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/lit/ - Literature

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3976175 No.3976175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some of us want to get together a bunch of short stories from /lit/ users and compile them to be released together.

They would all have some sort of common setting or theme, that we will decide together.

Join the IRC for discussion


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The idea was birthed originally on this VN thread:


Anyone is welcome to discuss or contribute.

>> No.3976196

So... what exactly are you planning to do with this? Sell it as an e-book?

>> No.3976201

No, this is mainly just for fun and to see what /lit/ can do together as writers.

The first thread was about making a VN like Katawa Shoujo, which itself was a project made by /vg/ (I think). Some of us thought that a collection of short stories would be much more viable, and relevant to /lit/. It would be interesting to see other boards come together to create based off their topics.

Come join the IRC and we can decide more about that.

>> No.3976266

I have a great idea for a plot. A black girl is adopted to a white town by a mad professor using her for experiments. She overcomes racism and lynchings through a combination of her black intellect and hiding out in the library reading physics books. She eventually saves the town from an apocalyptic nuclear meltdown even though they don't deserve it. At the end she is lynched by a white mob of ~200 yelling KILL DER NIGGARDS and she says "I forgive you my brothers and sisters. Lean forward." Then they regret killing her and decide to impregnate all the women with mail order black sperm from Sweden. The town becomes leftist utopia within a few generations.

>> No.3976267

Correction: It was a project made by /a/ inspired by a couple of character sketches we found.

>> No.3976268

It was made by almost exclusively people from old /v/ (a couple from /a/, specifically an illustrator) and it predated /vg/

no disrespect, just needed to set the credit straight where credit was due

plus /vg/ is powercancer

>> No.3976274

Thanks for the correction, I couldn't remember for sure. I probably just thought so because of the persistent General thread there.

If any of you are interested in this project, then join the IRC

>> No.3976275

>what is TAR

>> No.3976278

/vg/ was actually made in part because KStards from /v/ couldn't contain their FEELS autism.

>> No.3976282

This is now the official outline for our project.

>> No.3976297

Sequel: A neighboring white town is jealous of their new leftist utopia and invades with an army of red trucks. They make a sport of trying to run over as many black children as possible and the winner becomes Grand Wizard of Boss Hoggwarts. Unfortunately they can't fight back against such crude white devil tactics because they are 90% astrophysicists and the remaining 10% cure cancer. What ever will they do? The reader will sit at the edge of hyr seat in this gripping tale that is ultimately about love and progress.

>> No.3976304

>ever accomplishing anything

I think it would be too difficult for our readers to suspend disbelief. How about we make it a town of lizardmen instead? They can be led by a minor noble from the House of Windsor.

>> No.3976307

Only if the lizards are an obvious metaphor for the white devil killing our black youth with their neighborhood watch captains.

>> No.3976343

What, only one mention of TAR?

Why is it necessary to start another collective, especially one that seems to be spearheaded by animoos and amateur VN translators?

I'll say it again, TAR already exists. 'What' and 'why' are all that I can think right now reading this thread.

>> No.3976356

This will be based on having a common theme each month rather than random unfocused submissions, and won't include poetry.

>> No.3976361

We're seeing if we can synchronize a proper world rather than just a bunch of contributions. If we can we can pull of a VN no problem.

>> No.3976362

A VN isnt really the goal of this at all anymore.

This also wont be a monthly publication

>> No.3976396

I don't think there's enough interest in /lit/ to warrant that. There's occasional writing stimulus threads, and if that's the crux of the project then we should just make more of those threads.

Rather, I see more demand for a philosophy centred publication from /lit/ with the recent influx of those sort of threads.

>> No.3976485

Katawa Shoujo was in the making since like, the second year 4chan was around (work was very fucking slow). /vg/ has been around since like, a year and a half ago.

>> No.3976491

it's been pointed out, yes

>> No.3976501

We really need to make this modern and inclusive. All the characters except maybe one or two should be diversities. I'm so tired of protags having non-diversity skintone.

>> No.3976507

That's up tp the individual writers. If you want to take part, by all means free feel to do so. Join the IRC

>> No.3976510

If you want to make this different from TAR, it has to be thematic, like you've said.

We're all far too invested in our own ideas to write something you you in a short period of time.

The nature of this board means people are highly unlikely to stay motivated over a long period of time, the project will die uncompleted.

>> No.3976514

Maybe so, but I won't know for sure til I've tried

>> No.3976527
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So here's the pitch of a first theme:

I have been reading this wonderful book the past few weeks or so (I particularly found inspiration in one item) that collected and archived a bunch of novelty items they would advertise in comic books. The Groucho Marx beaglepuss glasses, the "hypno-coin", fan-clubs and decoder rings, that sort of thing. I've become fascinated with the idea that these items could carry meaning in a story and serve as symbols for things. Sure, some of them don't work that well, but I think the contributors could find an item or an advertisement they like and write a story centered around that item. A story about the "insult that made a man out of mac" comic where a weak boy becomes an adonis-like man over the course of a week, a story about a boy mail-ordering kryptonite and killing superman, stuff like that. I don't think it's the most original idea, but for a starting collection of stories for the writers on /lit/ they can write comedies, horror, anything they want yet readers will still have the consistency of American comic book culture to identify with.

Again, just an idea. You don't have to use the book in question for material, I just mentioned it because that's where I thought of it.

>> No.3976528

No. We can't take anything in. We should encourage a modern approach and bar the writers who insist on enforcing patriarchy and marginalizing diversities.

We could develop a methodology for objectively measuring which story is good and which is bad. For example, you get +10 points for showing a diversity become victimized by a white racist. +5 points for showing two males kissing. Etc etc. Less than 25 points means it's a problematic text that normalizes oppressive institutions. The write gets 1 revision cycle to prove that it was just a mishap on her part, otherwise their work is denied and they are muted from speaking in the irc.

>> No.3976632

We are still taking topic suggestions and questions on the IRC channel. Come discuss and help make it great