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/lit/ - Literature

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3953394 No.3953394 [Reply] [Original]

Story time /lit/
>be me, working at video rental store
>girl comes in, "do you have The Raven? I need it for an essay for my class"
>me: "yeah we have it. it's pretty good. here you go."
>girl: "this is the one by Edgar Allen Poe, right?"
>me: "well it's about EAP"
>girl: "yeah but it's just the movie version of his story, right? I just don't want to read it."
>realize she has no fucking clue what the story or the movie are about
>grin evilly
>me: "yeah, this is the same thing. it will seem strange at first because he wrote it and he's also the main character, but that's just part of the story."
>girl: "ok, thanks!"
>me: "good luck on your essay!"
>mfw I just guaranteed that bitch an F

>> No.3953397

>video rental store

>> No.3953400

ikr. we're one of the last ones standing. thank god i'm leaving that place soon

>> No.3953404

There are some pimp video stores, like movie madness. Renting fantastic planet there requires a $300 deposit

>> No.3953405

>tips fedora

>> No.3953409

another thread in the grand tradition of literary analysis on /lit/, where the most important thing about books is how much we fucking hate women

>> No.3953411

i was just trying to help her. maybe next time she'll actually read since she'll get an F this time. do you think she'll get all pissy and come back to complain? that would be awesome she probably won't though. she seemed too nice and timid

>> No.3953417


>mfw she wasnt even slagathor and you setback her short term academic outcomes

I... love you.

>> No.3953419

>you should really read it. its very short.

this never crossed your mind?

>> No.3953425 [DELETED] 


Look I love the bitches as much as the next man but you have to admit they are pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.3953427


and no, i don't really have to admit that, i don't think

>> No.3953428

i was trying to exact some /lit/ related justice on the uneducated youth of America. i'm practically an educator

>> No.3953432

this anon gets it

>> No.3953442

>be me
>lonely one Friday night, decide to rent a movie
>see cute boy working at video store
>he's got a copy of Infinite Jest that he's reading
>come close to the counter, too nervous to think about things to say
>"err...do you have...mmm...(think about the last book I read)...The Raven? I need it for...an essay...yes, an essay for my...for my c-class"
>boy responds without a single trace of emotion "Yes we do."
>My mind is blank, he's so good-looking. I try to get his attention "erm...this is the one by Edgar Allan Poe, right?" I hope he loves Poe just as much as I do
>He sighs and doesn't even look at me. "Yes, same one. It will be $2."
>I'm about to break down to tears. I mumble "t-thanks" and start to walk away
>I hear him scoffing behind my back "Ha, good luck with your *air quotes* essay"
>I start to run and I don't stop until I'm safe back home
>cry myself to sleep

>> No.3953443

i was having a shitty day too, so i took it out on her. one too many niggers and middle-aged white women had asked me for Tyler Perry's latest shitfest

>> No.3953444

I hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.3953446

good job anon

>> No.3953447

well, i'm not not proud

>> No.3953448

you sound very nice

>> No.3953452

you try listening to people tell you all day long how funny Madea movies are, and having them ask you over and over "have you seen the new Madea movie?" or "Tyler Perry's dramas are so deep and real"

that shit gets to you

>> No.3953455 [DELETED] 


That's what you get for working around poor people and blacks.

>> No.3953459
File: 39 KB, 250x322, angry-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the only reason these subhumans come to our store is because the other rental stores that were in the shitty parts of town are closed now

>> No.3953499

So I did good, right /lit/? OP do good?

>> No.3953532
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>> No.3953534

>imblyign she will remember what the fuck some omega from the store said

>> No.3953821

Good man.