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File: 212 KB, 602x340, ReggieWatts-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3954038 No.3954038 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Reggie Watts and his criticism of "The French Science"? Clearly, he is referring to Lacan, Foucault, Derrida, etc. You will be a little confused at first, but this entire video is most definitely a criticism of French structuralists/psychoanalysts/post-structuralists.


>> No.3954227

2deep4u all? Watch this man, he's a genius.

>> No.3954284

bro this isn't english

>> No.3954344

Explain how this is a critic of the French sciences. I didn't understand shit

>> No.3954350

>"The French Science"
>No discussion of French physics and mathematics

He should havejust kept smoking weed.

>> No.3954365

There's no French science since there are no French scientists.

>> No.3955035

It's a criticism of the meaningless, over-wordiness of French philosophy (that's what he means by "French science"). This is a guy that Chomsky would agree with.

>> No.3955037

Watch for more than 30 seconds you pleb

>> No.3957072

I fucking love Reggie Watts man. I think he's doing more with his act than people realize.

>> No.3957106

Reggie Watts fucking sucks

Performance art is pretentious

>> No.3957129

I think it's better to call it satire than a critique. Yeah, he's making fun of it but you can tell there's some enjoyment of it.

>> No.3957228

neil hamburger would have done it better

this guy is diseased

>> No.3957245


>> No.3957254

Reggie watts is an incedental intellectual. he's just a bohemian artist that happens to also be really funny and intelligent.
this is perhaps a response to the overspaghettification prevalent in the works of people like chomsky, derrida, and lacan. But it also might be gibberish tha was completely uninfluenced by them that also happens to bare similar fields of reference. much of what he has to say are extremely vacuous statements that have been injected with a serious overdose of high vocabulary and confusing sentence structure.
While it may appear that it's a response to supposed intellectual writings about language it comes closer to Heidegger-esque phenomenological gobbledygook and argle-bargle.
I consider it a satire of intellectualism on the whole as opposed to any specific persons or "french science". The fact that it's interspersed with improvised musical genius constructed of nonsense and scatting typical of his other work further implies that Reggie has probably been influenced by artistic movements like Dadaism and people like Cy Twombly and has just found a niche for his humor on these subjects in the TED audience.

also it's pretty funny and very cool to watch while high. This is one of my favorite things I've seen by reggie

>> No.3957261

He actually says "French science" in the video though, that's why I thought he might be referring to French philosophers.

>> No.3957276
File: 14 KB, 240x240, 131809266141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure showed'd those french :D fred rocks

>> No.3957283

Yes, but he refers to the "French Science" in an English accent, and some of the content of his satire also pokes fun at empirical studies launched to confirm things that everyone already knows. It's a two pronged satire that pokes fun at the excesses of both approaches.

>> No.3957288
File: 17 KB, 170x170, 1335496178220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ironical shitposting is just shitposting."
-Christopher Poole


>> No.3957303

>I don't like this, so it's shitposting!

That's all that I read that as. And sage isn't a 'downvote', kiddo.

>> No.3957316



>> No.3957318

>Heidegger-esque phenomenological gobbledygook and argle-bargle.

lay off heidegger m8

>> No.3957330
File: 981 KB, 959x812, 1315061494728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it was funny to you?
you'd pay to see this?

>mfw people actually stood up to clap at the end
jesus fucking christ

>> No.3957343

It wasn't humorous to me, no. As someone who regularly watches TED though, it did give me a smirk. The whole thing felt like an inside joke, so if you don't watch TED it wouldn't have meant much to you.

Anyway, I'm simply hyper anal about board etiquette.

>> No.3957344


It was great. What are you talking about? It was better than anything I've ever seen affiliated with TED.

>> No.3957347
File: 42 KB, 500x441, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who regularly watches TED

>> No.3957358

>As someone who regularly watches TED
>I'm simply hyper anal about board etiquette.
yeah ok I'v heard enough please don't reply to me anymore sage

>> No.3957359
File: 37 KB, 640x480, hyper_anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3957366

Your implied stereotype makes little sense and your shitposting is rapidly spiraling out of control to /s4s/-esque quality.

>> No.3957374

Is there something now inherently upsetting about watching lectures by Michio Kaku and the like?

>> No.3957392

i bet you have a shelf dedicated to dale carnegie

>> No.3957398


>> No.3957400

He really tore into Alan Watts there at around 6:00