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File: 21 KB, 524x326, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4020327 No.4020327 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you has been emailing Tao?

>> No.4020344

wasn't me.

>> No.4020352

but I caught you on the camera

>> No.4020363

how rude

>> No.4020368

>I don't care bro

so po mo

>> No.4020371

power corrupts

>> No.4020372
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-06-02_12-08-25_631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems desperate for cash. Look at this. This was taken at my local library. Tao is resorting to stock photos now. Please help Tao, he is running low on Xanax funds.

>> No.4020376

He's doing a reading in London with Ben Brooks tonight

>> No.4020382

Both of them. One Building. Damn, I wish I knew a suicide bomber.

>> No.4020386


>> No.4020387

I guess they'll get drunk later tonight and shitpost on /lit/ into the early hours

>> No.4020391

Don't know, they're talking about it on twitter


>> No.4020432

Ben Brooks deserves it more than Tao, though. I'm kind of endeared to Tao after having read Taipei. His shitposts give us a history together.

>> No.4020441

tao lin never made a single post on 4chan

>> No.4020442

TIDF plz

>> No.4020460

This is all part of Tao's on-line marketing of himself.

Most book buyers can't be bothered to give a shit about Tao Lin's twitter page, and he knows it. He must be quite angry at all the preteens posting 140 characters or less about how genius and great he is on a site that has no legitimacy and a majority of bookbuyers lend no credence.

"Post this on Amazon, quick!"

Because people actually read Amazon reviews. And nobody reads Tao Lin's twitter page except his sad following, who need no convincing.

>> No.4020467

i'm going to make sure to leave a negative review on his amazon page, now.

>> No.4020478

You may be right, but his twitter feed is mentioned on almost every book review I've read of his recently.

He is the Kafka of the iPhone generation after all

>> No.4020630
File: 480 KB, 493x342, RetardAlert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Published and semi-acclaimed author uses 'u' on Twitter

>> No.4020657

140 characters retard

>> No.4020666


>140 characters
>It's Twitter

Who the fuck acts like a formal pretentious fuck on Twitter?

>> No.4020694


>Implying that spelling a word like you're over twelve years old is formal and pretentious
>Implying that his dumbass tweets couldn't be rewritten

>> No.4020698

lol, because all his books have lackluster reviews on amazon

>> No.4020699

Wut? No they don't.

>> No.4020708

>like you're over twelve years old is formal and pretentious

Using "u" on Twitter makes you pretentious?

Take your "Hue due ur all 12" shit to reddit please

>> No.4020709


I meant to say "not spelling a word like." That one's on me.

>> No.4020710


alt-lit brigade

>> No.4020711

wow what a dick. i feel like sending him a lot of very personal and rambling emails now. fucker.

>> No.4020719

Don't care bro, post it on amazon

>> No.4020725


irony...also #140C

>> No.4020734

Daily reminder that Tao Lin is the voice of your generation

>> No.4020740


Is Tao Lin frustrated? I can't say I've ever read his work.

>> No.4020755

You should add him on gmail chat and set up a script to add "said anon on gmail chat" every time you write something, and "said Tao Lin on gmail chat" everytime he sends you a message.

>> No.4020775

Who here honestly feels ass ravaged at a message like that?

Bunch of pansies