard to say where you would, and since this is an anonymous board you can't really call it egotistical or affected. Nobody knows who you are.

>> No.4100626

"Fedoras" are neckbeards you fucktard.

>> No.4100719

IIRC even a lot of Pratchett goes over 200 pages.

>> No.4100726

It's because book clubs are for non-readers. What you want is a 'reading group'. This is basically the literature/philosophy shorthand for a group of people who get together to discuss one book they're all working on, then go for drinks. For instance, we used to have an Adorno reading group. Choice of author is very important.

>> No.4100779

Nah. The differences a subtle, though: The neckbeard is a guy who seldom leaves his house, weighs way too much, plays warcraft and writes snide comments on youtube videos and has all of Robert Jordan in hardcover

Fedoras are in college getting adegree in a liberal art. They dress semiconservatively, frequent coffee shops and ostentatiously keep their copies of Ulysses and .DFW and Dawkins in front of them in public. They Like communism, nihilism and Whole foods and often ride bicycles.

I'm thinking of publishing a guide

>> No.4100781

Any cute girls, OP?

>> No.4100833

I'd definitely buy a guide to neckbeards and fedoras. When are you publishing?

>> No.4101073
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Too busy working on a cure for aspergers. Turns out it's just inflammation in the brain and the cure is antibiotics and a macrobiotic diet. Still working on the psychosocial aspects of stunted development. Should be wrapping up the first round of tests by 2015.

>> No.4101091

what >>4100578 refers to as fedoras are actually plebs and what >>4100779 refer to as fedoras are hipsters
fedoras read books about atheism and pop science and I doubt they actually read fiction

>> No.4101114

There is nothing wrong with liking Pratchett. He's been a /lit/ staple for a long time.

>> No.4101115

>fedoras read books about atheism and pop science

Exactly. They would fight to the death claiming that Neil Gaiman is our generation's Shakespeare.

>> No.4101116

well put

>> No.4101117

>rude and uncivil to wear a hat indoors
>things that I never learned in redneckland
Have I looked like a jackass my whole life?

>> No.4101118

I would also like to know. There are usually one or two fuckable, skinny-fat, fedora chicks in a group like this.

>mfw you steal them from the group while the males look on with tears in their eyes

>> No.4101124

Depends on the setting. If you're wearing your frayed-bill bud lite lime baseball hat while playing Euchre with your grandparents after dinner while your family watches Whose Line in the other room, it's totally acceptable.

>> No.4101125

Only counts in church, your own office, or private homes. Anywhere else you're fine.

>> No.4101143
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pleb lit
>the hunger games
>anything from oprah's book club
>tom clancy
>lee child
>sophie kinsella

hipster lit
>jonathan franzen
>tmichael chabon
>St. DFW
>tao lin
>david eggers

fedora lit
>neil gaiman
>chuck palahniuk
>alan moore
>richard dawkins, sam harris etc...

patrician lit
>philip roth
>paul auster
>ralph ellison

>> No.4101180

Fuck you Hemingway is awesome.

>> No.4101186

op do you go to a tech school or a community college?

>> No.4101189

>jonathan franzen
>michael chabon

hipster lit?

hipster hate mainstream literary fiction especially franzen

>> No.4101204


>Not liking Hemmingway, the staple of virility

Don't forget to pick that thong out of your asschecks you pansy.

>> No.4101213


>> No.4101223



>> No.4101235

I'll be honest I don't quite get that one

>> No.4101237

>Alan Moore
Yeah maybe V for Vendetta but like, Lost Girls? Watchmen (ugh maybe Rorschach feegs who misread the book)? Swamp Thing? From Hell?
Yeah maybe American Gods but Sandman is fucking great bruhbruh

Also putting DFW w/those guys is lame but I can see your ruseman. I'd but Safran-Foer there first.

>> No.4101245

i like hemingway and i like authors from each category. the list is merely describes the tastes of various subcultures. personally, i think tom clancy is superior to david eggers.

>> No.4101247


I believe it implies not liking Hemmingway makes a homosexuality apologist.

>> No.4101251


>> No.4101284

Is reading poetry books outside fedora? I prefer poetry if I have to read outside due to the lengths of individual poems.

>> No.4101307

No wonder "fedora" is thrown around so much here, everyone seems to have their own definition. Fedora wearers are NOT hipsters. I'm surprised how many people here seem to confuse the two. In fact, if you're confusing fedoras with hipsters, it's very likely you're a fedora yourself.

More understandable would be a confusion between fedoras and neckbeards. They're very similar in spirit, and often there is overlap. But the important thing to remember is that the neckbeard, traditionally, is someone who cares very little about outward perception. Here lies the major distinction. Fedoras are tryhards, made all the more pathetic by their embarrassing interests and oblivious attempts at being fashionable. Neckbeards may be pathetic, but it's a pathetic from apathy; fedoras work very hard to convey an image that they think is one of an interesting, intellectual, cultural type, while failing in every respect.

And that is why fedoras are the ultimate scum of the earth.

>> No.4101323

>Fedoras are tryhards, made all the more pathetic by their embarrassing interests and oblivious attempts at being fashionable.

uhh but that's basically a hipster....

>> No.4101342

false. hipsters have higher cultural IQ than fedoras. for example, hipsters worship infinite jest while fedoras sincerely believe fight club is greatest novel ever written.

while i agree that each (and frankly, every) subculture is obsessed with how they are perceived, hipsters are higher on the cultural totem-pole.

>> No.4101349

Is this discussion really happening?

>> No.4101359

so if u took a fedora and sent him to Brown or Dartmouth would he come out a hipster? are Fedora's just working class hipsters?

>> No.4101369

is Tao Lin just a fedora who's parents sent him to NYU? survey says: YES!

>> No.4101372
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>Fedora's just working class hipsters

>> No.4101413

I go to a university that contains mostly engineering majors, but it's still a pretty bug one

>> No.4101425

Yeah, that part didn't make any sense to me either. 200 pages is practically novella-length in today's publishing world, where editors seem to no longer exist and flabby novels are everywhere.

Maybe the 200 page thing is for trying out new (non-Pratchett/King) authors.

>> No.4101430
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*tips fedora*

>> No.4101431

>having a fedora

>> No.4101458
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Hemingway was a total Gaymer. Maybe not gay, but he loved the sport and suspected women who interfered. He def respected the love two dudes shared in a fight to the symbolic death or the fight of a man over nature. I'm sure he'd be all over TF2 and more if alive.

Liking Hemingway makes you and apologist for nothing. Hipsters and Fedoras should stay away Hemingway.

>> No.4101470


>> No.4101499

Okay listen up, I shall say this only once

Fedoras are deluded faggots who romanticize an age long past (this can be anything from the romantic period to the 1950s) and they dress after the fashion of that age (or whatever they think is an okay surrogate for it). They are more often than not atheist in spite of their conservative image as it inspires in them a picture of a suave, rebellious character. Some might say they all want to be Pechorin or Dorian Gray or some bloke from a detective novel so they dress the part but awkwardly fail everything else and look like someone is trying to tell the world that the thing they are wearing is not in fact a Halloween costume but an image which represents their complex and interesting persona (which is almost always shallow and boring). They want to be seen as elegant and eccentric gentlemen but fail almost always because their romanticized view clashes with today's age.

The neckbeard on the other hand is a creature that doesn't care about it's outwards appearance (unlike the fedora guy) but is deluded in almost the same manner. Some have scraggly neckbeards because they think it makes them come across more virile,older or serious. More often then not, they have bad hygienic habits so you can see many acne scars adorning their face. They play WoW, have little to no willpower and usually lead a very bitter life and leave snide comments online as a venting system. They are very often into genre fiction, most likely shitty fantasy and SciFi.

Books a fedora might like:
Ayn Rand, Richard Dawkins, Palahniuk...
Also, books that are entry tier into serious /lit/ (since the general populace reads very little they read babby's first serious novel and latch onto these, shoehorning them and their false sense of superiority into every conversation they have.)

A neckbeard might like:
ASIOAF, LoTR, books written after video games and other stuff that falls into their area of interest.

>> No.4101505

>tfw joining university's literature club
>tfw 6+ highly wifeable girls
smiles and Shakespeare, yussssss!

>> No.4101556

You heard me kid.

You're dead meat in the ring,

>> No.4101566


top lel

>> No.4101569
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Was Ignatius Reilly a fedora?

>> No.4101575

I actually really like fight club

But I can also actually fight, would be fun to punch a fedora faggot in the face after talking about the book.

>> No.4101576

Wait... i hardly come on lit anymore but i was told to read infinite jest by my boss and so far its been a bit boring. but when i get into something i really get into it. and is DFW really overrated? i watch interviews and stuff about him and i think hes pretty awesome, but I've never used my bookshelf as a means of self gratification and a means to brag of what intellect i have. i just finished brief interviews and i thought it was pretty good. albeit I'm not a diligent reader, but i like to think i have better taste then a pleb or neckbeard. is DFW really overrated? not that ill put the book down to prove i have taste, but i gotta know is he like a joyce or hemmingway? not saying that their bad, but are people using DFW name as a means of self gratification? i gotta know i live in a social hole

>> No.4101578

why don't you read him and find out

and yes, they are using DFWs name as a means of self gratification, but whatever, people do that with every author

my opinion is that he's a trash writer, but i haven't read much by him

>> No.4101579

>They want to be seen as elegant and eccentric gentlemen but fail almost always because their romanticized view clashes with today's age.

They fail because they aren't men, to be a gentleman and show chivalry you have to understand you are the superior to those you show it to, while they are clearly their insecure inferiors. Besides the fact they all look like kids.

>> No.4101580

if books with over 200 pages were disregarded why would people recommend pratchett and king?

>> No.4101581

That book is just as you said: boring. If it quacks like a duck, etc. You know what you like and don't like.

>> No.4101583

he wasn't. he was a genuine intellectual. but he was a neckbeard by how he looked and acted.

>> No.4101587
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make your up your own mind.

personally, i love him. i especially like his journalism, this article on federer is fantastic:


his short stories are good too, "Big Red Son" is required reading for anyone who has struggled with pornography. i'll concede that he's a tremendously indulgent writer but i think his sincerity ultimately redeems him.

>> No.4101593

oh my god thank you. i'll finish Infinite jest and see how i feel. you know its just dissapointing when you feel like your actually enjoying something and people are ruining it for you.... that probably sounds hipster but you know what i mean? anyway i think i enjoy his work so far. I'm not very far in jest yet

>> No.4101596

You must hate reading...

>> No.4101600
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>> No.4101602

To be fair, Neil Gaiman is a pretty rad dude

>> No.4101604

Seems like a decent guy, undeniably excellent taste in sf&f and other literature, and Sandman's really good. Shame about everything else he's ever written.

>> No.4101606

I think you swapped your hipster/fedora lists.

>> No.4101609
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Only if you make sure people see you reading it.

>> No.4101610

What do you think hipsters are?

>> No.4101617

Alan Moore (despite all the great stuff he's done), Dawkins, Gaiman, and Palahniuk (well Fight Club anyway) are all definitely fedora territory. I'm not sure Hemingway belongs on that list. He's more like entry-level pseudo-intellectual. Still a fantastic author.

>> No.4101624

Do you want to know what hipsters are? Search the hipster tag on The Gothamist, watch Portlandia, browse Tumblr, and you will find them. It is that simple.

>> No.4101638

nice dubs

>> No.4101643

made my day

captcha: chafed ispoien

>> No.4101697

Dawkins without any doubt.

>> No.4101703

I'm not sure it's any worse to be a fedora, neckbeard or hipster than it is is to expend this much effort arguing about what those things mean.
Don't mistake me, I fucking love arguing about shit on the internet too but this just seems spiteful.

>> No.4101734

Post of the day, oh how I leld.

>> No.4101736
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I've definitely ran into a few fedoras at uni. . .from the autist who proudly asserted that he "only drank craft beer" to the dork who spent an entire semester failing to pick up this girl, talking to her about his political views all the time. After I kind of said that I didn't read much history anymore because of my major he got all mad. . .I wasn't even talking to him and he sort of challenged me on books and asked me if I'd read 1984, Brave New World and something else. . .which were "his favourite books" ffs.

>> No.4101740

You people are pathetic and insufferable.

>> No.4101760

Don't complain, man. At least you have a book club there.

>> No.4101771

Fedora is the new hipster

>> No.4101775

people actually wear fedoras or that is slang for something?
fuck that is cool
I would sleep with anyone in a fedora, i wouldn´t even care if they were illiterate or a man

>> No.4101780

lol the comments
you guys are all so obsessed with appearances

>> No.4101784

Try going to a good uni then, fuckwad

>> No.4101789

>paul auster
top lel

>> No.4102149

No, no, no, no no no.

Fedora is an atheist, hates liberals arts, thinks everyone should study STEM, etc. hold scientism as truth.

The same kind of person does not read Joyce and Dawkins. Fedoras read watch Cosmos and read Dawkins, hipsters frequent Starbucks and read Joyce.

>> No.4102167

>no no no no no fedora is the type of person i dislike

>> No.4102171

Girl here.

I went to my university's book club in the hopes of making some friends + talking about books + maybe finding a qt bf, but I had the same experience.

Mine was run by a stuck-u bulimic girl who demanded that we listen to her poetry/short stories at some point during the hour. I left after three weeks :(

>> No.4102183
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fedoras are at their core misogynists, maybe autists
for some reason /pol/ has a really hard time understanding this and think it means hipsters or something
publishing a guide to such a thing is very fedora, however

>> No.4102188
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here's another to "redpill" you
I like the "Fedora'd Gentleman" image but I can't find it

>> No.4102189

>Girl here.
stopped there

>> No.4102195

his definition is correct bro

you obviously have no idea where the "fedora" thing comes from

>> No.4102218


>> No.4102221

You stayed for three weeks? I wouldn't have let the coffee get cold.

And everybody i know who actually wears a fedora is a preachy nihilist who drinks too much and leans toward communism and weird-ass environmental stuff. Real science guys are straw hat and cloth cap types. Though the Indiana Jones look seems to be creeping in, most field scinetists especially seem to dress either like rednecks or your grandmother in the garden. With a few hippy-dippys in the math department. Fedoras are in the liberal arts and occasionally music. As a side note, we used to call them "pony tails" for obvious reasons.

>> No.4102226

I'm doing CS in UK and I haven't ever seen anyone wearing a fedora. You guys are making all this shit up

>> No.4102239

Guys, the last time Dawkins visited my campus he hung out in the English department with Dot Sutton. And it was the English majors that followed him around all day, fedoras and clothcaps all. The actual science guys and science fanboys dress like prototypical nerds right down to the suspenders and bowties (long ties not allowed in the lab) and only strawhats if any.

I'm beginning to think there must be a lot of regional variation here. Dawkins is mostly seen as a writer and not a scientist so much, though his credentials are very good. It's mostly the literary types that pay attention to him. And Joyce is definitely in their camp. I doubt there's a strawhat in the memorial science building who, if you said "a guy named joyce" wouldn't immediately think of Joyce Kilmer, and only because of the forest, not the poetry.

Once you get into the philosophical side of dawkins (most of his recent books) you're firmly in the lib arts side, and that's where the fedoras are.

>> No.4102242

>mfw everyone has their own definition of fedora and champions it as correct
top lel

>> No.4102273

this clearly needs work. I'm starting to see a division though, so it looks like consensus may be possible.

I think we're looking at a sort of science/philosophy/religion wanabee. Where the Hipster would be all about the literature and music, and the neckbeard all about gaming and fantasy and sci fi movies and such, the fedora is a pseudointellectual who admires politics, science, philosphy and metaphysics but isn't really in the field. He's a hanger-on. A nerd who can't handle math and isn't interested in anything but arguing. You used to see guys like that in the enivironmental "movement" greenpeacers who wouldn't know enough about the real woods not to wipe their ass with poison ivy.

>> No.4102277

i want a fedora now. any hip styles?

>> No.4102286

>fedora is the new nerd
>nerd is the new hipster

>> No.4102291

The borsalino italiano or the imperial are the only way to go.

>> No.4102310

or more likely "fedoras" don't actually exist and people just use it as a label for people who disagree with them about art. like "hipster."

>> No.4102315

Make them read Calvino.

Sell him as a fantasy author. Short books! Imaginary stories! Twists! It's almost what they think they want!

>> No.4102318

>anything from oprah's book club
> As I lay Dying
> The Sound and Fury
> One Hundred Years of Solitudde
> The Corrections
> A Tale of Two Cities
> The Road
> Middlesex
> Pleb

>> No.4102321

How would you compare Calvino and Collier, or for that matter Kersh? Not to derail the tread in the direction of literature discussion or amyhting....

>> No.4102323

"Fedora" is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else's authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you've probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can't define what "that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle" actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That's because you don't use "fedora" to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren't for your own insecurities, nothing that a "fedora" could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity.
Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a fedora; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, "euphoric" Them.

tl;dr: if you believe fedora exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.4102333

I read this about hippies in the sixties. It's got some truth to it, but I think the style beciomes set when it starts to be imitated. You think of a hippie now, and you have an idea if not what one is, then certainly what one is NOT,. And remember the hippies hated the name for the first ten or so years and refused to be identified by it.
I think when people start consciously deciding to be Hipsters or Fedoras or Teddy Boys or Mollys that's when you start to see the style coalesce.

>> No.4102336

It's originally copypasta from /mu/ about hipsters.

>> No.4102337

is that last line reversible?

>> No.4102342

Oh, I like you.

>> No.4102344
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porkpies are superior

>> No.4102347

Where would you place the writer behind City of Glass, then?

>> No.4102358

>not drinking craft beer
Yeah sure if youre at someones place and they're poor and only have the shity water they call beer her.

>> No.4102365

>stuck-u bulimic girl
no sorry, you're probably just fat.

>> No.4102400

Definitely not.

>> No.4102447
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lol, casual overuse of dismissive terms has led to confusion about exactly what the terms mean.

Oh /lit, I think we need some new terminology.

we'll start by analyzing what they read and why they read it, their philosophy and their attitudes and common expressions,

and then we'll come up with new terms to dismissively deride them.

Of course any new terms we create will be thrown around so much that they will eventually be meaningless as well, but at least in the meantime we can have productive discussions

>> No.4102481

That's not what we're going for here though. The idea is to find a self-defined group and mock them for the things they assert and exemplify deliberately. "Fedora" for instance wouldn't include everybody with a hat, or exclude people that didn't have one. And there might be considerable overlap between categories. I would think you might be both a neckbeard and a Patrician, if your tastes were catholic enough. Just because he's allowed to eat white bread doesn't mean he can't eat brown. I'm not sure we need sumptuary rules here, and a fedora might qualify as a hippie or a hipster or a nazi or a neckbeard in the same way that you might be a catholic, a jew, and black. Some categories would be exclusionary and some not.
I think the important thing though is that they not be value judgemental. biases and prejusices not withstanding, we should be deridng and mocking these people for the same reasons they mock and deride us: for our posts, and the dumbass opinions we hold.

>> No.4102497
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Massive confusion about the difference between Hipster and Fedoras in this thread.

Hipsters - VICE magazine, drug culture, All Tomorrows Parties, High brow lit that's not too obvious, Obscure bands and music, American Apparel, etc.

Fedoras: Extroverted Autism. usually into: A really shitty brand of populist right wing Libertarianism, Anti-feminism, militant Atheism.

>> No.4102516
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McGill University's is pretty rad.

>> No.4102519

I agree that it shouldn't be value judgemental.
I was mostly trying to day that it's our own laziness that has led to confusion and the only way out of that confusion is for us to put time in classifying patterns of behavior.
These terms we've been using haven't lost all their meaning or power, but they have become loose and weak, and since we're largely doing nothing around here anyway, except farting around when we should be reading or writing, we have no excuse to pretend we don't have the time to tighten up our jargon.
It would be nice to do this with existing terms, but problematic, and it'd be just simpler to create new terminology, They wouldn't have to be exclusionary, as one reader may embody several traits, but they should be rigidly defined.
(or at least more rigidly defined than the current terms.)

I'm actually thinking of starting a new thread, the game would be first establishing the pattern of behavior, then finding a descriptor for it.

For example, we'd need a separate term for somebody who reads voraciously, but only entry level literature, and someone who reads voraciously, but only genre fiction,

>> No.4102522


>> No.4102527
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I like it.

>> No.4102811

The problem is you can't just decide to call people stuff. It's like a nickname: it arises and it sticks.

"Fedora" is problematic because it apparently means different things. There seem to be several types of people who wear the eponymous hat, and soome are libertarians, some communists, some neckbeards, some hipsters.
I think this will shake itself out though: eventually one group will adopt the hat and the name because they like the association, and the others will shun it because they don't want to be mistaken for that group.

In the sixties everybody used the word "freak". It included what you'd think of as hippies now, but also jesus freaks, acid freaks, cowfreaks, bikefreaks beatniks, peacefreaks,
In those days if you had long hair it made you a freak. And they were all tarred with that brush, evem though some were hell's angels, some were SDS, some were commie radicals, some were flower children. The groups gradually split off and the ones that were left became "hippies" but what used to be a complete pejorative, and was taken as such, got embraced in less than ten years and eventually became a style.

>> No.4102816

Did you ever hear Frank Zappa's story about how a shit-load of people got arrested in this town just because they had long hair? America, man.

>> No.4102831

>mfw the only English major I know hasn't read Infinite Jest
>mfw no one I know IRL has read it
You people are the only ones I have to talk to about it. It's horrible.

>> No.4102835

I wish the fedoras at my university were that good. All they do is run around shooting each other with nerf guns.

>> No.4102847

In this town? No, but I heard him tell a story about another town it happened in.
Weird, you'd think he'd mention it happened more than once.

>> No.4102858

not that many people actually wear fedoras and those that do usually have never expressed an interest in philosophy in their lives, they're more like otaku and mlpfags if anything.

the people that you're attempting to dismiss with the term are usually just well-meaning newfags who haven't undergone as much scrutiny as you have.

>> No.4102863

That wasn't just "a story" that was a frequent occurrence in downtown LA.

>> No.4102871

More like redditors.
That's another thing. Fedoras will be the ones spouting le epic may mays.

>> No.4102888

They used to round them up in LA and if they didn't have ten bucks or an in state ID take them to a work camp in the hills for a week. Like a concentration camp really. All a bunch of hippies clearing brush and building firebreaks and planting stuff. A lot of networking got done there though, so it worked out. most of us headed north after we got out and ended up in sanny franny for awhile. Better police relations but more expensive. But it got us away from Reddin's Raiders.

>> No.4102904
File: 85 KB, 430x538, average randophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started in cringe threads on /r9k/ (and /fit/ and /b/ I think but I don't go to either of those) where people posted pics of people like this in order to mock them

then /mu/tards turned it into a le epic meme insult and created the whole "*tips fedora*" thing to post in threads in which people are discussing certain types of music like metal

then other boards saw that I guess and misinterpreted what it meant lacking the original context

>> No.4102913

that reminds me. last night when i was leaving campus there was this fucking mall goth straight out of the 90s walking in front of me. i'm talking ufo pants and a jacket with a nu metal patch on it and everything. the best part, though, was that he was wearing a little green fedora. it's the first time i ever saw one out in the wild.

>> No.4102933

God, I can just imagine the pretentious faggotry.

>> No.4102969

I live in a college town and hipsters are actually a blessing. They open restaurants and coffee shops and actually have pretty fucking good taste compared to your average pleb, even if it's for attention.
The only type I can't stand are the super feminist variety, but other hipsters are pretty cool especially when it comes to film and literature. Music is quite another matter sometimes.

>> No.4103005
File: 127 KB, 500x334, fashion-flannel-flannel-shirt-girl-old-photography-Favim.com-75114_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Hipsters > normies. Also the hipster chicks seem to dig me. Not to mention plaid shirts are my fetish.

>> No.4103013

Finally you guys are seeing the light. And yes hipster girls are great. You have to be careful about the younger lookbook, Doc Martin-wearing strain, though. Too much imitation, not enough elitism.

>> No.4103024

>using the word hipster seriously

>> No.4103028
File: 46 KB, 500x335, tumblr_ltym4sGJzh1qj5uxuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

braid + light hair + plaid shirt = oneitis

that feel when a 6/10 girl with those looks better than any 9/10 caked up club whore. i never asked for these feels, but i like them.

>> No.4103033

>not blonde bun+green eyes+kimono

>> No.4103034

*tips fedora* comes from Reddit, actually

>> No.4103039

>being this superficial

>> No.4103047

>pretty fucking good taste compared to your average pleb, even if it's for attention

Agreed, I don't see the problem with that either. As James Murphy once said - "If being pretentious got you to read Gravity's Rainbow, you still read Gravity's Rainbow".

>> No.4103050

>has a negative connotation for the superficial

go back to oprah.com pls.

>> No.4103069

Which one? and why?

>> No.4103087
File: 43 KB, 500x333, bush-dead-trees-flannel-shirt-girl-Favim.com-175962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it common to masturbate while reading /lit/?

>> No.4103233

I was thinking Kingsley. And it's not about who you read, but ostentatious display of who you read.

>> No.4104683

I got a trenchcoat for my birthday present earlier this spring. Since I sat in white paint with my only other one I have to use the coat. So if you see someone running around wearing the trenchie don't jump to the conclusion(at least not immediately) that he's a fedora.

>> No.4104714
File: 61 KB, 265x265, 1374379261786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least your uni has a book club

>> No.4104718
File: 62 KB, 692x414, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4104781


>> No.4104797

How do they even recommend books under 200 pages?

I think you're telling a fib OP.

>> No.4104803

Anyone drop in and correct to "University's?"

Too lazy to read this pathetic thread.

>> No.4104807

*tips fedora*

>> No.4104816


>> No.4104834

i know that feel

i went to a lit club at the community college (i know) that i go to

and it was just... just...

>> No.4104862

> It's the ostentatious display of affected taste that is the identifying factor. Combined that they don't seem to be awre of the fact that it's rude and uncivil to wear a hat indoors.

I don't wear fedoras or hats in general, but I can tell you that anyone has read "la recherche" he don't wear a hat indoors. He will place it on the ground upside down near himself following the fashion of the early '800.

>> No.4104864

sorry for the english

>> No.4104869

I wont read this thread, but I'm sure this has already been said, but

Your described /lit/. No, you complained about /lit/ on /lit/. You hypoc/lit/

>> No.4104893


>hypo c/lit/

True poetry

>> No.4104958

Can't believe I hadn't heard of this show.

>feminist bookstore

>> No.4104969


pleb-patrician pretension here.

>> No.4104976

It gets old really fast.

>> No.4105034

Funny. I was the one who capped that from a YouTube video ages ago and used it in /b/. True story

>> No.4105044

Fuck off.

>> No.4105049
