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/lit/ - Literature

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3944945 No.3944945 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wondering about this for a while. I'm 21 with no college degree and nothing going for me. When I read it feels like i am improving in a genuine manner. It's too late for me to go too college and family' is too poor for me not to work. whats a job where I could sit around and read for 12 hour shifts or something; the hourly wage is unimportant.

I was thinking like a toll both attendant...

>> No.3944947


>> No.3944948

security guard

>> No.3944953

Don't be a faggot. It may seem like a romantic life but within a year you'll feel superior to the plens you're working with (and probability is that you will have to work with others) and superior to the shitass faggot customers you deal with on a day-to-day basis.

Unless you get some nice job as a night watchman like Ken Kessey or a tour guide where nobody wants tours like Steinbeck then you're up shit creek.

Either work and write part time and live hand to mouth like Chairman Tao, or pursue a job which will allow you a good wage and time off. Most office jobs above a certain wage barrier do allow you a lot of spare time believe it or not

>> No.3944956

I have the same qualifications as you and I'm a software developer.

Any creative job that is judged on output you can do. Find freelance gigs.

>> No.3944958

>It's too late for me to go too college
Too late for what? Beer bong bukkakke or an education?

Well, fuck you. Just get that degree and get that job. It is a simple matter of economics of energy. Being a toll booth attendant is like being a goalkeeper in soccer. Your part of a game may be not falling asleep in the rain for 89 min 30 s. But if you catch that last shot against the goal or not will determine if you're a hero or will be hanged in the goal by your teammates.

You may think that you have plenty of free time during a 12 h shift, but you're not master of your time. A plain and straight 9-5 week where you're not dead tired when you come home from work is better - because then you can decide if you want to read or not. A simple matter of focusing.

I've done that. Was totally devastating for my reading and writing.

>> No.3945047

These are really good points but for the time being I need a job. I don't have the freedom to just not work and go to college for a few years. The whole dealing with plebs bit can't be any worse than working at jimmy johns making sandwiches.
I guess I just want a step up from feeling like I am completely throwing away my time and efforts while at work.
Most of my less scholarly inclined friends are becoming union men doing hard labor and drinking in their free time and my fear is ending up like that, some middle aged lower middle class piece of uneducated shit.

>> No.3945051

join the military

>> No.3945060

This is a good idea. Many security guard positions involve sitting around all day. Not all of them, mind.

Army barracks will destroy your creativity and joy in life.

>> No.3945078


>> No.3945082

Unless you're in a major city librarian jobs are tough to get.

Many require that you be studying for or have studied for a library degree (not joking, though unsure of terminology).

>> No.3945086

>The whole dealing with plebs bit can't be any worse than working at jimmy johns making sandwiches.
Oh, it is. It is. And count the day's after a shift when you're going to close is horrible.

>> No.3945090
File: 31 KB, 300x414, tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy creativity

>> No.3945099

work in a used bookstore

>> No.3945129

Can't believe I haven't thought of that yet, it would probably be implied I was sitting and reading while not working. I'd also probably be dealing with a better sample of the population than working fast food on a college campus.

Yup, I've talked to a lot of the librarians in my area. I think it's a coveted government job because of the pay, benefits, and it caters to all the things I requested in my first post. Most are either 50 years old, or went to college for information science for 4+ years.

>> No.3945149

>middle aged lower middle class piece of uneducated shit

Fuck you.

In all seriousness though, a toolbooth worker is good. Also, being a security guard as other people mentioned.

Look for jobs where you would have to work a night shift. Usually you don't really have to do anything. The only issue is that it will screw up your health immensely.

You can get a lot of free time with a lot of desk jobs. The only issue is that you need some education for them.

>> No.3945150

I didn't say that. I specifically said army barracks. If you had ever spent more than two months consecutively at such a place you would understand.

Cabin fever on steroids.

>> No.3945157

I'm an office manager for a big IT company and I do maybe 2 hours of work per day, with the remaining time spent reading and shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.3945164

library work requires a degree, and i think, one year of training on top of that, or you could just take a 3 yr library studies course

you just need a job where you have a lot of spare time but enough money to be comfortable. unfortunately, that's what fucking everyone wants. you will have to compromise somewhere, probably.

>> No.3945165

To add: I have no university level education. Roughly $25/hour.

>> No.3945175

you're a manager and you don't work on salary?

>> No.3945174

How did you get the job?

>> No.3945178

getting a masters in library studies is a fucking debt farm scam bro there are only so many libraries in the world when they hire somebody who's dad donated a couple mil to the school instead of you'll be using that masters at barnes and noble to ring up copies of harry potter and mens health.

>> No.3945179

>implying that Pynchon is creative

>> No.3945183

Connections, basically.

I actually work for a different company that "rents" me out to the IT company. It doesn't really bother me, though.

>> No.3945190

library or bookstore.

You will have less work on a library since nobody goes there

>> No.3945204
File: 30 KB, 452x302, hunter-s-thompson[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think of it, I'm kind of surprised that I don't read more on /lit/ about the users on here trying to live life to the extreme, or at least searching for new experiences.

Are you all going to end up writing novels that were inspired by living the NEET/liberal arts education/menial job life, or are you all doing interesting stuff (ok it's 4chan but I'll give you all a chance).

See pic related. If you do something interesting you can go home and just shit out the words straight on to the page and it could be a classic.

>> No.3945213

I just joined the air force :/

>> No.3945219
File: 87 KB, 700x1030, thompson-h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never read Thompson's first draft manuscripts.

>> No.3945233


So, aim to write for Vice?

>> No.3945245

Night shit at a hotel front desk.

>> No.3945248

Who knows?

>> No.3945270

Ya that's where I'm sitting trying to get something more out of life at the moment. Reading at a desk seems like it would be the most rewarding experience for me. If I could snag a job where I could save up enough money racking up massive hours sitting around. Then I could get a car; move, and do it somewhere else. That would probably leave me with a fulfilled feeling for at least a year.

Another golden idea.

>> No.3945352

fucking save up your money, travel cross-country, get on a ship or something, travel abroad, Europe, Asia, Africa. find a job anywhere you can really.

actually, fuck that. you probably feel trapped in your situation but you're a 21-year-old, you aren't disabled, your potential is limitless right now. grow out of your imaginary confinement.
and it doesn't matter where you work or what you do- further your ambitions. make something cool and awesome, delve into some of that shit that dreams are made of and fucking sweat your heart out until it's standing starkly real and you're clutching it with your hands. you can do that at jimmy johns or wherever the fuck you are.

and you can laugh at this and call it abstract inspirational self-help bullshit it's your choice. you can criticize it all you want for being unrealistic as you wallow in your own shit and worry about how dumb and uneducated you're becoming and how you're going to die an unknown blue collar worker. it's up to you, man, but the feeling is real, it's visceral, you can feel it roaring in your veins but the more you sit on your ass and age the more you'll find it silly and hopeless and not worth it and it will be subdued and you'll actually feel satisfied in succumbing to your self-hatred.

>> No.3945363

Second. I work a security gig at an arena, and I used to get massive amounts of reading done before our supervisor changed and got super strict. But if you can get an overnight security job, then you're golden.

>> No.3945366

Work the night shift at the front desk of a hotel or motel. Depending on how shitty the building/business is, you might have nothing to do besides make breakfast in the morning.

>> No.3945371

I feel you but fastfood is actually a trap though. Most of your shifts are minimum wage lunch rushes so its bust your ass nonstop for 3 hours for about 18 bucks after taxes.

I can get down with that visceral shit though probably gonna do some horn grabbing after I look into some of these other job recommendations.

What kind of lit would help push me in that direction? I enjoy reading but haven't read that much in my life. I was thinking about starting to invest my time in the building blocks of philosophy in rotation with better books but idk if that's a corny waste of time.

>> No.3945398

Read Pynchon's short story "The Small Rain" and tell me he would have enjoyed his time in an army barracks.