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/lit/ - Literature

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3989076 No.3989076 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I'm looking for book recommendations, but there's a larger story I think you need to hear:

By the time I reached 5th grade, I realized that middle-school was bogus; nothing you do there matters in the real world. As such, I didn't do a lick of homework throughout middle-school, spending most of my time instead playing video-games. Because of this, I had never read, until recently, the classic books that'd been assigned during those years.

About a month or two ago, I discovered /lit/. after reading some of your guys' recommendations for beginners, I thought, 'what the hell', and started out on these books I was supposed to read years ago. I feel that, now that I'm a 17-18 year-old, angsty teen, I'm understanding and getting more out of these books than I could have had I actually read them when my teachers assigned them.

Anyway, I've read all of these in the two or so months, going at a steady pace of about a book a week, and I'm looking for more like them. It feels like these books understand how I think, what I want, how I feel. Please give me more:

JD Salinger - Catcher in the Rye
John Green - Looking for Alaska
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
George Orwell - Animal Farm
George Orwell - 1984
F Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451

Thank you for turning me onto books, /lit/. I'd always thought, per my teachers, that reading involved *work*, that it was something done because you had to. You've taught me that books can paint worlds in your head, help you escape, and incite passion in your heart. Thank you.

>> No.3989087 [DELETED] 

An added note: Looking back on the original post, it makes me look like I don't do well in school, which I do. I graduated top of my high-school class and have a full ride with room and board going to college this year. Just thought I'd clarify that.

>> No.3989127

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
George R.R Martin - A Games of Thrones
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

>> No.3989131

Thank you!

>> No.3989143

Only read Dostoevsky the rest are shit

>> No.3989148

A book a week? You don't have shit on me, motherfucker. I start and finish one, sometimes two books a day. And I learned how to play chess.

Captcha: this indocen

>> No.3989150

Joseph Heller - Catch 22
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game
Anne Frank - Diary of a Young Girl

>> No.3989151

Some people have other things to do, or lives, outside of reading books.

>> No.3989159

He said himself that he's 18. He'll DEVOUR Ayn Rand.

>> No.3989161

If you're gay, and even if you're not, I'd suggest picking up Will Grayson Will Grayson.

>> No.3989195

Foutainhead is the only good Rand work.

>> No.3989206
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>> No.3989452


>> No.3989469


Schopenhauer was a charlatan and a hack. Don't read him, OP, or at least not until you're ready to fight the by-appearance mighty but by-actuality scrawny beast that is existentialism. In any case, you should read Bertrand Russell's The Problems of Philosophy as an intro to philosophy, and from there run down the list of recommended reading in there. From there, you should know what you want to pursue and what you don't, and should no longer need any hand holding.

>> No.3989475

Did anyone finish the Catcher in the Rye/Coming of Age chart? If so post it here.

>> No.3989476

I was hoping for more comments on my troll post OP

Whatever m8, I'm around your age, I just read The Communist Manifesto and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The former isn't much to speak about but Protocols is an enlightening read, if you don't mind the anti-semitic pretext.

>> No.3989479
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>Schopenhauer was a charlatan and a hack
>you should read Bertrand Russell

Oh summer...

>> No.3989485

>if you don't mind the anti-semitic pretext.
It's not like I don't already hate the Jews.

>> No.3989488

What chart?

>> No.3989489

War and Peace.

>> No.3989493


>> No.3989503


> 'Slaughterhouse 5', 'Breakfast of Champions', 'Cat's Cradle', 'Mother Night' - Vonnegut
> 'Of Mice and Men', 'The Grapes of Wrath', 'Cannery Row' - Steinbeck
> '100 Years of Solitude' - Garcia Marquez
> 'Twilight of the Idols' (I'd recommend buying the Wordsworth edition which also contains 'Ecce Homo' and 'The Antichrist'; 'Ecce Homo' is boring though) - Nietzsche
> 'Catch 22' - Joseph Heller
> 'The Pale King' - DFW
> 'As I Lay Dying' (I guess you could give 'The Sound and the Fury a shot but it's much more convoluted) - Faulkner
> some poetry - Robert Frost, Rudyard Kipling, Alen Seeger etc.

>> No.3989510

Who is Vonnegut?

>> No.3989511

Don't forget Emily Dickenson.

>> No.3989513


Standard Angsty Lit
Jack Kerouac - On The Road
Herman Hesse - Steppenwolf
Jean Paul Satre - Nausea
Osamu Dazai - No Longer Human
Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment

Standard Postmodernist/Modernist Pack
David Foster Wallace - Consider the Lobster and his other essay books
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
Donald Barthelme - 60 stories
Roberto Bolano - 2666

Intro to Philosophy
Gaardner - Sophie's World
Plato - Dialogues: The Republic etc...

>> No.3989540

I'm around your age, and during my angsty period (I'm progressively slipping away from it), I really enjoyed Sartre's Nausea, Hermann Hesse's Demian and Steppenwolf, Ernesto Sabato's El Túnel, Carmen Laforet's Nada, etc. (the first two being my favourites of the list)
Certainly get hold of some Kafka - Metamorphosis, The Trail, etc.

Also, this isn't very angsty, but I'm sure you'll like Hemingway's stuff. Try starting with A Farewell to Arms or The Old Man and the Sea, and certainly read For Whom the Bell Tolls.

>> No.3989544

>tfw been reading a 300-page book for two weeks and haven't reached 2/3 of it yet

You fuckers. When did I lose pace and take more than a few days with a book? Godammit, when I was 12-13 I read an almost-1000-page book in a fucking week.

>tfw no face

>> No.3989549

I can't believe people are actually replying to this post.

Either it's a troll, or a retard making an actual recommendation thread.

Either way, replying makes you part of the cancer killing /lit/.


Enjoy your ban.

>> No.3989550

OP aqui. Podes hablar Espanol?

>> No.3989551

Just turned 18 literally last week. I'm allowed to be here.

>> No.3989552


>> No.3989554

Sure buddy.

Mods ban this backtracking faggot.

>> No.3989809

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki, for sure. It isn't exactly what you're asking for but you will like it, trust me.

>> No.3989827

>By the time I reached 5th grade, I realized that middle-school was bogus; nothing you do there matters in the real world.
>I feel that, now that I'm a 17-18 year-old, angsty teen, I'm understanding and getting more out of these books
>It feels like these books understand how I think, what I want, how I feel.
>those titles

You can't be a real person. I can't believe it.

>> No.3989888

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

It will change everything for a long long time, every page is filled with amazing thoughts, just take some time to read it to fully understand everything, dont read it in 1 week, more like 1 year. Think about EVERY page, about everything that is written there and take notes.

>> No.3989919

trips, almost quints for the win!

>> No.3989922



>> No.3989934


>> No.3989973

>17-18 year old
enjoy you're ban

>> No.3989980
