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File: 259 KB, 1600x1069, James-Franco-casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3950121 No.3950121 [Reply] [Original]

Hey y'all.

Today I met James Franco for a class and he talked about a Bukowski adaptation flick he's doing. He knew his shit too. Any questions about that or his Faulkner adaptation? He studied English before he went into acting and brought up some interesting points about the relationship between literature and the movie-screen.

>> No.3950133

what did he say about adaptations and his approach to this one?

>> No.3950156

He talked about how he wrote better when reproducing the work of someone he admired. Apparently it forces him to set a higher standard for himself as an artist. Also dropped some interesting facts about the legal aspects of adapting films.

>> No.3950175

Was he a flaming douche bag who makes film adaptaptions of novels for hipater cred?

>> No.3950178


>> No.3950191


>> No.3950194

That wasn't me. He was actually pretty intelligent. /lit/ just likes feeling superior.

>> No.3950666

go to bed james

>> No.3950694



>> No.3950702

He still studies English

I think he got his PhD already.

>> No.3950714

some prof got fired because he called franco on his shit

>> No.3950718

Please elaborate. What is ''his shit''?

>> No.3950722


>> No.3950730

Huh, I had never heard about that before, thanks. Yeah now he seems like a bit of a cunt judging by that article... Never liked him that much to start with.

>> No.3950735

Did he talk about dropping his Blood Meridian adaptation?

>> No.3950737

how are they gonna adapt that shit,nothing really happens in the book.

>> No.3950745


>> No.3950770


>> No.3951611

too bad franco is objectively terrible, and so is bukowski.

>> No.3951651

franco doesn't really exist. his spectacle only servces to sell gq, some shitty clothes maybe some colognes or w/e else. Then it is laughable that he tries to create art on the side.

>> No.3952624 [DELETED] 

You mean if we all decide to believe (or rather disbelieve) hard enough, James Franco will disappear?

>> No.3952647

Yes. If you're a catholic you get to believe anything you like and pretend it's true.

>> No.3952660

>objectively terrible

Proven by Science™

>> No.3952686

Did he say anything about Child of God or >>3950735?

>> No.3952695
File: 81 KB, 611x404, Ratzinger-CDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8?

>> No.3952700

He's being euphoric, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.3952701

Are you the moron who keeps spamming about a robojesus?

>> No.3952719

>installation artist
This is a synonym for drooling retard.
Just saying.

>> No.3952790

I hate this cunt. His entire intellectual pursuit is a farce. He's a fucking idiot and anyone who hears him talk understands this.

>> No.3952795

He's gone to like 7 different universities at this point.

How is this possible?

>> No.3952799

Money. Fame. Dicksucking.

>> No.3952800

The real question is, how the fuck is he allowed to do this to cultivate some kind of intellectual multitasking wizard public image, and deny aspiring students slots at these schools?

>> No.3952808
File: 732 KB, 304x224, c9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know about this guy is what I've seen of him on the Report. He gets in a Tolkien off with Stephen and the only character he knows is Gandalf. I don't think he ever used a word larger than 3 syllables, either.

>> No.3952812

How? He is a famous actor, that's how. It's good publicity for the schools.

>> No.3954753

He's a cunt because he apparently had poor attendance in a class?

>> No.3954760

I don't understand people who ask this question. If there is enough going on to write about for hundreds of pages, why wouldn't there be enough to film for an hour and a half?

"unfilmable" only applies to books that have no characters or dialogue

>> No.3954762

>trying to use irony to belittle James Franco

fuck off

>> No.3954766

okay, thanks for the info

>> No.3954781

and he supposedly took 62 credits in one semester at UCLA, which i'm pretty sure isn't physically possible and also makes zero sense

>> No.3955102

he makes movies with the profs nad puts them in scenes and lets them direct his movies.

ALSO he is an advertisement for hollywood/acne cream/cologne in movies, and an advertisement for the universities he goes to. that is how it happens. He exists to be used by others - but is given a lot in return, bit it is all very empty.

>> No.3955182

is that like the savior of robotripping

>> No.3955185

No. He's a cunt because he used his fame to get somebody suspended/fired.

>> No.3955196

>deny aspiring students slots at these schools?


>> No.3955197

I always thought the US university system has to be a joke. Franco confirms my suspicion.

>> No.3955212

>implying American universities are shit

Literally lol'd. Honestly though, it's hilarious how desperate people are to discredit America. Sure, certain aspects of it are shitty but our universities are pretty fucking good

>> No.3955218

American education has been militarized. its OK, get with it.

>> No.3955221

Not that guy, but what universities are superior? The ones you are closest to? The ones from your home country? Or are you simply denouncing education systems in general?

>> No.3955226

OP here, he mentioned Cormac at one point in passing but didn't go into it. I hadn't know about it at the time so didn't ask. Dunno how he'd adapt Blood Meridian.

>> No.3955231

he was going to do BM but opted out for COG

from what I've heard (read)

>> No.3955232

OP again, I heard this too but the professor said it was doubtful. It really isn't possible, there seems to be a lot of myths about Franco's college career.

>> No.3955243

Did McCarthy sell the rights? Movie adaptations of his stuff are always really good, so I'd imagine if he's letting Franco do it he must think highly of his ability as a director.

>> No.3955256

>During his time at UCLA, in fact, Franco's course load ranged from 20 to 62 credits per quarter, a tremendous amount in itself, and through much of which he continued to work on movies. (He also managed to maintain a GPA above 3.5.)
from UCLA Magazine:

>> No.3955260

He always has a pillow to go home to.

All of this is incredibly vague and underwhelming OP.

>> No.3955263

who is james franco and why would i care about him making a bukowski movie?
btw bukowski is for plebs

>> No.3955273

>bukowski is for plebs

Good thing Franco's making the film, then. It's practically FUBU.

>> No.3955281
