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/lit/ - Literature

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3971719 No.3971719 [Reply] [Original]

>6,000 word piece
>clever, entertaining, and slightly funny
>didn't have high expectations for it, but it's good
>written in a single day


>> No.3971725

Cool sunhawk, post it.

I'd also fuck the woman in your picture

>> No.3971729

It's a period piece, OP.


>> No.3971732
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No way Jose, this stays under wrap for months (until I go back and reread it, after a period or waiting). I am pleased with it, though.

And yeah, I'd do very nasty things to the girl in the pic. I can't believe some people don't think she's hot, especially in that dress.

>> No.3971741

pls post

>> No.3971747

Do you wish to be a writer Sunhawk? Or do you just write for fun?

>> No.3971765


Why can't it be both of those things?

I've had a lot of fun writing over the years, but I do want to get published eventually. I have serious self-doubts though. I mean, even beyond what most writers experience, which is a lot.

>> No.3971766 [DELETED] 

I don't understand /lit/'s obsession with writing.
Is there some kind of value to what you write, i.e. artistic or cultural? Is there some kind of philosophic debate you want to portray through literature, a problem that cannot be reduced to 'objective speculation'?

Sometimes when I read short stories, it's really just a string of words put together, as if some machine had written down what happened in some imaginary place. It's like reading about life as it is lived, without any undertones or anything between the lines. The kind of short stories you read in pre-school or whatever you have in the US.

Then there is the short stories that I take with me when I put them down, well, the 'good' short stories, in a higher sense than being entertaining. Existential themes, modern/post-modern identity, poetically written or just great prose.

With all the writing threads on /lit/, Anons' writing seems like somehow had written a report over some event, and try to pass it off as literature.

>> No.3971785
File: 374 KB, 2048x1536, typewriterguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fux?

Why wouldn't this board like writing. It's a literature board. We want to become good writers, and maybe one day get published. I suppose there are lots of bad writers on here, but A. there are probably a few good ones, and B. why shouldn't even the bad writers enjoy their hobby?

That post was straight out of left field.

>> No.3971786

Are you alright in the head?

>> No.3971794

Unlike the triphomos I see what you're saying but you've not worded it very well, and you're creating what seems to be a false dichotomy where there's no middle ground between reporting of events and subtle thematic works.

>> No.3971797

most appropiate boards have their share of ambition producers in the mix. /co/, /mu/, /v/, I think /co/ have the most prominent examples. of course, it's always a whole lot of shit fueled by naive circlejerking and poisonous self help team motivation (Work on your comic! 1000 words a day!) with no criticism or self criticism and that stupid cloying "acceptance" rationalization ie "B. why shouldn't even the bad writers enjoy their hobby?"
I doubt you're surprised or confused, you understand it just as well as anyone and felt the need to make a comment, of course it's shit and the people participating are worthless and their egotistic soulless creations are worthless. either they'll figure it out some day or they won't. they /all/ have terrible taste, in literature, in comics, in music, even in videogames, anyone terrible enough to think they'd benefit from a 4chan group motivational effort to make art inevitably will.

>> No.3971798

Man I like that duck box.

>> No.3971801

>they /all/ have terrible taste
again, see sunhawk though I don't think he indentifies himself as an aspiring writer

>> No.3971825
File: 106 KB, 750x500, yellowcomictablepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That post made me laugh so hard. It was generally true, too. Funny and true. Some people go for years without making a post with either of those qualities.

But you can't deny that some artists on the internet have merits, and will eventually get published / signed up / exhibited, can you?

>> No.3971943

I knew it was a shitpost when i submitted it, I have a tendency to come off condescending when I'm not.

I've grown up reading boring books in school, which had no merit what so ever. I could have written those books. I see a lot of my family reading the same books. It's the equivalent of reality TV, it seems like to me that they're neutral at best, and bad for your soul at worst.

Often on /lit/ there's these writers threads. Obviously, as it's a literature board, I know that Sonhuwk. To me, it's like philosopher threads "what was your latest philosophy?". I'm thinking if all of these people really are writers, and I can deduce from the number of people lurking here that some are doing it just as a random hobby, it's random that it has to do with words and syntax. Then I ask, who are the writers with merit? Who are the writers who write, and not just the 'writers', in the same way you're not a philosopher just because you've studied philosophy or/and attempt at writing something philosophical.

I've seen a lot of Sunhuwks posts with the kind of insight, or whatever, that could fuel a writer with thought, and produce an outcome that is actually worth something, and not just random words put together to form a story. I mean, everyone can write a story.

>not natively english
>of course i lurk here and write this because i am an aspiring writer as well

>> No.3971969

This is what I mean. I asked because some of the 'writers' here must wonder if they 'got it'.

I could imagine that you see yourself as some self-proclaimed author, not saying that you're not. It could very well be true, I can't tell much about you from your posts, but they do seem to have the passion to bring your writings into actuality (not sure if that's the correct translation). It must just be weird then, seeing all these other fish in the see, so to speak, without lampooning them.

>> No.3971985 [DELETED] 

I am also an aspiring writer but I'd never deliberately try to write something philosophical or addressing the human condition. I don't think that's something one can do on purpose without coming off very badly.
I just try to write things that are entertaining yet subtle enough not to be read at more than simply face value. That's ambitious enough for me.
Is that so bad?

>> No.3972032

You misunderstand. I am not talking about good and evil. Good/bad dichotomy is boring and useless over the internet anyway. I think you should do what ever you want, and being an aspiring writer is quite a cultured hobby.

I think exactly about the paradox that the good author needs to remove himself in the authorship and let the words speak for himself, although this is not possible. I study Kierkegaard and his merit as a philosopher or a theologian is fought over vigorously here in Denmark, however only in the academic sense. I, together with Roger Poole, tries to see him as a writer. In this way, Kierkegaard, as an author, is also the reader, the receiver. Kierkegaard is, like us, a 'receiver' of this message about becoming a Christian, not an author or authority, and as far removed from actually being a Christian as us, which is why he said that these books were a part of his own education, a point I think a lot of authors will appreciate. "Physician - heal thyself. Author - read thyself".

Sorry if I let your thread off course Sunhawk, I might delete my posts later. They're so dull anyway.

>> No.3972035 [DELETED] 

meant to quote you.

>> No.3972036


Calling yourself clever is like calling yourself cool.

>> No.3972048

I think you have loftier aspirations and a higher regard for what you mean by "writer" than I do.
I like what I write, and it is well received by people whose opinions I value but I don't think of it as art or philosophy and I doubt they do either.
I have the impression you're smarter than I so perhaps you will achieve philosophy and art.

>> No.3972077

The thing is, I don't write. I wrote alot in back in my gymnasium for classe, ficiton and nonfiction. Back then I also used to write some pages about the mistakes done in the classroom, and it even ended in some poetry and diary-style strings of thought. I threw it all out, it was mediocre at best. I use a lot of time on /lit/ and there's so many writers here, I just wonder if I should start.
I think I would be struck down by my own elitism, and that it would be healthy in that way. I don't have a problem with Fifty Shades or Harry potter, or whatever lit usually gets autistic over. I don't regard it as 'literature' either though, so perhaps I am hardcore assburgers.

>> No.3972089

If you want to write, write. Don't feel you have to write simply because you spend time around people who do.
Coming to terms with the difference between taste and ability can be tricky. I imagine it will have put a lot of people off continuing writing. It must be overcome.

>> No.3972459

dem titays

>> No.3973949

I can't believe people actually believe you're Sunhawk. That thread you made trying to prove your new tripcode was legit is still in the archive and no one bought it. Stahp impersonating Sunhawk, he's dead and gone forever.

>> No.3973953

Stop impersonating me, it's unbecoming monsieur.

>> No.3973958

You fucking tripfags, GTFO.

>> No.3973963

Right, that's it. I have had enough of your shit. 'Anonymous' is getting filtered.

>> No.3973964

It's just you and me, then?

>> No.3973989
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>clever, entertaining, and slightly funny

>> No.3974910

>that feel when it your piece grows in your mind as you keep it under wraps
>that feel when you read it and it doesn't live up to your expectations

>> No.3974925


>> No.3974926

That's half the point, isn't it? Then you can improve it so it does live up to them.