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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 143 KB, 1081x479, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3993776 No.3993776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Huh. Did that thread turn into a flamewar while I was sleeping, or something? It was going pretty well when I left it, despite the periodic >>>/pol/ spam.

>> No.3993781

You were banned for that? I don't like /pol/ either but that's a bit much.

>> No.3993783
File: 81 KB, 1184x446, 1374516007898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last ban was for this.

>> No.3993796

I've been told to go to /pol/ just for saying I don't like postmodernism.

>> No.3993799

I've been told I'm a /pol/ mullet or something for saying corporatei interests are denying AGM

true story

>> No.3993801

You're a brave man, starting a sensible thread amidst a sea of Obama spammers, OP.

>> No.3993802

Well, that's a pretty ludicrous reaction to an alright thread.

>> No.3993803

>I don't like postmodernism.

>> No.3993804

Must be scruffy's time of the month again...

>> No.3993805 [DELETED] 

Serves you right. /lit/ is for Marxist and other intellectual books.

>> No.3993816 [DELETED] 

Ban 'em all Johnny

>> No.3993821

isn't the mod here some uber leftist tranny? that would be why.

that and the legions of retarded children on here who can't stand anyone who disagrees with them.

>> No.3993830

>isn't the mod here some uber leftist tranny?
She's a left-leaning feminist, but she's the janitor and not a mod.

>> No.3993833

says it in the title, doesn't it
or... in the ...er, the rules

>> No.3993838 [DELETED] 

Don't play stupid, you know the score. May I suggest you remove yourself to /pol/ before a mod does it for you? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.3993842

It doesn't matter if you like postmodernism, you're in one.

>> No.3993847


>> No.3993849


How would you guys even know what the mod is like? Is there an e-mail list?

>> No.3993856

Been here for some time. After the latest janitor recruitment drive people started getting banned for mild racism, misogyny, etc. Standard 4chan stuff.

>> No.3993858

>How would you guys even know what the mod is like?
*The Janitor. And she used to trip here as a butterfly symbol, but had to drop her name to become the janitor. Probably about six months ago now - whenever it was that Moot did all the applications for board janitors.

>> No.3993859 [DELETED] 

I've been 3-day banned for calling somebody a 'faggot'

>> No.3993862

I remember discussing meta-ethics with that butterfly faggot

oh boy, that was painful

>> No.3993864

butterfly was a janitor? and pretty sure butterfly was a dude and admitted that.

>> No.3993865

>butterfly symbol
Ah, I remember that dude. He was one of our biggest shitposters as I recall.

>> No.3993866 [DELETED] 

>having a problem with racism, homophobia, fatshaming and misogyny having consequences

>> No.3993867

ya but he self identified as a female and enjoyed the taste of sperm

>> No.3993872

If fatshaming-shaming existed when I was a kid, I probably never would have lost weight and become an amazing artist.

>> No.3993868

I get banned all the time for recommending world-system/marxist books. I think the janitor here is just some politically illiterate liberal who thinks people talking about their depression here is okay, but any politics is a no go.

>> No.3993870


sorry but being a blob is a lifestyle choice

>> No.3993874

>being so spoiled and privileged since birth to throw free-speech out of the window just do gain imaginary internet points

>> No.3993876 [DELETED] 

Try not to come off like a /pol/ plant strawman and you won't be banned.

>> No.3993879

i thought for sure i was going to get banned yesterday cuz i posted some snippy retorts that were not polite maybe moot shitcanned that lame mod

>> No.3993880


Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking. If this was any other board, I'd assume your joking, but because /lit/ is for some reason incredibly attractive to retard Tumblr SJWs, I can only assume you're being serious, in which case, go fuck off back to Tumblr, you piece of shit.

>> No.3993882

I never do though, whenever I try to talk politics here I try to make it substantial so I'm not mistaken for that /pol/-tier crap.

>> No.3993883

>having a problem with 4chan
why don't you leave

>> No.3993885

>butterfly was a janitor?
Yup. AFIAK, still is.

>and pretty sure butterfly was a dude and admitted that.
Really? I was sure it was girl. I remember her posting some pics a few different times, and she was a fat pale girl with dark frizzy hair.

>> No.3993889

That should be included in the rules, then. Whatever that means.

>> No.3993890 [DELETED] 

It's called modern liberalism. It bans everything that doesn't advance its agenda.

>> No.3993891

he's a tranny and a really bad poster. like a stereotype of the loony left. these are the people moot grants positions of authority.

>> No.3993892

Bourgeois tumblr identity politikers get shit on nearly as much as /pol/ does, I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3993893

>believing people on the internet
>on forchin of all sites

>> No.3993894

>she was a fat pale girl with dark frizzy hair.


>> No.3993897

Where should I start with Evola? Ride the Tiger?

And why is /lit/ being spammed with Obama book threads?

>> No.3993903

Evola sucks, but yes.

>> No.3993907

any recommendations for better right wing lit?

>> No.3993908

nah son, you just made that strawman up so you can impotently wriggle your first at an easy target

>> No.3993909

do u ever get the vibe evola was a closet homo

>> No.3993912

Yeah, I know. Usually I wouldn't, but he/she must have kept up an elaborate ruse as the pics were posted months apart.

I guess it could have been. It wasn't very nice whatever it was.

>> No.3993913

Nah it's actually quite good for that, his ideology isn't always self-consistent and you know, fascism is dumb inherently, but he gives it a nice a coat as paint as anyone probably, even if there are issues with the aesthetic he builds. It's definitely worth reading, I was just being sectarian.

>> No.3993933

>the loony left.

that sounds like something bill o'reilly would say. wtf are you on about m8

>> No.3993936

I am relatively new to lit, can someone post the pics?

>> No.3993937

my problem with evola is that he treads into the mystical far too much. if you're into that sort of thing, you'll love him. if not, steer clear and look for some autistic german to read instead.

>> No.3993940

loony left = tumblr sjw crowd
what is there not to understand?

>> No.3993973

I've gotten banned for some ludicrous things too.

One really annoying thing is that it seems that if *you* make an okay thread, but it devolves into trolling/shitposting, *you* are the one who gets banned, not the posters.

I'm pretty sure /lit/'s mod is retarded.

>> No.3994026


I have never been to /pol/ you fucking retard.

>No problem, white dude! Enjoy!

What the fuck kind of insult is that?

>> No.3994245

Take the screenie, email moot about it.

Check the Fuuka archive as well. ( http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S3992262#p3992262 ).

>> No.3994249

I have never been banned for recommending world-systems/marxist books. Are you sure you're not just posting low quality content that doesn't discuss literature?

>> No.3994260

>Obama spammers
Is because OF YOU that we have that kind of bans, YOU AND YOUR POL TROLLS

>> No.3994261

I have to second this comment. /lit/'s critically engaged readers in the fields of politics are either very well read fascists (few) or the vast majority are well to extremely well read Marxists or class struggle anarchists; people who have no time for the bourgeois reformism and reactionary identity politics of the American children of management.

D'Annunzio is the starting point. Then read about Napeoleon III's government.

Take screenshots and fuuka links, email moot about it. The janitor will be asked to change their behaviour if moot agrees with you.

>> No.3994374 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/'s mod is a dumb femnazi hoe-bag that can go to hell.

It isn't right that someone who's obviously nowhere near the mindset of this forum to police it. We should be hitting Moot up about this, not politely accepting bans like pussy homos.

>> No.3994384

It was not long ago, before the janitor applications, that this board was screaming out for moderation.

>> No.3994385

>>>/pol/ reported

>> No.3994411

Read Guenon first.

>> No.3994414

Nietzsche, read unironically. Heidegger.

Basically all philosophy prior to the enlightenment.

>> No.3994416

joseph de maistre

>> No.3994418

sorry to see that ban op. I really wish there could be civil discussion here relating to political books/philosophy right and left, but it's always ruined by either /pol/ flavored stupidity or reactionary /lit/ users afraid of anything remotely right wing as being a /pol/ raid/troll.
I almost always hide anything political knowing where it will go in 20 posts.
>captcha spoonfulls ofdied

>> No.3994419

>Nietzsche, read unironically
You sicken and disgust me.

>> No.3994425

Son, we're fighting a war here. Against /pol/ster faggots who won't stay on their own goddam board. In a war, there are casualties. Threads like this get caught in the crossfire because of your brethren. If you don't like it, then go negotiate peace between us and them. Otherwise, deal with it.

>> No.3994426
File: 6 KB, 261x193, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise nietzsche wasn't being ironic

>> No.3994439

>Authorial fallacy 2013
The text intends an ironic meaning.


>> No.3994444

No it doesn't. Nietzsche quite clearly wanted an aristocratic society, because it better allows for the creation of higher men and artists.

>> No.3994445


>> No.3994465

/lit/ never even comes up on /pol/

There is no organization to pollsters coming here to Nazify the place.

So basically the mods should just make case by case decisions.

>> No.3994469

>Nietzsche quite clearly wanted
Right. Goodbye. Nietzsche wanted a pony, and Battler didn't give him one, so Nietzsche became a cross-dressing trap maid and fucked all the junior Ushiromiya before blowing up the mansion.

Get back to us after you've read anything on textual interpretation.

>> No.3994476

Bullshit. There have been several screencaps posted here of those plotting to shit /lit/ up on /pol/. And we I've seen multiple links on here where we do come up and it annoys them that we don't willingly drink their sludge. You're just wrong. There is somewhat of a coordinated effort to enforce their ideas on /lit/. I'll grant you it isn't a concerted effort. Because if it was, the board would be overwhelmed.

>> No.3994483


its a rarity, but they shit up plenty of boards although /lit/ is an obvious choice since /lit/ tends to be the most left-leaning board

>> No.3994513


All reading is the reading of authorial intention, it's just that people disagree on who or what the author is.

>not reading the author (writer) as a point of convergence and transformation of the trends of effective history (the Author)

do you even reading

>> No.3994531

You can't fucking read the author. Even if we flayed the cunt and got him to write in his own lymph on his skin, you're still only ever accessing the text. The hermeneutic gap, motherfucker.

>> No.3994540

>All reading is the reading of authorial intention, it's just that people disagree on who or what the author is.

a reading is merely a search for subjective truths in the relationships between symbols in the text, and the associations the reader has

a text is meaningless without a reader

>> No.3994575

I read /pol/ every day and I don't see /lit/ mentioned. Even if there is a screencap that says "everyone go shit up /lit/" it doesn't mean it isn't happening by individual will, it just means there's the one guy. Most petitions to 'swarm' some of other place from /pol/ and /b/ don't go anywhere.

I see /pol/ posts on /adv/ (for example, I saw a couple weeks ago some Treyvon Martin-G. Zimmerman crap) but I don't see /adv/ mentioned on /pol/, ever.

That's what annoys me about 'go back to /pol/', though. Most people on this site go to other boards. I don't have a problem posting political stuff on /pol/ and posting about literature here.

For all you know it's the same fucking guy posting troll threads over and over. In fact, that's more likely. I used to spam /fit/ daily with threads about how inferior short people are for shits and giggles. That didn't require a concerted effort.

>> No.3994600


This poster contacted me via email and was unbanned. Clearly this ban was in error.

>> No.3994601

that pretty much comes with the esoteric reactionary package

>> No.3994611


>> No.3994718


>> No.3994743

good contribution man

>> No.3994865

Ride the Tiger was his conclusion. You should start with Revolt Against the modern world.

How do you figure?

He abandoned fascism when it started out the wrong way.

>> No.3994872

Im not following whats the problem.

>> No.3994887
File: 2 KB, 360x218, romanian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, can we actually list some essential authoritarian reading?
I'm going to start with "For My Legionaires"

>> No.3994900

How could anyone consider themselves a feminist, shit posting and politics aside.

I've met an array of feminists and they've all been either lesbian or bisexual. Their choosing for feminism was "I didnt like the way my dad bossed around my mom"

I think these kids just need some tough love and a hard slap accross the face

>> No.3994903
File: 1.67 MB, 427x240, bl4yx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3994911

Umm... abortion rights, wanting women more involved in politics, STEM.

Whats the prose like in this?

>> No.3994915


Women have no place in politics or abortion rights. Thats my point

>> No.3994920 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1030x589, 4chanban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when the jews start getting janitor/mod access

>inb4 i get banned again for holocaust denial

>> No.3994921

u can get banned from all boards for questioning the holohaux?

>> No.3994924 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 767x471, juden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, i was explaining that the ones marked in Xs did not similar, whereas the ones circled did

aka showing that holocaust was faked to a degree

>> No.3994926 [DELETED] 


of course

i now realize that holy shit they are all the same ones

>> No.3994928

How can you tell? The guy with the regular circle looks like an alien/grey man.

>> No.3994929 [DELETED] 


yeah and on /pol/ of all boards

>> No.3994933

gotta love how the allies bomb the fuck out of germany's rail lines and then when food can't get through and everyone starts starving they blame it on the nazis...didn't the americans pull that shit in south east asia too? like they bombed the fuck out of some country and when the crops where destroyed they blamed it all on the government they were bombing

>> No.3994935 [DELETED] 


pretty sure they blamed it on vc

even though it was agent orange lol

>> No.3994942

it's funny how all the people in america's concentration camp in cuba are all starving themselves on purpose that's how horrible the conditions are...

>> No.3994947

you know the day moot fucked over /sp/ all the retarded /pol/ shit took over 4chan

shit janitors
shit mods
get rekt

>> No.3994948


>> No.3994950

how did he fuck over /sp/ i only go in there for big boxing matches i hate sports that involve playing with balls

>> No.3994952 [DELETED] 

one of the most pathetic tripfags of all time was this lame kid on /mu/ who looked like a little girl and had no father and would post this lame /fa/ type fashion shots but post them on /mu/ like any gives a shit about your new boat shoes asshole, it's like he was so desperate for friends or validation or something...if u sink so low that you consider becoming a tripfag you might as well go to a church and get jesus in your life because you need help

>> No.3994959


Women are emotional creatures that are superior caretakers. Any leadership job a woman does a man can do equally good or better without losing a valuable mother and wife

Why is it legal to kill a child because two fools made a mistake because they fear no consequences when you can be sentenced to death over killing a grown man

>> No.3994989
File: 382 KB, 1000x1517, 60XzdEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great stuff. Codreanu needs to be canonized in my opinion. You should also read "The Tragedy of The Iron Guard".

Plenty of good Fascist and Authoritarian works out there. Anything by Mosley, specifically "My Answer" and "The Greater Britain", his "100 Questions Asked And Answered" Essay/interview is very good for a beginner. Joyce "Twilight" is another decent read. Degrelle's "My Revolutionary Life: Muzzling The Vanquished" is a very entertaining read as well.

So called "programmes" and manifesto's that should be read:
"The Ustasha 17 Point Program"
"10 Points of Fascism"
Mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism"
"26 Point Plan of The Falange"
"16 Principles of The Community" of the Fascist Vichy France
And of course "The 25 Points" of the National Socialist Workers Party.

These are all great reads even if you don't support these ideas and positions, and the simplistic manifesto's and programs are simple enough for even the most ignorant Reddit reading pinko liberal to understand.

>> No.3995001

The generals threads and the horrible janitors, among other things, have made /sp/ less enjoyable for some. I personally don't mind it much, though the generals can be quite annoying to pick through instead. I would say /sp/ is the one board I am most active on. /lit/ is too much /phi/ for my tastes. I don't mind how "slow" it is, and actually kind of like how a thread may stay in the catalog here for 24-48 hours. I just wish those threads were good to begin with.

>> No.3995007

>Women are emotional creatures that are superior caretakers.

>Any leadership job a woman does a man can do equally good or better without losing a valuable mother and wife
You already admit men and women are equal in leadership capabilities. Which by the way is influenced by emotion, men are not automatons with out any feeling and as such it would be foolish to think their decisions are not influenced by them in any way.
Secondly, you are loosing value of a good husband and father if he is at work.

>Why is it legal to kill a child because two fools made a mistake because they fear no consequences when you can be sentenced to death over killing a grown man
Most abortions are done by mothers who cant afford another child then black women. Maybe if we had good sex ed most blacks wouldn't be in that situation.
Secondly, "child" yeah, most abortions occur in the 1st trimester. Its not even human.3rd trimester is what you are thinking about. That is illegal and most people agree.

>> No.3995012

yeah i hate those threads where two philosophy grad students go on off an a bunch of bullshit no one else gives the slightest fuck about

>> No.3995029
File: 102 KB, 400x600, Himalayan kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secondly, "child" yeah, most abortions occur in the 1st trimester. Its not even human.3rd trimester is what you are thinking about. That is illegal and most people agree.

It is a fetalised egg. Basic biology dictates that it is a human being. Your feelings don't override science. What difference is there between first, second and third trimesters? What are you basing 'human' on? Brain size, intelligence? It's arbitrary. Either you can kill the unborn child at any time, or not at all.
Killing your child because it would hurt your financial situation is an absolutely disgusting result of the modern world and individualist morality.

If you ask me, any woman who aborts her child is not fit to be a mother.

>> No.3995031

Nice list, thanks.

>> No.3995553


>If you ask me, any woman who aborts her child is not fit to be a mother.

Wow. Yeah. Guess it's a good thing she had the abortion then, right?

>> No.3995573

I've gotten banned for posting some of the coolest threads on this board

>> No.3995574

The janitor is a fucking idiot and should have been aborted when she was in the womb.

>> No.3995580

Basic biology also dictates that doesn´t really matter if someone dies

>> No.3995582

who gives a fuck?

>> No.3995590
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You can get banned just if your thread turns into a flamewar? That's not even under your control....

>> No.3995614

>such is life on 4chan

>> No.3996164

There was a faggot the other day who was suggesting books written by fascists, although not saying so of course, to unsuspecting posters.

It's disgusting how subtle they're getting now.

>> No.3996178
File: 54 KB, 468x682, four chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys even browse /lit/ at this point?

I stopped seriously posting on here maybe half a year ago. The quality of posters and administration on this board complement themselves nicely - they're both awful

>> No.3996188
File: 167 KB, 785x635, Bez tytułu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh quality and serious discussions.

>> No.3996194

Someone suggested books? on /lit/?

Who do they think they are?

>> No.3996219

>Unprepared mother has child
>No abortion
>Leeches off state to feed and house child
>Child grows up in awful environment and is unlikely to contribute to society


>Unprepared mother gets pregnant
>It only affects her

"Oh no a cell cluster that cannot think or feel has been destroyed, this is the end of Western society"

>> No.3996226

Remember when the good word was that SRS had compromised the board?

Ha, ha. Enjoy your free exchange of ideas in an open forum.

What this really means is the gliberals are going to establish their hugbox and whine about how dead guys, and fascists are going to go to their own hugbox and organize, and nothing good ever happens. Fuck this.

>> No.3996231

>Ha, ha. Enjoy your free exchange of ideas in an open forum.

Just to clarify, this is sarcastic commentary on the current situation, viz. noting similarities between feminist movements and Stalinism being bannable etc.

>> No.3996244

when are you going to get fired, mr. moderator?

>> No.3996268

if you want to discuss evola, discuss evola. talk about his ideas. discuss.
but dont start with "hey guise, lets collect right wing littrature, whose wit me???"

>> No.3996277

Of all criticism of OP's thread this is probably the most specious. You're against all author general threads, or genre general threads, or political/philosophical stance/field general threads? Or just nouvelle droite/right wing politics, which are totally unproblematic to stereotype and categorize in this way - as shown in how quickly that thread drew informative responses?

>> No.3996282

Neil hitler 14/88

Gas the kikes race war now faggot

>> No.3996331

>free speech

pick one, this place is a leftist controlled shithole, didn't you guys want Laurie fucking Penny to visit here? jesus christ.

As much as you guys hate /pol/, at least you don't get banned for having dissenting opinions or hurting feelings there.

>> No.3996339

Every thread about Laurie Penny I've seen expressed overwhelming dislike for her.

>> No.3996349


>> No.3996353

Wrong. Every LP thread is pretty neutral, with a few guys fapping over her, a few guys supporting her, and one angry marxist raving about how she has no right to discuss economics because she's not on welfare,

>> No.3996356

>didn't you guys want Laurie fucking Penny to visit here?
She did visit.

One guy was talking to her on twitter, she agreed to come for a stickied thread, and the guy posted a hyperlink to a thread about her on /lit/. It's inevitable that she followed it.

>> No.3996357

>fapping over Laurie Penny

absolutely disgusting.


Mandatory Laurie Penny getting destroyed by David Starky video.

>> No.3996361

God I hope she saw the femdom fics. Please tell me she saw the femdom fics.

>> No.3996363

I hope sombody called her out on being such a cunt.

>> No.3996364

>tfw Laurie Penny and Tao Lin are the only semi-famous authors to have visited /lit/

>> No.3996367

>there are people that actually like Laurie Penny

Why? she's an idiot.

>> No.3996368

What if she wrote them?

>> No.3996373

Which book of hers did you read?

>> No.3996376

Meat Market

>> No.3996394
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eugh, that was her uni dissertation that she churned out as a book. You'd only like that one if you're a hardcore feminist.

Try pic related or Discordia - they're far more grounded, the prose is actually very good, and they steer away from 'oppressed women' and talk about everything from pop-culture and tuition fees to NEETs and the Greek economic collapse.

>> No.3996461

That lady seems very unsympathetic and poor at debating. Why is she taken seriously?

>> No.3996471

she's a strong empowered womyn

>> No.3996496
File: 9 KB, 300x330, 1375355998779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"What's your favourite dinosaur? I always preferred the Archaeopteryx, the little stubby bird-ancestor, but recently a whole new species has been discovered alive and nesting in the discursive swamps of what was once British political culture. Bigotaurus Ridiculus, a spiny-hided predator, is not yet extinct, and a danger to anyone looking to create progressive change in this country.

The Bigotaurus can be found waddling free in the more exclusive watering-holes of London even in the early years of the 21st century, and although most at home in oak-panelled environments, can often be seen on Newsnight and Question Time hunting the clear-thinking egalitarian agendas on which it feeds when it can't get claret. The creature tricks its victims with a camouflage of adorable sexagenarian buffonery.

When provoked, for example by mentioning issues of tax transparency, this particular dinosaur becomes aggressive, baring the sharp fangs it hides in its ponderous jowls. I found that out during a recent encounter with the beast in its natural habitat. At an education festival this weekend, I spoke on a panel about the meaning of "Britishness" with Professor David Starkey, noted historian and hack, who made the argument that English society has become corrupted by the influence of people from other cultures and races.

Describing himself as a lone "voice in the wilderness" and "saying the unsayable", the Professor, who has often been criticised for making racially divisive statements in public, proceeded to say what windbag ultra-Tory talking heads have been saying openly and obliquely for years – namely, that "real British values" are not, as Starkey put it, "entrenched in the foothills of the Punjab".

When I criticised Starkey for playing xenophobia for laughs, and asked why, as an advocate of Britishness, he lives for part of the year in the United States, the dinosaur showed its claws. Leaping to his feet, Starkey began with a furious ad hominem attack before marching up to me, wagging his finger in my face, shouting abuse, swearing and showering me with flecks of spittle. If you call a bigot a bigot in this country, you can expect to be attacked, but I didn't expect the sheer thuggishness behind Starkey's brand of cosy prejudice to reveal itself so publicly.

Bigotaurus thrives in the temperate climate of Britain. It quenches its thirst for attention at the cesspool of the British media circus, to an audience too deferential to put it in its place. In this country, public debate has become a spiteful, irrelevant Punch-and-Judy show, and professional provocateurs like Starkey are paid to create aggressive spectacle that obscures useful discussion. Like the ancient lizards, Starkey and his kind are perilously ill-adapted to the modern world – but they have yet to be consigned to history where they belong."

>> No.3996500
File: 2 KB, 86x124, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a picture of yourself as the cover as your book

>> No.3996508

Where's that one where she basically says "fuck everything"? That made me cringe.

>> No.3996511

>wanting Britain to remain majority British is racist and bigoted

David Starkey is god tier.

>> No.3996512

Houllebecq and Hitchens do it too. Hitchens even put his fucking mug on a biography of Thomas Paine.

It's repugnant. All media whores should be crucified.

>> No.3996518

So she's saying she likes bigotaurus ridiculus?

>> No.3996526

Anti-white bitch.

Leftists like her won't be happy until every remnant of western civilization is wiped clean and replaced by the population of the third world.

>> No.3996530

Starkey seems like a bitter old nationalist queen but Penny is a shitty, self-aggrandizing lite-Marxist who can't hold her own in a debate, especially when it gets heated.

God bless the two generations of Anglo-Saxon filth.

>> No.3996537

>Starkey seems like a bitter old nationalist

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Nationalism is what builds nations son.

>> No.3996547

yeah, the nation-state is largely inadequate in the faces of the challenges posed by the twenty-first century

>> No.3996586

why are you writing like a politician?
protip: normal people dont have to do this

>> No.3996609


Well, Erich Fromm for one thought the brotherhood ethos of fascism was inherently homosexual, seeing as social paternal authority is eroded because of the extreme leader worship. In other words, rather than wanting to kill dad to fuck mom, fascists would rather play with each other's willies and worship an abstracted father figure embodied by the leader worship.

>>3996331 I was banned from /pol for having a dissenting opinion.

>> No.3996655

Laurie Penny has no right to speak for working women because she's a bourgeois shill.

>> No.3996663

>All media whores should be crucified.
Stop being so gentle to them. They'll never learn if they get off with a nice, easy crucifixion.

>> No.3996803

>I was banned from /pol for having a dissenting opinion.


Post a screencap, or you're lying.

>> No.3996807
