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/lit/ - Literature

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4025196 No.4025196 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I was horrible at school in Grade 12
>tfw I was suffering from pretty bad depression in Grade 12
>tfw my teachers weren't any kind of help, either
>tfw one day I was reading a The Master and Margarita in English class and the teacher was condescending towards me
>"I read that for a university course on Russian literature," she told me with incredible sternness.
>tfw I actually sent her a nice message on Facebook after I graduated thanking her because her English class got me to think of literature independently of everyone else and she deleted my post

How did your high school (particularly English) teachers fuck with your psyche?

>> No.4025200

Wow you were a cock gobbler in grade 12.

I never went to high school, so the teachers didn't really affect me.

>> No.4025203

>caring what an english teacher thinks

you do realise she thinks of herself as a failure in life and is taking out that anger on anyone who might be better than her?

>> No.4025204

>never got a formal education
>calling someone with the actual experience of being in high school a "cock gobbler"
>wow r00d

>> No.4025206

my grade 11 english teacher who was cool as hell and always talked about books with me made me a certificate that said i was underachiever of the year
she was the best

>> No.4025211

>never got a formal education
I skipped high school and started college at 15. I have a bachelor's degree now, which I consider formal education. If you needed to go to high school, I completely understand. Most people need high school before going to college and before going on in life. I didn't.

>calling someone with the actual experience of being in high school a "cock gobbler"
He sounded like a pitiful kid in grade 12.

>> No.4025232

OP here. Hey, at least I read books in high school. The other kids read the requirements and nothing else. I, on the other hand, didn't read those plebby books and read shit like American Psycho and Johnny Got His Gun.

>> No.4025254

>I skipped high school and started college at 15.
How do you even do that? I thought a high-school diploma is required for entering an University

>> No.4025264

Are you fucking dense? I went through psychology tests stating I could skip it due to my enormous IQ (almost MENSA standards) so shut the fuck up you don't know anything about me stop projecting.

>> No.4025265

English teachers are the worst.
One of them announced to the class that I was the only one who could write well in the class, then 2 months later she told me to drop to the lower class, claiming I wasn't that great at writing.
The other 2 I had were very strange, as well.

>> No.4025266


>she thinks of herself as a failure in life and is taking out that anger on anyone who has the young years ahead of them that she has lost and will never be able to regain


People like that don't age gracefully.
They lose too much of their self-worth to hate and bitterness to simply let it go.

Forget about it, OP. Don't be the kind of guy who is still mentally stuck in high school.

You're gonna make it brah.

>> No.4025269

nah there are "early universities" like simon's rock that are basically petri dishes where teenagers are exposed to drugs and sex in huge quantities and left largely unsupervised. it works for some kids (they go on to top tier universities and are successful) and it's basically daycare for others (trust fund kids who either do 4 years at the pre-college and get a bachelors in pottery or attend some other lib arts school in new england) and most of them seem to move to NYC and become "artists", i.e. live off their parents wealth.

my girlfriend went to a place like this and she is pretty normal but she comes from a reasonably normal/stable family and isn't independently wealthy.

>> No.4025276

>facebooking your teachers
well i am glad i am an old curmudgeon

>> No.4025285

>almost MENSA standards

Friend, I am above MENSA standard and I still went to highschool because jumping ahead of your peers so radically can fuck you up. That and highschool was awesome. You could just chill due to the easy workload, make friends, meet girls (if you don't get caught sneaking up the road to the girl's school), and have fun in the confusing, hormone driven teenage years of your life. Going to university just because you've got the processing power crammed into your head means you miss out on a whole load of adolescence. Your formative years are about more than just academia, so don't belittle people because you skipped highschool.

>shut the fuck up you don't know anything about me stop projecting

>> No.4025286

Wow chill bro sounds like you got autism linked in with dat der high IQ lol

>> No.4025296
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>so shut the fuck up you don't know anything about me stop projecting

Someone has a complex.

>> No.4025303

fuck my english teachers for convincing me that i was a good writer.

>> No.4025316

>facebooking old teachers

yeah, OP. Compression fracture on 2 vertebrae and one heel made for a long convalescence and loopy recovery of loneliness. When I wrote letters to my old college professors about how I liked them etc, nobody wrote me back.

Theater teachers, so there is that.

Wren would only care if I was double X chromosone

>> No.4025322

In Denmark everyone takes the education course at the same pace. Not all goes to the normal gymnasium, but it's needed to enter university.
This "college" is confusing to me.

>> No.4025325

The American education system is broken. Don't even try to understand why it is the way it is.

>> No.4025330

I think you're confusing community college and university

>> No.4025333

Actually my english experience in high school was pretty grade.

Grade 9 we had this teacher who was missing a finger whichI didnt not learn about half way through the course. He was fun, good early introduction to Shakespeare.

Grade 10 was good ol Ms. Walsh. An irritable lady, who likes to use words like kerfluffle. Her moods easily shifted which the teacher's pets in the class took advantage of.

Grade 11 (same bitch ;-;).

Grade 12 was my favourite year. Miss Chan was the sweetest, and my last, english teacher in the education system. It was the first time I discovered non-fiction, starting with good o' Northrop Frye. Then we were assigned to read our own selected non-fic, and she recommend me to read Van Gogh's collection letter. She was proud, I was the only one who did something remotely different from your typical non-fic. We flirted, we laughed, I treated her like long lost Chinese mother.

>> No.4025336

>Actually my english experience in high school was pretty grade.
Oh come on.

>> No.4025334

education systems in general. there isn't any actual theory behind pedagogy or scientific consensus on how to teach/learn.

>> No.4025338

I thought you'd enjoy that teehee.

No I actually messed up, and I will own my typographical error.

>> No.4025351

good job on reading big boy books!

>> No.4025363

I'm being totally serious. The kids in my Grade 11 English class were forced to read independent books and half of them got their books from the children's section of Chapters.

>> No.4025373

mine were all pretty cool because I was the only kid that read and wasn't an asshole about it
I went to a jock school, so everyone was competitive as fuck, even with hobbies

>> No.4025415

so is the Danish, i dont think i needed a lot of the years of school i went through, it's 13 years before university. I think 'education' in the greek platonic way is about more than scores though, so im contend with all this school we're getting pushed through

>> No.4025432

my high school english department was complete shit.
9th grade was a teacher that treated us like kindergartners. a number of our classroom activities included coloring.
10th grade was a teacher that aspired to be a holocaust literature professor, but got stuck with high school english. so our class was a holocaust literature class.
11th and 12th grade was a teacher that spent far more time working on her doctorate than she did paying attention to her students. she bought our tests from a website online.

eventually the 9th grade teacher was forced into retirement. she was teaching 9th and 10th grade at the time. the 10th grade state standardized english test had absolutely no effect on whether you advanced to the next grade or not, only on the school's funding. a rather large group of students noticed this and failed the writing section miserably in direct protest of the school's english department. this teacher read off the names of the students that failed this part of the test to her classes and retired shortly after.

the holocaust literature teacher did leave the school for a position in new york teaching holocaust literature. good for her.

the last teacher did get her doctorate and is now a star of the school's faculty. as far as i know every one of the groups of kids that have had her has pooled together to buy an account to the same website she gets her tests for. (in their defense, the tests are absolute shit, having nothing to do with the substance of the books and more to do with obscure details. almost as if the test makers didnt read or understand the book, but flipped through it to make test questions on what they assumed were important passages.)

>> No.4025445

My teacher used to tell me that I need psychological help.

>> No.4025452

Is mensa even a good time?
Maybe someone knows here. I know I would meet entry requirements but I assume it's full of insufferable people that only have that going for them

>> No.4025476

>10th grade was a teacher that aspired to be a holocaust literature professor, but got stuck with high school english. so our class was a holocaust literature class.

Christ, that sounds awful. She was basically mass-producing neo nazis.

>> No.4025491

this is oddly close to the truth. i do think that her class played a large part in me questioning the legitimacy of holocaust claims.

if it wasnt for her class i would have never learned of eli wiesel supposedly surviving seven "death chambers" in his book night and being moved to many different "death camps."

without the trip to the holocaust museum i would have never learned that all of those picture of starving people were taken late in the war after significant allied bombing of nazi supply lines.

>> No.4025496

not that im a neo nazi. but im labeled as such as soon as i bring up this topic. yet another peculiarity about the holocaust that is unique to any other event in history. even suggesting that its validity should be questioned instantly gets you labeled as a neo nazi and hate monger.

>> No.4026203

gr8 b8 m8. works well on lit doesnt it? lol

>> No.4026217

wrote a minimalist short story on everyday life of a child in a middleclass family. I felt it was great kmart realism, very austere and shallow on purpose and incredibly sad if considered for a few moments.

teacher must not know raymond carver, just assumed i wrote something shallow with no meaning.

got a bad grade and gave up writing cause i was kinda a baby with no real courage

>> No.4026224

mensa is for smart people who can't do anything to prove how smart they are except for join an organization that proves how smart they are

>> No.4026227

>except for join an organization
*expect pay an annual membership for a piece of paper saying they are smart.

>> No.4026246

>enormous IQ
>almost mensa level
Yeah, I'm assuming you have an IQ of 125ish, so if you started uni at 15 your IQ would have been only 105ish compared to 18 y/os. Have fun with your degree in childcare or whatever.

>> No.4026274

Background: Seniors at my school can, if they choose, leave 3 weeks early and do a creative project. Obviously, I chose to do this.

>Finishing all of my assignments so that I can leave on senior project
>Feeling overwhelmed. Beginning to regret the decision.
>English teacher approaches me after class on the third to last day.
>"How's that paper coming anon?"
>"Not so good, but I'll finish it."
>"Actually, I was thinking: this paper seems like one of those things that teachers assign just for the sake of giving you more work. So on second thought, you don't really have to do it, unless you really want to."
>Realize how much of a bro this teacher was for the two years that I had him. Realize that the best teachers are the ones who understand what it's like to be a student.
>Thank him and enjoy my last few days of high school.

>> No.4026279


you hhhave to send her a PM and ask her why she deleted your post. I want to see her say why. do ittttt okay?

also, is she hot?