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/lit/ - Literature

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3965146 No.3965146 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a /lit/ feels thread

>tfw going to a bookstore with your date, and you just sit around and read without talking to each other
>tfw laying in the bathtub reading on your e-reader and feeling good
>tfw you only read, rather than play video games or watch TV because it feels good to become more intelligent, to explore the world (both past and present) and to understand everything

>> No.3965148
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How about ...

>tfw you caught your mother reading fifty shades of grey
>tfw you see your friend's sister having a copy of 50 shades of grey, you jokingly ask "Can I borrow it?" and she replies: "No, I'm lending it to my friend next"

>> No.3965150

>tfw intend to read, but decide to browse the internet for 10 mins first.
>tfw it's now time for bed and you didn't read anything.
>tfw this happens every day.

>> No.3965153

>bathtub reading on your e-reader
>tfw you only read, rather than play video games or watch TV because it feels good to become more intelligent, to explore the world (both past and present) and to understand everything

>> No.3965164

Reading on the internet is okay, if it's long form journalism.

>> No.3965171

That first one reminds me of playing crap/not crap in a bookstore with a girls you're kinda sorta dating.

>> No.3965205 [DELETED] 

i spilt milk on les chants de maldoror last night

>> No.3965212
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I know that feel bro. Then you dabble it with a tissue, hoping the book won't smell like milk

>> No.3965213
File: 33 KB, 400x321, literary livingx3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collect welfare every month
>read library books and pirated books
>live frugally but decadently
>take walks at night
>fuck up mandatory job interviews
>drink boxed wine from a mason jar
>smile languidly on your balcony at the rising sun with an open robe as you hear distant roosters crow
>scrotum gently caressed caressed by the breeze

>> No.3965216
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>tfw you watch anime, read literature and other fiction, watch movies and shows, and play video games as to explore the thing we call the human experience in order to reach true enlightenment, and not suffer from single points of view.

>> No.3965227
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>>drink boxed wine from a mason jar
The visual imaginary is hilarious.

>>scrotum gently caressed caressed by the breeze

Please post more feels.


>> No.3965231
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Here's a genuine /lit/ feel

>tfw you only read, rather than play video games or watch TV because it feels good to appear more intelligent, to explore the world (both past and present) and to seemingly understand everything

>> No.3965233

anon is refering to browsing on /b/ and wasting most of his time there

>> No.3965236


>> No.3965242
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>tfw you are writing a graduate thesis that won't take long, which continues naturally from your prior interests and education, and which will seamlessly form the foundation of your pipe dream magnum opus
>tfw no time wasted

>> No.3965247

That's not always bad. You don't have to reject the status thing entirely. Sometimes I'm reading because I want to be better than you and because I want people to know I'm better than you. You get the same feelings in the gym or while doing anything with a remotely competitive element. It's natural.

It's when you're a fuckin' pleb who only wants to garnish his Facebook "Likes" and has no aspirations of being the ubermensch and raping everyone with his superior knowledge that you suck.

>> No.3965251

Lel you asshole. True that though.

Touche' for who wrote it and you responded with that.

>> No.3965252
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>he thinks he can understand the world and become more intelligent from fiction

>> No.3965254

I'm pretty sure he meant /b/ in this case, when you browse /lit/ it doesn't count as wasting that much time.

>> No.3965256
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>tfw no nerdy average Korean gf to read books with
>tfw I used to have a nerdy average Korean gf who had breast implants at the age of 21, heh
>mfw I still got the sex tapes

>> No.3965260
File: 62 KB, 500x395, 1359074296229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw INTJ
>tfw rarely, if ever, read fiction

Non-fiction all day, baby.

>> No.3965262

must now deliver or stfu

>> No.3965269

>reducing literature to a masturbatory aid for your little monkey brain and its monkey instincts

>> No.3965271

You shall deliver some digitatized sex tapes or not say anything regarding them at all, we do not care of your opinions over them, only the facts and proof, digital proof.

>> No.3965277
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Nobody else is this utilitarian with literature? The whole literature criticism/ideology/philosophy thing belongs on the autism spectrum, I hope you're not really into that stuff.

>> No.3965280

I disagree with you, this may not be a fact, yet you can learn a lot more with fiction than reality. Fiction is based on reality in many cases, just a modified environment.

>> No.3965284
File: 24 KB, 313x312, hrmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4th year STEM undergrad
>tfw writing soulless lab reports and reading soulless journals all day every day
>tfw barely any time left to read
>tfw dumped Vietnamese gf for being a daft cunt and calling me every day while I was working in a lab and refused to pick up my phone because I had a syringe in one hand and a agar plate in the other and i wasn't going to risk contamination

>> No.3965290

>tfw naively running through the meadows of classic literature because it costs 2 quid making it cheaper, if more consciousness inducing than drugs
>tfw at 4am you pronounce howl to the world because you live alone and don't care what sweet words you are saying sometimes you just need to talk about faggotry to the universe loudly
>tfw you stack books for stability, aware the deluge will come, and seeking consolation in the minimum dogears and dents of the new system might be enough
>tfw just an inch ajar and a waft of booksmell overtakes you
>tfw you read the greeks for dick jokes and suspect everyone else who has read them did too but you don't want this to be your first question to someone who reads ancient greek literature
>tfw you double check the narrator's reliability and you are wrong any way
>tfw it's out of print

>> No.3965294
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Yeah maybe later, I'll post some screen shots.

>picture related, looks like her

>> No.3965295

>tfw you're not a child who thinks television is bad and you're enjoy the current crop of great shows

>> No.3965296

Yeesh, how hard can it be to send text messages, what an attention whore she must have been.

>> No.3965298

Fuck yeah, post a link to the thread when you post them on /b/ or some other gallery, do it. Hurry up.

>> No.3965299
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She just misses you, man. Don't be crass.

>hint: she wants to suck yo dick while you're reading scientific journals

Which reminds me, when my Chinese piggu girlfriend comes back, I'm going to make her suck muh dick while I read Tao Te Ching

>> No.3965302
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>tfw work full-time
>tfw wearing headphones, listening to jazz and reading during lunch break
>tfw colleagues interrupting me to talk about inconsequential work politics

>> No.3965305

>reading makes you more intelligent
this is what c/lit/s believe

>> No.3965320

It actually makes you more knowledgeable on any subject, which makes you more intelligent when you learn how to deal with lives situation, but to develop intelligence relies on the individual, it's not going to happen by pure magic.

>> No.3965322

life's situations*

>> No.3965324

does your measure of intelligence have a reading section?

>> No.3965326

No, it makes you seem more intelligent. And that's all what matters.

>> No.3965333

It actually does. It increases your ability to concentrate, which is a major factor in intelligence

>> No.3965335

I think she might have had some kind of minor mental impairment, at least on a social awareness level. Besides that she was bright.
She had the majority of one of her temporal lobes removed when she was a toddler. Yeah yeah yeah brain plasticity, but still...
>tfw dated a girl for 2.5 years who was missing part of her brain

She said she thought it was hot when I "got all sciencey."
I understand that she missed me, I missed her too. But she gave me no space, and having casual sex with fellow lab workers is easier to deal with in an academic setting than emotional relationships are.

>> No.3965337

so does staring at paint dry. and concentration has nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.3965343

Well said m8.
I've talked my way through situations that I would have been fucked in if I hadn't read as much.

>> No.3965345

>and concentration has nothing to do with intelligence.


>> No.3965364

>But she gave me no space, and having casual sex with fellow lab workers

Nerd sex, that's fucking hot.

>> No.3965370

tfw no qt kawaii k-pop gf to cuddle and discuss literature and art with

>> No.3965372
File: 290 KB, 912x663, 1334709972882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro

>> No.3965376

>bespectacled, olive-skinned microbiologist X blonde-and-blue-eyed chemist with a bunch of piercings

Don't wanna brag, but it is pretty hot.

>> No.3965377

This is the most pretentious thread I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.3965378

Why would you ever want to go from that skin tone to a pasty ghost-like tone?

>> No.3965382
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I wasn't be sarcastic when I said nerd sex is hot, btw. So hot, especially with my nerd ex-average korean gf

>while fucking her "recite lines from shakespare for me, baby!"

>> No.3965397

Don't worry, I didn't think you were sarcastic.

We just had sex like anybody else.
Nobody screamed "1,4-dinitrobenzene!" at the climax of an orgasm, she just scratched up my back and pinched my nipples instead.

Can you guess which one I am in >>3965376 ?

>> No.3965409
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, 1360916894971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one who dumped his vietnamese gf? That, or you scream "1,4-dinitrobenzene!"

>> No.3965417

No, I mean the chemist or the microbiologist.

>> No.3965422

>tfw you like to read, listen to music, play video games, watch movies, work out, and hang out with friends
>tfw you know more about living than OP
Feels good.

>> No.3965430

Oh look, Asian Spice girl clones!

>> No.3965434

You know jack shit m8. Get rekt.

>> No.3965436

that "feeling" when tao lin has "released" a new book called Taipei

>> No.3965470

Do you want a fucking medal? Jesus.

>> No.3965474

Well, if you're offering one, sure.

>> No.3965483

Wow, you're the average teenager!

Congratulations! You're knowledge must be expansive and incredibly interesting! Boy, I hope some day to have done all the things you do! Listening to music and working out?! Neato! Playing video games and watching movies?! SWEET! Hanging out with friends????!!!! Please teach me your ways, wise and omnipotent one.

>> No.3965486


>> No.3965488

>that feeling when Tao Lin "is" a faggot and will never go to "bed"
I suggest you suck ~4 dicks.

>> No.3965489
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>> No.3965517

Reading feels good because it expands the mind, sure, but mostly for me because it gives me ideas for writing.

I like to read emotional and abstract works, however, because that's all I seem to be able to write about. What do you call it when you're sort of an anti-plot person?

>> No.3965520

Hey Tao. I read an excerpt of yours on NPR, and amazingly they had the audacity to say "entrance-less caves" was some beautiful nugget of prose. While I am intrigued in reading your work, I think it's for a type of stoic self-punitive reason than anything else. What say you?

>> No.3965521

>What do you call it when you're sort of an anti-plot person?
Don DeLillo.

>> No.3965523

an autist

>> No.3965529

>tfw INTJ
>tfw rarely, if ever, read non-fiction

Fiction all day, baby.

>> No.3965536

ever had a nosebleed into a book?

>> No.3965549

yes. and it was venus in furs.

>> No.3965553

I sneezed on Ulysses in protest. How can one book be so third rate?

>> No.3965557

>tfw you just read the most boring list of feels

>> No.3965568

if you think that literature is the best tool to achieve the goals stated above you would be an idiot. plus, enjoyment and pleasure are useful anyways. Long and short term

>> No.3965578

get the fuck out of my head, you are making me cry. I'm not even joking

>> No.3965579

what's the current crop of great shows?

>> No.3965580

You're that same faggot that just called me an autist for being into emotional themes, aren't you? Nice use of a buzzword, by the way, but more logically speaking, you evince autismal to the max, thinking of literature as an ends to a means.

>> No.3965582
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>He thinks that literature helps you understand anything at all, let alone "everything"!!

Keep buying into those western cultural texts that deem literature as the most "enlightening" and intelligent art form. Stay in the box, it's fine with me.

>> No.3965587

>makes you seem more intelligent
>that's all what matters
>all what matters
yeah. I see that you mean

>> No.3965590


>> No.3965598
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>only read, rather than play video games or watch TV because it feels good to become more intelligent
This must be the plebbest thread today.

>> No.3965599


>> No.3965605

>tfw you still find people around thinking they "know more about living"

>> No.3965610

But that's where faggots like you belong.

>> No.3965626

Everyone feels competitive about their intelligence, physical traits, etc.

The question is whether you allow that to become your defining aspect or a negative influence to become more self-contained and appreciative of your talents (as opposed to just knowledge in general, which signifies nothing if it is not used for the benefit of society)

>> No.3965635

>which signifies nothing if it is not used for the benefit of society
that's like your opinion, man

>> No.3965637

What would you say is its benefit then, besides self-aggrandizement?

>> No.3965638

Does anybody else find themselves really unamused by other people's trivial problems? I think it's as a result of reading that I have become oddly cynical to certain ordeals. Of course I'll feign interest and everything but I barely ever tell people problems that I have which aren't important.

>> No.3965639

Sneezed blood onto my high school chemistry textbook when I was studying electron orbital theory.
It felt strangely fitting.

>> No.3965652

I'm guessing you mean "signify" as "something that matters". First, I must say that "something that matters" and "something beneficial" are not equivalent, but apart from that I must say that if it's something that matters to oneself then it applies to the definition. Your opinion is that something that intellect not used for the benefit of society signifies nothing, therefore, it's insignificant to you, but you have to understand that it is not insignificant in itself -no such things- but only to you. In YOUR opinion. Therefore, that's like your opinion, man

>> No.3965659

nah I've come to see all problems except immediate excruciating pain as trivial problems and every problem seems I'm told about turns out to be really interesting. It can seem really superficial in one view but you realize the people take it seriously, but "take it" is an understatement: they feel them seriously. The problems are not so trivial then

>> No.3965663

That's a fair argument, but it seems your opinion is that your opinion shouldn't be questioned, in the same manner that my argument has been dismissed. But when it comes to piteous projections of one's own intelligence onto others in order to feel superior, it becomes in a twisted way a community thing. Furthermore, it's my opinion that when you put things out there it's best you justify them somehow. Simply saying that the intrinsic value of feeling superior is what justifies it just proves that you've justified something to yourself, but doesn't retract the negativity it's now spread to others.

In short, the argument becomes "Because I'm an asshole." and that's worthless to anyone except for the lonely asshole himself.

>> No.3965672

I really like that perspective. It's a kind of forced empathy. Your problems may seem on the surface kind of shallow to me, but were our situations reversed we would argue just as fervently for what we previously opposed. I think that's mucho socially conscious, brother, good on ya.

>> No.3965674


Hmm yeah I suppose so. I empathise and feel sorry for them and try to help them as best I can, but sometimes I just want to tell them to think of it like a test and that it's actually exciting to have problems. I think that's where reading comes into the equation, characters overcoming strife and hardships etc.

>> No.3965682

>that's worthless to anyone except for the lonely asshole himself.
I thought you had said that it had a negative worth. You're really liberal with your words, which is what I pointed out in the argument about signification and benefit.
I don't say that you can't object my opinion either, my opinion is just happened to be more based this time (in recognized definitions of the words beneficial and signify), it's about solidity I guess. As for the man, you can see him as an asshole. You are seeing him from the point of view were it is right to be useful to society and wrong not to be so. You may or may not have solid arguments for that view, I don't know

>> No.3965683

It may seem exciting to you, but to them they're immersed in those problems and I hardly think they see it as some sort of exercise, like a rat in a wheel or something. They probably pay more attention to the cage itself.

>> No.3965686

>tfw you grow up in a small town where no one else reads
>you fit in with other kids a little bit, hanging out with people every weekend, going to parties, drinking, smoking weed, but no one is really like you, no one has the same passion and zest for life, everyone wants to just settle down and get a wellpaying job and live the same lives their parents lived
>tfw you spend hours reading a day, hoping that some day you will actually meet someone who likes to read as well, someone with this indescribable spirit raging through their bones
>tfw you go off to college and actually meet people who "like" to read and who "like" philosophy, but they're all the same; fake, obnoxious, and ultimately stupid
>tfw you want to kill yourself because you can't find anyone like you, because you've met a million people yet you're still all alone

Hold me /lit/

>> No.3965687

It has negative worth as a REINFORCEMENT to better oneself. Accepting that you're an asshole, to me, means that you are positively reinforcing a negative trait, and further plunging yourself in that negative direction.

I'll admit to the loose wording. I really hate repeating the same words over and over and if that is confusing I apologize.

>> No.3965691

aww what a cute little special snowflake you are.

>> No.3965706

Nah don't worry, we are just disagreeing. Before I continue: I'm not the "asshole" I'm more or less justifying. I actually like being useful. All I'm trying to say you see him as an asshole (something implicitly negative, I think) because he completely opposes your word view.
Here you are, trying to help make the world better for many and here is this guy just caring for himself, "what an asshole, why doesn't he do it too? put his effort in 'us' instead of 'I' too? what an asshole". But there is no higher principle that says he must or that you must. You feel like doing it and he doesn't and of course, if he is ever in distress you are not obliged to help him out either, you might want to put the effort in someone that is "worth it". As long as you realize that he's an asshole only in the sense that he's an asshole because you have set some cardinal points and his values belong to your south, your wrong, incorrect, etc.

>> No.3965712

Define to be better! Better in reading than playing vidya. Yeah maybe. Better at killing people online, nah

>> No.3965713

>"because you've met a million people yet you're still all alone"
>tfw you found the lyrics to your new country song in /lit/ of all places

>> No.3965720

glad to help

>> No.3965735

I know, I'm a faggot, whatever.

>> No.3965768

I think that our arguments weren't allowed to be fleshed out entirely, and I'm getting a better sense of where you're coming from.

Despite how it sounds, I'm a compassionate guy. I really am. If someone like that needed help I would help him, but the problem comes when his own nature obfuscates any cry for help he might be trying to send out. I'm not a therapist so I can't analyze the twisted ways he is crying for help unless it obviously is a cry for help. I feel like most of them will seek professional help before being earnest towards others, however, so I kind of see it as a secondary focus.

As far as the "higher power" that would justify either one of us, I am against that idea. There's no right or wrong philosophy, and I try not to make that seem like my argument. I just think that in the context of the modern world, there is a forward way of thinking that unifies people, and a backward way that makes us individuals. When I use those words, I'm not just limply replacing "good" and "bad", I mean to say that one viewpoint would favor isolation, and the other unity. It is my belief (and thus back to opinion, which I don't necessarily think is a good argument because then two people aren't really interfacing, they're just drawing themselves off from one another) that the unified way of thinking is something we need to try and achieve.

Which is not to say I don't embrace certain aspects of the individual approach. I think that people need to live in isolation as a pretext for living with others, in order to find out who they are and therefore be earnest with their community. But the asshole lashing out at others for his individuality is just spinning his wheels. He needs to go back inside and think it out some more.


>> No.3965789

>the unified way of thinking is something we need to try and achieve
I agree with you in everything with an emphasis on that bit above. This coming from a guy that has a really hard time socializing. That's the reason I kind of separate the "intentional asshole" and the accidental one, I guess. Anyways, I'm really glad the conversation took the turn it did

>> No.3965797

Me too, brother. This is why I post here.

Also, let me footnote this by saying that my idea of unity is not to be taken in any fascist way, in fact it's probably too complex for any intellectually "acceptable" thesis, but in short I think of true unity as being a community where people meld their individual philosophies through (real) argument and form compromises that better our world. It's balance, not so much conformity.

>> No.3965808

>Tfw spilt coffee on laptop when typing English paper.

>> No.3965816
File: 498 KB, 500x297, poam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embrace post-rationalism
>resurrect dadaism from its grave against its wishes
>smear it with the ashes of rimbaud
>mangle your mind
>don't sleep
>make a vodka martini straight up ice cold
>drink it in a few gulps
>light a dunhill
>joy division played backward
>look from your high rise window
>visualise your mind
>twist it around behind its own back
>interrupt juiceflow
>it starts twitching
>a garden hose of sheep intestine
>oozing black coffee
>it bursts
>bitterness fills the void
>it's thick
>a clear hum arises
>it is your own voice
>you are chanting
>you are naked
>you ejaculate from your twelfth flour balcony
>a seagull snatches it out of the air
>send a cancer society postcard to your niece
>it says "i will never love again"
>it's beyond sincerity
>the winter wind blows cold

>> No.3965822

that's a complex feel, bro. sounds similar to schizo teeny feel

>> No.3965835

>>tfw you go off to college and actually meet people who "like" to read and who "like" philosophy, but they're all the same; fake, obnoxious, and ultimately stupid

It seems you have found your own self. Nice for you.

>> No.3965839

You sound foreign. Anyhow, what do you mean? He found himself in others and detests it? Or he found himself and in doing so recognized that others are detestable?

>> No.3965841

Should you ever write something beyond greentext, hit me up, I'd love to read it.

>> No.3965849


Yes. I was really little, it was a Scooby Doo book.

>> No.3965858

Look at this faggot in denial

>> No.3965885

I know all of those feels. Fuck everyone who's giving you shit, you're a bro. wouldbefriend/10

>> No.3965889

Foreign to the internet?

>> No.3965896

> Bringing an ereader into the bath
You trying to kill yourself?

>> No.3965901


>> No.3965902

Smugness isn't really an emotion. Try again.

>> No.3965907

> 2013
> 20fucking13
> Still believing Myers-Briggs horseshit

>> No.3965908

Cuz asians

>> No.3965909

Sounds like someone knows they were a sub-average teenager

>> No.3965920

>twf reading the name of the rose while walking into town
>attractive young lady of african descent asks for directions
>"Er yeah just turn left at quarta Acaiae k"

>> No.3965921

>get the Copenhagen award novel of yesteryear by Noven Stark Solberg for my birthday from my uncle, limited edition with the recycled pressed cardboard back
>supposed to be be pretty good
>flip it open somewhere in the middle, turns out it's one of those gimmicky pomo things heavy on typography
>don't look at it for a while
>later read a review of the book
>supposedly every sentence of the book can also be read backwards
>the whole book has a different story when read backwards
>start reading
>holy shit
>can't decide to read it front to back or back to front
>end up switching it up
>lose all sense of orientation but am completely enthralled
>most interesting and original work since Joyce easily
>translation into English is almost impossible and nobody is on it yet
>can't share it with my /lit/ bros ;_;

>> No.3965932

>tfw when you have aspirations to be an intellectual
>tfw when you have vidoe lectures, books, and free time to learn more
>tfw when you don't because instead you masturbate all day and night
>tfw two years pass by and you've done nothing

>> No.3965938

>tfw you're literally masturbating over your aspirations to be intellectual

I do not know that feel, anon. Wash your hands and read some shit.

>> No.3965961

>tfw you laugh out loud on the bus and go back to reading the passage

>tfw something happens you do not like and you have to take a few minutes to work out the plot line the book should have had before going back to read the rest of the book mumbling curses at the author periodically

>tfw rolling over in bed keeping the book and page you're on safe is more important than dislocating a limb or faceplanting on your bedroom floor

>tfw you're wearing a tshirt and it starts to rain and you don't know if your book has adequate waterproofing

>> No.3966002

The name is ungoogleable. Are you lying?

>> No.3966008

It's from goatse guy.
I liked it as well, got it saved on my pc

>> No.3966018

Is it in Danish? I'll order it if i can find it.

>> No.3966026

And it's not written for being a feel, it's prose greentext, i.e. it's not feel.
Save it and make a thread on lit with it, be it feel thread, greentext or poetry thread, and youll get replies

>> No.3966033

>implying we aren't all wasting our time here.
>implying that faggots that degrade "casual" reading aren't doing the same thing right now.

>> No.3966038

I'm not wasting my time. I think this place is great either for philosophy insight, however rare, and then general opinions on philosophy or high prose. It might not be useful, but I cannot get this type of 'info' elsewhere. It's intellectual stimulating to see what people think of Kafka and Dostojevskij, even when they're in the wrong or trolling

>> No.3966041


The problem with the people who whine about casual reading is that they all end up reading the same books because they all start with "the best". Ultimately they all end up becoming the lowest common denominator retards they assume everyone else is.

>> No.3966065

>not being able to become more intelligent by playing video games.

>> No.3966091


I have drooled on so many books. Maybe about 10, and I think about 3 or 4 were in a row.

Also my runny nose dripping on to books has happened a few times.

>> No.3966103

>went to city's central library to look for books that I can't be bothered pirating
>barely anyone in fiction section
>women who all work there are not even 6/10, even the 18-20somethings
>i'm an ugly guy with no friends, I probably bring the average down

>pick up seven pillars of wisdom
>the first page is incredible, I'm excited to read it, this guy must have lived an incredible life

>pick up the savage detectives
>the back of the book has quotes by bolano saying stuff like, "rarr, I'm an alpha male and when I was young I only cared about fucking, reading and writing!"

>go to media section
>filled with people on computers

wtf is this, serously. the average normalfag must think books are boring as shit. the normalfags had an attention span then they'd be literally stupefied to see the world that books have. not that I care though, it just makes it easier for me to borrow them

>> No.3966126

Orbital theory is easy as shit pleb.

>> No.3966132


Problem with "books" is that they are like cable, only each episode is 8 hours long and you have a million channels and no meands of navigating through the landscape.

On top of that I think the novel is not exactly fit for the 21st century. I mean seriously, going on 4chan is effectively reading and writing.

>> No.3966139

Please enlighten me

>> No.3966160

Wait wait wait what was the first part again?

>> No.3966162

Tfw Pynchon is more informative than any nonfiction I've read

>> No.3966167

All those feels. Im always laughing out loud while reading on the subway.

>> No.3966180

those are obviously not the same people

>> No.3966188


>> No.3966198

>dat mind of a simpleton

>> No.3966234
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That'll teach 'em heh. Confidence restored heh heh

>> No.3966245

/mu/ bro here. i have only met 1 person who listens to music in my life, and he listens almost exclusively to hiphop and modern pop releases, which i don't really. :(

>> No.3966251


> i have only met 1 person who listens to music in my life

Do you live with your mum or something?

>> No.3966267


>> No.3966269

you guys obviously don't understand what i mean when i say "listen to music"

imagine if i told people who have seen thousands of films and know a shit ton about it that i watch film, when in reality the only movies i've seen this year were pacific rim and the conjuring, and the only movies i've seen pre-1980 were the godfather and shawkshank redemption. i literally know fucking nothing about film, not one bit. it would be insulting for me to say i "watch film", though technically i guess i'm right, because i do catch a movie, once or twice a year...

>> No.3966272

So people are not as "patrician" as you are...

>> No.3966274


Are you as autistic IRL as you sound right now?

Because then I would understand why no one wants to be around you, ever.

>> No.3966276

i'm not fucking pretentious and i don't look down on people, you completely missed the point of my post. it's just not possible to have a serious conversation with anybody i meet about music. "so what have you been listening to lately?" "mumford and sons, they're great! have you heard of them?" "heh heh yeah that's cool..."

can't you understand without trying to paint me as a pretentious douchebag? i can't discuss with them things that i have enjoyed in music, because they don't listen to music. it's not that fucking hard to understand.

>> No.3966278

Beta narcissist bitch, most people grow out of it once they grow the fuck up.

>> No.3966281

Still, you've only met one other person who regularly listens to music? Where the fuck do you live? Have you ever been to any kind of social engagement involving your peers? Maybe, you know, go to a concert. God damn.

>> No.3966289

I wasn't lying, I was creating. But it's made up, yes.

>> No.3966290

yeah bro thanks for the advice. i have been to over 10 concerts and met people, and even added some on facebook. and i go out regularly.

>> No.3966292

sorry, forgot. i live in a suburb 40 miles out from st. louis. the music scene here is dead as fuck, almost no bands come through.

>> No.3966294



>> No.3966299

Man I found people like me when I went to college. Where do you go? I go to William and Mary and I met some great, literate people

>> No.3966301

>over 10
Wow, I'm impressed. That's soo many.

But seriously, you've been to concerts, met some people there, and still failed to find anyone who listens to music? I mean, really, let's think about this for a second. You found no one who listens to music. Not even any of the people who were at a concert. What are concerts, again? I forget.

>> No.3966307

Aw St. Louis has a fine music scene. Make the drive

>> No.3966308

you're fucking retarded, i told you almost no shows come through my fucking area that is 40 miles away from me, more than an 80 mile drive there and back.

>people who go to summer blockbusters a couple times a year
>same thing as people who watch film

nice fucking logic, to go back to my analogy.

>> No.3966311

it's okay, i do skip out on a lot of shows if i'm not really really excited for them because it just costs so much to make the trip out, buy food, buy 1 or 2 tickets, etc.

>> No.3966312

You just sound like an unpleasant person. BAM! I think we found your answer. People don't want to talk to you.

>> No.3966314

except you're just trying hard by making sweeping generalizations because you know how shit your logic is. everytime i go to shows i regularly go with people i know. BAM! :^)

>> No.3966317

What logic are we supposed to applying here? What the fuck do you even want everybody to say to you? Move?

Maybe you should just move. Grass is greener, etc.

>> No.3966320

Talk to new people?


Friends made.

>> No.3966401
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>yfw you are fake obnoxious and ultimately stupid

>> No.3966413

>going to a bookstore with your date, and you just sit around and read without talking to each other

this is my definition of paradise

>> No.3966430
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There are people who are actually this delusional?

>> No.3966435

>>tfw you only read, rather than play video games or watch TV because it feels good to become more intelligent, to explore the world (both past and present) and to understand everything
Why not do all three?

>> No.3966445
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>> No.3966451

people who think they are better than everyone they've met or know and have an idescribable spirit raging through them are typically delusional self important pricks of moderate intelligence and zero wisdom

>> No.3966612

The medical term is narcissistic perverse.

>> No.3966740

I prefer country Japanese.

>> No.3966782

So you masturbated for 2 years and not read? That's kinda impressive.

>> No.3966786 [DELETED] 
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Speaking of libraries...

>be going to the library, in the ghetto
>computer room filled with little nigglets, watching anime like naruto....

>> No.3967226

Holy fuck what did they do to her faaaaaace? You've gone too far this time, South Korea.

>> No.3967228

I know half of the before/after photos are probably fake or shopped to make the contrast more extreme, but what happens to the Koreans that do acquire a completely different face? Isn't it weird to no longer look like yourself? What kind of freakish psychological impacts kick in?

>> No.3967236

Hell fucking no she missed him! Some 10 years ago I had this work were some bitch called his husband all the time. And the thing was that you couldn't call a specific individual, but every incall went to everyone's portable phone. It went on for weeks, but our bosses should've had the balls to give her a telling-to after just a couple of days.

So >>3965284 did just the right thing. Because that bitch couldn't into quality time. Work is work and play is play. How fucking hard is it to get that? Especially when it's syringe and petri jar work, not the pleb work I had where everyone is replaceable.

>> No.3967253

You're impressed by that? You should try visiting /v/ sometime.

>> No.3967376

>drink boxed wine from a mason jar
My boss and I drank boxed wine from a pair of mustard and ketchup bottles. They were the cheapest drinking vessels in the store.

>> No.3967538

>You're impressed by that? You should try visiting /v/ sometime.

I already know /v/ is full of fat virgins, no need to visit that filthy place.

>> No.3967566

and what is /lit/ full of

>> No.3967802

No shit. But it's dry enough to make blood come out of my face orifices.

>> No.3967881

Pretentious e/lit/ist that like pre 17 Century Literature, they also drink red wine and wear a Fedora while reading their books by the wood fueled fireplace.

>> No.3967909

Finally someone besides my calloused father understands my decision.

Thank you.

>> No.3968039

jokes on you i'm reading 21st century lit fucked out of my mind on gin naked in front of a desk fan

>> No.3968069

I need to meet you

>> No.3968075

I'll never understand why black people watch anime. I'm being racist, but it just doesn't feel right

>> No.3968125

>tfw not a cynical, hardened asshole
>tfw life is pretty good and people are pretty good

>> No.3968131

what's that like

>> No.3968137

Enjoyable. You can do it too, if you really want to.

>> No.3968206


Le cringing african man face.

>> No.3968227

>tfw you're in the rare book library reading a book that's a quarter of a century old
>tfw you leave, step out the door into the sunlight and think: "oh. there is a world."

>> No.3968239

>tfw cynical, hardened asshole
>tfw life is pretty good and people are entertaining

>> No.3968259

Is quarter of a century supposed to be impressive? The last thing I read (Tamburlaine the Great) was published more than 400 years ago. Let's not even get started on surviving works from the antiquity.

>> No.3968706

1988 was 25 years ago. Metroid is older than that.

>> No.3969161

are you a rapist?