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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 638x634, bkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3951697 No.3951697 [Reply] [Original]

Bukowski is the king of /lit/.

To remove him you must present a contender to the throne, and demonstrate why they should be king without using arbitrary or subjective values.

If you fail, Bukowski remains on the throne.

>> No.3951708 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 960x639, 64914_489462664429302_687367674_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What may appear at first to be just a fantasy tale is actually an absolutely GROUNDBREAKING literary novel. Brayden, whose style is obviously influenced by James Joyce, weaves together philosophical musings on life, reality, the meaning of our existence, faith, God, and more in this incredibly HUMAN response to Nietzsche's "Also Sprach Zarathustra." What Brayden actually does in his 106 page magnum opus is challenge Nietzsche's "Will To Power" by looking at the interplay between God and the cosmos among an evil world where war, carnage, and violence is the rule. Despite all the violence and chaos, Brayden shows how God can still exist among our friendships, hopes, and deeds.

And that's not even going into the implications of Brayden's incredible stylistic innovations. I mean, just look at the book description. Who writes like THAT?! Either ten year olds or Joyce-like geniuses, that's who! And I for one am hedging no my bet that this was written by a LITERARY GENIUS. If you don't get it, then I guess it's just 2deep4you, and you should stick to reading easy stuff, like Sonic the Hedgehog and Emmanuel Kant, no offense.

>> No.3951983

Bukowski? More like bukkake

>> No.3952005 [DELETED] 


No one fucks with Bukowski. There may be better authors and poets, there maybe even be better American authors and poets. But, he is still the king. If for writing Ham on Rye and Women alone.

>> No.3952021

>Bukowski is the king of /lit/.

I don't have a problem with this.

>> No.3952030

Useless immature piece of shit being the king of /lit/? Sounds about right.

>> No.3952033 [DELETED] 

>using the word 'immature'
>accepting arbitrary social constructs

>> No.3952048

>without arbitrary or subjective values
>or subjective values


>> No.3952050

Your, admittedly ironic, failure to present any evidence to support Bukowski's claim to the throne leaves me regarding your opinion arbitrary and subjective.

>> No.3952059


He is actually good. He portrays the human spirit well. He writes well.

My citations are every literature professor or icon to ever come after Shakespeare (cept tolstoy)

>> No.3952087

Tao Lin.

1. He is an author that is talked about often on /lit/

2. He also has come to /lit/ before

3. He is the only author that is talked about often on /lit/ and has also come to /lit/ before

>> No.3952089

But Bukowski is already occupying the throne. No criteria is needed to get him on the throne, because his dimpled ass is already sat on it.

>> No.3952093

For someone who is widely recognised as one of, if not, THE best wordsmith of all time, /lit/ hardly ever talks about him.

>> No.3952098

>without using arbitrary or subjective values.
>He is actually good.

Thank you for you submission. Unfortunately, it didn't meet the clauses and we were forced to reject it.

>> No.3952099

being seated on the throne is a rather arbitrary value for remaining on it, quite unrealistic

anyone who wants the throne really can take it from him, no reason needed, they're all spooks anyway

why not Sunhawk
you know what
I declare Sunhawk king of /lit/

(or monsieur. Monsieur is cool.)

>> No.3952104

This whole sungate trip saga is glorious. IT gives everyone a free pass at saying anything they want under the guise of being a notorious bellend. It also adds a certain weight to unsubtle troll posts such as yours.

>> No.3952111

>insuens ut trollens

>> No.3952115

Shakespeare is dated as fuck.

"Oh, though art plottom thyne Hamlet.
A thousandeth rankles o'er noggin
thy headeth dost hurteth great scryne"

Come one. Nobody can read that shit.

>> No.3952123

u wot m8 say that 2 my mug an not online ill pierce your fukin roots

>> No.3952136
File: 650 KB, 900x602, teensnowmansm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunhawk is now king of /lit/ because I just declared him king of /lit/

that is objective, and directly related not arbitrary

>> No.3952356

Bukowski's on the throne?
Not a big problem, he will soon get wasted and simply slip down from it.
/lit/ will remain a democracy and the problem will be solved.

>> No.3952371
File: 22 KB, 328x400, david2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ doesn't need a democracy. They need a philosopher king.

>> No.3952374


Can we be a direct democracy please? None of that representative stuff.

>> No.3952376

Pic obviously not related.

>> No.3952379

Going back to the Enlightenment we know that all values are subjective. Thanks for playing. Also: FOUCAULT.

>> No.3952380

Fuck you, you're not me. That pick is so damn related.

>> No.3952383


>> No.3952386

This post wasn't me.

>> No.3952389

I firmly oppose that. Monsieur is a monster, clearly/

>> No.3952391

I'm >>3952371 and I say the pic is related!!!

>> No.3952402

Hold on,
so now Sunhawk's trip was leaked?
first his Edginess, the Stanley, now him. Lel.
What is Sunny boy's trip?

Time to drive him out.
Notice how each time a trip has leaked, a tripfag has dissapeared.
D&E left after the leak. Stan left after the leak.

>> No.3952403
File: 38 KB, 499x406, 1366239984171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding DFW

>> No.3952405
File: 317 KB, 1280x960, DFW posted modern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw people don't want DFW to be King of /lit/

>> No.3952411

Well you came and you wore a big crownski
And you got drunk today, Bukowski
And you kissed me and sat on your throneski
And we read you today, Bukowski

>> No.3952418
File: 114 KB, 740x544, hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so now Sunhawk's trip was leaked?
Sunhawk leaked his own trip.

>> No.3952428

>I declare Sunhawk king of /lit/
I'm not sure. I think a monarch is too high brow for me.

>> No.3952432


Satan is on vacation or dead and DeepandEdgy still posts here.
>implying we'll ever be rid of trips

>> No.3952446

>or dead

How do you know?

>> No.3952454

But there's been at least 3 people posting as Stan.

>> No.3952494


More than that at one point, but there has always been only one real Stan, the Albanian one. The others he initiated into Standom. People such as Zeta and Goat, until one Stan turned on him and leaked his trip to all. ##godspeed. At Anon's tried Stanning out of spite, but then realized that they would never fill the shoes of Stan so they left the trip alone, and those who could, withheld their right out of respect. Thus the leaking of Stan's trip could never damage the presence which was Stan, for Stanhood is not easily acquired.
The last time we heard of him he was in an internet cafe in Albania, strung out on some kind of drug rambling about digging up his ancestors and contemplating joining some militant faction with his cousin. In a previous update he told us that he had been cut off from his inheritance by his family for something that he did. For all we know, he is dead by now. We await his return, so that he may lead us into the center of the Earth.

>> No.3952506


Wow. It's like you guys have your own mythology in this place.
Tell me more.

>> No.3952512


What would you like to know, young one?

>> No.3952527


Tell me more about this Stan fellow, or about this Deep&Edgy that I hear so much. Also about Goat. He sounds interesting. Also, tell me about yourself, wise anon.

>> No.3952528

You will soon regret opening this box of Standora.

captcha: thoulib Cauchy

>> No.3952535

Go to bed, Stanley.

>> No.3952540


I'm not him. Just curious and bored is all. Sorry if I am bothering you.

>> No.3952543
File: 72 KB, 451x640, IMG0005_288722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to Albania to look for him.

>> No.3952549

love that review

>> No.3952556


Well, I suppose we must start where it makes most sense to start: at the very beginning.
At the dawn of time, our realm was a very Chaotic place. Discussion was watered down, concentrating mainly on discussions about She who must not be named. /lit/ was an amorphous form, a bleak place without reason, sense, and above all, without Edge.


>> No.3952564 [DELETED] 

Ayn Rand?

>> No.3952570

How come no one ever mentions edgy(r)? It's like everyone's afraid of him including me.

>> No.3952571


Out of this place of extreme entropy, there rose out of the great sea of hot magma, a tyrant. Someone who was to bring form to our world, someone who was to shape the very fibre of what it meant to be a /literate/, and he was to do so with a cold, iron first. That person was Deep&Edgy.


>> No.3952576


He came to us with all of his cutting edge, launching brutal assaults on anyone who dared defy him. His weapon was that of extreme, boundless verbosity, and he was incapable of ever shutting the fuck up. And for that we were grateful.


>> No.3952584


So much so that many of us became his allies. Many of us adopted tripcodes of our own, serving as his personal minions. There was Brownbear, a young impressionable lad who D&E raised as his own son and taught him to senseless subdue the Anonymous horde through meaningless, neverending greentext, the principle form of which concerned literary enounters with girls he continually rejected, even though they were prettier and less slutty.


>> No.3952585


There was Fabulous, a voracious homosexual and D&E's personal sex toy/ Wilde enthusiast.


>> No.3952592


There was Quentin, a troll trained in D&E dungeons. There was Onionring, the female counterpart of D&E who at one point forced herself to abort D&E own seed, after a heated debate concerning deontology. There a man named Behemoth, whose poetry was as awful and overbearing as his towering mass.


>> No.3952603


There was a lady called Elizabeth Huppert and she was a joyless twat. Et cetera. Et cetera. The point is that the tripfags were many, and all were spawned out of D&E's rectum, and served to simmer in the cesspool which was /lit/, until D&E's shit became to odious for Anon to wade through. It was more than knee deep.


>> No.3952608


And the most appalling fact of this was that all the tripfags stuck together. Their allegiance to each other and to D&E was unwavering. United they stood, and Anonymous could never possibly hope prevail, not without help from the inside of tripfaggotry.

>> No.3952610

How drunk are you anon?

>> No.3952615


Quite so.

Moving on, as I said, only a tripfag could help quell the tripfags. Cancer can only be cured with the addition of stronger cancer. It's science. Look it up.

>> No.3952617 [DELETED] 

there was once risky cat
who was fucking master of the universe

>> No.3952622

>there was once risky cat
Who? Never heard of it.

>> No.3952640

I preferred you better as Aleksei

>> No.3952644


Out of the innermost circle of hell he rose up, exiting out of his Albanian sarcophagus with the fury of a thousand wild banshees. He immediately embarked on headlong attack against the tripfags; most importantly, against Deep&Edgy. His weapons were devastating: a fearsome mix of drug use, philosophy and vaulting obscenity. He was a bastard. He was convicted criminal. His edge rivaled that of his Edginess himself and his methods were unscrupulous. His name was Satan!!Fa7levalaleadlzzewhatever

>> No.3952661


The battles were fearsome and the war took a toll on /lit/. A Continental himself, Satan adopted a analytic phil perspective just so that he could counter D&E's postmodernism. But mainly, he followed him around threads and called him "a faggot". D&E countered by naming him Stan, after that obsessive fan in that Eminem song. Everywhere D&E went, Satan was there to torment him. His singular fascination was all consuming; and what D&E thought was a symbiotic relationship was turned on its head. For Satan was a parasite, destined to kill his host. The climax of his fascination could thus only end with the consumption of the object itself. D&E needed to be Destroyed.

>> No.3952665


Hold on Hold. Stan was never D&E's fan. What are you talking about? He hated him from the start.

>> No.3952674


Hold your tongue you insolent cur. I never said he was a fan. That was part of D&E's tactic.

Moving on,
Stan, as he had thus been christened, realized that his Edginess needed to be vanquished once and for all. So what did he do?
I'll tell you. But before that, we must set the backdrop for what came to be known as : The Night of the 1000 D&Es, and alternatively, the D&E-gate.

>> No.3952685


Stan first needed to enlist the help of the Anonymous horde, and since they had long had their fill of D&E, it was no hard task. He began first by impersonating him (if you look at the archives, the switch from Stan's old trip to the one he now uses was initiated as Deep&Edgy). Soon people caught on and /lit/ became a sea of all edge and no depth, despite the monikers. D&E was almost drowned out, as it is hard to be a snowflake within a homogeneous ocean. Everyone was D&E and no one was D&E.

>> No.3952691


But he saw that this was not enough. The damage had been done, but Stan now needed to deliver the fatal blow, to forever end D&E's accursed reign. So he turned to the place that no one thought he would; to the one place we have been to told to shun since the first days we learned to think, nay, to breathe!
He turned, to /sci/.

>> No.3952709

Can you hurry this up I'm trying to go to sleep

>> No.3952710


But he knew that /sci/ could never be persuaded directly. He knew that sympathy would never work with them, as kind emotions are foreign to the diseased autist. So he elicited the only emotion he knew how to elicit: overwhelming butthurt. He trolled them into submission; enslaving one of their best and bringing him here to /lit/, where he made him hack into D&E's trip,and leak it to everyone.

>> No.3952712


Do you know how hard it is to proofread this shit in my state?

Anyway, fuck it, I'm tired.

TL;DR :Stan killed D&E and proceeded to rule as the new king of /lit/, spreading his psychopathic rage and infecting everyone around, until he became worse than that which he had vowed to destroy.


>> No.3952713


Awww no wait. I still wanna know about the Goat and the multiple Stans.

>> No.3952720

But stan is not exaclty ruling /lit nowadays.

Anyway, good story. I'm so sad that the /little anons had to use the dark magic of the autistic ogres of /sci to defeat the Tyrant. Kind of a downer.

>> No.3952735

>tfw grandpa is telling stories again

>> No.3952746


I never liked Stan. Too fucking batshit insane for my taste. A person with no morals is not a person at all. At least D&E had a sense of Ethic. I hope he gets shot somewhere in Albania.

>> No.3952755
File: 39 KB, 380x416, IT IS TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I seriously enjoy Bukoski
>mfw I accept him as king

>> No.3952757

>So much so that many of us became his allies. Many of us adopted tripcodes of our own,

So which one were you? I have an idea

>> No.3952771


You'll never guess.

>> No.3952772
File: 21 KB, 483x690, 86062480f7aa69fa88adcef499ab580e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl+f "houellebecq"
no result.

houellebecq should be the king of /lit/.
1) he's french
2) he's not dead
3) he can talk to geeks (he's been a biologist or programmer or something)
4) unlike buk, he still has issues with sex.
5) buk is an optimist compared to houellebecq

>> No.3952778


James Bond?

>> No.3952782

also, unlike buk, who had no culture, houellebecq can make whole novels about fucking contemporary art, with Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst as lead characters (The Map and the Territory)

>> No.3952787

LOL no. I'm probably the oldest of the old fags. Literally. I'm 50.
Hint: I'm married

>> No.3952788

>Damien Hirst
That's not supporting your case.

>> No.3952791

he's hailed as a genius businessman, the dark version of Jeff Koons.
Boy, you have no idea how much despise houellebeck is capable of.

>> No.3952797


What keeps you coming to /lit/? And what does your wife say?

>> No.3952798

>In Broadening of the field of struggle (shortened as "Whatever" in English),
>The protagonist (Harel), known only as "Our Hero" during the entirety of the story, lives a solitary life, and has not had sex for over two years. Within most of the book and film versions of Extension du domaine de la lutte, Our Hero draws on recollections of Schopenhauer and Kant to lambaste the commodification of human contact, punctuating his inner monologue with bouts of nausea and onanism. He is wracked by the implications of decisions that would seem minor to the average person, such as disclosing his lack of a sex life through the purchase of a single bed. He is teamed up with a disturbing, desperate 28-year-old virgin, Raphael Tisserand, to deliver a series of seminars on the use of IT. Raphael looks up to Our Hero for ever having been able to hold down a relationship, and listens to his musings on love with tragic, but ultimately inspirational consequences.
houellebecq develops the theory that the social struggle used to be only about wealth. Plebs used to marry and have children like everyone. Now with neo-capitalism, the social struggle invaded the sex life. Either you're dominant, or you don't get any.

>> No.3952802


The alcohol.
She's an oldfag herself.

>> No.3952822

The king of /lit/ has arrived.

>> No.3952826

>Those who come to Houellebecq's novel for a satire on the contemporary art world will find more than they bargained for. This is the brilliant and controversial French writer's most intellectually ambitious book. The way it portrays the contemporary art world is both deadpan and subtle.

>> No.3952844

better him than dfw

>> No.3952887

well read him and then we'll vote who we crown.

>> No.3952888

houellebecq is so depressing all i want to do is to slap the shit out of the protagonist of his novels, but other than that i really enjoyed " les particules élémentaires"

>> No.3952919

actually I'd second this. He's very pessimistic.
But the map and the territory is really ambitious, broadens Houellebecq's usual themes. I read Les particules a long time ago. Also Extension du domaine de la lutte.
I'm ok with his pessimism. It's almost cute.

>> No.3953738

I have read Whatever and The atomic Particles. Isn't the Map and the Territory the one where he bashes Muslims and immigration?

>> No.3953762

Fuck DFW's nauseating bullshit. I nominate Patrick White.

>> No.3953767

I nominate Hemmmingway because all of us posters on lit are insecure manchildren just like him

>> No.3953774

>implying any of us have the balls to actually off ourselves

>> No.3953788

I don't remember.
His most notorious problems are with feminists.
One fun fact about The Map is how Michel Houellebecq becomes a character of the novel, at some point.

>> No.3955276

>the Map and the Territory
Surely that's taken from Korzybski?

>> No.3955289

He's funny, he doesn't nedd morals. He's like society's future ideal of the anti-person.

>> No.3955292

Shakespeare should be.


>> No.3955299

Yes it is. And Korzybski should be the philosopher king of /lit/.

>> No.3955316

fuck, I ignored this. It's not even mentioned by professional critics.
/lit/, I'm not disappoint.