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/lit/ - Literature

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4052008 No.4052008 [Reply] [Original]

I know fantasy doesn't compare to "/lit/core" but is this list pretty good?

>> No.4052050

>Game of Thrones
Nope. This list is pretty shit.

>Joe Abercrombie
Now it's steaming shit.

>Robert Jordan
Now it's steaming shit that was overwritten over several decades for financial gain.

>Patrick Rothfuss
Now I'm certain this list must contain every awful fantasy author alive. It's only a matter of time until I find Paolini, I bet.

>> No.4052056

>Hates on those guys
>Doesn't hate on Gardens of the room on first place

>> No.4052072

This Erikson is the most overrated writer ever.

Just read that novel in your OP, Gene Wolfe is great

>> No.4052085

Fantasy is a fickle genre, no matter how accurate the list is, you're bound to love some of it and hate some of it.

>> No.4052103

ok, thank you ;3

>> No.4052130

Joe Abercrombie is pretty good. He does an entertaining modern take on Howard.

Rothfuss and Jordan, though... ugh. Everyone should read more Gene Wolfe, who has more talent in his little finger than GRRM has in his entire corpulent mass.

>> No.4052322

>tfw this wasnt a BOTNS thread

>> No.4052401

They suck anyway.

Way too complex for me.
Sorry that im a pleb

>> No.4052916

At least Shannara wasn't on the list, I guess?

>> No.4052968

I hate how every time I google "good fantasy novels" or some other variant of that I get this goddamn website. Whoever made it is a fucking idiot. He can't write for shit, and his recommendations are totally untrustworthy.

Actually, as far as I'm concerned there are only a handful of fantasy authors worth reading, and they are:

Fritz Lieber
Gene Wolfe
GRRM (fuck you haters, he's a brilliant storyteller)

I can't think of any others.

>> No.4052974


I don't understand why anyone bothered reading on after Gardens of the Moon. It was such a steaming pile of shit. I only finished it because I feel guilty if I don't finish books I paid for.

>> No.4053051

Throw the fuck out GRRM and add Laffery on there instead.

Swanwick is also good, but very inconsistent.

>> No.4053062

>too complex, therefore they suck.
You admit your failings as a reader, and yet still attempt to universalize them? Truly you are the scum of scum.
Peace is better than BOTNS, anyway.

>> No.4053113

To be fair, Gardens of the Moon is easily the worst one.
What do you (and /lit/ in general, I guess) think of Bakker?

>> No.4053116

I'm physically sick after reading that list.

Malazan, that piece of crap autists praise because of ITS EBIC SCALE at #1?

Read Joe Abercrombie, Brandon Sanderson, Robin Hobb
how the fuck have you not read them?

you can fuck off right now, except for shitting on Rothfuss which is acceptable, the others you bash are either too old for you to shit on them because you think they're generic when they fucking WROTE the first stories that are now repeated ad infinitum (Wheel of Time I mean you fucktard, it's a classic no matter if you saw the boy leaves village to save the world plot when you were little or in other books, THIS IS WHERE IT COMES FROM), Abercrombie wrote a great trilogy, AsoIaF is entertaining at least for anyone. They are objectively entertaining with elements for all, the only objective criticism you can bring is to WoT for being too long and books 7-9 ish are slow and the plot slows down there to much to the point where its acceptable to skip a few.
Other than that go fuck yourself.

>> No.4053120

If you want a list of good fantasy, check the Fantasy Masterworks series.


>> No.4053122


embarrassing. stop posting.

>> No.4053124

Malazan's problem is the shit stain that is called Gardens of the Moon.
That and it's written for a niche audience while it somehow got extremely popular (for fantasy). (It reached a wider audience than it was intended for)

>> No.4053126

Thank you.

>> No.4053290

>Malazan, that piece of crap autists praise because of ITS EBIC SCALE at #1?
You're embarrassing yourself. Stop posting.

>> No.4053314

whats wrong with Game of Thrones?

>> No.4053331


muh prose

>> No.4053333

>whats wrong with Game of Thrones?
Not that guy, but GoT is generic and trite. There's literally over 1000 books just like it. It happened to become popular for whatever reasons that have nothing to do with literature.

>> No.4053472

The Wheel of Time is shit. Your taste is shit if you think it's a classic, and you're an idiot if you think it was the first book/series to come with the "boy from the village saves the world" story.

>> No.4053600

Literature is almost saturated. Hard for there to be a "best" in any genre. You'd have to look to non-fiction to find original stuff and themes (though probably not timeless).

That said, I'd recommend the Bible.

>> No.4053656

What is BOTNS?

>> No.4053665

The only books I've read that can compare are Abercrombie's The First Law series. What are the others?

>> No.4053719

Book of the New Sun

>> No.4053720


>> No.4053771

>What is BOTNS?
a shitty piece of fantasy "literature" that serves as pap for the pleb masses

>> No.4054191


>> No.4054231

This is bait

>> No.4054241

Oh yeah, 'Book of the New Sun', that summer bestseller pleb fantasy book with a hit TV show. Totally pap for the masses.

>> No.4054249

All my female friends read it.
They all slicked to Severian

>> No.4054319

Honest to god not trolling. I'm STEM, only started reading 4 years ago when I was 17 etc.

But people seriously think Game of thrones has any merit whatsoever? I liked the first book, which I think is worht reading on its own, but then it descends in to pointlessness.

People seriosuly think that all fantasy (apart from the patrician stuff) isn't just dragged out pandering shit for teenage males (I'm not a gril btw).

It's pathetic. At best it's a soap opera.

>> No.4054451

Fantasy is for entertainment. Its core purpose is not introspection like most other literature.

>> No.4054458

try harder

>> No.4054495

Alright, is Malazan actually good after the first book? Mixed signals.

>> No.4054527

Do you like fantasy?
Otherwise don't spend time on something you don't even like anyway.

Yes, it gets better

>> No.4054541
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1373864011962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But people seriously think Game of thrones has any merit whatsoever

what is 'merit' ?

>> No.4054544

It's not about the fantasy, it's about the characters and their interactions with one another. 99% of the series doesn't deal with fantasy in any manner.

Regardless, no one ever made it out to be some great work of literature to be remembered in 100 years. It's just a fun series.

>> No.4055088

Saw Michael Moorcock, saw earthsea, and some others.
This list is adequate.

>> No.4055104
File: 47 KB, 957x266, a song of shit and crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the boy leaves village to save the world plot when you were little or in other books, THIS IS WHERE IT COMES FROM
Yeah, I think Joseph Cambpell would disagree with you, champ.

pic related

>> No.4056985


>> No.4057834
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1290918592230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempting to use that pic as a legitimate answer

>> No.4057836

> Discussing fantasy novels while being unaware of Joseph Campbell's existnce
Just go away and never fucking ever come back.

>> No.4057838


>> No.4057841

>All my female friends read it.
>They all slicked to Severian
Fake and dumb.

Wemyn hate BOTNS (and Wolfe's work in general) because of how offensively misogynistic the protagonist is. Read the Goodreads reviews if you don't believe me.

(Of course, wemyn are fucking idiots and don't realize that this was explicitly Wolfe's point in the first place.)

>> No.4057843

It's got sound effects, man.

Fucking sound effects.

That shit may fly in the latest issue of Batman, but this is literature we're talking about.

>> No.4057844

I wasn't referring to that part of your post.

>> No.4057846

People still think this?

>> No.4057851

>People still think this?
It's the truth. Why would you expect the objective truth to change with the fashions?

>> No.4057859

>The only books I've read that can compare are Abercrombie's The First Law series. What are the others?
There's over a thousand novels just like ASoIaF.

Just two examples -- Raymond E. Feist and Katherine Kurtz, two authors from the 80's who are forgotten today.

They wrote literally hundreds of 'epic' novels.

You'd need a microscope to find a significant difference between the shit they wrote and the shit GRRM writes.

This is all extremely derivate and boring; ASoIaF is only popular because a new generation of kids grew up and just discovered generic fantasy.

When this generation grows up GRRM will be forgotten just like the favorite fantasy authors of generations before were.

(And, no doubt, in 2040 we'll have another totally awesome best fantasy author ever, because he's totally the first to epically depict gray characters with violence.)

>> No.4057897

I like this guy. Seems to know what he's doing.

>> No.4057914

I disliked Magician.

>> No.4057921


>Now, I personally rate Martin's A Game of Thrones (and the whole series as a whole) "better" than Erikson in broad terms.

Stopped reading there. How can you compare Erikson and Martin.