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/lit/ - Literature

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3973747 No.3973747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3973759

Because there's nobody else.

>> No.3973770

Because I don't have a circle of friends and even though it was possible to go to this rpg con with a friend, I'm not interested in it, and I would actually want a girlfriend whom I could spend time with alone, and not walk around in some sperglord festival, but you always have to have lots of friends or hobbies to meet someone. I'll just stay at home and write my novel. I think no girl will find their way here, but it doesn't matter, I don't have furniture anyway.

>> No.3973788

diagnosed depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

>> No.3973791
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>I don't have furniture anyway.

>> No.3973798

I'm a solipsist.

>> No.3973803

I wont be. My buddies and I are going camping.

I hope they bring the lube. I haven't been gangbanged in a while and I need it.

>> No.3973817
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my friends don't understand base and superstructure, they don't even understand material relations

>> No.3973819

that's actually pretty badass.

>> No.3973821


>> No.3973823

because I don't want to be at a 5 year old's birthday party for too long. QQ

>> No.3973824


>> No.3973826


I wood

>> No.3973829


>> No.3973830 [DELETED] 

"daveed foe-stair way-ya-se"

>> No.3973831

>doesn't like to share substances/likes to share too much
each according to their needs and means goes both ways bra

Because I'm reading an enjoyable book which, by virtue of being a book, is at least ten times as fun as people.

>> No.3973838

"daveed foe-stair way-ya-se"

>> No.3973839

what are you reeding?

>> No.3973855

Because I have no friends.

>> No.3973857

I won't. I'll probably be chilling with some friends not doing anything special. Smoke some weed and talking about anything.

>> No.3973860

The Interpretation of Murder
>inb4 genre fiction
someone's murdered by lung explosion in a pressured elevator to the bottom of the East River and Freud wet himself :D

>> No.3973865


>> No.3973866

I wont.
Ill be banging my cousin.

>> No.3973870

Ha, the joke's on you, for I intend to watch some trashy chick flick with my mom!

>> No.3973869

post pics of cousin

>> No.3973873

but doctrine must divide society into two parts, one of which is superior to society
I thought he was talking about me specifically
I've had nice conversations about Nietzsche with them and I like sharing shorter works but my city friends think Derrida was a charlatan and my other friends are busy being hipsters, like me but in a more social and fulfilling way

I could probably be doing things with them if I weren't reading but Discipline and Punish synergizes really well with having a prison-labor sugar economy in Tropico

>> No.3973875

I'm actually going to be partying from three in the afternoon till I pass out from drinking.

>> No.3973876

I'm a friendless loser.

>> No.3973885

>implying I'm ever alone
It's okay if you're 23 and still live with your parents here.

>> No.3973897


Bongiorno amico.

>> No.3973898

I'll be moving back to my parents' house söin because it's impossible to find a nice room or apartment as a student. I've kind of missed my dad anyway.

>> No.3973900

I'm 34 and still live with my parents. I have never had a job.

>> No.3973905

you should start to getting worried dude

>> No.3973907
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>> No.3973908

you wish, bring a sponge

>> No.3973910

I have papers to write godammit, fuck friends

>> No.3973914

Yeah, I know what you mean. The nice ones are most expensive, you'd think it cooks and cleans for you as well.

I can see myself becoming you slowly.

>> No.3973917

I won't.

>> No.3973922

I wont be alone tonight, I have /lit/ to keep me company.

>> No.3973925

It is Saturday night, and my wife is at the table behind me. My son is asleep. But the reason I am alone is because we are all, each of us, wherever we go, wherever we are, alone.

>> No.3973931

But i won't

>> No.3973939

I deleted my facebook and haven't switched my phone on for over a month. Am I less happy? No. Am I happier? No. I was depressed when I had a social life and I'm depressed now. Is there any difference? Is that a stupid move? Maybe, I don't know. But at least now I don't have to sit with groups of people and feel painfully like I don't belong there.

>> No.3973941
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>> No.3973948

Thanks Anon, I'll try thinking about that.

>> No.3973955


>> No.3973959

I drank all day yesterday, with three separate groups of friends, so I'm feeling a little rough.

>> No.3973975

Because it's the summer, and I'm in a city inhabited completely by people who I don't know, and I have no mode of transportation other than bumming rides off my father. So I'll probably play Civilization and think about an ex-girlfriend.

>> No.3973984

I have extreme b.o. right now and there's no deodorant around. I've never felt so neckbeard before

>> No.3973988

Have a fucking shower and scrub your armpits with soap.

>> No.3974008
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Because I spent the last two days drinking with friends and I'm tired and want to clean my shithole apartment and indulge in naked time.
Also I've just discovered the record function on my laptop, so I'm going to be recording fanfiction until I pass out because fuck you.
Maybe I'll do it with books eventually, too. Sweeeet.

>> No.3974060

Because my qt lit boyfriend broke up with me last night, and I don't have the heart to venture outside just yet

>> No.3974067

I like it

>> No.3974072

Can I get his number?

>> No.3974074

Well it's Saturday night here (nearly 2 am), I'm on the computer alone but there's a girl sleeping on the couch in the next room. I still feel alone though because she's vapid and complains all the fucking time and is a terrible conversation partner and I hope she leaves early tomorrow.

>> No.3974077

I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide.

>> No.3974078

he's not looking for exclusivity, so only if you can handle not being a bottom bitch

>> No.3974089


>> No.3974103
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It is quite simple really. I'm a shut in with no social skills and consequently, no friends.

I would really like a friend. I know a lot of people online, but it just isn't the same. They at least keep me partially sane.

>> No.3974118
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>no qt intellectual gf

>> No.3974131

>living a life where you would need to explain something like this

that would be like asking, as i walk on the street, "why arent you crawling instead of walking?"

>> No.3974171

>Discipline and Punish
just skip to the end, m8

but i'll be with my work friends, working

>> No.3974172

>tfw you only have acquaintances, but no 'real' friends so to speak

>> No.3974230

i'm past that phase

>> No.3974243

lao tzu never said that doe

>> No.3974256

>Lao Zi
>Saying anything

>> No.3974258

>a collective persona can't say anything

>> No.3974263

Actually I won't be... one of the few. Outings with close friends on Fridays, pushed back to Saturdays.

>> No.3974530

I'l be your friend if you're friendly and have good morals, no matter how bad your social skills are. Mine suck too.

>> No.3974539

I went out last night and am not feeling too well today.

>> No.3974555

>good morals
lol :^)

>> No.3974556

I've got to spend all my day at work communicating with customers, suppliers and my colleagues. The last thing I want to do with my time off is spend it in the company of others.

I love my friends, I love people. I just can't stand their company.

>> No.3974558

Yeah, whatever loser

>> No.3974565

What's funny about that? A true measure of a man is his ability to find a humanistic worldview when in a nihilistic state of mind.
Like this

>> No.3974574

I do feel awful about turning down their invitations so often. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't want to spend time with them.

>> No.3974572

that you're stupid

>> No.3974579

Yes, guy, it's called introvertism. It's not as uncommon as you seem to believe

>> No.3974586

It's called "being an introvert", "introvertism" is not a word. Where did I say it was rare? Or are you just trying to groundlessly claim I'm wrong about something simply to feel better about yourself?

>> No.3974590

Oh god that is actually funny. Maybe you should be a bit more humble and caring. You judge someones worth on their smarts, I use their kindness. It takes balls to have morals dude. BALLS

>> No.3974593

>It's called "being an introvert", "introvertism" is not a word.
Yes it is, google linguistic descriptivism and stop being a cunt.

>Where did I say it was rare?
You keep explaining it like it's something novel and intriguing, not a wildly common state for losers

>> No.3974597

>Maybe you should be a bit more humble and caring.
maybe you should stop preaching your "good" morals to others and kill yourself

>> No.3974610

Find it in a dictionary and suck my balls.

I've explained it once, in response to OP's question. You seem to be upset about something. Are you struggling to come to terms with having to spend time on your own?
Most habitual readers and professional writers aren't particularly extroverted people. Maybe you'd feel more at home on /fit/ or /sp/ ? Or perhaps just stop browsing 4chan and go outside, if your measure of man is how much time he spends around others.

>> No.3974612


Hung out with friends yesterday, I'm going to the gym today and I'll be very tired.

>> No.3974615
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>Find it in a dictionary and suck my balls.
Don't need to.
1.) It's used by people - see picture
2.) People know what it means - see your post
That's enough to make an word legit.
You keep waiting for your academics to allow you to use the language, loser.

Keep the wiki psychology to yourself, you don't impress anyone.

>> No.3974620

People use lots of things that aren't words. Doesn't mean they're not stupid. Glad you've implicitly conceded the main point, anyway.

>> No.3974628

>People use lots of things that aren't words.
You still don't get it.

>conceded the main point
I didn't concede shit; Losers can write good books.

>> No.3974645
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I get it, we're using different definitions of "word". I'm defining words as things that are accepted as words, you're defining words as all things that people understand the meaning of. Such as image related. You think this is a word.

>Losers can write good books
Then I'm happy to be a loser by your definition, and contend that your definition is as retarded as you.

>> No.3974654

>Such as image related. You think this is a word.
No, it's a gesture which can have a meaning. You really don't understand much of anything, do you?

>Then I'm happy to be a loser by your definition
If only there were more losers writing good books to keep me entertained. Too bad most of you losers are worthless

>> No.3974687

You're just being contentious for the sake of it. Something has upset you. Would you like some warm milk, maybe a hot toddy?

>> No.3974696

And back to the wiki psychology and /b/ tier attempt at being funny.

Go play somewhere else

>> No.3974719

Because I'm autistic and none of my friends want to hang out with me that much and I don't have a girlfriend because I don't got any Game and I'm a 4/10 (and I used to overestimate myself as a 6/10).

>> No.3974723

It doesn't take a wikipedian psychologist to deduce that someone being angry on the internet is being angry for a reason, monsieur. Nor has anything I've said been remotely /b/ tier, note I've note mentioned niggers until now. If you have some problem with introverts, you should go outside yourself, or perhaps explain why you are also inside and on your own, aggressively insulting strangers on 4chan on a Saturday night.

>> No.3974726

>lol u mad
>lol u mad
>lol u mad
>Nor has anything I've said been remotely /b/ tier

Also, don't use 'monsieur' when you aren't even close to the level of the monsieur anon

>> No.3974734

But monsieur, you have failed to address any of my points in a sensible manner.

>> No.3974898

you may as well have attributed that bullshit to mickey mouse. also, I'm depressed about the future all of the time, so is stupid anyway.

>> No.3974907


Bingo. Summer during college years means life goes on break. =(

>> No.3974909

>implying you aren't depressed because of the actions you made in the past
that's what he meant

>> No.3974987

because thats what i like

>> No.3974991

I have no friends

>> No.3974992

i thrive in loneliness and i don't really want to hang out with my friends that often

>> No.3974996


i like writing poetry in the dark


standing alone with a drink in my hand while my friends pretend to chat up girls

>> No.3975044

>pretend to chat up girls
how pathetic is this guy? even his friends are hopeless losers

>> No.3975046
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I have no friends and a pathetic social existence and standing.

>> No.3975058

I won't be alone, I have my characters.

>> No.3975073
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Now I'm sad. Thanks OP.

>> No.3975076

>you'll never be as insecure as this guy about your life choices

>> No.3975100
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>> No.3975124

Because my soulmate is going to work tonight and I don't feel like going anywhere. I will just finish my watermelon and I'll be off to bed, read for some hours and this makes me kinda happy.

>> No.3975129

So this. Thanks for being someone, out there, that understands this feel too.

>> No.3975148

I wasn't alone, I was at a bonfire. Until some cows chased us off.

>> No.3975288
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Goodnight /lit/

>> No.3975311

why the fuck would I want to go outside and not hang out with anyone but fedora wearing faggots thinking they know the meaning of life because they read 1/3 of a book on philosophy in which they didn't understand a single word and think because they got through the freshman year of college that they understand the world even though they haven't held a job for more than a week?

>> No.3975318
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>tfw constantly worrying
>tfw seeing a psychologist for anxiety issues
>tfw might get psychotic
>tfw I have to read more
>tfw I don't dare to eat a peach
>tfw starting philosophy major in a month
>tfw no job prospects
>tfw no gf

>> No.3975336

>knows he is doing stupid shit
>continues doing stupid shit
>pays someone to tell this to
>nothing happens

>> No.3975349

She said she's "not feeling too chipper."
It'd be easier to handle if she were simply honest and said "I don't really like you."

>> No.3975362

I can't stop doing stupid shit and insurance pays for everything

>> No.3975369

also I can't just stop being anxious, that's the whole problem of a disorder

>> No.3975412

Ive been spending my saturday nights alones for so long I dont even feel the need to think of a reason

>> No.3975439

stan pls