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/lit/ - Literature

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3935979 No.3935979 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst book you've read all the way through?

>> No.3935995

I read Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. My rage fueled my journey to the end of that steaming pile of wasted shit and liberal buttpain. The worst part is there is a character with a side story that takes up about twenty pages and is actually pretty good.

The book actually uses the line, 'I thought about that' instead of actually offering any thoughts on it. So deep. So magical.

>> No.3936000
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and I'm a grill

>> No.3936019
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Dutch book.
Main character commits suicide from out of nowhere on the last page, in the last paragraph.

>> No.3936027

I've read all of the world of warcraft novels...

>> No.3936040
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Why would you do that

>> No.3936050

Because I was into the lore of the game.

>> No.3936052
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all of my hate

>> No.3936075
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>> No.3936085
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>> No.3936097

>tries to read a film
>thinks it's bad

>> No.3936109

The Castle by Kafka

I wanted to kill myself by the end.Plus, I didn't even know it's unfinished

>> No.3936178

Seriously, fuck Chopin

>> No.3936209

Explain yourself.

>> No.3936216

The Black Album by Kureishi.

>> No.3936226

Parenti's Assassination of Julius Caesar was like an undergraduate essay written by an angsty leftist faggot. The kind who would contest the bad grade he received for it because his "passion" doesn't compensate for lousy scholarship and editorializing.

>> No.3936230

it's so bad that i couldn't be bothered to check if it was an adaptation cover or a poster

>> No.3936232

I'm into the 21 of 25 chapters. Explain.

>> No.3936241

Effie Briest

>> No.3936256
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It's a 'teen paranormal romance'. A girl I liked told me to read it.

>> No.3936262

Jane eyre

>> No.3936272
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>> No.3936278

All of the Twilight books.
So there was this girl...

>> No.3936300

Oh god, bro. Was it worth it? Tell me it was worth it.

>> No.3936304

Confederacy of dunces.

>> No.3936312

>when he eventually broke up with her, he did so by sending her a 120 page analysis of Twilight

>> No.3936327

Finnegan's Wake
its not bad as such but it is the least enjoyable thing i have read

>> No.3936328

not sure why i quoted there

>> No.3936329

TL;DR: No. Not even a little bit.

>> No.3936331

>So there was this girl...

but in real life there wasn't, cus anon was a faggot

>> No.3936337
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This piece of shit.

I liked Eragon, as basic as it was. Eldest was slower but whatever it was the middle of the "trilogy" (as we knew it to be then). Brisingr was nearing shit, and this one blew completely past shit. It's horrendous.

>> No.3936340


het gouden ei is niet veel beter

>> No.3936357
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de verfilming is wel erg goed

>> No.3936361

Don Quixote. Holy shit.

>> No.3936375

I second this.

>> No.3936384

Huh... I remember enjoying that. Never read any other Kureshi because he seems like a blowhard but I thought he really nailed the setting and did inebriated rambles round the city pretty well. Also the spiel about the Prince album is fun, if you're OK with authors justifying their approach mid-novel.

>> No.3936423

I can't really pinpoint why I didn't like it. To me, it seemed shallow and read like a screenplay converted into a novel.

>> No.3936458

It's been sitting on my shelf. I've been avoiding it, but I feel obligated to finish out the series

>> No.3936471

Same thing for me, I guess we're in the same boat. What do?

>> No.3936472

Really? I couldn't put it down.

>> No.3936473
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Undoubtedly, Anne Radcliffe's 'Mysteries of Udolpho'. Absolutely bloody awful.

>> No.3936499
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>> No.3936500


I thought it was brilliant and this was before I really knew all the praise it got. I simply knew it as a staple of the western canon.

What was so terrible about it that you could justify thinking it was 'the most terrible thing you ever read'?

>> No.3936532
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Brave New World

>> No.3936541


>> No.3936564

you're kidding

>> No.3936591

nabokov - Lolita

>> No.3936598

Vanity Fair

>> No.3936605

Fuck his unjustified for hatred of Cato was what drove me up a wall. The whole thing is a great example of the stupidity of "people's history" books

>> No.3936607

Paul Bowles' The Sheltering Sky. I keep trying to give the Beats a chance, thinking that one day I'll find some underappreciated poet or something who is worth something.

don't say Brautigan, I don't consider him a Beat

>> No.3936609

Why'd you hate withering heights, OP?

>> No.3936614

ben elton's Inconceivable. his early novels were at least kind of funny, as low brow as they were, this was just insufferable

>> No.3936616

the red and the black

>> No.3936619
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I see three options.
>Bite the bullet and read it
>Let is passive aggressively sit on our shelves for the rest of our days
>Burn it.
Pic related

>> No.3936621


Rustles: Jimmied.

>> No.3936625

Why is this hated so much?

>> No.3936638

Ringworld by Larry Niven. It was almost physically painful.

>> No.3936640

Because /lit/ thinks Diamond's a racist. That's enough for them.

>> No.3936650

I've never considered burning a book before. there's an audiobook as far as I know.
someone could stream it.

/lit/ coming together to rage about how horrible it is might actually be fun.

>> No.3936653

Really, why do they think that?

I don't usually browse /lit/ so I don't know if this is talked about much here.

>> No.3936660

what are you talking about

more like it's a substanceless book about an overreaching theory made for a public that hates primary texts

or you can just keep believing that everybody that disagrees with you is irrational. that's cool too

>> No.3936688

Because everything said in GGS was said years earlier in Ecological Imperialism by an actual reputable academic. Historians don't like Diamond because he's a biologist applying the determinism biologists use to measure animal population changes to human civilizations. It removes the gargantuan impact of human choice entirely. Not to mention Geographic Determinism, what diamond pushes the whole book, was a big poor in historian departments decades earlier, but had already been toned down and somewhat rejected by expectable dialectics. Diamond just made a pop history book, a good one and one capable of getting freshmen interested in certain concepts, but its not a real work of history.

Want to know how to piss a historian off? Imply history was an inevitable path.

>> No.3936693

>big point

>> No.3936713

b-b-but in this physically deterministic universe of ours, history was an inevitable path.

>> No.3936718


Perfectly dreadful book.

>> No.3936739

no surprise here. That book hits way too close to home for 90% of the neckbeards on 4chan.

>> No.3936754

>That book hits way too close to home for 90% of the neckbeards on 4chan.
Nice fallacy.

>> No.3936807


you realize that if that were true most people would like it since they can relate? "hitting too close to home" is not a very common thing at all. I could very well say you're a neckbeard for liking it.

also some of the things in the book reflect Toole's own life, so you're kind of insulting him by saying that.

really the novel is a one joke premise stretched out to 400 pages. it's certainly more clever than your average "comedy" novel but it wears thin

and what >>3936754 said

>> No.3936815

Nice phallus, si

>> No.3936869

So, people don't like pop sci books?

>> No.3936915

Not overhyped and underperforming ones

>> No.3936921

That book was shit. Bourgeoisie problems: the book.

>> No.3936927

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

>> No.3936945


Had to read it in high school. All I remember is her describing a guys dick as a 'brown shuck of corn.'

Nominating On The Road.

>> No.3937045
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>Meyer quote
>shirtless teenager one the cover
>girl recommended it

Jesus, what were you thinking?

>> No.3937076

Amen. Left mine in the back seat to melt the glue in the spine and destroy it forever.

>> No.3937080


a series mostly notable for being a rewrite of the author's plagiarized harry potter fanfiction

>> No.3937091

"A story world I love" - Stephanie Meyer

wtf do you expect dipshit

>> No.3937095

A Farewell to Arms

>> No.3937104
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>> No.3937115
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looking back, i can't believe i actually finished this.

trying to read this book literally decreased my quality of life. i DREADED reading it, but everyday i would read at least at an increment of ten pages and i eventually finished.....

a year after reading naked lunch i picked up junky and it was an easy read. i might pick something else up from burroughs sometime soon.

>> No.3937127

A confederacy of Dunces.

Easily the worst book I have had the misfortune to read.

>> No.3937134
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He provides little to no basis for his assertions.

>> No.3937137
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I finished it because i thought it it was a book that everyone has to read but goddamn nowadays i ask myself if it was worth it to struggle through 1000 pages of walking upper class hobbits.

>> No.3937147

yea, fuck that book

>> No.3937157

Joint between Norweigan Wood and Twilight

I hated the way they both had a protagonist whose sole personality trait was that they read books, yet all the other characters obsessed upon as if they were the most fascinating person in the world.

>> No.3937160

faggot detected

>> No.3937167


>> No.3937192

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.3937229

I read some books based on Video games.

>> No.3937263

Maybe it was the interview format that made his views seem contrived. I like him as a person.

>> No.3937310

I struggled to think of one when I read the OP but damn confederacy of dunces and the awakening were good suggestions.

>> No.3937343
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Thank God it wasn't a long read. This cretinous little pamphlet sold like hotcakes in France.

>> No.3937359

The man himself is much more admirable than his book, amusingly.

>> No.3937398

I was forced to read the catcher in the rye in high school and I hated the fucker so much it turned me away from reading for some time.

What a boring, pointless, meaningless piece of shit. A rambling collection of events glued together with an ending that looks like the publisher wrote it after the author couldn't be arsed.

>> No.3937408
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“This is how moths speak to each other. They tell their love across the fields by scent. There is no mouth, the wrong words are impossible, either a mate is there or he is not, and if so the pair will find each other in the dark.”

>> No.3937412

lol no
wuthering heights is the best book i've read all the way thru

>> No.3937582


>> No.3937722

surprisingley agree. I can't defend the shitiness of his reveenrece for Dagu and other savages

>> No.3937777

Huysmans "The Damned (La-Bas)".

>> No.3937819
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The protagonist was completely infallible, the lore behind the universe is unmemorable and derivative of other fantasy works (namely the Once & Future King and King Arthur legends), and the "magic school" chapters were a poorly reduced version of Harry Potter.

Also, the "dragon" in the book is a vegetarian that rampages through the countryside because it got high by eating plants.

It also happens to be among the worst-written books I've ever had the displeasure of reading. The dialogue in particular approached sitcom-levels of contrivance.

>> No.3937829
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fuck you /lit/

>> No.3937830

The Madman's Tale, by John Katzenbach
Had to read 600 pages of redundancy and dull narration just because it was a gift from my dad.

>> No.3937845
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Dayuuuum I just purchased both the two books because the reviews praised this on good reads. Please tell me your trolling ?

Any way worst book I read is The Redemption of Althalus. Written by both Eddings, the sister and brother. The land was uninteresting, had shit lore,and had so many feminist hints, you could tell when the sister was writing and when the brother was writing. Never have I wanted to finish a book so bad.

>> No.3937847

Surely you must be jesting.

>> No.3937849

>Redemption of Althalus
>Written by two people

Say no more, this was an epic piece of shit.

>> No.3937851

We the russian dystopian novel.

>> No.3937878

I'm not trolling. I also picked it up based on a recommendation, but I had to force myself to finish it. The most glaring flaw was how juvenile the plot and characters were.

It was simultaneously the most disappointing and least enjoyable reading experience of my life.

>> No.3937892


>> No.3937950
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>> No.3937961

notes from underground

scared to read any other dostoevsky

>> No.3938050

Don't be. The first part of Notes was poorly done, and Camus did it better in The Fall. The second half is more like his type of story, but even that is very mediocre dostoevsky. That could be a possible scene out of one of his novels, but never a plot line or a focus.

>> No.3938244

notes is COMPLETELY different from the rest of his work.

>> No.3938263

youve got to be kidding me

>> No.3938504
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It's kind of like when you struggle to understand the incoherent Mexican immigrant, except once you finally grasp what he's attempting to say in English, he hits you with a rock and starts screaming about checking your privilege.

>> No.3938517
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I have to agree, the interview format didn't do him much justice.

Granted, he's in in line with... Oh, I want to say Terence McKenna in that he sees connections where some may not, even if those connections are tenuous, but the ideas are fun to play around with, and sometimes you can see patterns in things where you didn't see patterns before.

But I can see how someone could read that and find it not quite to their liking if they weren't on board with some of its central tenets in the first place.

Personally this piece of shit is my least favorite book, I had to read it for class and it was basically more pretension than should be legally allowed within one person, all contained within a book. It's a gigantic self-righteous hippie hugbox, and while I can deal with some real hippie hugboxes, especially at a super-liberal college like mine, this book floored me. We met the author himself and I was surprised to find that he wasn't a completely pretentious prick, at least not to us, but my god, someone needs to give him an award for Biggest Tool of the Year or something.

>> No.3938539
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The forward being a whole lot of Fowles apologising and making excuses probably should have tipped me off.

It was actually perfectly alright until it turned into something else entirely at the end.

>> No.3938543

I read a fucking awful edition of Amerika. I'm not sure if it was Kafka or the translator/publisher but there were hundreds of typos and punctuation errors, in addition to whole sentences that just didn't belong. If anyone is ever tempted by the allure of those Kafka editions with the cool covers, you know the ones, don't be fooled; they're shit.

>> No.3938545

wow drink bleach

>> No.3938710
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I read the entire trilogy.
I really wish I had done something else with the time.

>> No.3938712

Heh. I have my French m8's copy of one of those books, I've been trying to find his address to post it back to him but maybe I should to him a favour and keep it if it's that awful.

just kidding I wouldn't do that

>> No.3938713

Fuck you.
Yeah this got my vote too.

>> No.3938746

>the way of shadows
>dressed in all black
>the perfect killer has no friends - only targets


>> No.3938749

>One of the best books IMO. It change history for the human race.

>> No.3938753

It's actually a pretty good book. Well, the first one in the series is, not sure about the est.

>> No.3938757

Yeah, it's basically a YA book with more swearing and rape.

>> No.3938990
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I had just finished VtmB and I thought that the rest of the material might be as good as the game. Absolute tripe.

>> No.3939432

The Alchemist. Just how many times can you plaster "FOLLOW YOUR DREAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMS!!" all over a page?

>> No.3939529

Ugh, I really didn't like that either.

>> No.3939535
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>> No.3939548

anything translated into english

except for Beckett

>> No.3939574

The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle

>> No.3939588

Is Breakfast of the Champions a wrong answer?

I mean, I enjoyed it, but it's dreadful - a mockery of a novel.

>> No.3939593

People think they're trashy

>> No.3939606

> Have to read Crime and Punishment on tenth grade
> Avoid Dosty for the rest of your life
I know he is a great author and his books are good and that I was a pleb and horrible dude for not liking him

>> No.3939607


fuck you, the wing commander novels weren't all that bad.

>> No.3939706


Yep. I can't stand Hemingway's prose and his shitty characters made this one so much worse. I don't even think I'd have made it all the way through if not that I sparknoted in when it was assign in high school and I didn't feel like backing out of it twice.

>> No.3939710

The Crucible by Arthur Miller
I threw it at a wall more than a few times.

>> No.3939718

They were good books. Except book 2.
btw I'm a guy

>> No.3939720
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fucking namshub

>> No.3939721
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>> No.3939725
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José Saramago - The Cave

>> No.3940352
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>> No.3940364

>No Pride and Prejudice

What the fuck guys

>> No.3940368


It was like really bad light novel.

>> No.3940373

I enjoyed it. Persuasion is even better.

>> No.3940377
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>> No.3940422

I couldn't put this down, I read it in a sitting

>> No.3940429
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>> No.3940460

The great gatsby

Totally uninteresting, and terrible writing
Not even gonna watch the movie

>> No.3940464


>he doesn't get satire

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.3940490
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The god delusion

I agree that religion is shit, but what a stuck up cunt dawkins is

>> No.3940504


>book suckiest because author is a cunt

>> No.3940536


>> No.3940539

I felt it didn't have much depth, just simplistic surface allegories and imagery and redundant themes.

>> No.3940552

yeah this is bad only plebs like it

>> No.3940555

also, homosexuals

>> No.3940558

I actually enjoyed the book, but I agree that Dawkins' prickish character really shows

>> No.3940562

Some book about the oppression of Japanese people.

>> No.3940570
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I know it's a forgery, but still the worst German I've ever read by far. None of these guys could write worth a damn.

>> No.3940600
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I actually liked the first book in spite of or maybe because of it's pulpiness.

If you're ever feeling particularly self destructive, I'd actually recommend the second one. It's incredibly indulgent almost dangerously retarded. You really get to know the author's particular hangups with women. By the end I wasn't sure who I wanted to strangle more, kvothe or his awful love interest.

At the very least you should skim the 100 page section where kvothe has uninterupted hot sex with a fairy or something along those lines

>> No.3940601

>I know it's a forgery

lol what is this rubbish

>> No.3940609
File: 24 KB, 200x297, Stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stand by Steven King

I waded through 1000 pages of Steven's bullshit and in the end God nukes the bad guys. The literal hand of God sets of a conveniently placed nuclear weapon. An actual 'deus ex machina.' Fuck all of the reviewers who said this would be any good.

>> No.3940611
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>> No.3940620

You're an idiot.

>> No.3940639


Oh please, any philologist can tell you no less than four different men (of which Hitler was one) wrote this book

>> No.3940648

so you think it was written by the jewz?

>> No.3940651


No you imbecile, by Hitler and at least 3 other members of the early Nazi party, probably ones he shared prison space with

>> No.3940655
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why do you hate the jews

>> No.3940658

Yes, Hitler commissioned a Jew to write it. Wanted all the credit for himself, but forgot which Jew was the author. Thus, began a long and sordid process of killing all the Jews to cover up his fraudulent authorship. The book's subject matter was purely coincidental.

>> No.3940661

Thanks for giving me the plot of my next book.

>> No.3940663
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Never claimed to hate them. Actually I would have to say I'm thoroughly unconcerned with them.

Maybe you're projecting?

>> No.3940759
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This, it's so bad that it actually offends me.

>> No.3940792

He is in fact, report him, he is obvious as fuck

>> No.3940868
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For real, her only real problem is that she can't choose between three hilariously rich, powerful, and sexy young men. Naturally, she decides to be a fucking brat about the whole thing, abandon her fucking children, and be generally 2deep4u right into the ocean. Seriously, Chopin is a fucking dyke. I hate to be that guy, but if anyone says they like this book I won't talk to them, especially if they "identify with Edna sososososo much." Fuck that shit, I even give Twilight fans a chance. They're generic but they're not sickeningly revolting either. Even Plath is more palatable than Chopin

>> No.3940873

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.3940875

The Fall by Camus

The Plague by Camus

Fuck it, while we're at it, I'll throw The Stranger in there.

>> No.3940897


10/10 troll again

>> No.3940903

well I really like the Awakening, so please stay away from me.

>> No.3940914

What do you like about it?

>> No.3940984
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Its shittier than it looks.

>> No.3941035
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The Giver. Worst shit I was ever forced to read in Middle School of all places. I don't understand why it was required to read it; there was no fucking point to it unless they wanted to expose us to the whole "evil dystopian society" thing.

>> No.3941066


>> No.3941067


>> No.3941086


>Breakfast of the Champions

>> No.3941115

I thought it was decent.

>> No.3941121


The whole book follows the extraordinarily gifted and interesting main character which could be considered the promotion of unhealthy values, and gaah, the irony, the main character is perceptive enough to challenge the entire system, something totally counterproductive to the educational system , or social structure for that matter OR MAYBE it is an ingenious move to crystallize ____ as fantasy, the fact that it is forcefully read in school could also reinforce a negative association to the ideas in this book, subconsciously of course.

>> No.3941130

This was actually hilarious.

>> No.3941159


Y'know, I really enjoyed 1984 and tried to begin Brave New World once but was immediately turned off by it for some reason. Hmm.

>> No.3941164

I've read both books twice. 1984 felt more compelling to read at the time, but BNW had a more profound impact. If it's the most terrible thing this guy's read, he clearly hasn't read enough.

>> No.3941174

I had to read the first one for school. I felt like I knew more about the characters clothes and hygiene than any conflict/plot.

>> No.3941210


It did wear thin, there wasn't much variety and near the end it was starting to drag, but I thought it was a rather good read. Is it wrong I began to like Ignatius?

>> No.3941221
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Any book that begins with a foreword actually saying "I dunno, you guys might not like this book guys" is immediately suspect.

Guide note: This "guide note" section happens literally every two or three paragraphs, and it's all in italics for some unknown reason. Later in the book, the book itself jokes about the Guide notes and how annoying, and numerous the Guide notes are, without doing anything guide note guide note guide note. Guide note guide note guide note guide note.

>> No.3941807
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Biggest reading let down I have ever had. I LOVED Slaughterhouse-Five and my friend said BoC was great. My expectations were high, he wrote it years after Slaughterhouse-Five so I figured he would have developed his craft even more, how wrong I was. BoC seems like it was written by Vonnegut when he was 14

>> No.3941834


Seems a bit of an unfair criticism though, I mean, Diamond acknowledged that there were countless factors he could never consider properly, one of which was human choice. He was trying to analyze macro tendencies amongst societies though and I think he did a great job with that.

>> No.3941842


Agreed. That book really felt soulless in comparison to the other hitchhiker's guide novels.

It also felt like a bit of a step back, especially considering how Adams ended the previous novel, nothing but a cheap cash in on the series.

>> No.3941852

I actually like that book better than Hitchhiker and So Long.

>> No.3941864

Why would you read some fan sequel to the series that was already horrible?

Sometimes victims really are the ones to blame, I guess.

>> No.3942134

Haha, I'm with you on that one.

>> No.3942144

Why is it bad anon? It was on my reading list...

>> No.3942166

100 years of solitude.

>> No.3942176

I haven't read Inheritance, but Brisingr was painful to read by the end. It probably gets my vote.

>> No.3942179

The whole book follows the extraordinarily gifted and interesting main character which could be considered the promotion of unhealthy values, and gaah, the irony, [...]
I thought you might have been talking about Ender's game. Thinking about it now, I really hate books with 'dystopian' themes (though not being the sole source of the problem) and characters that are exclusively talented, and the entire resolution of the plot is due to their singular superiority. It makes authors appear rather condescending.
Cf.: 1984, Anthem, Ender's Game, the Giver

>> No.3942205

/lit/ bonfire pls

I don't bother reading through books I can't stand, but Lacan has been pissing me off for a while. I sold a copy back to amazon once, tried to read a pirated version on my ereader but deleted it and am considering buying it again to burn it.

I work at a student-run bookstore and there are a lot of books I would enjoy burning so that there is more space for literature.

>> No.3942212

are you sure? it looks really shitty already...

>> No.3942213

any book that was required for highschool english

>> No.3942250
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michel houellebecq - the elementary particles

>> No.3942312

American Psycho, without a doubt.

It's just a 300+ page excuse for the author to masturbate over his perverted and twisted fantasies, guided along by one-dimensional characters and a random assembly of events that form no coherent storyline.

>> No.3942790

What school forces children to read that pile of steaming crap?

>> No.3942795

I read the "climactic fight" in a bookstore in an airport and put it back on the shelf in disgust. I just wanted closure...

>> No.3942798

The Sun Also Rises, but then again most books from that period disagree with me

>> No.3942843


>> No.3942921


The Bourne Identity.

I was awaiting a pretty cheesy but overall interesting action/spy book, but unfortunately the "interesting" part was missing.

I didn't read it though, though.

>> No.3942937
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This is an example of when a author uses lengthy dialogue and unnecessary detail to the point of ludicrousness.

This was so dull. Almost as bad as "Wuthering Heights"

>> No.3942960
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Not book but series, the The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, never been more pissed .

It has everything wonderful from inconsistent characters to cuckold hero.

>> No.3942966

>michel houellebecq

You asked for it.

>> No.3942973

What's wrong with Houellebecq? He captures the modern youth perfectly.

>> No.3942989

>He captures the modern youth perfectly

How does one capture something that has no substance ?

>> No.3943017

Satan, why are you pretending to be Sunhawk?

>> No.3943025


>> No.3944190

I think that's why I don't like a lot of classics. From what I've read there is so much dialogue and it's rarely interesting. I'm sure I've missed out on other aspects of the books because I put them down if there is loads of dialogue, example would be Tolstoy's novels.

>> No.3944191

*tips fedora*

>> No.3946690

The Prince. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, first its blah blah medici, then hes fucking talking about the romans and greek and shit like wtf. then he says the French system was basically full proof, like wtf i didnt get it, but then again i dont like WWII that much

>> No.3946826

That's so right. WH is so great, dat atmosphere and chill. "I've been a waif for twenty years!"

For worst book I read, it's D.H. Lawrence's Lectures on American Literature.

>> No.3949402
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And this piece of shit won a pulitzer price.

>> No.3949414

Should've read the CliffNotes instead. Hell, you probably could' ve read the Wikipedia synopsis and gotten the gist of it.

>> No.3949442

Also sprach zarathustra.

>> No.3949443

I loved Eragon when I first read it (must have been about 10). I reread it years later and realized that it was clearly a self-published fantasy novel by an autistic 15-year-old.

I saw him speak once. He was a really cool guy who knew his shit about fantasy. Just happened to be a hack writer.

>> No.3949463

That's one of my favorite books ever

What exactly didn't you like about it?

>> No.3949467

I'd read it.
>>3936616 btw, who has my copy of this?

>> No.3949493

Ha ha. Had to read that as a high-school freshman. Wrote about how much and why I hated it. Failed the class. God I was an awful student.

>> No.3949725

I thought the first 3/4 were great and then it went way way down.

>> No.3949728
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Took me about 90 pages until I started hating it. Second worst is Eragon.

>> No.3949735

because it's blatantly false on some of its biggest ideas and completely discredits the concept of racial inequality factoring into the development of history

>> No.3949742

Because the writer is a non-anthropologist masquerading as an anthropologist, spreading information that's oversimplified to the point of being pretty much false. He also skews data in such a way as to support neo-colonialism.

"The World Until Yesterday" is even worse.

I mean, I'm just an anthropology student, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but that's the gist of it.

>> No.3949749

my ex told me to read the Percy Jackson series. I started it, threw the book in the trash after 50 pages, never told her I started, said I was getting around to it until we broke up. contemplated telling her.
also another girl I liked recently told me to read The Fault in our Stars by John Green. I hated it by 30 pages in, but it was her copy so I looked up what happens and told her I finished. she was impressed with how fast a reader I am.
there are ways to avoid this. why would you go all the way?

>> No.3949753
File: 15 KB, 200x322, deaduntil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Until Dark - Elvis alive fucking cats

>> No.3949754

So it's some weird avant-garde shit? Sounds at least kind of entertaining.

>> No.3949757

what's wrong with it?

>> No.3949758

yeah it's shit, cut out some of the inner dialog and it's basically a movie script

>> No.3949762

Are you saying it's impossible for a movie to be good? Or just that the author needs to take advantage of the medium he's using and not write his book like it's a movie script?

>> No.3949776

>Or just that the author needs to take advantage of the medium he's using and not write his book like it's a movie script?
Well movies are kind of ruined when there is no visual aspect

>> No.3949779

It's poorly written, with boring characters, annoying heroine, and what's the worst, it seems like an author wanted to be honest. Series (true blood) is soooo much better.

>> No.3949786

That's true. Cinematography is to movies as prose is to books.

>> No.3949788

Oh. The pic was lo-res so I couldn't tell what it was. Is it the first book in that Southern Vampire Mysteries series or whatever?

I thought maybe it was something about an actual undead Elvis Presley having sex with cats or something.

>> No.3949794

Yeah, it's a subplot.

>> No.3949797

Should've been a slice of life about the unlife of ghost Elvis that starts out relatively normal and very, very gradually gets weirder until that kind of shit is happening on every page.

>> No.3949805

You are gay, and probably fat and Dominican.

>> No.3949839

So many of you absolutely hated Confederacy of Dunces, to the point where it's the worst book you've ever read? And Hemingway as the author of the worst book you've ever read.
Holy shit, I wish we had the same reading list.
But really, this thread is clearly about books that we didn't like, not the worst we've read.

I'll second/third The Alchemist. What a load of garbage.

>> No.3949842

Yeah, I really don't enjoy Hemingway's longer works, at all, but I don't think that makes his books bad.

>> No.3949843

Could not disagree more.

>> No.3949865

I'm none of those things. What's your point?

>> No.3949879

I don't know about that. I can understand disagreeing (especially since it's not even a book). It is good. But doesn't "could not disagree more" imply that you think it's the very best that anon has ever read?

>> No.3949885


not all the way through, couldn't handle it

Jesus Christ Paolini needs to die.

Worst book all the way... hm, Ken Follet's pillars of the Earth, I knew what I got my self into, I just dealt with it until it was too late.

>> No.3949894

Dan Simmons: Illium
I guess I just kept reading hoping that I was wrong, and that what I thought was a train wreck was going to magically resolve itself.
But no.

>> No.3949903


I was just messing around. I thought you leaved.

To answer your question, the book cares very little about the main character and focuses on other people instead, most of the time.

This in itself wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the fact that every time the author focuses on someone else it s to show how tragic their live was: "Oh woe is me, how tragic my life is/was"

And even this in itself wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't because the author doesn't care about them either, that's when you realize that the main character of the novel is the goddamn fuku. That fucking made up curse is the focus of the whole book. It makes everything so predictable. It is a downhill ride with no ups.

The supposed MC, doesn't grow in anyway, except for his belly. And then he finally succeds in committing suicide, which puts the pathetic cherry on his pathetic cake of his pathetic life.

>> No.3949904

because 4chan is racist

>> No.3949909

I lol'd

>> No.3949913

Had to read that twice in college. Hated it both times.

>> No.3949920
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>pic related
I shit blood for days after reading this stupid fucking book. Sartre's idiocy forcibly sodomized me from page 1 until the end. I still have flashbacks of my brain being raped by his unintelligent ideas and forced-associations. It was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me.
"Essence precedes existence," is one of the most pleb-tier concepts I have ever heard. It implies objectivity in perception and a general objective truth by claiming the existence of essence

>> No.3949984

2angsty4me and 2deep4me

>> No.3950021
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Stephen untryga

>> No.3950073

To the Lighthouse by Woolf, I really wanted to like it but it was just horrible

>> No.3950078

Romiet and Julio.

Shittiest shit that the middle-school mandatory reading selection could dish out.

>> No.3950084

The Neon Bible was 100x worse.

>> No.3950088

I think you're my ex. Thanks for bending the back cover in half, bitch. Also, stop trying to fucking talk to me. Why the hell do you think I want anything to do with you?

>> No.3950093

The Library Policeman. What was King thinking when he wrote this?!

>> No.3950096

Erich Maria Remarque was a German and he wrote the most incredible war novel of all time.

>> No.3950098

I consider Breakfast of Champions in the top 3 Vonnegut books of all time. The other two being his greatest work, Cat's Cradle, and naturally his most critically acclaimed, Slaughter House Five
>So we still have today men who remember when God spoke clearly to mankind

>> No.3950155
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video related

>> No.3950162

so boring

>> No.3950177

Jared Diamond is racist.

>> No.3950180

I hope you don't think it's actually about the romance between Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.3950198

>The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks.
>A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck.

>> No.3950239

what's wrong with Wuthering Heights?

>> No.3950257

It was pretty decent from what I remember, but even in middle school while in the midst of a Palahniuk obsession, I called bullshit on the edginess of the "euthanizing babies and putting them in the dumpster" bit.