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File: 47 KB, 329x500, Mistborn-_The_Well_of_Ascension_by_Brandon_Sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4046525 No.4046525 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm almost done with this and am enjoying myself thoroughly, but I can't help but wonder how much better the books would be if the characters had more than 5 emotions to convey.

Is it well-liked here on /lit/ or is there a predictable disdain for Fantasy here?

>> No.4046571

There's disdain for fantasy here, but there are also some fantasy readers. Mistborn doesn't come up too often in my experience.

I read the trilogy maybe four years ago and liked it. I agree that Sanderson's characters seem a bit limited in their emotions, but it's pretty good fantasy nonetheless. I enjoy most of his work quite a bit, though I was a bit underwhelmed with how he handled The Wheel of Time.

>> No.4046586

I am enjoying it too, but it seems they could be more expressive.

I do like how politics intertwine here in the second book as well.

Even if Vin seems like a Mary Sue, she's an interesting character.

>> No.4046613

Overall the series is very good, but be prepared to rage at the series ending, I sure as fuck did

also supposedly this series was part one of a trilogy of trilogies set in that universe

>> No.4046824

Yeah, but now he's written a fourth (The Alloy of Law) that he claimed in its afterword was a standalone, while affirming that that trilogy of trilogies was still happening with tAoL as a randomm insert, but tAoL seemed to be setting up for a sequel, so I don't know what's happening.

>> No.4047053
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Mistborn left me feeling meh, but the Alloy of Law was really interesting because he advanced the tech level to guns. So imagine mistborn with guns and new knowledge and powers of Allomancy, like burning alloys instead of pure metals. Very cool.

By and large Sanderson writes good stuff at a steady pace and while not terrible it never felt mind-blowing to me, I never found his jokes funny, just awkward, but I always enjoyed the overall story or rather the world he created.

But then, I read The Way of Kings, and let me tell you if he keeps up the quality in this book The Stormlight Archives series will be fucking huge like LOTR or Wheel of Time or what have you.
Probably my #1 book in the genre at the moment.

>> No.4047057

I don't care for Sanderson or his stile personally. It is not interesting to me.

>> No.4047080

Way of Kings is slowly climbing up my list of ongoing fantasy series as the others wind to their respective closes. I'd put ASoIaF and The Second Apocalypse ahead of it, though.

>> No.4047097
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>Liking ASoIaF

>> No.4047122

>having beef with ASoIaF
>being fine with The Second Apocalypse, Wheel of Time, The Way of Kings, LOTR, and Mistborn
Did you even read the thread, or did you just jump in to criticize ASoIaF without caring if it made sense?

>> No.4047158

I'll check out The Second Apocalypse then

>> No.4047159

there's nothing wrong with ASoIaF, nothing at all, I'm glad it became popular as it'll encourage people to invest in fantasy movies/ series properly

>> No.4047164

Fuck yes. Way of Kings is his best book by far.

>> No.4047168

Personally, though I like the show adaptation on the whole, I dislike the amount of sex they put in. If they'd just kept what was there, then fine, you know, whatever. But adding more...

It just contributes to the stereotyping of fantasy and, due to its massive success, sets a standard that future fantasy shows/film series looking for success will emulate more.

>> No.4047172

Words of Radiance next year (summer, I think I heard?).

>> No.4047180

Yeah on his website he's starting on his third draft of Words of Radiance.

>> No.4047190
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I will personally go to the US and choke his Mormon ass if he fucks up this series

>> No.4047191

Scratch that, on Amazon the hardcover is being released in March.

>> No.4047196

Meh. I dealt with his lackluster finish to Wheel of Time. Whatever he does with The Stormlight Archive won't be riling me up.

>> No.4047199

I still haven't read the last book in WoT, I heard people were underwhelmed, I love that series since it's the one that got me into reading. I liked the Gathering Storm and what he wrote though, I'm just afraid WoT was ruined by him, if it was I don't want to find out.

>> No.4047214

My opinion on The Gathering Storm is that it was just fine for the first 95% of it. The last part, though, was fantastic, and I feel as though it was probably one of those scenes that Jordan wrote before he died.

The issues that A Memory of Light had were mostly ones stemming from Sanderson's style, really. Like, a lot of the events felt like they would have worked better with Jordan writing them. I never expected Sanderson to perfectly emulate the guy, though. There was also one plot thread that Sanderson introduced himself that I found particularly stupid and have removed from my headcanon.

>> No.4047232

Read it. It wasn't ruined, only not Jordan. In truth, he did a pretty good job of writing someone else's book.

Personally I think he's pretty good at writing the worlds and overall setting. The characters could be better but are still likable. I'm curious how the trilogy or trilogies will turn out. He seems to have pulled off the fantasy setting with magic and guns.

>> No.4047233

ok thanks for reassuring me

>> No.4047235

>the last part, though, was fantastic
This. Anyone know if Sanderson has ever clarified who wrote the chapter Veins of Gold? Because if that was Sanderson, I'm impressed.