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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 729 KB, 837x1373, Catcher-in-the-rye-red-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3927735 No.3927735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most overrated books in history thread.

>inb4 these books are just #2deep4youuuuu

I get that if you're an edgy teenager then Salinger's pseudo-vernacular might seem appealing to you, but seriously, how much repetition can you take before you realise it's just crap?

>> No.3927747

>"most overrated"
>chooses the same book every other tryhard chooses
>that pathetic preemptive ridicule

Popular/Well-known does not necessarily mean bad.

>> No.3927753
File: 31 KB, 387x505, smug dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're almost done with undergrad and you've read enough to have a perspective. we get it. but when you get a little more experience you'll realize that books don't last by accident. salinger is still around for a reason, he may not be you're favorite but to dismiss him like that shows you're still green. but you're on your way. good luck sport.

>> No.3927784

Catcher is one of my favorite books. And judging from the way you write and the terminology you used in your OP, I'm very much okay with people like yourself not liking it.

>> No.3927835
File: 205 KB, 1280x1024, twilight-wallpapers-twilight-movie-10889274-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

durr dis book so oberrated do you agree ?

>> No.3927850


>> No.3927857

I'm sorry OP, it seems Catcher in the Rye is just too deep for you. Stay plebian.

>> No.3927872
File: 357 KB, 1024x769, Adolf-Hitler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter OPEE? Too deep 4u?


>> No.3927923

> hailed as a masterpiece by William Faulkner and Samuel Beckett

>> No.3927927
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>> No.3928352

I thought 9 Stories was by far better than Catcher.

>> No.3928388

That a fine fedora you've got there, OP

>> No.3928394

>This book was dum he just a whiny teenager
>I dont whine about anything
>Waahahannabbabahahaha Catcher sucks!!!

OP can you even empathy?

>> No.3928395

>thinks it's still fashionable to trash salinger

>> No.3928764

Catcher is given out to students in the hopes that they don't become faggots like Holden. Why do you have a problem with this?

Of course it's not the greatest book ever written.

>> No.3928768

Catcher sucks. Holden Caulflied is a pussy ass bitch.

>> No.3928772

Back to neo->>>/mu/ you go, pleb.

>> No.3928778

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austin most overrated author. Praised because she was a woman in a time when women didn't do professional scholarly things, which I can respect a bit

>> No.3928781

>Catcher sucks. Holden Caulflied is a pussy ass bitch.
That's kind of the point. He's you. Let it sink in.

>> No.3928782

>Jane Austin most overrated author. Praised because she was a woman in a time when women didn't do professional scholarly things, which I can respect a bit
I like Emily Bronte better.

>> No.3928820

>tfw my favorite book is the catcher in the rye
>tfw my favorite game is final fantasy vii
>tfw my favorite anime film is akira
>tfw my favorite modern film is the social network

plebs. They can't understand greatness that isn't from the mainstream. Nor can they understand it when it is jumping, shouting right in their faces.

>> No.3928824

>tfw this thread is just going to be a list of books people have misunderstood like OP with The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3928825


If it makes you feel better, Mary Wollstonecraft would have deplored the fiction that Austen produced.