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/lit/ - Literature

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4037539 No.4037539 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ promotes hatred for literature and and snobbism.

>> No.4037542

and and and

>> No.4037544

>Harry Potter and genre fiction

>> No.4037547

>genre fiction
Hey watch it. You might cut someone with that edge.

>> No.4037548

I take it you pleasure yourself to the lush prose of DFW at night?

>> No.4037552


It was bait. I wanted to see if you'd tackle the topic or an error. Not surprised here. Will happen again.


What makes you think I considered either?

>genre fiction

I can categorise as "genre fiction" any classic novel. You're proving my point though.

But seriously, /lit/ has never done anything to improve my enjoyment of literature. All it did was give me this weird "group awareness", a hivemind if you will, where people hate absolutely everything except Pynchon, Wallace, and Joyce, and that for all the wrong reasons.

It's like /b/ was drained, and the dregs collected, and given books and peer pressure, and /lit/ is the result.

So much insecurity it's hard to believe.

Did you know actual scholars aren't ashamed to admitting they've both read and liked Harry Potter?

It's only you retards who think bashing a kid's book makes you look like a grown man. Wake the fuck up.

Whenever I see a kid of 10 reading one of those HP books, I can't help but thing it's cool. Kids of 10 with books the thickness of an angry fist, I can't say that's something I hate.

>> No.4037555
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“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

- C.S. Lewis

>> No.4037559


>> No.4037563

I don't generally turn to children's authors for advice on how to live my life.


>> No.4037577


>implying Lewis only wrote for kids

He also wrote science-fiction and theology. Besides, his quote is true no matter who he was and what he did.

>can't keep off the ad hominem, can you

This is what this board is: ad hominems to the end of the night.

Why do I still come?

>> No.4037600



More writing for kids.

>> No.4037605

>implying C.S Lewis didn't ever ONLY write theology

>> No.4037610

>implying you don't want for kindness as much as Roo
Don't lose you bounce, Tigger.

>> No.4037614

So Euphoric!

>> No.4037620

When I got to the end of The Last Battle and realized that it was actually all about Jesus, I understood how it feels for a woman to be raped. I felt violated and tricked.

>> No.4037629


Nice fedora.

>> No.4037650

Name an author you've discovered and love thanks to /lit/.

>> No.4037651


Nobody, nothing. Except Gene Wolfe, but I haven't read him yet. I got to him because of a recommendation from here.

>> No.4037660


>> No.4037679


Get out /pol/

>> No.4037681


Yes. Which is why it is the worst interest board on 4Chan.

>> No.4037682

>he thinks "euphoric" and "fedora" are exclusive to /pol/
Get out newfriend.

>> No.4037685


/pol/ is actually /catholic/. C.S. Lewis is their favourite author, behind Hitler and Ayn Rand.

>> No.4037690

I know, but euphoria, fedora, etc aren't strictly /pol/.

>> No.4037708

More like a thicker skin and ability to quickly identify and ignore shit. The intelligence to troll ratio is abysmal, but once in a while you can actually catch someone saying something worthwhile. Ignore the rest, don't feed, etc.

While I agree with his notion in the quote, Lewis' actual writings are about as pleb as you get.

>> No.4037713

I dobut anyone on 4chan even knows where ridiculing people for wearing fedoras came from

>> No.4037719

Quit crying because /lit/ doesn't want to talk about Game of Thrones

>> No.4037723

It came from 4chan

>> No.4037739

You realize the whole euphoric/fedora meme is all over the Internet, right?

>> No.4037747

so edgy!

>> No.4037776

That's what 4chan thinks about everything

>> No.4037794

>More like a thicker skin and ability to quickly identify and ignore shit.

I'm not good at that.

>> No.4037797

Fedora is way older tahn euphoric you know

>> No.4037798

Lye works

>> No.4037804


Internet? It's all over the world. It's far from being restricted to the Internet.

>New Atheism
>Men's Rights Activists

And contrary to what some said here, it's got nothing to do with /pol/. If /pol/ are Catholics, which I doubt, they can't be fedoras too.

Wrong crowd. Fedoras love antiracism and multiculturalism.

>> No.4037805

H-h-here I go!

>> No.4037813

I do believe /lit/ has been taken over by fedoras.

NEETs and fedoras. Everywhere.

No wonder everyone's an insecure asshole around these parts.

>reading for identity
>using "pleb" and "patrician"
>not feeling retarded

>> No.4037817

Fedoras are a particular species of nerd, the likes of which can be easily found on reddit

>> No.4037819


They're not nerds at all. Nerds know something about something. Fedoras know shit about jack.

>> No.4037826


Only on 4chan can you find people so out of touch with reality as to confuse fedoras with hipsters

>> No.4037827

>Lewis' actual writings are about as pleb as you get.

Grow up, fedorafuck.

>> No.4037829


Spoken like a true fedora.

>> No.4037840

/lit/ is exactly this:

You've accidentally eaten a golden ring along with 4 tons of food.

It's time to take a massive shit and look for your ring in that fetid bowl of crap.

1% gold
99% shit

Thanks to the fedoras, the New Atheists, the NEET, the edgy teenagers, etc.

Once in a great while, some gentleman speaks up, but not often enough.

Anyone with class would leave this place, unless they're moronically stubborn, as I am.

>> No.4037843

Richard Yates

>> No.4037859
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Fedoras are the losers who think that dressing up in a suit and fedora makes you classy. Often times they lament the loss of "class" in today's times. They tend to also be militant athiests and think they are above everyone else because they feel more classy and intellectually superior to the "sheeple" of the world.

>> No.4037861
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>> No.4037864
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>> No.4037863

Also they all suffer from Asperger Syndrome.

>> No.4037866
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>> No.4037867


He is more attractive than you'll ever be.

>> No.4037869

>meme-tshirt and some khakis

ok this ones a joke

>> No.4037879

Thanks pal :)

It's a good I've transcended vanity and left the earthly realm of thinking. I belong to Ugglog the Fire God of Sirius. Unfortunately, the Dog days are coming to a close for the year and my power recedes until Canis Major's head sits close to the horizon once more.

>> No.4037905

DFW's prose is notoriously bad. Nobody would be snobbish about liking him.

>> No.4037907

>Looking for a classy, sharp, old fashioned dude? Challenge accepted.

He accepts the challenge of looking for a dude? Didn't know there were gay fedoras.

>> No.4037912


Is it bad? Make up your mind, /lit/.

Show me an actual bad passage from him. I hate abstract statements about shit.

>> No.4037913

yeah that aint real.

>> No.4037956

Do you own Infinite Jest? Open up to the first page.

>> No.4037961
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I don't. /lit/ has made me feel suspicious of their holy trinity. Pic related.

>> No.4037967


>> No.4037989


61 spoke the truth.

>> No.4038033 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the thread OP, reminded me why I never come here anymore.

It's becuase of hipster fedora neets, and the mod that over moderates the shit out of this place.

>> No.4038040


You and me both.

>> No.4038060

Does /lit/ transcend the pleb-patrician dichotomy?

>> No.4038079

Wow, you really proved me wrong right there.
Why don't you tell me something he wrote of literary merit? Oh, right, because you can't.

>> No.4038100

>Implying Winnie the Pooh isn't the source of all life's answers

>> No.4038112


>Why I never come here except when there just happens to be a thread where I can cry about how superior I am.

>> No.4038120

fedora schizophrenic plz, get back on the medication.

>> No.4038170

The edges, they hurt

>> No.4038187

>lel fedora reddit pleb tumblr

This is so fucking nerdy, please stop using these words. It's a god damn literature board.

>> No.4038274

Lit is 99% horrifying, 1% valid points and good recommendations. Which is a higher ratio than any other source I have. But I do come here less and less. The worst part is the serious concern over being pleb and reading for identity. You get threads where people argue over whether a book is pleb rather than whether they even like or get anything out of it, and they rarely elucidate what that is. Then there are threads where someone's trying to force themselves to read something they aren't into just so they can identify as someone who's read it, while completely missing the point that they're basically living through an imaginary aesthetic elite's eyes rather than developing their own aesthetic. Which ironically prevents them from being able to appreciate literature because they're obsessed with ranking and judging it, and prevents them from learning from literature because they only read other people's interpretations, and prevents them from even becoming more likeable because instead of giving them perspective, the way they approach literature has given them feelings of superiority which they're attached to because it was such an effort to read what they did. It also prevents them from being able to write because instead of drawing on the past to learn how to write then coming up with their own style, they're stuff looking up to a wall of classics and have to try to force originality or be fine with being unoriginal and derivative. It's sad. It's basically a how-not-to manual for literature, interspersed with great recommendations.

>> No.4038312

Or, you know, it's trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.4038321

More and more lately I see /lit/ as something from which one graduates. It's a low tier anyone--literally anyone--can access.

It's 101 for flunk-outs.

I haven't fully graduated from /lit/ yet, but I will soon. I can feel it.

>> No.4038324

"haters gonna hate" - so much wisdom in this saying...

>> No.4038352

Yeah, there is that. But it's not good trolling if it is. It's just 'x is pleb'.

>> No.4038377

well duh
/v/ hates video games
/a/ hates anime
/tv/ hates television and movies
Why do you think /lit/ would be any different?

>> No.4038477


*tips fedora*

>> No.4038492

I love lit and books and hate snobs and consider this my home board. I don't make fun of others taste and try not to shitpost. I know I'm not the only one. There is good in this board.

>> No.4038495

>I don't make fun of others taste

Utter pleb detected.

>> No.4038500

>/a/ hates anime

you're actually wrong there

>> No.4038516

GR isn't directionless!

>> No.4038522

/lit/ used to be petty, immature, rude, and smart
/lit/ is now petty, immature, rude, and stupid

thanks /mu/+/pol/ for killing the only board where people had thoughts that didn't belong in a tenth grade english class

>> No.4038535


JIDF detected.

>> No.4038534

The Scots leaving is what killed the board.

>> No.4038539

no time to explain now, but it was /fit/ that killed /lit/. /fit/...never forget that they're the ones to blame.

>> No.4038543

>Everyone being this divisive
>Doesn't actually matter

>> No.4038544

The Scots?

>> No.4038554

Yeah. There were a handful of Scottish posters who were consistently the most intelligent/interesting posters here.

>> No.4038559

Oh my god I think I know who you mean. They were hilarious but they were kind of assholes too.

>> No.4038983
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>> No.4040053

Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.

>> No.4040062

hello fagits dae h8 kafka xDDDDDD

>> No.4040069

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.4040077

/v/ plays games
/a/ watches gook cartoons and makes love to waifu bodypillows and gets bullied at school
/tv/ watches tv (but not films)

/lit/ doesn't read

>> No.4040083

>/v/ hates video games
>/a/ hates anime
>/tv/ hates television and movies

what are you talking about
all those fags spend all day on those boards because they're obsessed