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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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4096942 No.4096942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is TAR still alive?

Just checking.

>> No.4096986

I don't see any good reason why it would be.

>> No.4096985

Is that sentret toothpaste?

>> No.4097003

Probably some weird jap food paste.

>> No.4097046

Yes, comes out every month. Around the 15th or so.

>> No.4098087
File: 386 KB, 1240x1754, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But expect changes to happen very soon.

Be careful with answering your phone over the next few days.

>> No.4098110

Jesus, this issue is really lacking in... everything. No doubt I could have submitted and been accepted this time around, but I'm kind of glad that I wasn't included in this slop heap.

>> No.4098136

>Be careful with answering your phone over the next few days.
what does this mean

>> No.4098156

Nothing, really. I've been playing The Sims recently and I keep getting those creepy phone calls.

But just in case you should make your voice sound deeper and pretend they got the wrong #

Anyway, the whole mag's gonna be undergoing a change over the next month or so: the space between releases is gonna be widened, art & illustrations for submissions, a greater focus on craft & writing workshops, a larger staff, and hopefully a full-blown website instead of a wordpress.

that's why we really can't have anything happen to you in that time

>> No.4098162

>art & illustrations for submission

>> No.4098178

It'd be an interesting method of seeing how a scene or image in text can be translated to a completely different form. In the previous issues where we had illustrations, they were just there to "fill up" the issue.

The direction we're currently thinking discourages simple mimesis.

>> No.4098200
File: 42 KB, 840x738, tjjrjrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have anything you need drawn? I can draw shitty little scribbles.

>> No.4098227

>that picture

>Have anything you need drawn? I can draw shitty little scribbles.

Not at the moment, no. Would you be interested in basing "shitty little scribbles" off shitty little bits of prose and poetry?

>> No.4098243

only if they are equally shitty

i made an email for contact

>> No.4098308
File: 23 KB, 317x207, an ILL OMEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is the psuedo "TAR release" thread i'm gonna give my usual run down of the poetry in this issue you guys gave me access 2 the dropbox and i was dead set on givin poetry critiques but school n life intervened n im sorry this is all i can afford 2 do ;__;



delivers p. much what it says on the tin IMO. i'm not sure if this is enough though considering wtfs goin on or the lack of justification for why the hissing disrupts the villagers. its nonsensical in the fact that they're ostensibly eradicating the bonds between each other because of not only the possibility 4 corruption inherent in establishing that framework btwn ppl but also because it provides a vector through which that corruption can root itself in the broader. and yet the summoners turn in2 moths or w/e 2 float away n dissolve the foundational remnants of the self-destructive villagers. i can kind of see where the authors going w/ this, or at least route out a semblance of meaning, but there needs 2 be more of a framework established w/ this sort of piece if its not banking itself on the how of its presentation. personally i'm not a big fan of the blandness.

>Mark in Maine
extremely solid @ solidifying the ambiance of a maine forest, but that's mainely it (bwhahaha). which is ok in and of itself, but it's not as polished as it could be in doing that except in the 3rd stanza which is excessively impressive. the kinesthesis of posterity rings through thurr, in part because it begins w/ a temporal callback in "through generations" n ends w/ a spatial progression on "route from shore to shore". he bridges what he does w/ the eternal movement of a person through water, which fantastically welds each focal point in the eddies of the verse. the end message feels too telegraphed in and of the poem itself which really doesn't force us to question, or exert alacrity in arriving at, that non-ownership conclusion. in fact, it kind of seems like mark owns his own experience moreso than anyone else, even if he does share it in a sense w/ ancestors past and progeny futured.


>> No.4098312

i want to contribute but i'm afraid. i've never had anyone read my work except my junior year english teacher in high school, and that's only because we were required to write things and turn them in.

>> No.4098333

First step is to just accept that whatever you write now is 100% worthless shit. Once you have accepted this then you won't be so afraid to have others call it shit, which they will do because it probably is, but then you can start becoming a better writer.

>> No.4098350

Now is pretty much the best time for you to send something in, then. We're shifting the whole mag to a more craft-centered sort of deal.

After we get it, you'll get comprehensive feedback for a subsequent draft. The cycle of feedback & revision repeats until it's good enough to throw to the hellfire of /lit/ for ruthless criticism. Basically >>4098333

>> No.4098441
File: 48 KB, 209x193, GET THAT NIGGA CHEN! EAT THAT NIGGA!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



bizarre. i don't feel confident analyzing this 1 bc i think there are some references that i'm not grokkin entirely. i will say though that the images by themselves aren't enuff 2 make up 4 sum1 who doesn't comprehend the context, which is inherently a problem w/ bizarre poetry or works put in2 an avant-garde style. you want ppl 2 be interested in the how of what you're sayin' if they can't get the hwut and i don't think cliche calls 2 chessboard imagery really cuts it. i mean, if thats the pt. then cool i guess it just doesn't click in my case

>Common Existence
a very fuccin good work imo. that image of clamberin towards the summit where the dead rest, the forebodingness of it, and then the whole lead up in2 that dope couplet @ the end of the second stanzas tight. encapsulates that whole scene and the desperation behind needless death, the snuffin out of opportunity and the places that contribute 2 those extinguishments. good fuccin job bruv.

>Farmer John
@John Grey if you are reading this which you may be idunno: you've got an aptitude for cinching the dynamics of natural environments as they are impeded upon by people but not a solid grasp on the twist of the conclusion. your crescendos in the middle of your pieces r really fuccin solid, especially couplets like "A crop is a man's wallet - / the one with the hole in it." but u gotta try and twist up the endings a bit more IMO. there is no burst or dip or any sort of switch that capitalizes on the penultimate inscription the poem-finish gives b4 the reader makes their own mark on what uve said.

overall a nice solid haul 4 tar. there seems 2 be a shift 2 ppl who are attentive to their craft n who recognize the nuances of writing in a way thats dope af. i'm a terminal retard so i very well may have missed incredibly obvious motifs or w/e but hey thats wut u do when u put urself out thurr as a critic so pardon my bullshit if thats what it is

>> No.4098461


Every time. You're in every goddamn TAR thread and you post that goddamn chen picture with that goddamn filename every time and it makes me lose my shit.

Anyway, thanks for critiquing the selections, anon! You're a really positive influence in TAR threads, and are a big inspiration for taking TAR back to its critique/revision-centered roots.

>> No.4098577
File: 67 KB, 230x230, HONKTHEHONKENING2POINTOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i just enjoy reedin good poetry n i hope that by identifying myself solely in these threads by those images i can do good work

i submitted a couple of things b4 4 poems that were published but idk if theres demand 4 my op-ems like the chi-nese chin-ese ambulance services nemore