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/lit/ - Literature

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3950102 No.3950102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/,

I'm a science major taking a writing general education class and I'm going to possibly fail it. My professor absolutely hates my writing style and I'm not really sure how to write my essays in the way she wants. I'm looking for anyone willing to help me restructure and organize my essay. I'm willing to pay you for your time.

The essay is an analytical research essay 4-5 pages with sources. The topic is limited to mass media/culture and its effect on mental health. She want a narrow focus, so something specific within this topic. Examples included:

>What are consistent messages about health an well being that teenagers communicate about themselves on Facebook?

>How exactly does society perpetuate weightism?

>Is healthy food accessible to everyone?

please someone save me

>> No.3950106

If I may, how often to you read essay's by other people? If your professor hates your writing style, that's the first step in making it stronger.

>> No.3950104

Holy shit

What school is this, Tumblr University?

>> No.3950113

yeah the class is a fucking joke in my humble opinion but you know gotta do my time so I can move on

>> No.3950118

only stuff I read is science journals and theoretical science books and a lot of philosophy, lately strictly Frankfurt Marxist, humanistic Marxist and Buddhist mahayana nagarjuna stuff. I do read quite a bit I just think I'm not reading the kind of stuff that would help me in this class

>> No.3950123

oh wait... did you mean by others in the class? I've read a few once or twice and not to sound like a complete Dick but its tumblr/blog tier stuff. its a 5 week accelerated summer class and in taking two. trying to focus more on my bio class. next week is the last week of the session so unfortunately I doubt I have the means or time to review others essays and completely revolutionize my writing style so it fits the mode desired by the professor

>> No.3950183

just wanted payment

willing to pay 10 dollar per hour every hour I'm helped through paypal

>> No.3950184

clarify* sorry on phone

>> No.3950202

I'm not a fan of young girls, but she looks good.

>> No.3950206

>willing to pay 10 dollar per hour

fuck you

>> No.3950222

is that low?

>> No.3950227

it's a lot for the writers in /lit/

>> No.3950242

oh... then what's the problem?

>> No.3950249

This is a scam, do not post, do not reply

>> No.3950250


Essays are boring, you're better off just paying someone like a flat out $50 for their time rather than by the hour.

Don't expect help from me though, I hate essays

>> No.3950252

It's actually pretty low. He was making a jab at writers who aren't published, like most of us on /lit/, who obviously aren't paid anything. Do keep up

>> No.3950253

i figured it would provide more security if I paid every hour cause of douches like this guy


I'm willing to go higher, I really just want to pass this class. After this I'll never have to deviate from science again, so I really want to get it over with

>> No.3950256

What format do your essays usually follow, OP? Are you using M.E.A.L method? Post a sample of your essay or other writing.

>> No.3950261

AUD400 an hour, 36 hour minimum, union rates.

>> No.3950273

I have no idea what the M.E.A.L. method is. I'm pretty sure it's all in MLA format.

Here is an essay I wrote last night, first draft.


I'm not a very good writer though, which is why I am asking for help. She hated it btw.

>> No.3950353

oh wow

You write like a typical autistic stem major,
aka using a juxtaposition of present tense subject - verb - object structured sentences, seriously I bet you could find an IMRAD structure in your essay

I don't intend to be sacarstic saying that, it is a quality when you wanna write scientific papers,

But no wonder your crypto-feminist-tumblr professor who chose such a ridiculous topic don't like your writing style

try to rearrange your sentences

>> No.3950379


Your intro is very bland. You write like a science student would write, and not in a good way. I advise using MEAL method. It works in all paper formats and is instead a way to format the content of your paragraphs.

M: Main Idea
E: Evidence
A: Analysis of evidence
L: Link to next paragraph or summarize if It is the last sentence of your paper.


Read that for more info. Really, this is high school shit. Another tip, develop some semblance of flow.

>> No.3950479

ha ha well thank you, at least you were honest.

How would you suggest I rearrange the sentences?

>You write like a science student would write
>neuroscience major

yeah. i was just asking my poli sci friend for some help. Would maybe taking out most of the stuff about telecommunications be better? Then presenting Facebook as the main subject and arguing that Facebook is exploitative, and dialectically de-alienating and alienating?

>> No.3950501

is pic related you, OP? either way, 10/10, need moar

>> No.3950508

yeah why?

>> No.3950516
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Neither are these boys.

>> No.3950540

Because i'll be needing a better look at those juicesome mangoes of yours

>> No.3950761

I've written an essay for money before. It was s fun experience. Did a few hours of research and then pounded out a few drafts. Took me two days and I made 100$. Kid got a decent grade on it too, gave me an extra 10$.
This is a great opportunity to practice some writing when school isn't on.
Do you want my help? I want your money.

>> No.3950787

maybe, you got any previous work to establish credibility?

>> No.3950819

I can email you..? I haven't anything posted online. I am from an Arts background so my stuff is very heavy on interpretation and form.

>> No.3950834

I only ask cause my professor is the definition of anal. she wants an analytical research essay. she want a thesis that introduces an argument or statement and then an essay body which argues it, nothing more. and the limitations for the topic are fucking retarded

email in field

>> No.3950840

Welcome to a high school English course. Colleges assume (rightly) that incoming freshman don't know how to write a basic essay. You're gonna have to learn to work within right parameters before you can quote the Great American Novel.

>> No.3950850
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This post.

I used to respect you, /lit/

>> No.3950859

I'm not a freshman and I've published research at my university. Just because I find it ethically difficult to conform to the tautological gibberish that embodies the writing rhetoric of the modern day positivist structured social science/writing class does not by any means prove an inability to write an essay.

>> No.3950868

Y'know, I'm beginning to see why someone might hate your style.

Anyway, if you're really a big if boy, quit complaining and do the work.

>> No.3950876

/lit/ has been attempted to be used by people of low intelligence as a "homework help board" since its creation. Simply do what you are supposed to do when you see threads that do not belong on a board and move on.

>> No.3950880

Haha, nah that last post was totally premediated ;)

>> No.3950918


Do you know what a coma is?

>> No.3950926


teach me oh wise anon

>> No.3950998

a coma is what this post induces


>> No.3951094

Less talk, more boobs, OP

>> No.3951095

ohhh snap!

>> No.3951102

I'll help you, OP. Your paper was related to my undergrad major; I was just looking through my notes the other day. It's an interesting topic, really, but not everyone's cup of tea I suppose. You obviously have gifts of your own.

Here's an opening paragraph I think would work well. See what you think, and I can get you more if you like it:

The mass media are diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film and television transmit their information electronically. Print media use a physical object such as a newspaper, book, pamphlet or comics,[1] to distribute their information. Outdoor media is a form of mass media that comprises billboards, signs or placards placed inside and outside of commercial buildings, sports stadiums, shops and buses. Other outdoor media include flying billboards (signs in tow of airplanes), blimps, and skywriting.[2] Public speaking and event organising can also be considered as forms of mass media.[3] The digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication. Internet media provides many mass media services, such as email, websites, blogs, and internet based radio and television. Many other mass media outlets have a presence on the web, by such things as having TV ads that link to a website, or distributing a QR Code in print or outdoor media to direct a mobile user to a website. In this way, they can utilise the easy accessibility that the Internet has, and the outreach that Internet affords, as information can easily be broadcast to many different regions of the world simultaneously and cost-efficiently.

>> No.3951260


>> No.3951286

STEM here, so I know your pain. It reads like an endless succession of statements, and it ends up being more of a report than an essay. Remove the superfluous technical details, tone down your vocabulary a bit, and try to write with a single goal in mind.

>> No.3951291

Sesquipedalian vocabulary is largely pointless when unstructured. If you're going to use words like that, read Samuel Johnson first.

>> No.3951418


What he wrote is fine. Samuel Johnson is not some necessity to write in such an informed manner. Your solipsism is showing.

>> No.3951454


I read just the first paragraph, and I gotta say your problem is that everything sounds like a mere string of statements. There's no "flow" to your writing; the sentences are too short and jagged. I can understand why she wouldn't like it, although the subject matter is painfully dull anyways.

>> No.3951488

I agree with this anon. It reads like a bullet point list of facts structured in paragraph form. I can see why your professor doesn't like your writing style.

>> No.3951499

Where's the thesis statement? Is it
>This essay intends to examine the evolution of exploitation and alienation in the context of Facebook. Such analysis highlights the active role of audience in the creation of media value as both commodities and workers.
Because if it is, it needs to be worked on.

>> No.3951581

bumping for the girl ! post moar pics

>> No.3951861

yeah my introduction sucks, but I'd be more curious on what you think of the rest. my professors criticism was more regarding the body, stating that it had no coherence.

yes, i know

>> No.3951890 [DELETED] 


yeah man, I'm willing to take anything you have. Her biggest criticism of my introduction was the "uselessness" of the information i was presenting, especially the telecommunications stuff. So I'm not sure I could effectively integrate what you gave me without committing the same error as I did in my own essay. But if you are willing I'd love look over your essay. If you don't want to post it hear e-mail is in field.

I was thinking of using my 4th paragraph as my introduction and focusing the essay on alienation and exploitation. Probably gonna remove the positivist empirical studies, but my other friend like it and said I should find a way ot integrate it, so we will see.

>As our socio-political systems evolve it is necessary to >juxtapose the present with historical narrative. Exploitation >has been central in the economic mechanics of capitalistic >systems. Exploitation is defined as inadequate >compensation for a given amount of labor. With exploitative >work came alienation from the worker and that which he >produces, creating a dichotomy between the individual and >that which he produces. With the introduction of mass >media, the worker was further alienated and fulfilled a >passive role, that of the audience.

>> No.3951901 [DELETED] 


yeah man, I'm willing to take anything you have. Her biggest criticism of my introduction was the "uselessness" of the information i was presenting, especially the telecommunications stuff. So I'm not sure I could effectively integrate what you gave me without committing the same error as I did in my own essay. But if you are willing I'd love look over your essay. If you don't want to post it hear e-mail is in field.

I was thinking of using my 4th paragraph as my introduction and focusing the essay on alienation and exploitation. Probably gonna remove the positivist empirical studies, but my other friend liked it and said I should find a way to integrate it, so we will see.

>As our socio-political systems evolve it is necessary to
>juxtapose the present with historical narrative. Exploitation
>has been central in the economic mechanics of capitalistic
>systems. Exploitation is defined as inadequate
>compensation for a given amount of labor. With exploitative
>work came alienation from the worker and that which he
>produces, creating a dichotomy between the individual and
>that which he produces. With the introduction of mass
>media, the worker was further alienated and fulfilled a
>passive role, that of the audience.

>> No.3951936


yeah man, I'm willing to take anything you have. Her biggest criticism of my introduction was the "uselessness" of the information i was presenting, especially the telecommunications stuff. So I'm not sure I could effectively integrate what you gave me without committing the same error as I did in my own essay. But if you are willing I'd love look over your essay. If you don't want to post it here, e-mail is in field.

I was thinking of using my 4th paragraph as my introduction and focusing the essay on alienation and exploitation. Probably gonna remove the positivist empirical studies, but my other friend liked it and said I should find a way to integrate it, so we will see.

>As our socio-political systems evolve it is necessary to
>juxtapose the present with historical narrative. Exploitation
>has been central in the economic mechanics of capitalistic
>systems. Exploitation is defined as inadequate
>compensation for a given amount of labor. With exploitative
>work came alienation from the worker and that which he
>produces, creating a dichotomy between the individual and
>that which he produces. With the introduction of mass
>media, the worker was further alienated and fulfilled a
>passive role, that of the audience.

>reposting cause e-mail was no in field derp

>> No.3952011

holy shit OP theyre these things in the english language called commas and semi colons, learn to use them

>> No.3952023
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>This essay intends to EXamine the evolution of EXploitation and alienation in the contEXt of Facebook.

dat cacophony

>> No.3952043



>going to uni to write about fagbook

top lel. hope you get that job at walmart after you graduate libru farts faggot

>> No.3952063


There's your problem. Maybe if you weren't such a stupid fucking pleb, and read some decent literature, you wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.3952140

Bump for moar, indeed

>> No.3952195

I'm a neuroscience major, as I've already stated. The essay topic was forced on me. stop being retarded

convincing rhetoric m8

>> No.3952433
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not even once.

>> No.3952485

scam it is.

>> No.3952500

Are all neuroscience majors that hot? God damn

>> No.3952511

>No marxism

There's your problem. Maybe if you weren't such a stupid fucking pleb, and read some decent literature, you wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.3952553

Too challenging for you?

>> No.3952568

Semiotext(e) is ill/egitimate bul||shit/e

>> No.3952575

Easy to say, harder to qualify.

>> No.3952579

Too French.

>> No.3952597

Why is it that Marxist / Leftist literature is so quick to denounce the evils of alienation and yet I've NEVER felt as alienated, dehumanized and objectified as I have after reading literature like this.

>> No.3952623

Because you're using an existentialist concept of alienation as anomie instead of the Marxist concept of alienation as social-material restriction from control over productive goods.

Maybe if your bothered _reading_ Marx instead of sitting there glazing over at the text you might have garnered that alienation is exploitation.

>> No.3952626
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Gallomania is unbecoming of a philosopher living today. The French have thoroughly disgraced themselves over the past 200 years and ought not to be given parlance anywhere.

>> No.3952628


>neuro major
>can't even write a simple essay

lol good ruse bro

>> No.3952635

>Because you're using an existentialist concept of alienation as anomie instead of the Marxist concept of alienation as social-material restriction from control over productive goods.

But Marx used both of these definitions, and so have Marxists.

>> No.3952652

Althusser on the epistemic break. And Marxist as "science."*1

[1] Again, this term has a technical meaning.

>> No.3952663
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You're the retard, Tardceratops. You use "Telecommunication(s)" eight times within the first two paragraphs, then never again is the concept of mechanical communication, long distance communication, discourse between continents, mentioned. Did you even read the fucking paper? I've tried, it took me three times before I forced myself to endure it. It reads like you cut up a text book and slapped it together with masking tape; the only original writing being notes written super imposed on the text. It is one of the most generic "things" I have ever read.
Do you talk like one o' dem deaf an' dumb mutes? I can tell you this, your teacher doesn't want a fucking miracle. This shit isn't hard unless you're an illiterate, or have some sort of learning disability. Do you have any learning disabilities that would account for this? If so, I will pray for you.
Pay for my dick, you fucking tramp.

>> No.3952677
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You should write it to the best of your ability and follow the guidelines closely.

>paying someone to tutor you on writing.

This is something I have never done. I always assume tutors aren't any better at writing than I am. I've never gotten help from a tutor.