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4067130 No.4067130 [Reply] [Original]

Finished Wise Man's Fear a few months back and looking for some more god-tier fantasy while we wait for Day 3

Also, Kingkiller Chronicles discussion thread.

>> No.4067137

>being this obvious of a troll

>> No.4067176
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If you only knew...

>> No.4067298

I've read both, and while I think the first book was ok for generic fantasy (not at all worthy of being compared to Tolkien or even Lewis), the second book is both mind-numbingly boring and horribly written.

>> No.4067308

Not to mention his character can do no wrong and there is no real tension. Kvothe is the definition of a Gary Stu. I was hoping it was going to be a series about a guy making shit up about himself, but some of the "present" scenes in the second book completely ruled that out.

>> No.4067546

Was I trolled when someone on /lit/ recommended this to me? I actually read both and was entertained, except for some parts of the second one being sort of shitty. Still looking forward to the third.

>> No.4067787

I want to see Kvothfuss finally slip in the puddle of shit he created and break his neck from the fall. How the hell does he think he can finish the "story" in just one more book? With his pacing? Better get ready for an epic "saga" of 12 volumes and 2 companion books, co-written and finished by someone who isn't even born yet from vol 10 onwards. You heard it here first!

>> No.4068146
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i am reading the second vol of the last book. I have really like them so far.

>> No.4068161

i finally got around to reading these after they were recommended to me by a friend.

i enjoyed them, but yah the second one kinda dragged a bit towards the end but other than that it was a good read.

The Lies of Locke Lamora and Red Seas under Red Skys are my suggestions that i think you'll like, and book three of this series comes out in like a month

>> No.4069057

I hate how people say that.
He does wrong multiple times in the series.

He picked a fight with, and continues to antagonize Ambrose, which has hurt him on multiple occasions.
He loses his cushy job with the Maer because he acts like a twat when his race comes up.
He fiddlefucks around in the Naming class because he doesn't get it.
He picks a fight with Devi, and gets his shit kicked, because he thinks he's better than her.

His negative traits are: arrogant, impulsive, reckless, and smart-assery.

He suffers more than plenty of characters that never face the accusation of Stu-hood.

IN modern times, he can't do magic anymore, he loses to those mercs, and he can't even convince a kid to stay in town.

>> No.4069288

dude, don't go down that road. It's plastered with neckbeardy pathos and white guy pain.

>> No.4069298

I read the first one uncritically and really enjoyed it. If you read this as you would a piece of high literature, you're going to be let down. If you recognize the book for what it is -- a fun, plot-driven, fantasy novel -- you just might like it.

>> No.4069328

I think Kvothe fucks up more often than he does right, actually.

Not that Kvothe doesn't often succeed, you see. He quite often does. He's just the sort of smart-but-not-wise person who's very good at coming up with and executing plans that are actually terrible ideas even if they work.