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File: 30 KB, 948x1440, quiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3976554 No.3976554 [Reply] [Original]

Is this as good as people say it is?

Also, any good non-fiction recommendations?

>> No.3976572


>> No.3976589
File: 166 KB, 780x519, reader1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good question. if I sey yes, I become one of the persons whose statements you're questioning. It's an infinite loop, OP. It will go on forever. Have a good journey. OR MAYBE YOU SHOULD READ IT YOURSELF AND MAKE YOUR OWN OPINION?

>> No.3976590

What's your opinion of it?

>> No.3976594

it's shit

>> No.3976597

Someone bought it for me ages ago and I still haven't read it, both because I'm a dick and because it has a slight aura of self-help/motivational bullshit. Though I lent it to a friend and he really liked it.

What a pointless post I just made!

>> No.3976598

Is it as shitty as I say it is?

>> No.3976603

im just trolling. this is a board for opinions, discussions on books. your post is fine! I'm the dickhead.

>> No.3976606

It's very very bad.
I think it started out as a tumblr post.

the dichotomy is archaic and she uses many weak analogies like 'albert einstein was quiet, see you're not dumb!'. neglecting all the other personality factors of people like albert einstein.

We need to face reality. If you're quiet it's likely because you're not as quick witted or intelligent as others. This is from an introspective dumbass.

>> No.3976620


>> No.3978035

3/10; I was taking you somewhat seriously until the last line.

>> No.3978073

Introverts are just people who get tired after long periods of socializing. This book is for people who are insecure and paranoid, thinking that every single person around them will suddenly become furious and/or vomit on the ground at hearing words such as "quiet", "shy", or "introverted".

Man the fuck up. The truth is, nobody gives a fucking shit about you.

>> No.3978087

>Introverts are just people who get tired after long periods of socializing.
Oh man, I have this a lot. I remember when I went to Barcelona for seven days with high school, friends were around me all the time. When I got home I slept for two days, no kidding.

>> No.3978093
File: 34 KB, 163x176, shiggydiggymahler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're quiet it's likely because you're not as quick witted or intelligent as others.
Typical pseudo-intellectual extravert spouting his opinions like they mean something
You haven't read the book obviously

>> No.3978106

>If you're quiet it's likely because you're not as quick witted or intelligent as others.
Freud is alive!

>> No.3978107 [DELETED] 

only if ur an introvert

>> No.3978110 [DELETED] 

its as good as extroverts say it is

>> No.3978141

its like a book version of a TED talk. it was very self satisfying to a fellow introvert such as myself. i enjoyed it. made some good points.

>> No.3978158
File: 308 KB, 521x340, are you serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're quiet it's likely because you're not as quick witted or intelligent as others.

>> No.3978170

You see this shit starts off wrong already. Introvert =/= being shy or being quiet. I'm introverted myself but very talkative among friends

>> No.3978172



Next you're probably going to tell us how not having sex for three weeks is suffering.

>> No.3978181

Introverts do have friends. Being shy is part of social anxiety. Also I am very shy around girls so needless to say I'm a kissless virgin

>> No.3978463
File: 51 KB, 338x288, autism glorification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reeks of pic related.

>> No.3980972


>> No.3980981 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 400x267, 1348116132776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit because it doesn't feature child rape. Only total child rapening progress our minds toward hope and change 4 trayvon.