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/lit/ - Literature

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4039045 No.4039045 [Reply] [Original]

>dream passages

>> No.4039049
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>> No.4039056
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>hallucinogenic episodes

>> No.4039064
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>character growth is done in events prior to the present

>> No.4039066

Fine, /lit/, why don't you enlighten the world and tell everyone how a book ought to be written

>> No.4039068
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>past tense

>> No.4039065
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>the last passage of the chapter ends with ellipsis

>> No.4039069

A book that has none of the things mentioned in this thread.

I think the dictionary is the best piece of English literature ever created.

>> No.4039072
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>prophetic visions

>> No.4039075
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>Using exclamation points to express excitement or intensity

>> No.4039081
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>> No.4039087
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>> No.4039105
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>main character is a writer

>> No.4039114
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>Main character is a self-insert of the author

>> No.4039116

>Sex scenes

>> No.4039118
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>queer readings

>> No.4039119

>For whom the bell tolls

>A tale of two cities

>Crime & Punishment


>> No.4039120
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>named chapters

>> No.4039125
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>> No.4039137
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>Goes into great length about what the main character is looking at

>> No.4039156
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>letters arranged in groups, forming sentences, printed on hundreds of pages in sequence

>> No.4039167
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>written in english

>> No.4039169

>Preaching some ideal of the author

>> No.4039177

>does not contain dragons or epic swordfights

>> No.4039185
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>The author is female

>> No.4039193

What was wrong with it?

>> No.4039195

god i'm sick of this russian and german fucks thinking they're shitty language is superior

>> No.4039236

>Bitching at other languages.
>Fucks up his own grammar.

>> No.4039239

>overdone genre

>> No.4039247
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>uses words

>> No.4039248


Thats the joke

>> No.4039250
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>the character's dreams are a linear narrative that pick off where he last left off whenever he goes to sleep

>> No.4039259


>needs editing

>> No.4039279
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>> No.4039285
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>Long passages about the character remembering their childhood

>> No.4039288
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>the irrelevant dream sequence is the best part of the book

>> No.4039289

>courier new

>> No.4039290
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>"transcends the high and low culture dichotomy"

>> No.4039297
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>Quality of the narrative drastically drops after the first two chapters

>> No.4039301

> Defending Crime and Punishment's 20, 30, even 50 page long dreams/hallucinations

>> No.4039306

>Still better than three chapters of around 40 pages each describing a turtlecrossing the road which had ZERO relevance in The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.4039310

Hey, hey, irrelevant chapters have a long tradition in American writing.

>> No.4039319


My apologies. (Though truly it is also an English tradition in general.)

I'm still traumatized from having to read The Grapes Of Wrath in high school.

Whitman, I've grown to appreciate. Emerson even grew on me.

But FUCK The Grapes of Wrath and that fucking turtle!

>> No.4039322
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>One of the themes is feminism

>> No.4039325

Slow and steady wins the race anon.

>> No.4039328

One day that phrase will make me snap.

One day.

>poor foreshadowing that states exactly what will happen at the climax.

>> No.4039346
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>new territory

>> No.4039387
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>By the author that wrote the New York best seller ______________

>> No.4039443

What's wrong with dream passages?

>> No.4039456

>the smile at the end.

>> No.4039467

>Ghetto characters only talking in the most topical and vanilla type of slang,
>"For real, homey! That's off the chain!"
kill me right now. Alternatively, using
in any line, ever. "Dude" and "haha" just will never work for me.

>> No.4039491

They suck.

--us noise filled the air. Kyle, wearing his favorite red sox cap walked up the attic stairs and looked around the desert. The trees were moving, and Kyle, now looking more like Jason, pulled his cap down and started to jog in the opposite direction. He turned the corner, and drew up short, listening to a middle aged woman, hissing angrily into her phone at the animal control officer giving her grief on the other end. She kept one careful eye on the raccoon- just it's head, bouncing monotonously on a single, spindly leg, about a yard tall. Jason looked down at his hands and s--

That is a dream. Have you ever read a dream sequence like that?

>> No.4039495

>voice of a generation

Yeah, nah

>> No.4039496


>> No.4039498

>writer projects his ethics/morals as de facto ultimate truths of the world.

make it stop.

>> No.4039503

>what is descriptive writing

>> No.4039504

>quotation marks to indicate speech
>writing 'he said' after a male character says something
>sentences more than a few lines long
>lengthy dialogie even though it's set in the distant past
>mentioning the internet
>using metaphors during sex scenes

>> No.4039509

I see

>> No.4039510
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>> No.4039511
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>> No.4039516

Can you please remember me the dreams in D&C? I totaly forgot.

>> No.4039519
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just finished Taipei and these apply 100%.

>> No.4039523

>political / social satire

>> No.4039549

There are footnotes in Taipei?

I've read a long excerpt and it sounds like a knock-off DFW novel

>> No.4039617
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>female characters never fart

>> No.4039619

>no lengthy fart narratives


>> No.4039622

>Gender stereotypes
>characters sarcasticly joking with eachother

>> No.4039637
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>characters respond entirely in scornful sarcasm, regardless of the situation
>characters just randomly start swearing to seem tougher.

>> No.4039644
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>character spits, says something laconic

>> No.4039648
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>character goes to parties he never enjoys

>> No.4039655
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>a "cool" character is defined by the fact he has zero personality whatsoever.

>> No.4039689
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>the book has a plot

>> No.4039712
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>There is no rape of any kind in the story

>> No.4039719
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>All the sex is reduced to "They had sex."

>> No.4039744

>it should be obvious
>they fuck

>> No.4039779
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>No cats or mention of cats in the story

>> No.4039790
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>Sex scenes that go on for more than four pages.

>> No.4039805
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>sex scenes that go on for more than two pages

>> No.4039811
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The book has characters and plot.

>> No.4039838
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>Sex scenes at all

>> No.4039843
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>happy ending

>> No.4039847
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>No ending at all

>> No.4039872

>anything other than Finnegans Wake

>> No.4040008
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>The book uses words instead of hieroglyphics

>> No.4040878 [DELETED] 
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>character explains how to cook a family recipe

>> No.4040884
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>narrator explains how to cook a family recipe

>> No.4040895
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>involves characters
>involves events
>utilises language
>has dialogue
>has descriptions
>has a setting

get this pleb garbage out of here

>> No.4041121
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>> No.4041127

>uses a language with a coherent or standardized grammar system

>> No.4041131
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>it isn't "good" to "very good" via "excellent"

>> No.4041136

>No pictures

>> No.4041138

>uses pronouns

>> No.4041156

theres isnt one piece of fiction that isnt this, some just make it less obvious than others

>> No.4041159

>"innovative, groundbreaking work!" because it contains stream of consciousness or a few charts


>> No.4041178
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>Formulaic genre theory

>> No.4041740

not really footnotes at the "foot" of the page but they're inserted into the text itself via --'footnote'--.

at least these insertions read like footnotes.

>> No.4041763

>it's about good vs evil

>> No.4041769
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>you can't quite figure out it's thematic meaning, if any

>> No.4041809
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>> No.4041816

>quotation marks to indicate speech

Go to bed Cormac.

>> No.4041821

What a shitty thread, this isn't /v/ where you can just point out flaws in literature. None of these things are inherently bad when it's done right.

Plebs being plebs, I guess

>> No.4041825


>> No.4041826


>> No.4041828


>> No.4041832


>> No.4041835
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Half of the fun of these threads is watching them devolve as people purposefully post storytelling techniques that have nothing wrong with them.

The problem with the rest isnt that their inherently poor tropes, but that when they're done, they're typically done poorly.

>story starts with main character waking up

>> No.4041836

>these threads

>> No.4041857

>>story starts with main character waking up

Nobody posted it because is too mainstream.

>> No.4041859

Or because we have seen that one a million times on /lit/ and we were trying to think up new ones.

>> No.4042006

/v/ pls

>> No.4042427

Didn't Ulysses had these?

>> No.4042539


>> No.4042549

>I think the dictionary is the best piece of English literature ever created.
Sure is edgy undergrad in here

>> No.4042553

>The Handmaid's Tale
>Blood Meridian

>> No.4042587

>Blood Meridian
Not really. It had a quick synopsis before each chapter, but not a title.

>> No.4042662

these can be funny
>no good news in this chapter

>> No.4042669
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>not having your character tormented by horrific nightmares

>> No.4042679

have you ever even read die traumdeutung (the interpretation of dreams) you pleb faggot?

>> No.4044127
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>The main character experienced a great betrayal by someone he trusted very much

>> No.4044153

Stay away from Kenzaburo Oe

>> No.4044645


Dreams were done well in The First Law.
Half a page to two pages max, and obviously incredible and impossible, so you know right away they are dreams.
And they did comment on how the character feels right now and what he really wants.