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File: 36 KB, 329x514, the_game[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4028421 No.4028421 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, first time here.
I just finished "The Game" and I was wondering if you guys knew any similar books that go deep into the pickup world and tells stories and experiences about it. Thanks.

>> No.4028436

no one?

>> No.4028438

I don't think one exists, but you can read "field reports" in online PUA communities I guess.

>> No.4028441

How much of an autistic virgin actually are you?
You do realise all that PUA bullshit is a load of rubbish, don't you?
I laff every teim when I hear a bunch of fedora wearing neckbeards talking about how they "negged" the cute blonde girl they were talking to and managed to get "kino".
Just be a confident motherfucker, be assertive and self assured, and go from there you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.4028446

op, listen to this guy.

>> No.4028450


>> No.4028454

confirmed for gets no kino

>> No.4028461

Confidence alone isn't going to get you girls, but it is going to make you try, and it'll help you get over your misses

>> No.4028464

Confidence is an attribute that makes males very attractive to females

>> No.4028467

wearing a dildo on your head for peacocking isn't too much of a help as well...

>> No.4028470

Yes, but it isn't the deciding factor, only a contributing one. A hideous, obnoxious, unhygienic, stupid guy who happens to be confident isn't going to be getting girls left and right. You see those types of guys at the club all the time, and the only they get from women is made fun of

>> No.4028493

Funnily enough, trying more than half the battle.

>> No.4028537

PUA is shit. Especially PUA that promotes any canned lines or any shit like that. Read RSD's Blueprint IF YOU HAVE TO, and NEVER read anything PUA again, just go out and do it.

>> No.4028547

Neil Strauss is the only one who has a book like that, but then again, Neil Strauss makes a living off of going into uncommon cultures and writing about them.

By the way, if you're looking for some kind of Pick-Up Guide manual, I should note that The Game is out-of-date and PUA communities of that kind really don't exist anymore.

>> No.4028548

>Implying the PUA lines aren't genius.

"Hey, sugartits, are you an archaeologist?"

"No, why?"

"Because I have a very large bone for you to examine."

"You are so witty and intelligent. I need to suck your cock immediately."

>> No.4028553

By the way, when I say outdated:

What these two think PUA is what meant by outdated. A lot of that only applies to the old PUA community, and the new one really doesn't refer to themselves as PUA that much anymore.

>> No.4028560

>The Game is out-of-date
So, convincing a drunk girl in a crowded bar to come back to your student house for sloppy awkward sex has changed drastically over the last ten years?

>> No.4028567

No, but most modern Game practitioners have decided to go above and beyond that.

And also what I meant is that most ideas people have of PUAs and Game practitioners come from that book, but it's changed over the years.

>> No.4029246

of course they have, gotta keep changing it up if you want to sell your next seminar to desperate virgins

>> No.4029308
File: 267 KB, 500x374, eye-twitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the game

>> No.4029337

thumbs up if u just lost the game :)

>> No.4029350


I went on a PUA site once to see what it was about

Pretty much a bunch of autists circejerking using acronyms and "methods". Literally methods, step by step proceedures to get women into bed

Top. kek.

>By the end of his story, Strauss concludes that a life of nothing but picking up women is “for losers,”

Although I'm glad he makes this conclusion, he's still a dumbass. The best conclusion would be the realization that sex is largely a waste of time, and living through your sexual emotions will get you nowhere in life

>> No.4029399
File: 501 KB, 250x188, just-a-gangsta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in the game
All in the game, yo!
All in the game though, right?
That's the game, yo!
The game is the game.
The game stays the same.
Play the game you play to win.
Game's the same, just got more fierce.
I ain't never put my gun on nobody who wasn't in the game.
Been there as long as the game itself.
There's just the street, the game, and what happen here today!
The game is rigged.
The game done changed.

>> No.4029413

All you have to do to get girls is one simple thing:

stop fapping

>> No.4030840

I'm at the chapter where two guys of the "community" are teaching him how to throw chakra- I mean chi- into a woman. Absolutely hilarious.

That being said it does have some tips and I'm glad I'm reading it. I don't picture myself ever approaching a stranger for a one night stand in a club though, and this is basically all this book is for, to trick the more stupid women into sex. When they go into any upper class place with non-sluts they aren't successful in the book either.

I think it helps you to overcome the teenage obsession over being a virgin, an AFC as he'd call it.