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3979949 No.3979949 [Reply] [Original]

Recommendations for people looking for anti authoritarian, historical or philosophical books against western hegemony, racial, cultural, and economic imperialism.

>> No.3979957

Gee, I don't know, we pretty much decimated the cultures you'd see writing such bullshit.

>> No.3979958

Pretty much anything written after the liberal bourgeois oligarchies teamed up to demolish the last best hope of European cultural virility in the 40s.

>> No.3979984

Anything by Noam chomsky
Autobiography of Malcom X
Assata by Assata Shakur
Everything here http://www.historyisaweapon.com/hiawbooklist.html
Jarrod Diamond for the Anthro aspects

>> No.3979988
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>> No.3979995

European culture, lol.

>> No.3980013

Manocentric manocracy with phallostructural penisopolies. That's not culture. Fat chicks and African feces architecture, not that is culture.

>> No.3980048


The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord


>> No.3980074

I can't believe his rotten black soul didn't reject his new human heart.

>> No.3980094

Maybe because he isn't actually the monster you leftist have convinced yourselves he is.

>> No.3980120


>> No.3980133

The Black Jacobins by CLR James is some great afro-centric history. Although her writing is difficult, Spivak is still my favourite anti-colonialist writer.

>> No.3980194

yeh, he's a sweetheart

>> No.3980197
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anything by pic related

>hope you're enjoying undergrad

>> No.3980199
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Hi, Bill. Have you seen Jon lately?

>> No.3980211

In the interest of defending leftists, not all of us are as dumb as>>3980074 even if he was joking the idea that politicians on either side are out to hurt the public is ridiculous.

>> No.3980216
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Not so much an argument against "Western hegemony" as an explanation of how it came to be in the first place.

>> No.3980224

Seconded. It's by Edward Said.

>> No.3981942

Chomsky is your best bet. Also Howard Zinn

>> No.3982070

Yesssssss. This will be the very best rec you will get in this thread. Be warned, however, as its quite a bit weightier than people like Chomsky and whatnot.

Pretty much anyone who draws from Wallerstein is great too, especially people like Samir Amin, J. Sakai, etc.

Read Fanon as well.

>> No.3982084

Lol, I think he should probably ease in with something like the volumes of The Modern World-System before getting into stuff that granular.

>> No.3982149

Thanks guys, wrote down everyone and everything you've suggested so far, we'll start researching(torrenting) soon

>> No.3982183

orientalism is a fucking snore, overrated bullshit, i mean he has a point but you could just read some wiki cliff notes shit about it and save some time unless you're like an arab studies major or something there's no need to read it

>> No.3982204
File: 15 KB, 226x320, Imperialism book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fuck around with that post-modern pussy shit, go straight to the hardcore stuff:


>> No.3982227

>documented in classified documents as saying he didn't care that 50-60% of the people detained in gitmo and abu ghraib over the years were innocent if it meant catching a couple terrorists

Yeah what a nice guy.

>> No.3982488


>> No.3982553

only correct response

>> No.3982559

Anything by the man in this picture, though it really goes way beyond the scope of anti-imperialism. In particular, I'd recommend Against Civilization and Twilight of the Machines.

>> No.3982560
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and like an ass, I forgot the picture.

>> No.3982567

ha, appreciate it.

>> No.3982572


I liked that, bit hard to understand at som parts though (think ch. 4 or something)

>> No.3982596

A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.3982604

/pol/ pls go

>> No.3982614

Chomsky shit

Empire by Hardt and Negri

>> No.3982996

I don't think you've ever been on /pol/

>> No.3983045

He's asking for the opposite of /pol/ , peasant

>> No.3983707


>> No.3983726


Rousseau (various essays, 'Origin of Inequality' is particularly relevant) and J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty' and 'Principles of Political Economy'.

>> No.3983774

>Lol, I think he should probably ease in with something like the volumes of The Modern World-System

That's the first volume bruh. It says so at the top, the cover designs of the most recent editions just make it harder to see.

>> No.3983794


>> No.3983811

Just go to your local adult proprietor, acquire the largest black dildo they stock, and use said dildo to ravage your sphincter. It accomplishes all of your oikophobic aims and tickles your prostate in the process.

>> No.3983821


>> No.3986109

Its a bit early to be projecting your lust for anal stimulation, dont ya' think?

>> No.3986112
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>> No.3986119

Recommendations for people who want books to tell them exactly what they want to hear so they don't have to think critically?

>> No.3986135

If you want to read a book that will help you think a certain way, read stuff of the opposite viewpoint first.

>The Road to Serfdom was my first "smart people" book
>now a socialist

>> No.3986143

Anything postocolonial. It's the fields of diarreha version of socialism for racist loser niggers crawling around in the last bastion of communism - american universities - like retarded screaming rats that no one cares to take care of.

>In "Can The Subaltern Speak?" Spivak discusses the race and power dynamics involved in the banning of sati. Spivak writes that all we hear about sati are accounts by British colonizers or Hindu leaders of how self-immolation oppressed women, but we never hear from the sati-performing women themselves. This lack of an account leads Spivak to reflect on whether the subaltern can even speak.
Newsflash: If you're a pile of ashes YOU'RE DEAD!

>> No.3986327

>Insulting people for no reason

>> No.3986331

discipline and punish breh

>> No.3988014
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>for no reason

>> No.3988176

You're delusional if you think they are there to serve you.

>> No.3988219

If the Third world wasn't inferior, how come we slaughtered them like hapless cattle? Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.3988234

>Recommendations for people looking for anti authoritarian, historical or philosophical books against western hegemony, racial, cultural, and economic imperialism.

Given that your theoretical position is obviously post-structuralist go die in a fucking fire.

If you are born again hard then let's start with the Autonomists, Regulation theory (Varieties of Capital debate), and Wallerstein. After that you can go back to the classical texts, or do Lenin versus Rosa versus Kautsky on imperialism. Might want to read the reformists (Hilferding?).

Given your misuse of Gramsci's term "hegemony" you need to do Gramsci too.

Finally, given your pathetic start with "authoritarianism" you'll have to read the US political scientists of the mid-twentieth century with their pathetic attempts to save "Pinochet" from being totalitarianism by inventing a category "authoritarian." And then finish up with some Arendt on totalitarianism, I'd suggest Eichman in Jerusalem.

That's probably about two years of reading right there to unfuck you enough to reask your question.

>> No.3988300

Now this is why I love this board. People here really know their shit.