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3987638 No.3987638 [Reply] [Original]

How long will it take to read a Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.3987642

A month.

Alot shorter if you read a lot.

>> No.3987656

Is that a month per book or a month for all of em?

Also, how long would it take to read every Terry Prachett novel?

>> No.3987657

For you, a long time probably.

>> No.3987664

How many pages do I need to read daily to accomplish whole series in one month?

>> No.3987673

If you "read" the audiobook version it would be over very quickly.
You can ride your bike and read, drive your car and read, wash the dishes and read, rake the grass and read, take a dump and read, love your girl and read. So much reading time

>> No.3987678

fuck if I know. Go calculate it.

>> No.3987679

Considering it isn't finished yet, several years.
Otherwise, since I can't be bothered to look at exact page counts, I'll say there's ~5,000 pages for the 5 books.

5,000/30= 167 pages/day.

>> No.3987686


I read the first 3 in about a month.

half a year later I'm still trudging through the last 2.

>> No.3987685

How long will it take to run a kilometer?

>> No.3987691

One hour I think.

>> No.3987726

I couldn't have made it through the last two without audiobooks. Even then I began skipping Dorne chapters etc. Among the worst novels I've ever read / listened.

>> No.3987738

When we walk fast, we walk at about 3km/h (1.8 miles/h)

>> No.3987762

Ergh, mate, a fast walk is about 8km/h. A standard walk is about 6km/h.

A kilometer takes about 10 minutes to walk at fast pace.

Learn to fucking march.

>> No.3987768

>Learn to fucking march.

I think I might learn to February first.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

>> No.3987870

I haven't read Game Of Thrones but I am reading Gardens of the Moon and I've heart they're rather similar in length and I could probably read the book in 2-4 days if I'm in the mood.

Right now I did only 1 chapter per day (I had other things to do) and the first 4 chapters were already around 1/4th of the novel.

So I'm certain it's possible to read it in 4 days.

>> No.3987887

(A single novel ofcourse)

>> No.3987901

What is exactly what made the novels so bad?

Genuine question as I'm thinking about reading the novels one day (Once it's finished)

>> No.3987925

ADD babby can't take character development chapters. Nothing to see here.

>> No.3987939

Not him, but keep in mind it is genre fiction. They can be entertaining books (although I'd argue it gets less entertaining passed the third) but if you read mostly /lit/core, in comparison, it's not exactly great writing.

With that said if you enjoy stuff like Harry Potter or any other generic fantasy series, you'll probably enjoy these (emphasis on probably, because they're a bit less focused on magic).

>> No.3987954


In the third book the story really picks up and moves at a good pace, shit is just generally exciting and it makes you really want to know what happens next

and then you hit the next book and it's a snail's pace and hardly anything happens, most chapters are filler.

>> No.3987964
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To be honest, I don't read much and enjoyed pic related.
So I guess I'll be fine.

Btw, what would be some good fantasy recommendations of fantasy that's really epic on scale?

Thank you for the answers.

>> No.3988169 [DELETED] 


>> No.3988304


>> No.3989213

Which ones are the worst POVs?

>> No.3989246

you sound like a loser bro

>> No.3989371

Read the Malazan books nigger. Don't read Gardens of the Moon though, because it's a fuckin mess.

>> No.3989378

holy shit fuck that, I read about 40 a day.

>> No.3989389

that dornish bitch no one cares about and sansa also daeny get pretty bad at book 4 and 5.

>> No.3989533
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>skipping chapters
How can people live with themselves.

>> No.3991285

Dresden Files
The way of kings
Night Angel
Abhorsen Trilogy
Mistborn Trilogy

>> No.3991307

The novels aren't bad. But the last two books are considerably more boring than the first three, even with shit more epic-er happening in them. It moves more slowly, especially Dany and Brienne chapters

>> No.3991333

I almost skipped some Brienne, Sansa and Dany chapters

>> No.3991338

That's a lot of time per day, right? What do you think?

>> No.3991492

month and a half and I read the five books.
Read a lot though, but it wasn't forced, as the book was interesting and you always wanted to keep reading

>> No.3991539

how many pages you read in a hour?