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File: 63 KB, 194x300, RJ-Blain-Storm-without-End-Cover-Art-with-Titles-194x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4029212 No.4029212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


My name is RJ Blain, and I have heard from some associates in my Google+ circles that 4chan is a great place to meet other writers. I've been a freelance editor now for 30+ years, and have decided to not only publish two books this year, but also write a full length novel for NaNoWriMo. Now that I've got your attention, check out my IndieGoGo fundraiser! My writing is really, really good, and I know you'll like the perks!


>> No.4029223

Ya gotta pay the troll toll,
to get into that boy's hole

>> No.4029226

Uhhh thanks?

>> No.4029392

Bump, hello?

>> No.4029394

Are all your protagonists white?

Will not read.

>> No.4029410

I don't see what that has to do with anything. I write the way I picture the stories in my mind. I am a very visual person. However you see the characters is your problem.

>> No.4029414

it means you're racist.

>> No.4029418

I read that description. Fantasy writing 101. It even has the whole "ancient evil awakens" shit

>> No.4029420

please check your privilege, thanks.

>> No.4029421

is this serious?

>> No.4029426

How does it feel knowing you'll never be included in the western canon?

>> No.4029430

Okay, first off, I don't know if you've read my reviews, but my story is highly unique. Second, I don't you understand professional writing when you see it.

>> No.4029434
File: 52 KB, 500x333, 06TaTZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't you understand professional writing when you see it.
>I don't you understand professional writing
>I don't you understand
>I don't you understand


>> No.4029438

>but my story is highly unique
What makes it highly unique rather than just plain old unique?

>> No.4029442

Look, I made this post for people to enjoy my writing. It's for them, and not you trolls! So back off.

>> No.4029443

also, you have yet to address the accusations of racism the other poster brought up. why are all your characters white? do you support oppression of minorities?

>> No.4029447

Trolls aren't real, they only exist in terrible genre fiction.

>> No.4029449


Laughed heartedly and understood the reference

>> No.4029453

I've already explained that the perceived race of any and all characters featured in my novels is left simply up to the readers' imaginations. I am not racist, thank you.

>> No.4029456

Kalen’s throne is his saddle, his crown is the dirt on his brow, and his right to rule is sealed in the blood that stains his hand. Few know the truth about the one-armed Rift King, and he prefers it that way. When people get too close to him, they either betray him or die. The Rift he rules cares nothing for the weak. More often than not, even the strong fail to survive.

His abduction could easily destroy his home, his people, and start a hopeless and bloody war. There are many who desire his death, and few who hope for his survival. With peace in the Six Kingdoms quickly crumbling, it falls to him to try to stop the conflict that is swiftly taking the entire continent by storm.

But something even more terrifying than the machinations of men has returned to the lands: The skreed. They haven’t been seen for a thousand years, and even the true power of the Rift King might not be enough to save his people — and the world — from destruction
Sounds like you've been reading a lot of Brent Weeks and GRRM

>> No.4029458

but the boy on the cover is white and they have white names

>> No.4029459

why does the cover feature a white dude then?
i feel it is time for some strong characters of color to be presented on a book's cover.

>> No.4029465

So you are a racist, homophobic, sexist old fart with a stuck up perception of yourself and your works?

Telling all my friends and tolerated acquaintances not to read your shit, also making a "Boycott RJ Blain movement".

>> No.4029466

>My writing is really, really good

Then why are you self published?

>> No.4029468

The cover is just what I like looking at, and doesn't necessarily reflect the races of any characters featured within the novel.

>> No.4029471

she seems to be transphobic as well, at least i couldn't find any positive portrayal of trans people on the site she linked.

>> No.4029473

so you prefer looking at white people over looking at people of color?

>> No.4029477

The cheek of these CIS gendered scum! Probably a nazi too!

>> No.4029479

It's incredibly insensitive to show a white man riding a black beast of burden.

>> No.4029486
File: 501 KB, 696x900, thetrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9/10 if troll.
>if not:
Leave. I'm not condemning your writing (or at least, trying very hard not to), but this place just isn't for you. You can't take it. Seriously, you will be torn apart.

Pic related. Take the hint and go.

>> No.4029491

Then why is the dominant white man shining brilliantly on the cover with no black people in sight? Is this your ideal, you perfect world?

>> No.4029497

I am not a Nazi, and I don't have a problem with blacks or trannies. I believe you are making these things up.

>> No.4029500

>I don't have a problem with blacks or trannies
>I don't have a problem
>with trannies

hatespeech detected. sure, claim you don't hate trans people or colored people, you just proved otherwise.

>> No.4029501

I felt the book's description was slightly anti-Semitic. Are there any Jewish characters? Are they portrayed positively or do you hate Israel?

>> No.4029502

And I'm not going anywhere. Freedom of speech entitles me to my opinion.

>> No.4029507

at this point i don't even care anymore if you're a troll, this is just too entertaining.

>> No.4029511

>blacks or trannies

You racist, transphobic swine. It's black people, and trans gendered people. Or are they not deserving of being called people to you? You insensitive hack!

>> No.4029512

I am not insenstive. Maybe you're the one who's being insensitive?

>> No.4029513
File: 47 KB, 500x333, zcuhDMrz1qam0yp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, what's going on in this thread? It seems like a middle-aged, white, privileged, bigoted, bourgeois male is trying to hawk his racists fantasy trash.

>> No.4029515
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Pictured: RJ Blain

>> No.4029519

The only way I can see this guy making up for it is pulping his self published hate works and donating the slurry to make paper for Laurie Penny's work.

>> No.4029520



really? shit lord?

>> No.4029522

Says the one spewing vile hate speech! I bet you deny the holocaust too, don't you!

>> No.4029523

only now do i realise the king is 'crippled'
not disabled, FUCKING CRIPPLED
able-bodyism at its finest.

>> No.4029524

Okay, I am not a guy. You probably assumed so because of how sexist you all are. That, AND jealous. Trolls these days. It doesn't matter, because I will keep writing whatever I want.

>> No.4029534

“R. J. Blain is arguably the most unpleasant writer in all genre fiction: bigoted and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

– Dave Wallace

>> No.4029536

i just reported you to various transgender rights movements. enjoy the incoming shitstorm.

>> No.4029537

The CIS gendered bigot thinks we are sexist! HA!

>> No.4029539

>still subscribing to concepts like the male female binary
I see third wave passed you by.

>> No.4029541
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>this thread

>> No.4029543
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>> No.4029544
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>Okay, I am not a guy.
Is this you?

>> No.4029547
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>> No.4029549


>> No.4029550




>> No.4029551

RJ Blain is undoubtedly a stout defender of the white power movement. She has made numerous attempts to join the Ku Klux Klan and has even written in famous Grand Wizards into her stories. She adamantly denies that "blacks" and "Niggers" as she calls them are even of the same species as "the superior white man" and that they should be "culled to control crime levels".

Exert of a letter sent to every major literary community.

>> No.4029560
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"Overstepping the boundary between good self-promotion and bad self-promotion is really easy to do"

>> No.4029565

Look, it's wrong that you people are taking what I type out of context. This post was made for people to support my writing.

>> No.4029571

Why would we support the writing of someone who obviously wants to wipe the black, Jewish and Islamic people from the face of the earth?

>> No.4029575

What I believe in has nothing to do with my writing. As for my bookcovers, if you had read my blog post on book covers then you'd know that you are wrong.

>> No.4029578
File: 1.18 MB, 1936x2592, 1364687914546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This post was made for people to support my writing.
You should really research the websites you try to promote on before you actually start doing it. Just a tip, y'know. Whoever told you to promote here was probably trolling you.

>> No.4029580

>What I believe in has nothing to do with my writing.
Rather than go down the ol Barthesian Death of the Author, let us instead ask What is an Author?
In this case a hatefilled discriminator

>> No.4029584

I read between the lines, honey. I can see the writhing hatred barely contained within those words. Your barely contained hatred for Black people, Jewish people, Islamic people, Asian people and any non white, good old fashioned, conservative, gender role accepting fool is apparent.

>> No.4029594

This isn't the board you want for self-promotion. Try looking through other threads and you will get the idea. The best thing you can do is to delete the thread.

That said, this is too fun.

>> No.4029595

Look, cisface, you are on the wrong board. You obviously want to circlejerk about 'how dumb niggers are', so I suggest you go back to /pol/, climb into your ivory tower of middle-class privilege, and get the fuck away from us. You are able-bodied scum, and your abusive hate books are distressing our literature community and enabling the patriarchy.

>> No.4029597

What the trolls in this post aren't getting is that this, sadly, is just a small corner of the internet. It doesn't matter what they think. So if anyone here wants to make a donation, then they are more than welcome.

>> No.4029604

You obviously have no idea what this place is like.

>> No.4029608

>Be RJ Brain
>Write articles online about self-promotion
>Pretend to be experienced marketing guru
>Get trolled into coming to 4chan
>Start crying

>> No.4029609

Why would we donate to your racial cleansing fund? We are not morally bankrupt human beings such as yourself.

>> No.4029610

It's the internet! I can visit, and post on whichever public site I wish to post on! I have my rights!

>> No.4029614

This. Stop before you get to far in. Lurk moar.

>> No.4029617

You CAN. But SHOULD you? You're making a big mstake, and just digging a deeper and deeper hole.

>> No.4029622
File: 494 KB, 849x565, iStock_000005978266Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have heard from some associates in my Google+ circles that 4chan is a great place to meet other writers.

Your associates must really, really hate you.

>> No.4029623

I don't even care. Trolls don't scare me, because I deal with them all of the time. I have their ips on my Google+ logs.

>> No.4029624

You have your rights to freedom of speech, which while they allow you to spew this vitriolic hate mongering, no one can deny you. But the right to incite violence onto innocent black people? I thinks not, my friend,. I thinks not. BRB calling the police

>> No.4029631
File: 27 KB, 460x453, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ips on my Google+ logs

Sweet Jesus. Do you intend to back-trace them?

>> No.4029633

>I have their ips on my Google+ logs.
Sure you do.


>> No.4029634

I read the reviews for The Eye of God (The Fall of Erelith). Is part of your self-promotion strategy writing your own reviews?

>> No.4029635
File: 214 KB, 612x339, I want you to handle it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in for it now boys! Oh man, oh jeeze!

>> No.4029637

>I don't even care. Trolls don't scare me, because I deal with them all of the time. I have their ips on my Google+ logs.

Uh oh. We done goofed. She's gonna call the Internet Police and backtrace us.

>> No.4029640

You can tell this bitch has realised that she's fucked up big time and is getting worried. "Y-you can't t-touch me, I have y-your IP".

>> No.4029643
File: 49 KB, 625x317, 35j1pq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before she finds us.

>> No.4029644



fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

>> No.4029645

I DO NOT write my own reviews! Those are from my fans and customers, which you'd understand if you had any of your own. Your jealousy is disgusting, really.

>> No.4029647

Guys the cyber police are outside my door! What do I do!? They have my IP!? I'm done, I'm so fucking done!

>> No.4029650

Go to bed, Tao

>> No.4029652

I don't think OP is a troll. Just a naive and innocent writer from the sensible side of the internet.

>> No.4029654

No, what's disgusting is your blind and murderous hatred of what you view as "lesser races"! If only you could feel a fraction of the pain you have caused them!

>> No.4029656

Only one thing to do. Go out like a man. We'll always remember you as an hero.

>> No.4029658
File: 28 KB, 801x534, 2307282-55860__jj_jameson_laughing_meme_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are from my fans

>> No.4029662


>> No.4029663
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>> No.4029665
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This. God's speed, my friend.

See what you've done now, you sadistic swine! A life ruined, and for what? For another shitty fantasy novel! OH, THE HUMANITY.

>> No.4029667
File: 69 KB, 357x346, tumblr_m08onzxgDx1qkqgsro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh R.J. you really should try visiting the /b/ board and starting a thread there, you'd reach a much wider audience and find readers who are more open minded and less Trolls.

I sincerely believe that the /b/ Random board has the most chance of giving you a chance to connect with your readers, and a much LARGER fan base since it's one of the most popular boards on this site, and you're allowed to post about any topic.

>> No.4029670
File: 54 KB, 750x600, Cyber_179217_808818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucked now. Inspector RJ Brain was on the case, and she leaves no man alive especially if they're black or disabled

>> No.4029676

OP, your thread has been moved to here:


>> No.4029680

I am glad that SOME of you appreciate my work, as opposed to the trolls.

>> No.4029684


RJ Blain grabs you from the first page, and never stops. This tale, about a divine creature who really just wants to do his duty, is not your standard sword-and-sorcery tale. It starts with a literal cliffhanger, where we are introduced to the erstwhile protagonist, Terin. It doesn't take long for Blaise, the ages-old priest who hides a divine secret beneath his skin, to steal the show. Nonstop action follows, and Blain is not afraid to hurt these characters.

And hurt them she does.

Reads a lot like >>4029456

Just saying.

>> No.4029686

Well, of course, this board, like any other has it's own racist, murderous, homophobic people, that they flock to you is only a sign of your own complicity, that you acknowledge them, a sign of guilt.

>> No.4029689


>> No.4029690

If I wrote my own reviews, then why are the names different? It is out of desparation and a wild imagination that you people make these accusations against me. Relax, and quit having a meltdown.

>> No.4029693
File: 2.71 MB, 2140x2401, BrownSpiderMonkey_(edit2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's a troll. No one is this dumb. 9/10, had me going for quite a while.

>> No.4029694

Yes, you are immensely talented. I mean really, we've been really just waiting for someone to breathe some new life in the Fantasy genre and you seem to be the prophet we've been waiting for to pull us out of the dark ages.

Please stay and tell us about the creative process that you've utilized as an author to craft such marvels? As a young writer myself I've been hoping to get some tips from established authors who know their way around the business and could help me move forward in my own career.

>Just ignore the trolls, you're a very valuable member of the writing community.

>> No.4029695

You accuse us of desperation and yet you stoop to no low to sell your books! Sucking dick for guaranteed customers! Sprinkling anthrax on your books to garner sympathy! Promising to kill a black child for every book your clan brothers purchase! Is there no moral low that you are not willing to brave!?

>> No.4029696

Fuck you nigga, The Blain is right.

Faggots are not people, and faggotry shouldn't be tolerated in modern society. It's our fucking downfall. Homosexuality is a revolting act that has culminated in the degradation of the family unit. Sorry, but The Blain is absolutely correct.

>> No.4029698

Well, it's not exactly unheard of...


>> No.4029699

You are a horrible person.

>> No.4029700

Really? I'm supposed to be one of you because you think I'm dumb? As if.

As I stated before, I have no problem with blacks, jews, trannies, etc. I am not a Nazi.

>> No.4029707

On of us? Oh no, woman, for all our darkness, we could never reach the vile depths you have, feel the burning, blind flames of racial hatred as you have.

>> No.4029712

That's what they tell me.

>> No.4029717

Hey RJ do you like david foster wallace

>> No.4029718

Please, RJ, Ignore the trolls, and please, please don't let them offend you. I'm very interested in your novel and I hope it becomes a bestseller. I think you're immensely talented and you've really got what it takes to become the next George R. R. Martin. Please do share with us your world of high fantasy and tell us what inspired you to write this work?

Who are your literary inspirations?

When did you start writing professionally?

And what is the inspiration for this majestic work of literary craft?

>> No.4029721

For the person who asked:

My process starts with conflict. I generally imagine a situation that would be tense or suspensiful for my characters, and then I write these notes down. By hand. For this I had my Moleskine notebooks. They're the best to write in. Once I've written up a few scenes I like to go back over them to see what's missing, and occasionally line edit, although I haven't been doing this for Storm Without end.

>> No.4029722

>majestic work of literary craft?

>> No.4029723

Another question, if you will.

When did you start hating niggers?

>> No.4029724

>RJ takes off her trip
>Proceeds in schizophrenic complementing of herself

Lel this fucking thread

>> No.4029727

RJ Blain are you related to RJ Mitte

>> No.4029729
File: 239 KB, 697x383, karl6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how she slaughtered innocent moles! An endangered animal! to make fucking notebooks because they are "the best to write in"! Is there no form of life she will not crush to ruthlessly realize her ambitions!?

>> No.4029745

Not a troll, I'd also like to know who your favorite writers are, and how they've influenced your writing.

>> No.4029770

Some of the authors who have inspired me are Anne McCaffrey, Jim Butcher, Larry Dixon, Madeline L’Engle, Patricia Briggs, and James Rollins.

I've been writing for over 30 years now, though most of my paid work has been as a freelance editor for nonfiction works. You may have heard about me at some point.

The character Blaise first came to me, and then Terin, and next I thought of a wildly intriguing and deep story involving a church, so I had to then dream up my own religion.

>> No.4029771
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 1373795215368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the two losers in that thread

>> No.4029774

Please ignore the uninformed members of this board RJ, as it is well known that a moleskine is just a little notebook, and they were very popular with great writers such as Ernest Hemmingway, John Steinbeck and Fred Astair.

>> No.4029780

Please tell us more about this religion you concocted, is it based in any of the judeo-christian theologies or did you draw inspiration from the far east?

>> No.4029783

i absolutely agree with rj brain that jews and nignogs should not be considered people. this one is open and shut guys

>> No.4029785

>resorts to blatant sockpuppeting

>> No.4029793

A lot of people might read The Eye of God and simply assume that it is based off of Catholism, and I can almost see what they mean, but they're wrong. It's completely different. For example: we're not dealing with the same benevolent angels or gods that you've come to know and love. The religion in The Eye of God is dark, and somewhat edgy.

>> No.4029814
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>> No.4029819

>Troll confirmed

Dude, just leave that poor woman alone, what did she ever do to you to get you so mad that you had to start a thread to pretend to be her so you could get us to bash her?

Judging by her work, life has bashed her enough already. [spoiler/]

>> No.4029838

>The Eye of God is dark, and somewhat edgy
>the same benevolent angels or gods that you've come to know and love
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you completely ignorant of all scripture? He is never portrayed as solely benevolent; that's the entire basis of Lucifer, and in effect, hell. I don't think I could ever take a word out of your mouth (or hands, in this case) seriously if you use "Edgy" in a sincere manner to describe your own work.
While you may think most of this hate is irrational; think for a second on who it is that's hating you. What exactly is it that you're doing, where as the majority of us are not?

>> No.4029846

That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. As for people taking my writing seriously, that doesn't matter. I did not make this post seeking validation of any sort, in any form. If you don't like my writing, don't buy my books, but as for me; I will continue working towards my goals. Troll. Scum.

>> No.4029853

You see, this is the kind of optimistic shit that the people of this board hate. Heartfelt honesty about the stories that you want to tell and having the simple desire to want to share those stories with as many people as you can, maybe if you're luck enough finding a way to make a living based on your creative work.

>the people on this site hate it because it forces them to remember that they used to be like this
>they used to have dreams
>but then someone told they their dreams were plebeian garbage and that they had no right to want to be a writer so long as James Joyce's farting ghost was still in publication
>So they just call each other plebs and pretend they have an informed opinion on what's a good story.
>They call each other plebs and pretend they never had dreams at all
>All the while they hate people like you.
>people who are brave enough to stand up and say; This is my story, this is my heart, look at it and tell me you enjoyed it as much as I did.
>They hate you because you are brave
>They hate you because you have the balls to stand up and be you without wearing an anonymous mask.

If this is the real R.J. Blain I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope you have a fruitful career that brings you a lot of joy and success. I admire your courage, and I hope you never come back to this site again because you shouldn't go milling around with the swine in the gutters when you have a heart like yours.
Don't root with these pigs looking for pearls.

>> No.4029858

I'll take your advice. Thank you.

>> No.4029860


What's up, RJ Blain.

>> No.4029877
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perfect ending

>> No.4029953

Naw, mate. I don't like her because she's specifically coming here to advertize herself. It's not like she's here to see what our opinions are, or even sharing what hers may be. She's in the same bin as Tao Lin; if you're so inclined to believe that he's on a constant hunt for self promotion. It's even more irritating that she's a published writer; what the fuck is it that we can do for her? 30 years in the industry and you're subjecting yourself to the opinions of masks?
I also hate fantasy novels. More so, the people that only read fantasy, or influence themselves only through such a repetitive facet, of which, it seems that our uninvited guest seems to follow, and drag racing, apparently.
It's also fucking hilarious. I've never seen someone been called a racist in such an eloquent manner all for a joke.

>> No.4029980


At least she's being honest about it and straight up admitting that she's here to promote her stuff instead of praising it anonymously

coming to 4chan was just bad advice, I swear I've never seen /lit/ respond positively to anyone who made the mistake of posting their writing here

>> No.4030026
File: 38 KB, 450x474, batemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this SJW bullshit for real?

>> No.4030117

Oh my god this thread is hilarious. Thanks OP

>> No.4030440

But you're wrong. This is not "heartfelt". It's soulless, stuck up marketing by a hack who literally thinks the sun shines out of her own arse. She offers advice to other authors even though she is self published and the amount of people who actually supported her indiegogo probably covers her whole fan base. Also, go to any "post what you're writing" or a thread where someone genuinely want's to know how we feel about their work, not just promoting their shit like this is /v/., and tell me we aren't at least supportive of those who show some actual promise or the will to improve.

>> No.4030451

Also, she automatically assumes there will be people here who enjoy her writing, when there is literally no one here who has heard of her. She has such a high opinion of herself, she seems to think that she is some big, fantasy literature figure like Tolkien or some shit

>> No.4030541

i actually believe now OP is a troll. the recurrent claims of being a freelance editor of 30+ years, but when you look at the link in the OP, blayjay is just 30 years old.

so either the troll did his research poorly or blayjay is a filthy liar.

>> No.4030553

They're RJ and The Blain
Yes, RJ and The Blain
One is an idiot
The other's insane.
They're trolling in this thread
Their books are never read
They're RJ
They're RJ and The Blain, Blain, Blain, Blain
Blain, Blain, Blain, Blain

>> No.4030568

my nigger, 5 star post