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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 400x229, barefeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050196 No.4050196 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/
i've been reading this book, and have been introduced to the barefoot female protagonist (she is not poor, but just decides not to wear shoes)
why is bare feet significant?
what is the symbol of bare feet?

>> No.4050199
File: 58 KB, 597x253, 137610976647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bare feet signifies not wearing shoes

>> No.4050206


>> No.4050207
File: 92 KB, 697x595, 5fingers (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barefoot indicates better running form

>> No.4050210

Closer connection to nature.
Shunning of societal norms.
Hippie influence.
Pregnant feet.
Anti-materialist statement.
Wants to be Diogenes.

Could be any of these really. Pay attention to context, and check your nearest large university for women not wearing shoes to class and ask them why they do it. It's a real thing that happens in real life.

>> No.4050214

Those shoes are ridic.

Why pay for something that emulates what you already have at the end of your legs. Running on glass or a jagged twig isn't really that big of a deal unless your a tard.

>> No.4050216

>your a tard.

Nevermind this, but how exactly does your intelligence factor into whether or not running on glass is a big deal?

>> No.4050225

Well only idiots don't look at the ground ahead of them when they are running.

>> No.4050246

What is this book?

>> No.4050279

Probably "I am the Messenger".

>> No.4050301

>can be seen against the ground

You're a moron.

>> No.4050341
File: 27 KB, 416x236, ss (2013-08-22 at 12.34.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so /lit/ really is 12

>> No.4050347

Any more pics of what her feet may look like?

>> No.4050351


A bigger issue is running on hot ground. Idk bout you but in Texas trying to run on concrete barefoot means you have a mental illness.

>> No.4050361


Concrete in warm weather is fucking painful.

>> No.4050362
File: 337 KB, 1024x753, 1367950895434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there always a footfag in every thread ever?

>> No.4050364


Because this is the internet and foot fetish is a relatively common one.

>> No.4050372


It's a relatively shit one.

>> No.4050374


You're thinking of scat.

>> No.4050388

My dear Nora, scat is as literary patrician as you can get.

>> No.4050457
File: 679 KB, 200x199, 1376562367567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
