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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 110 KB, 500x303, 67483045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4086506 No.4086506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any /lit/izens have any literature related tattoo's?

>> No.4086514


>> No.4086518

It's a shame he'll have to live with that once he's grown out of his Ayn Rand phase.

>> No.4086522

> trying to troll on 4chan's slowest board
> no

I'm genuinely interested, you cynical balloon.

>> No.4086527

>mfw I once thought about getting 'War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Bliss'

>> No.4086528

My father has the opening lines to Charles Bukowski's "Bluebird" tattooed on his chest.

>> No.4086530

> fails to grasp the poignancy element of tattoo's
tee hee

>> No.4086531

Apologies. Ayn Rand is a source of severe contention on this board and even vaguely implying that Atlas Shrugged could be called "literature" is probably going to anger the hyper-sensitive populous.
God. I suddenly empathise with censors.

>> No.4086535
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my gf has this

>> No.4086542
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> tfw no qt gf

>> No.4086543


I think that tattoo is really tacky, but I do want to get "You're Gonna Carry That Weight" tattooed across my shoulders.

Though that's more of an /a/ reference than a /lit/ one.

>> No.4086553

>/a/ tattoo
>tacky AND manchildish

pick both

>> No.4086566

Does she also have a brain damage?

>> No.4086570
File: 51 KB, 600x445, ijijio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my tribute to Michael Foucualt tattoo

>> No.4086571


to the letter


>> No.4086574


not to my knowledge. she just likes what she likes.

> stop liking what i don't like

>> No.4086575
File: 473 KB, 320x180, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to have a tattoo of a squirrel on my thighs trying to grab my nuts, but I never had the balls to do it.

>> No.4086577


oh, are you the tard trying to 'get his dick wet' via online dating sites?

yep, your opinion is most definitely valid.

>> No.4086578

>Now everyone knows how big a penis I have.

>> No.4086585

S/he's clearly a fatty with really poor muscle definition. A lousy tattoo is the least of his/her worries.

>> No.4086587
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haha all that mad , you forgot to sage to drive the point home

>> No.4086874

>inb4 Atlas wasn't holding up the world

>> No.4086876
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>> No.4086886
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>> No.4086894

that guy in your picture is actually a famous canadian poet


>> No.4086901

Are tattoos a symbol of material culture at this point?

>> No.4086909

Knew someone would have that here.

>> No.4086975

that would be a great tattoo to have if you ever went to prison, that guy has good foresight

>> No.4087001
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>> No.4087007

This type of shit is so embarrasing, and it's usually pleb bitches who get them done.

I've seen a buncch of chicks with Bukowski quotes (entire passages) tattooed on their body

>> No.4087031

also very good placement

>> No.4087033

I've seen these too, typewriter font or helvetica. It's always some shitty quote you've never heard before that barely makes sense

>> No.4087050
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>> No.4087072


>at this point

tattoos have been symbols of identity for years now. and that's what everyone really wants now, an identity. a persona worthy of a movie.

>> No.4087075

>#yolo for wannabe-intellectuals

Animals live in the present. Humans strive for the future.

>> No.4087079

You can't live in the future though.

People who say that they're going to do better tomorrow always end up failures. Nobody does better tomorrow, they do better today.

>> No.4087094

of tattoo's what?

>> No.4087104

then all the guys with HIV/AIDS will rape you though.

>> No.4087152

I wasn't saying that we should live in daydreams and forget about the immediate. My point was, that the present isn't "worth more than anything else". It only gains meaning if we view it through the lens of the past, and it can only give us purpose if we use it shape the future (and by that I don't mean anything grand. shaping our own future can be more than enough).

That's not to say hopping around on green fields without a care in the world, and picking apples off tress wouldn't be nice, but there's nothing in it for us other than animalistic pleasure.

>> No.4087386

/sci/ might contend for that title.
looks nice enough but get fit

>> No.4088336
File: 41 KB, 375x362, necronomicon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a tattoo on my back of the symbol of the necronomicon, depicted here

>> No.4088344

Tattoos are for white trash and horny Asian girls

>> No.4088356

Inb4 tattoo of
>everything was beautiful and nothing hurt

>> No.4088372
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>> No.4088400
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>> No.4089331
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>> No.4089379
File: 5 KB, 260x146, guapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream recently in which I was a documentary filmmaker who visited a remote tribe in some obscure corner of the Amazon. I took part in an initiation ritual which involved me hurtling down river rapids on a thin sheet of bark from a tree I'd felled myself. After I made it to the bottom, a tribesman gave me a beautiful, ornate tattoo on my shoulder with primitive tools and natural inks. It was a manifestation of my acceptance into their community. In their eyes, I was one of them.

I think that's the only situation in which I'd consider getting a tattoo. And if I wanted to make it clear to other people that I'd read a book - which is basically all that literary ink aspires to - then I'd have a conversation with them.

>> No.4089383

I was thinking maybe something to do with this. I love the poem. But maybe I'll just stick to having it on my tombstone.

>> No.4089385
File: 166 KB, 960x576, what you love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. This poem.

"My candle's burning at both ends
It will not last the night.
But Oh my foes, and Ah my friends
It sheds a lovely light."
- Enda St. Vincent Millay

Or this quote. I know, I know, Bukowski, but it's a nice quote, regardless of who spoke it.

That's more tombstone material, too. I guess.

>> No.4089384

>tfw wish you were interesting

>> No.4089393
File: 23 KB, 400x400, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're cowards, friend. The whole world is out there, waiting to be won, but here we are.

>> No.4089406

we're all gonna make it, every single one of us
none of that sad cunt shit, you're a sick cunt if you wanna be

>> No.4089521

The other night I dreamt I was chosen by these zoo-anthropologists to breed with these fish creatures to create a new, hidden species of human, that looked completely human but weren't. Not for any nefarious purposes, just because. The fish creature's were kind of tribey.
They also hatched from eggs that looked like ant eggs.

>> No.4089522
File: 84 KB, 674x249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture related

>> No.4089523

I once looked that poem up, because people were talking about it.
I was not impressed.

>> No.4089528


That's fun. Nice subconscious, bro.

>> No.4089561

Thanks. My dream journal is one of my favorite possessions. But it taunts me, too.
I once had a dream I was being tormented by a monster, all alone in a badly lit cage and "SEPARATION ANXIETY" was being repeated over and over on a PA system.
Sometimes my dreams don't even TRY to be subtle.

>> No.4089564

how is this man famous it sounds like the writing of an angsty 15 year old scene girl

>> No.4089568

>badly /lit/ cage...

>> No.4089569

that's why he's famous.
But anything sounds like whiny scene girl sentimentality when it's written in cursive on the shin of a 15 yr old scene girl.

>> No.4089576

i know one of you tryhards are holding out on your Arthur Rimbaud tattoo

>> No.4089577

uhhh. More like crushing terror.

>> No.4089626

>Ignorance is Bliss
You thought about getting a misquoted shitty quote as a tattoo?

>> No.4089719


New to reading? It's an exact quote.

>> No.4089785

It's still a retarded quote. Super retarded.
I fucking hate that quote. Oh way to be deep! Just start naming opposites!
Man that was intense.

>> No.4089795

> literature board
> no one mentions OP's apostrophe

>> No.4089958

>not getting that the point was illustrating the government's control over everything, even the thoughts of its citizens
>not getting that the banality of the statements was the whole point

Give me a p, give me an l, etc, etc.

>> No.4089969

>implying I didn't know that
>implying that there aren't better ways to illustrate that
>implying intent excuses bullshit

Give me a s-u-c-k, give me a m-y, give me a d-i-c-k.

>> No.4089975

>implying you could ever possibly write a book that illustrates the dangers of thought control and dystopian future to entire generations

Yeah, naw, you're a cunt, etc, etc.

>> No.4089979




>> No.4090010

>implying that there's anything even remotely complex about dystopian futures

Wow. I know a cat that could write a dystopian novel.

These creatures feed us, they pet us and treat us well.
But if you are so unlucky, one day you wake up and your testicles are missing. Forever, there will be a hollow spot where our testicles used to hang when we clean our genitals.
They tell us we are free, and we roam, but at night, they lock us inside.
If we should chose to escape their tyranny, what remains is desolation and hunger and fleas.
I have heard many tragic stories of kittens being taken cruely from their mothers by large, fingered hands, that smelled of aloe vera and vanilla, or tethers noted about their throats, all in the name of safety and security.

BAM! Fucking dystopia!

>> No.4090044

>I know a cat
I bet you think you do, anon.

>> No.4090055

Actually the cat was a metaphor, but I guess it's too complicated for you.

>> No.4090069

>backpedaling this hard
It's ok, anon. Just admit to your mistake.

>> No.4090073

>not recognizing when someone is yanking your chain.
Get over yourself, kid.

>> No.4090084

>dystopian cats telling others to get over themselves

What has the world come to?

>> No.4090151


>> No.4090211

the philosophy behind it isnt bad.

i definitely thought ayn rand was a stupid cunt living through the main character though. i would call ayn a bitch at least once every 2 or 3 pages.

>> No.4090396

The philosophy behind it is horrible.

Psychological egoism does not necessarily lead to Ethical egoism. She argues the opposite, shes wrong.

>> No.4090416
File: 64 KB, 500x519, booktattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think of the regret they'll have in ten years.

>> No.4090425

Rant is much better, and years later, you can say it was some vague appeal for revolution or something.

>> No.4090452

The 'Perks' one is probably the most embarrassing. Beloved only by people under 20.

>> No.4090459

Is Perks supposed to be Perks of Being a Wallflower? Because that's vague as fuck. I had to google it. I don't know what I was expecting, really.

>> No.4090464

I assume so, as it's the only book I've heard of with 'Perks' in the name. Maybe the tattooist wasn't very good with smaller lettering.

>> No.4090468

It looks like it was done with a ballpoint pen, so I'd assume not.

>> No.4090485

I have black veins.

They represent the intense suffering of my existence, and my love for the Illiad


>> No.4090503 [DELETED] 

I have a tattoo on my penis. When it's flaccid it simply looks like smugges, but when it's erect, it has the words COMMIN' AT YA! in large, friendly letters.
Before anyone mentions it, I deemed CUMMIN' AT YA to be uncouth.

>> No.4090505

i'm thinking about getting the elephant-inside-a-boa-constrictor drawing from The Little Prince tattooed, half because it was a big part of my childhood and half so that when people ask me why i have a tattoo of a hat i'll know that they're unimaginative grownups and stop talking to them

>> No.4090506

I have a tattoo on my penis. When it's flaccid it simply looks like smugges, but when it's erect, it has the words COMIN' AT YA! in large, friendly letters.
Before anyone mentions it, I deemed CUMMIN' AT YA to be uncouth.

>> No.4090515

Ya blew it