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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 414x414, 72561_494523062743_1631225_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4095159 No.4095159 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a hot prof, /lit/?

I had a hot film prof once. I was a good boy in her class.

>> No.4095168

A feminist TA once gave a guest lecture on feminist interpretations of Roman sexuality or something. She was thick, with gigantic fuckin' tits. When she delivered the handouts she bounded up the oversized steps. I wanted to put my head between her enormous boobs. That would have ruled.

>> No.4095171

Poetry professor. I was completely in love by like, week 2.

>> No.4095174

Not hot, but there was a qt TA that gave me an A- in lab after lying through my teeth and not finishing a single assignment.

>> No.4095178

I loved my modernist lit TA. She was hot as fuck. I wanted to fuck her doggie style and cum in her hard.

I had a hot phil prof, too. She gave me an A and used to sweep her hair behind her ear self-consciously when I'd meet with her.

>> No.4095183

yeah. i went to a poetry reading of hers once. she read some poems about some political thing and growing up as a woman or something. i remember getting my copy signed by her afterwards and saying something like "i like the way you say cunt" and she just gave me such a weird stare. felt so fucking awkward. wtf was i thinking.

>> No.4095185
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>used to sweep her hair behind her ear self-consciously when I'd meet with her.

>> No.4095192

She wanted it, man.

>> No.4095196

haha thanks for the chuckle, mate, you really fucked up

>> No.4095197
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>> No.4095202
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>saying something like "i like the way you say cunt" and she just gave me such a weird stare

>> No.4095204 [DELETED] 

I had a hot Calculus teachar and a rly hot Software Engineering one, as hard as it may be to believe, lol

>> No.4095207

Yeah. In another life where she wasn't married already, it'd have been orgasm after orgasm.

>> No.4095209
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>"i like the way you say cunt"

>> No.4095213

Watching femanons try to ape 4chan culture is always uncanny valley-ish.

You cannot mask your mad.

>> No.4095234
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watching social failures get taken in by 4chan culture is just sort of sad

>> No.4095243
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>> No.4095256

never had a thing for pudgy old white guys. there was a sci fi prof who was really young and pretty much the epitome of a manchild who was cute in dorky way but still unattractive.

>> No.4095258
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I can't help the fact I'm a hunk

>> No.4095265

Yes. She had snotgreen eyes and I fell in love with her the moment she came sashaying into class.

>> No.4095269
File: 39 KB, 385x594, Sasha+Grey+promotes+her+book+KGigOTAyHkNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sashagreying into class?

>> No.4095271

I got taken in by 4chanism once upon a time.
Thankfully, I realized how toxic these views were.

>I still have insecurities because of the feelings I used to feel from the bullshit on /b/

>> No.4095276

>muh new thinking woman's haircut

>> No.4095285

fuck that i want the whore's long silky black hair.

>> No.4095333

>intermediate chinese class
>i lived in china for four months so i'm better than everyone in my class
>not bragging it's just that unless you've heard actual chinese for an extended period of time your accent will be shit
>teacher is from china
>probably late 40's but still hot for some reason
>smiles at me a lot
>i tell her "have a good weekend" in Chinese
>she giggles and blushes and says it back to me

she wants the d

>> No.4095347

>giggles and blushes and says it back to me
>giggles and blushes

Yeah, I'm sure she did.

>> No.4095350


>What is the matter professor? Disturbed by my frank use of the harsh gendered language of the body poly-poetic beyond the safe confines of the stage. Beyond the Simulacrum.


>Cunt. Professor. Cunt

>..excuse me

>I found you and your cunt engaged the politics. of your body and society in a way so powerful that bending to censorship here and now would only restore to power the opacity of those walls you so bravely threw down to night.

>..Jill there is a guy here, a student I think.

>I have to go. My Neo-Neo-Marxist zine is hitting the clubs tonight and I want to make sure there are enough copies.But my number is 222222222 if you would like to discuss with me the politics of your cunt.

*A hand kiss is offered but denied*
*get's on ten speed*

>See you in class tomorrow Dr. Married 44 year old woman with two children

>> No.4095352


>> No.4095363

Well most Asian are submissive by nature which is why (to me at least) their women are much more attractive and appealing then that filthy western women and their unclean practices.

>> No.4095364

I just get so mad every time I see her.
I'm good friends with an intelligent woman that pretty much worships her, and I get so angry any time I see Sasha, or this woman mentions her.

So fucking mad, man,

>> No.4095367

/a/ pls go

>> No.4095371

No, that never happened. We talked about bands once, though, and she asked if I worked out. And she wrote me an amazing letter of reference.

Ohh Christina. When I hear the phrase "Kantian deontology" I will always think of your charmingly awkward beauty.

>> No.4095373

>being this virgin

Dear god

>> No.4095384
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/lit/ always gets so mad when people point out the disgusting nature of the hedonism that's tainting the western women of the world.

Of course, I stick with my waifu and find all 3D women disgusting, but if you're going to go 3D it's best to go for the women of the orient.

>> No.4095391


Classic Madonna-Whore Complex. I honestly pity you.

>> No.4095397


>Well most Asian are submissive by nature which is why (to me at least) their women are much more attractive

Let's be honest here.

It isn't that their women are more attractive to you, it's that our women intimidate you, so you find their women more attractive by default.

Grow some fucking balls, sport.

>> No.4095400

SA Mature Nerd White Knight white noise is always remarkably homogeneous

>> No.4095402

>not being a 26 year old virgin
do you even /lit/?

>> No.4095405


I sort of agreed with the second one.

>> No.4095407
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Good Paper Anonomolys, I really got the point of your argument. One of the few students in the class with a real solid A. Good work, keep it up. :)

>I got the point
>what I wanted
>real solid
>keep it up

>wow this teach is all over me

>> No.4095412


>White Knight

There's a difference between defending one woman and women of your own race in general you confused and insecure virg.

>> No.4095413

I'm sorry if you prefer your women to question every decision you make instead of recognizing your authority as head of the household.

But hey have fun living in a torn household.

>> No.4095416

>recognizing your authority as head of the household.

This has to be earned in the west - sucker.

>> No.4095418


>not believing in the divine right of kings

>> No.4095421


You're intimidated by women like you because you're a self-hating failure.

But hey have fun with a life of constant beta resignation.

>> No.4095427
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I am always seeming to fall for qt TA's. Once this TA I had taken a shine to wore a bustier tank top to class. Fucking cryptonite. I think tho, she caught me eyeing her, and gave me this tight lipped smile. . .I felt bad but I guess it could have been for something unrelated. We talked about Milan Kundera and some other professors. I also fell in love with a grad student from Italy who was teaching my newfag french class.

>> No.4095428


You just get out of Intro to Psych or something?

Fucking Freshman.

>> No.4095429


Do you overcome that sensation by trying to pick fights on the internet?

>> No.4095430


>You just get out of Intro to Psych or something?

Nope, you're just that hilariously transparent.

>> No.4095439

Well maybe when you get out into the real world and learn a thing or two about women you'll know I'm right. It's fucking 2013. Girls have dick sucking competitions to see how many different guys they can blow in a night and then they go brag about it. I've never seen an Asian do that. If anything they blush and look away if you say hi to them.

Plus, once you've been around the block a few times you'll see a girl's smile and be able to tell on the spot how many dicks she's sucked and how proud she is of it. Protip: the number will never be under 5.

>> No.4095445

Similarly, my freshman English comp professor had a huge rack. She would wear sweaters, turtlenecks even, and they would sag nice and low. They looked even more extreme with such a high neckline. She really spurred my huge, saggy tits fetish. Think Terry Nova but with paler skin and a short bob haircut.

>> No.4095446


>has given up on every girl in his country because he has zero game
>goes into denial mode and tells himself that it's all their fault so he can cope

Pull yourself together, this shit is just sad.

>> No.4095460
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>the most gullible board in the world

Pick 2 m8. This is too fucking easy.

>> No.4095474


>I w-w-was o-only p-p-pret-t-tending

>> No.4095479

Yeah, in high school there was this hot young English teacher. Some girl born in Europe but raised in 'Murica. Typical pretty Euro Blonde with sweet tits. She got pregnant with her fiance and left the school.

In college...so far, just two music teachers actually. Both piano teachers...one is Euro the other Asian. Both older than the high school hottie but legit milfs.

>> No.4095482

>Classic Madonna-Whore Complex. I honestly pity you.
omg thank you. I'm tired of always being the one to point it out.

>> No.4095483

>tfw have a qt princeton grad honors english lit professor
>tfw im the only one in class patrician enough to fuck her

how do i do it guyz

>> No.4095491


>> No.4095492


>patrician enough to fuck her

taste has little if anything to do with this

>> No.4095497

to do with what
im just trying to smash
if anything my taste should be a bonus

>> No.4095520

i had a japanese history professor who was pretty cute, but a bit old for my tastes. she was probably a real looker when she was in her 20s.

>> No.4095545

set yourself on fire on her lawn screaming "MY LOVE BURNS FOR YOU"

>> No.4095558

Had an English teacher touch my inner thigh twice in high school, had a big rack and was always semi-flirty. biploar touch, used to break down in class often

>> No.4095633
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>going to do 3D

>> No.4095680

Either pol or r9k. Regardless fuck off with your anti woman rhetoric.

>> No.4095782

who is that

>> No.4095839
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Not my professor but this Aussie philosopher wrote a book I like, Analytical Buddhism: The Two-tiered Illusion of Self, this is a pic from her uni page.
Is there anything hotter than young female philosophers?

>> No.4095842

young female grad students

>> No.4095844
File: 27 KB, 375x450, aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying women can philosophize truly

>> No.4095847

well,her book looks good, I mean its not Parfit, but hey

>> No.4095848

>implying anything he said was anti-woman
Fuck back off to Tumblr or RevLeft or wherever you crawled out of.

>> No.4095852

I had a Shakespeare prof with the hugest fucking ass I have ever seen. It haunted my dreams until one day part way through the quarter I found myself yearning for that very ass.

Oh my god I found this video:

>> No.4095886

Wow, his comment was so painfully anti woman, sorry you are retarded and hate your mother.

>> No.4095915

She got a certain demeanor to her.

>> No.4095933

he's joking obviously

>> No.4095936

I have the worst crush on my advisor. He is married and just had a kid, however I would not be opposed to having a threesome with his wife or being his/their slave.

>> No.4096081

>invents his own circumstances in the story
>attacks them

Want some more straw for that scarecrow, bro?

>> No.4096084
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>being this much of a pathetic half-man

>> No.4096086

More than once. I got good grades in college. Take that as you will.

>> No.4096092

Just sent email to Prof. Albahari, pictured here. It reads:

Dear Professor Albahari,

You do not know me but you are being discussed by one of your students on an online message board known as 4chan. Your student is likely a pedophile, as child pornography is readily available on the site. Your picture has been posted in a thread about "hot profs" and you may be in danger of suffering sexual violence at the hands of one of your depraved students. A link to the thread is here:


Please stay safe and watch out.

Best regards,

Christopher Poole

>> No.4096114
File: 25 KB, 256x256, bronwyn lea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the poetry professor at my uni.

>> No.4096117

Just sent email to Prof. Lea, pictured here. It reads:

Dear Professor Lea,

You do not know me but you are being discussed by one of your students on an online message board known as 4chan. Your student is likely a pedophile, as child pornography is readily available on the site. Your picture has been posted in a thread about "hot profs" and you may be in danger of suffering sexual violence at the hands of one of your depraved students. A link to the thread is here:

>>4095159 (OP)

Please stay safe and watch out.

Best regards,

Christopher Poole

>> No.4096119

It's amazing what passes for attractive in the literary world.

>> No.4096121

No kidding. Keep in mind the guys posting here are for the most part beastly nerds.

>> No.4096122
File: 62 KB, 600x800, Jessica Lagrange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Jess. She is a grad student in comparative literature at my college.

Definite waifu material.

>> No.4096131


But I see clearly, this is a boy...

>> No.4096135

>being his/their slave.

damn it, thats gross.

>> No.4096140

that's not Jess the grad student. That's David Duchovny

>> No.4096154


Check out the transphobics. Please go back to /pol/.

>> No.4096155

This is /lit/, not the sideshow. Discus male to female snipjobs at >>>/lgbt/, please. We don't give a fuck about them here.

>> No.4096162

fuck off

>> No.4096165

Make me you fucking freak. No one cares about your issues here.

>> No.4096167


>> No.4096170

english teachers are always hot. My math teacher in high school had a fucking ridiculous nice ass. I remember we would call her over to help us so that the kids next to us could stare at it.

>> No.4096176

haha nice

>> No.4096186

you seem to care quite a lot.

>> No.4096190

"depraved" takes it too far. Otherwise it's totally believable.

>> No.4096192


>> No.4096250


>are being discussed by one of your students
>"Not my professor"

Way to waste your time, faggot.

>> No.4096256

>once you've been around the block a few times you'll see a girl's smile and be able to tell on the spot how many dicks she's sucked and how proud she is of it. Protip: the number will never be under 5.

Is this a real world. This is like the opening line of Neuromancer. "Her teeth were the color of five sucked dicks. Case bent to shield his face from hers under the collar of his windbreaker and ducked into the neon heavy dick suck area and arcade where his old pal the tender wasa wasa wasad."

>> No.4096258

Don't bother with these beta orbiters and incels. They're still plugged in.

>> No.4096260

stared at my teachers ass, even if she was older with a father ass, teachers were hot

only got shit done during male teacher classes

>> No.4096268

>I've never seen an Asian do that

You haven't been to Thailand, have you?

>> No.4096270

Yes... She was (is) also a very good friend... ;3

*happy sigh*

Where the hell did that come from?

>> No.4096309

"Do not yeh gods look for acceptance and benevolence in the cultures of strange men, for they will not save youse. Yah can not find love in a peoples who do not want yeh, and yeh will not create hope where an alien hope stills flourishes. To love a thing that is not may not be yer great fault, but youse will someday know the fault yeh shall create."

>> No.4096317 [DELETED] 
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This is now a hot mens thread.

sexist /pol/acks fuck off

>> No.4096319
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>> No.4096322
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>> No.4096323
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>> No.4096327
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>> No.4096328
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>> No.4096333
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>> No.4096336
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>> No.4096338
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>> No.4096343

Oh man, I remember my morphosyntax professor at first year uni, not only was she petite and smoking hot, she was a really good teacher, you know when she gets people to reach conclusions on their own instead of just telling you everything. Man, brains + looks are unbeatable.

>> No.4096344
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>> No.4096347
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>> No.4096350
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>> No.4096353
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>> No.4096358
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>> No.4096362
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>> No.4096370
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>> No.4096374
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>> No.4096378
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>> No.4096385
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>> No.4096389
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>> No.4096392



>> No.4096395
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>> No.4096396
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fuck off sexist

>> No.4096397
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>> No.4096410
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>> No.4096415
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>> No.4096551

wow this thread just got interesting

>> No.4096558

>or being his/their slave

wow thats fucking lewd

>> No.4096563


This is not literature. There is no discussion. You are just dumping pictures of topless men.

>> No.4096572

are you guys prudes?

>> No.4096580

i meant good lewd.

>> No.4096593
File: 39 KB, 600x500, ladies-which-foods-should-you-avoid-on-a-date-1825891081-jan-3-2013-1-600x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could have been a bunch of qt trans women and they blew it; now /pol/ is just going to be gayer and more repressed than they already are
this isn't a bad thing but yes I am mad

>> No.4096599

i had a music professor who was cute and wore really long skirts and talked in this really quiet mousy voice
she was pretty much perfect

>> No.4096626

Yes. I thought I had overcome my shyness.... not in her class. ;_;

>> No.4096679
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>chasing pleasure
Become ascended, the allure of the pussy is a spook to keep men socially docile.

>> No.4096722
File: 38 KB, 150x226, bqme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not been taught by her but she's pretty great