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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 174 KB, 1920x1200, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3999285 No.3999285 [Reply] [Original]

So, which side are you on?

>> No.3999289

i am robin hood

>> No.3999307

mongoloid e-book users pls go

>> No.3999320

I use an ebook reader mostly, but some things just have to be in book form, because the ereader cannot properly format it. Also, I was wondering how long it would take for that meme to be adopted for this purpose.

>> No.3999335


>> No.3999342

I'm an omnivore. I just take what's most convenient and cheapest per book I want to read.

>> No.3999351
File: 91 KB, 640x352, uberreader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race reporting in. I feel bad for the casuals without an ereader. Are you even trying?

>> No.3999353
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>> No.3999358

>paying a fiddy for unlimited free books
>consumerist compared to buying trees

>> No.3999363

I just love a physical book, feeling its pages... holding it.... words on paper... oh. oh.oh.hohhoh.hohlhl Fuvck

>> No.3999365

I literally see 6 year olds as the majority users of kindles and shit. Plus their sales are always dropping. I might check them out when their trendier.

>> No.3999368


>> No.3999370

Not everyone likes to read poorly-formatted pirated ebooks buddy

>> No.3999381
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>Are you even trying?
It's "bourgeois", you dirty peasant. Typical mistake for a pleb posing as master race. Go hide in your cave.

>> No.3999382

h8 reading on screen with passion

>> No.3999383


Educate yourself.

>> No.3999390

I got the adj and the noun mixed up

Typical bourgeois needing to check his grammar thrice so his grandma friends accept him

>> No.3999392

forgot to mention i h8 epub format too

>> No.3999395

Then use a Jindle.

>> No.3999403


Me too m8.
I can't wait until the hardware improves and we move past shit formats like mobi and epub.

>> No.3999406

i only buy books that haven't been scanned.

>> No.3999416

noun would be bourgeoisie, you have one too many "e"s for the adjective and one too few "i"s for the noun.

>> No.3999439

i enjoy reading on my iphone 4s obviously turned horizontally while reading.

i have some books in paper and on my phone and feel like i'm in the future using my phone. it's much more enjoyable and almost hypnotizes me in the material. the paper book feels dead by comparison.

i think it's cool that our technology has come closer to mirroring brain mind activity. so our books like our mind information are not stored in giant paper volumes but in a very condensed informational way.

>> No.3999441
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>no punctuation
>no uppercase
>grammar mistakes
>no phrase structure
Typical jelly peasants h8orz detected.
Do you even read, faggots?

>> No.3999444

i can't wait for the next gen of e readers with brighter epaper and better touchscreens. master race here.

free books ftw.

>> No.3999451

>displays entry-level intellectual trait of complaining about grammar in 2013

>> No.3999454

>free books ftw.


>> No.3999472

books from a library aren't free, they are borrowed.

>> No.3999477

they are free to read. what more do you want?

>> No.3999483

keep them for as long as i want for a start.
idk, why would anyone want to buy a book?

>> No.3999489
File: 81 KB, 237x281, elevate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this way of thinking is the reason why you'll always remain a casual inferior being.

>> No.3999500
File: 196 KB, 1920x1200, audio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hygiene is the most essential feature of bourgeois life

>> No.3999527


i tend to prefer books, I have some E-books/magazines that I can read quickly if I'm waiting or something but if I want to sit down and read for awhile a normal book is best considering I already look at screens enough as it is.

>> No.3999545

Impressive paint skills, dude.
Now, fuck off with your audioshit, this is >>>/books/

>> No.3999555

>picking a side like entry level plebe
>not ubermensching your way through all physical, digital, audio forms.

>> No.3999564

You're nae mucho ay lumpenpatrice are ye?

>> No.3999602

double trips
Why is it always the uber that is also a mensch?
Can't contain myself.

>implying posting dubs not an intellectual pursuit
It's like you don't even care about philosophy.

>> No.3999615
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>dwindling between various inferior formats when there's clearly only one that allows direct connection with the essence of a text without distracting and altering the reading process

>> No.3999620

I have a kindle but it hurts my eyes

I don't like reading books on a screen

>> No.3999626

0/10 kindly disintegrate

>> No.3999630

Some of us only download correctly formatted pirated ebooks, buddy.

>> No.3999632

Keep that condescension up and I might just have to get one

>> No.3999636

no can do

>> No.3999638
File: 29 KB, 400x383, at least.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, not everyone is born to be master-race.

>> No.3999650

Are there any android e readers? Since you're viral marketing I might as well ask in this thread.

>> No.3999658
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it's GIMP actually
VNs are /lit/ too
audiovisual text, what more could you want?

I read the Douay-Rheims Bible and sometimes the Greek on my phone at parties idgaf what the crowd thinks

>> No.3999689
File: 106 KB, 458x600, nook_rooting_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nook is an Android device with proprietary interface. But if you want to run it as vanilla Android and install Android apps, you'll have to root it. Basically, you'll end up with an Android tablet with an e-ink display.

>> No.3999695

I'm a tree killing peasant and proud.

>> No.3999718
File: 23 KB, 325x275, algoresdream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're proud, but you have no reason.

>> No.3999728

enjoy your gimmick, fag. E-readers are for soccer moms and people who enjoy ASOIAF

>> No.3999734

What's a reader with the least amount of bullshit?

>> No.3999779

Why wouldn't I want to own a physical copy of a book? They are trophies in my room and my house. Monuments to time spent and knowledge gained. Reading a book is a religious experience for me, and I am not religious in anyway. The smell, the feel, the turning of the pages. Watching how I slowly creep through the width of the book. I can see my progress, I can underline and highlight and I can make it my own. My personal piece of literature. e-books suck because they strip the environment of diving into a book.
hur dur I can have 1000 books on one tablet
who the fuck cares? I'd rather have 5 real books than a thousand 1's and 0's.
>muh treeeeesss
There are more trees growing on this planet than ever in known history. We replace them, sure they take long to grow, but don't be pissed at me for using physical copies. Blame the people who outlaw the use of hemp for paper.
>but muh drug war
you can smoke a pound of male hemp and not get high. The shit grows wild and it makes the best rope, it literally grows all over the planet, it's easily replenished, etc.
Anyways, I guess what I am saying is e-books suck and they sure as shit aren't the 'master race'.

>> No.3999806

Ebooks on non-prestigeous books
Hardcovers on very good/prestigeous books

>> No.3999810

>tldr i'm a fetishist

>> No.3999823
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you're buttmad and you suck as a person

>> No.4000063

Admit it. You just like physical books so you can stick your dick in between the pages and then cum all over your sweet beloved ground up trees.

>> No.4000106

Does it count if I read ebooks on my laptop?

>> No.4000452

My Kindle broke and while I'm waiting for this person I spoke to a decade ago to e-mail me the address to send it in to get fixed, I'm reading a hardcover of A Confederacy of Dunces.

I don't have the Paperwhite (even though it suffers from some of the same shit and has a shit selection of fonts) but.... reading a book after all this time is fantastic.

- Dat font
- Dat clean formatting
- Dat uncluttered and clean texst
- Dat size
- Dat feeling the pages I read and physically feeling how much I have left, not some shitty progress bar and inconsistent page numbers

>> No.4000454

I can't read

>> No.4000457

what did you say i cant read

>> No.4000458

what did you say i cant read

>> No.4000462

what did you say i cant read

>> No.4000463

You can just borrow them again?

Besides, I've got borrowed library books on my e-reader.

>> No.4000464

>how much I have left
Are you some pleb who doesn't even like reading?

>> No.4000466 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 402x402, Helen-Keller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dsklmdcfkds;lam ;klf

>> No.4000467

I like to not feel I am reading a endless novel that I can't tell when it ends

>> No.4000501
File: 32 KB, 300x200, kindle-paperwhite-vs-79-kindle-XSC_1989-rm-verge-1020_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keep having this thread

I seriously can't enjoy ebooks until they're the size of a hardcover, have actual book fonts, better formatting options, and where it's not gray on gray or some backlit with a blue tint to it

>> No.4000509


>buying books

If you don't want to, then use a library. I get used books and I don't exactly buy a book everyday so it's not a huge hit on the wallet.

>> No.4000510

>not wanting to feel the ultimate lit feel


>> No.4000512

I read on my computer.

>> No.4000607


I suppose I have a hierarchy of thought in the matter:

1. Is it FREE on my kindle?
2. Well, then, can I get it from my library?
3. No? Then what's amazon's price?
4. PDF of it somewhere?
5. I guess I'll just buy it on my kindle.

I like them for different things. For the 'man i've got the urge to read this book, wanna crack into tonight' feeling, I get it on my kindle. For the 'I would like to have it for referrence/ flip through it/ lend it to others/ (anything else where physical copies dominate) then I like a real book.

Above all, though. I look to support used bookstores. So i think i might look there first.

yes. quite the inconclusive answer.

>> No.4000652


FYI I used to fap to books from the library, any books with lewd pictures

So yea....About that

>> No.4000675

>He doesn't know that companies grow trees for the sake of creating paper out of them
It's like cattle that is grown to be killed, so we can eat meat.

>> No.4000689

>not being able to experience dat book smell

>> No.4001003

>>>>>> THIS
I was looking to make something simular
Audiobooks > Text

>> No.4001024

So like, fapping to words in a dictionary?

Are you the same guy?

>> No.4001025
File: 30 KB, 344x291, yeah-nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, keep telling that to yourself, so you won't feel guilty for the deforestation of our planet.

>> No.4001032

Best part of ebook readers


It's so fucking expensive/difficult getting Japanese books otherwise.

>> No.4001035

You're exhibit A in why people arguing against e-books are pretty much the print media equivalent of the vinyl lunatics who insist the technology is superior to digital. You're also an insufferable, pretentious hipster who reads for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.4001043

>that pic

>> No.4001240 [DELETED] 


>> No.4001248

What are the right reasons to read?

>> No.4001333

why do you need to buy a $100 tablet to read a e-book? why can't you just read on your pc?

>> No.4001357

So you deny the fact that there are trees that are grown specifically for the production of paper?

>> No.4001360
File: 116 KB, 480x360, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ebooks are very green

well done, OP

>> No.4001363

What eReader does everyone have, if they have one?

>> No.4001364

>planned obsolescence of a disposable technology
pick one

>> No.4001382
File: 18 KB, 500x303, n503c8a0062faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you that paper doesn't come exclusively from tree farms, as you're suggesting.
You're just a mindless consumerist sheep easily convinced by the tree-killing mafia propaganda.

>> No.4001385

>dispose of

In the recycle bin it goes.

I use my pc.

>> No.4001395

>"forgetting" that trees are planted
>"forgetting" that given the same area and time, a conservative estimate is that you can get 100 times more paper if you plant hemp instead of trees
And enjoy your typos and editing errors, pleb!
Traditionalist here.

>> No.4001396

I borrow both ebooks and physical books from the library. The physical books are disgusting with graffiti and stains from god knows what while the ebooks are obviously pure with no blemishes.

I don't know how you deadtree fans deal with that.

>> No.4001397



>> No.4001406
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You've just misspelled pleb, pleb.

>> No.4001416


>> No.4001427

This is now a pleb thread, plebs.

>> No.4001429

>This is now a pleb thread, plebs.

Just now?

>> No.4001431

It has reached a singularity just now, yes.

>> No.4002322

If you use an e-book you have down syndrome.

>> No.4002340

I'm trying to determine if this is sarcasm but I can't really tell. Anyone?

>> No.4002426

Obviously, to capture the content of the author's writings you buffoon.11079

>> No.4003969

Exactly this: If I see a book I want for cheap in a shop, I buy it. If i see an ebook on Amazon is cheaper than a physical copy I pirate it.

>> No.4003970

e books for sure. the minimalist aesthetic is a thing to strive for. sure you can rent books from the library, but who wants to do that?

>> No.4004289

I'd take either. But Poetry works better in print. It feels less like I'm looking up lyrics in the 90s