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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 385x599, 385px-Sartre_and_de_Beauvoir_at_Balzac_Memorial[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3951724 No.3951724 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no writer bf to have an open relationship with.

>> No.3951737

Sartre had a tiny penis.

>> No.3951739

I thought de Beauvoir cut it off?

>> No.3951741 [DELETED] 

>tfw nobody understands what open and freedom means
>tfw no nihlist gf

>> No.3951748

Doesn't it just mean you get to bang other bitches just no kissing?

>> No.3951759

Sartre's name, I understand, is associated with a fashionable brand of cafe philosophy and since for every so-called "existentialist" one finds quite a few "suctorialists" (if I may coin a polite term), this made-in- England translation of Sartre's first novel, "La Nausée" (published in Paris in 1938) should enjoy some success.

It is hard to imagine except in a farce) a dentist persistently pulling out the wrong tooth. Publishers and translators, however, seem to get away with something of that sort. Lack of space limits me to only these examples of Mr. Alexander's blunders.

1. The woman who "s'est offert, avec ses économies, un jeune homme" (has bought herself a young husband with her savings) is said by the translator (p. 20) to have "offered herself and her savings” to that young man.

2. The ephitets in Il a l'air souffreteux et mauvais" (he looks seedy and vicious) puzzled Mr. Alexander to such an extent that he apparently left out the end of the sentence for somebody else to fill in, but nobody did, which reduced the English text (p. 43) to "her looks."

3. A reference to "ce pauvre Ghéhenno" (French writer) is twisted (p. 163) into "Christ * * * this poor man of Gehenna."

Whether, from the viewpoint of literature, "La Nausée" was worth translating at all is another question. It belongs to that tense-looking but really very loose type or writing, which has been popularized by many second-raters-Barbusse, Céline and so forth. Somewhere behind looms Dostoevsky at his worst, and still farther back there is old Eugene Sue, to whom the melodramatic Russian owed so much. The book is supposed to be the diary ("Saturday morning," "11.00 P.M." -that sort of dismal thing) of a certain Roquentin, who, after some quite implausible travels, has settled in a town in Normandy to conclude a piece of historical research.

Roquentin shuttles between cafe and public library, runs into a voluble homosexual, meditates, writes his diary and finally has a long and tedious talk with his former wife, who is now kept by a sun-tanned cosmopolitan. Great importance is attached to an American song on the cafe phonograph: "Some of these days you'll miss me, honey." Roquentin would like to be as crisply alive as this song, which "saved the Jew [who wrote it] and the Negress [who sang it]" from being "drowned in existence."

In an equivocal flash of clairvoyance (p. 235) he visualizes the composer as a clean-shaven Brooklynite with "coal-black eyebrows" and "ringed fingers," writing down the tune on the twenty-first floor of a skyscraper. The heat is terrific. Presently, however, Tom (probably a friend) will come in with his hipflask (local color) and they will take swigs of liquor ("brimming glasses of whisky" in Mr. Alexander's lush version). I have taken the trouble to ascertain that in reality the song is a Sophi Tucker one written by the Canadian Shelton Brooks.

>> No.3951763 [DELETED] 

it means that all is contingent
ranging from automutilation sex to ass collision

>> No.3951766

The crux of the whole book seems to be the illumination that comes to Roquentin when he discovers that his "nausea" is the result of the pressure of an absurd and amorphous but very tangible world. Unfortunately for the novel, all this remains on a purely mental level, and the discovery might have been of some other nature, say solipsistic, without in the least affecting the rest of the book. When an author inflicts his idle and arbitrary philosophic fancy on a helpless person whom he has invented for that purpose, a lot of talent is needed to have the trick work. One has no special quarrel with Roquentin when he decides that the world exists. But the task to make the world exist as a work of art was beyond Sartre's powers.

>> No.3951776

You guys get some shitty translations. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.3951782

If there are any women/gays on /lit/ right now, is Sartre as ugly as I think he is?

Why would Beauvoir go to that level?

>> No.3951787 [DELETED] 

Roquentin rocks!

>> No.3951793 [DELETED] 

nihilism > aesthetical nihilism > sex with ugly nihilists

>> No.3951803
File: 35 KB, 493x277, Simone+de+Beauvoir[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you are attracted to some guy because of his voice, attitude, ideas, personality. Looks are not a deal breaker when it comes to men.
De Beauvoir was a qt though.

>> No.3951819
File: 29 KB, 250x352, AVT_Jean-Paul-Sartre_5365[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bbz wnt sum fuk?

>> No.3951822

Are you talking to me or the girl to your left?

>> No.3951824 [DELETED] 

im talking to the one which im looking ,')

>> No.3951830
File: 37 KB, 320x320, ku-medium[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3951832

Yes but...

dat lazy eye

>> No.3951838

Lazy eyes are my fetish.

>> No.3951840 [DELETED] 

thirth top lel of the day

>> No.3951856
File: 24 KB, 261x400, jean-paul-sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like seriously even if this guy was top philosopher king (which he wasn't) why would you want this in you

>> No.3951863 [DELETED] 

post a pic of you, Celebes

>> No.3951864

no transgressive girlfriends never again thats wht i say for ever dating normies from today on

>> No.3951870

I would. Every night I dream of him fucking me in various positions. He was probably swimming in pussy. A better question would be: why would anyone fuck a stuck up cunt like Simone?

>> No.3951878

hmmm, maybez

>> No.3951882

Fuck off, attention whore.

>> No.3951883

go for it

>> No.3951886
File: 742 KB, 860x1125, 1523-simone-de-beauvoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why would anyone fuck a stuck up cunt like Simone?

But she's a qt

Also that photo of her ass which I'm afraid to post because I'll probably get banned again

>> No.3951902
File: 82 KB, 358x450, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of my high school grad photos, sorry for the watermark

am I better than sart rah?

>> No.3951918

you look like a beta tarantino

>> No.3951921

Lel how

Also random but you know he only graduated middle school?

>> No.3951923

holy fuck he does


>> No.3951938 [DELETED] 

>googled "simone beauvoir ass"
>clicked second link
>start reading comments
>a fucking pony
top lel

>> No.3951944 [DELETED] 

every tripfag, post a picture of you

>> No.3951958
File: 21 KB, 177x193, 1321831018054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never enter into the stifling, patriarchal institution of marriage with Mary Wollstonecraft

>> No.3951961
File: 471 KB, 494x482, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you first

>> No.3951964 [DELETED] 

Who you'd rather bang, Celebes orr Sartre???

>> No.3951971

you know i'd make an exception for you just come to texas we'll smoke pcp and double fellate
post 1 do you look spanish at all
you know

>> No.3951967

risky cat

post a pic pussy

>> No.3951974

Sartre is ugly though, but I'd "fuck" him just to see what the pillow talk would be like.

>> No.3951975

zeta post a picture

If you have before I never saw it

>> No.3951977

"existence proceeds essence" justifying his small member

>> No.3951987 [DELETED] 

how do you know i'm spanish?
i don't have pictures of me

>> No.3951993

>i don't have pictures of me
top kek

what is this 1608

>> No.3952000

you told me in tinychat and showed me that spanish nihilist rapper

>> No.3952006


Take the tripfag circlejerk elsewhere.

People come here so they don't have to deal with this horseshit.

>> No.3952008

sweet bb you should read Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book and watch the movie. don't know the best translation on the book since i suck at weeaboo

>> No.3952027 [DELETED] 

are you still using that chat
i made a thread
was clubnihil a joke
i liked it

>> No.3952056 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 312x312, 1354675568046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they fit together so well.

nothing like raging degenerates in love

>> No.3952065
File: 163 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What an ugly fucker

impotent philosopher to boot

>> No.3952092
File: 230 KB, 1366x768, i got the internet going nuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on it
have you read any daumal? i know you mentioned liking lecomte
i keep trying to join but it won't connect for me for w/e reason. it was a joke but i'd still join in (if i could).. i'll keep trying though

>> No.3952102

you don't want to know how long that brakhage torrent has been stuck at 94% btw... hellish

>> No.3952126

shit i read some of his when catching up on breton, but i had no fucking clue he wrote novels. i need to lrn2googlemoar.
other complaints in this world... why the fuck is it so hard to find artaud stocked? someone stole my plays and i don't know who to bludgeon

>> No.3952152
File: 18 KB, 230x346, 41hMozJU+uL._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mount analogue, a night of serious drinking, and a fundamental experiment are all very much worth reading. a fundamental experiment is neat its more or less about that feeling of superior consciousness on drugs (his obsession, also preferred drug as a teen was carbon tetrachloride) and just look at this Fucking cover

i've had to order all of my artaud idk i guess people aren't going out and buying le splurt of blood these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3952162

i wouldn't mind if they took all my good plays but they left sarah kane so it can jsut be hurrdurr naughty words, and rimbaud's poems so it isn't surrealism. who the fuck takes shakespeare but not stoppard?
>tfw your library is depleted by casuals

>> No.3952163 [DELETED] 

can i go with you and satan to the balcans?
seriously, what do i need to go
and what do you do
come to http://xat.com/nihilism

>> No.3952169

*can't *just be.
fucking rage. cheers for recs my little digamma followup

>> No.3952170 [DELETED] 

and if you have skype add me
i'm 'lerabbinvolant'

>> No.3952184


This Nabokov take down cracks me every time

>> No.3952185

sounds terrible nobody has ever taken my books (besides one cunt two years ago who asked to borrow a rebours and never gave it back) stop inviting thieves into your home friend
no problem ily
dont really use skype but im in the nihilchat gimme a sec

>> No.3952212

what's up with bitches stealing huysmans? i was trying to educate the masses but now i see i should just give people toxins not books if we're going to progress as a race. i hope they run into some jesuits. or satre fans

>> No.3952270 [DELETED] 

you left it
bump this if you are on tiny

>> No.3952284

im about to leave to see pacific rim but i saved yr skype username in a text file on my desktop and i'll add you on there

>> No.3952290

Didn't Arthur Koestler bang Simone also? I heard that a while back but I have no citation for it.

>> No.3952392


>> No.3952435

Were the autopsia vid worth the wait ? I got bored before they started, si I left.

>> No.3952440 [DELETED] 


>> No.3952448

For those who were wondering, 'lerabbinvolant' means 'the flying rabbi' in French.
This is catching my interest.

>> No.3952452

Possible. Despite being a feminist, De Beauvoir had various passionate affairs with men (and women).

>> No.3952491 [DELETED] 

and a also a band

>> No.3952507

They seem to belong to a rather enjoyable brand of nonsensical funny. Thanks for the link. Are you by chance a Frenchfag ? I have trouble imagining a non-French ever hearing about a band like this.

>> No.3952569 [DELETED] 

i'm spanish
coin coin