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4097689 No.4097689 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw this on /x/ :


What makes us human /lit/ ?

>> No.4097699

arbitrary taxonomy

>> No.4097704

>What makes us human /lit/ ?

Unquenchable desire for more.
More material goods, more spirituality, more this, more that, more violence, more peace, more food, more sex, more love, more life, more immortality

Complete and utter dissatisfaction with the present moment

>> No.4097716

Language. Words. That's our only claim to being more than animals.

>> No.4097719

language maybe but other animals have displayed that they can learn words, though not grammar

also humans are animals

>> No.4097722


Not implying we're not animals, just saying that words make us believe we're something else, something above animals.

>> No.4097720

she has a nice butt

>> No.4097724

yuck! furry detected

>> No.4097732

Poetic bullshit, OP. That's your answer.

"images powerful enough to deny our nothingness"

>> No.4097740

loneliness, freedom and mortality

>> No.4097739


best answer so far

>> No.4097745

DNA, mostly.
Other than that I think it's that we are capable of creating morality and such, even if we deviate from them too often.

>> No.4097769



>> No.4097772

She's acting for the purposes of the documentary, OP. Sure she was screwed up as a child before her rehabilitation but if you watch a little further in the video she was shown to be capable of carrying out a perfectly normal conversation. Typical woman attention whoring is all this is.

>> No.4097787


What the hell are you talking about sick fuck!

>> No.4097793

I'm not that guy, but


>> No.4097817

I wonder if she was ever fucked by one of those dogs in her pack.

>> No.4097818

What makes us human is the fact that the disposal of excrement becomes a problem

>> No.4097820


You seem to be in a deep trouble

>> No.4097823

whatever do you mean?

>> No.4097827

>What makes us human /lit/ ?

Our ability to adapt.

>> No.4097829

check out the ass on that wild bitch.

tfw u will never fuck a qt that has been raised as an actual dog, only hambeasts living like figurativel dogs.

>> No.4097833

>wanting to fuck a woman that has taken the knot every day for years

>> No.4097842

>mfw reading her wiki

lel, she's just a nutter, was never raised by fucking dogs, always lived with people in an orphanage.

what a crock of shit

>> No.4097864

We are aware of ourselves.
>INB4 huminz are not the only self-aware animul

We have writing.

We have art.

>> No.4097878


>we have writing

so do i

>we have art

so do i

>> No.4097912

humans will be extinct after world war III which will happen two weeks later so why bother thinking about our shitty existence

>> No.4097927


so if you can't write or make art are you an animal?

>> No.4097944

>What makes us human /lit/ ?

Biophysical makeup. Brain structure. That sort of thing.

>> No.4097956

we are able to ask questions such as these and turn them into debates full of shitposting

>> No.4097965


>debates full of shitpost

so by not posting a useful answer youre one of the shit posters too im afraid chap

>> No.4097977

'Human' is a biological category and what determines whether an animal fits that category is its DNA. That is the only correct answer you'll find in this thread.

>> No.4097984

i know, it was a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.4098003


ignorance is bliss bro

>> No.4098047


>That is the only correct answer you'll find in this thread.

What about mutations?

Atheist = 0
God = 1

>> No.4098085

Our current human behavior and society structures are made to optimize the chance of living and propagating the specie.

Basically, it's just natural selection shaping our DNA.

>> No.4098131

They are slight deviations. They would have to deviate a lot to be considered something other than human. Similar to Theseus' boat.

>> No.4098168


There are exceptions to every rule.

>> No.4098211

if you had the DNA records for every single one of your ancestors going back to the Last Common ancestor, where would you draw the line at defining a human?

>> No.4098601




>> No.4098615
File: 259 KB, 600x684, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society, language, history, knowledge. It's all a wobbling tower of plates we are holding up. It's all an act. A performance, like Shakespeare said:

>All the world’s a stage,
>And all the men and women merely players:
>They have their exits and their entrances;
>And one man in his time plays many parts,

We don't really know anything special. We are just acting. A few nuclear bombs and the drama is over; the new actors will have to start from scratch.

I suggest you all look into using a chemical called Piracetam on a regular basis as it will strengthen your bond with earth & God.

>> No.4098632

Just as poetic and bullshitty as what you're answering to.
Not all civilisations have developped writing.

The more commonly accepted answers among biologists are, if I'm not mistaken, biological features that allows us to walk on two feets for a long distance (due to the form of our spine, legs, and the balance of our body), to craft elaborate tools (due to the structure of the hand), to learn and adapt extremely quickly and develop new skills as environnement requires (due to the developpement of our brain) and cultural features (chiefly the use of fire and complex tools, the habit to pay attention to the way we dispose of corpses, and the production of representations with no direct usefulness-"art"). Of course you have to take in account disabilities, but there aren't many humans that haven't at least of or two of those features.

>> No.4098629


man, where can i buy that chemical? is it legal? my life has been fucked because of thinking.

>> No.4098639

Legal in the US and Canada. Need a prescription in Europe. It is not a recreational drug really. It is a life-enhancer. You will dance with the angels in your dreams, and heavenly music will play in your mind at all times. You can find out much more if you google it, lots of people love this stuff.

>> No.4098642

Will I be able to hear the music of the spheres?

>> No.4098648
File: 223 KB, 1175x1600, Seraphim Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly hear angels chattering. Heavenly choirs.
This erowid report describes how Piracetam will make you feel most accurately:


>> No.4098666


fucking pharma bastards are the scum of the earth. look any nerve related drug they made. they dont know how it works! im serious just google it!

>> No.4098678


Not sure what you're trying to say...Is English not your native language?

>> No.4098727

Make sure you take the piracetam with a CDP-Choline supplement (also available legally in Canada + US).

>> No.4098814

Where can you buy this Piracetam?

>> No.4098831


I get similar experiences by doing 10-20mins of meditation a day. Increased focus, awareness, relaxation, more vivid dreams, happier, etc.

They have done some brain scan analysis of experienced meditators (20+ years) and the gammawave readings associated with attention, learning and memory, joy are way above the maximum of a normal person.


>> No.4098856
File: 87 KB, 1776x1080, La Double Vie De Véronique_snapshot_00.45.39_[2013.09.07_20.23.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty attractive.

>tfw when trying to be a dog but knees bend the wrong way

>> No.4098866

How does one meditate, though? I have such a fucked up attention span that I have to be on the internet, or watching TV, or reading 90 percent of the time.

>> No.4098873

yeah dude i can't not have something going usually i have music or an audiobook in the background while i do anything even read, i'm such a bastard i'll be listening to a fiction audiobook and start to read a non-fiction regular book to pass the time

>> No.4098887


start with 5 mins a day, and work your way up.

It's normal for the untrained mind to jump around and make you uncomfortable, just observe it and let it do its thing. Overtime it will develop like a muscle.


>> No.4099042

Great video, thanks, pal.

>> No.4099048

Humans are pretty much the most vicious and retarded animals on earth anyway.

>> No.4099050


bacteria and viruses are more vicious

>> No.4099051

Yeah but that's as a means of survival. Humans do disgusting stupid shit to each other all the fucking time.

>> No.4099052

Pira won't do that shit you're high as a motherfucker

>> No.4099070


LMFAO what the fuck

>> No.4099074

well the more complex the system the more probable a malfunction. that's just how nature is, man

>> No.4099102


Every intelligent lifeform destroys itself when it reach the peak

>> No.4099107
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 4767-dat-ass-1006391812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, there's not enough talk here about her ass. Just look at the fucken thing. I mean, hnnnnnnng, like, a-hnnnnnnng.

>> No.4099115
File: 31 KB, 347x433, IMG_20130909_031328-1717173014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably smells nasty though

>> No.4099126

Man have you seen that Genie feral child?
She was so cutie.

>> No.4099143
File: 97 KB, 339x500, tumblr_ls3rjk9B6n1qbiapxo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres pic

>> No.4099147

She's bound to be a very healthy girl to have survived this.

>> No.4099160

Eh, too young man

>> No.4099161

beauty isn't limited by age

>> No.4099164

>flat nose
>no chin
>oval shaped face
>weird lips

2/10 wouldn't bang.

>> No.4099166

That's true, but sexual attraction typically is. And she's not even that pretty at all.

>> No.4099171

Why does she remind me of Anne Frank?

>> No.4099174

Can you not consider someone attractive without not wanting to have sex with them?

>> No.4099179

Sure. I don't think she's attractive though. And I suspect your attraction to her isn't simply platonic

>> No.4099207

>Can you not
>without not


>> No.4099210

Not even him bro.

>> No.4099231

physical attraction is sexual desire

>> No.4099233

Are you even real tho?

>> No.4099235

But! Is all attraction physical?

>> No.4099246

No, not to your friends, say.
Do you even Aristotle?

>> No.4099287
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>> No.4099320
