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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 488x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3921680 No.3921680 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the smartest man ever, /lit/?

>> No.3921681

You are.

>> No.3921684

I knew it!

>> No.3921690

Unknown. In popular conception, da Vinci or Newton.

>> No.3921701

>da Vinci
His name was Leonardo

Solomon, Hermes Trismegistus, Daedalus
the smartest man alive is probably Dawkins or that guy who invented string theory

>> No.3921720

Who is Archimedes

>> No.3921723


>the smartest man alive is Richard Dawkins

Are....I....Goddamn, you must be REALLY special.

>> No.3921726

Who knows? There may have been some Sumerian or ancient African genius who single handidly outpaced the entire course of our modern civilization in his line of thought that we don't know about.

>> No.3921736

Definitely it's the Monadologist with the Huge Gonadologists, Leibniz.

>> No.3921739


Swing and a miss.

>> No.3921743


>> No.3921745

Probably this guy


>> No.3921754



>> No.3921757


So, what have you achieved in life, anon?

Just curious.

>> No.3921758

It's blasphemy for fedoras to say otherwise.

>> No.3921763


I think 'smartest' is an extremely vague term. Not trying to be a unique snowflake here but it's just a very broad term. You could ask: Who presented or created the series of ideas that revolutionized the thinking of man as a whole in the most profound way? In that case, I'd go with Einstein.
For the hell of it my bets on the 'smartest man evah':
Einstein, Goethe, Spinoza, Da Vinci, Newton, Sidney Lee.

>> No.3921769


In order...

1. Idi Amin
2. Papa Doc
3. Stalin
4. Willy Wonka
5. Your mom

>> No.3921776

>revolutionized the thinking of man as a whole
Oh yes, I'm sure the theory of relativity has really changed the lives of all those millions of people lacking even a basic education.

>> No.3921788

What has an African ever achieved in life?

If you say Achebe, nigga please

>> No.3921789


>Implying that the ability to destroy the entire world with nuclear bombs hasn't changed every single mind on the planet.

>Implying lasers aren't awesome.

>> No.3921792
File: 10 KB, 555x146, screwtape is retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... I'm speechless. Are you really that fucking retarded?

I'm going to post this picture every time you post something

>> No.3921796


Why is it relevant at all? The difference between you and me is greater than the difference between me and a random nigger. Because you're fucking stupid.
If you actually were smarter and better than most niggers then you wouldn't have a need to hate on them - but you aren't, and you are painfully aware of this and this is why every time somebody calls you out for being a worthless being you have to shout: WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT A NIGGER WAAAAHAHAHA.
But you are a nigger. To me you are. And you can't hide that you are pathetic.

>> No.3921799

What about ousmane sembene? He was a novelist and a director

>> No.3921801


You do realize that Einstein's work covered a LOT more than just relativity, right?
Nah, you probably don't. If you did, you wouldn't come up with such an uneducated reply.

>> No.3921802


I don't care about Africans right, I care about what YOU have achieved.

Otherwise, you're just another stormfront punk who takes pride on stuff done by others, and by an accident called "being born of a certain race", without having ever achieved anything yourself for the betterment of humankind.

So, what have you achieved?

>> No.3921804

>Implying the greatness of an idea is dependent on whether an uneducated person can understand it

>Implying that for an idea to be great it must have an instant and tangible affect on every person on the planet

>Implying the idea that space and time are one thing isn't fucking cool

Enormous, flabby pleb of imbecilic proportions detected

>> No.3921809

That just proves my point that his work has no bearing on the average person.

>> No.3921813
File: 143 KB, 542x800, goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go for Goethe. At a time where one mind was capable of grasping most in: Art, science, sociology, politics etc.

>> No.3921816


What about the nuclear bomb, you cockjuggling thundercunt?

>> No.3921827

Srinivasa Ramanujan

>> No.3921828

He probably meant Hawking... but yeah, it was pretty dumb.

>> No.3921829

It's not the Cold War anymore, Mr Ad Hominem.

>> No.3921840
File: 149 KB, 731x800, 1351720570772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u say Bataille I say E L James
u say Stirner I say Rand
u say David Foster Wallace I say Bret Easton Ellis
u say Battle Royale I say Hunger Games
u say philosophy I scream ONANISM
u say theology I rip your head off
92% of teenagers have turned to dialectics and theory.If you are part of the 10% that still read real literature,copy and paste this message to another 5 threads. DON'T LET PLEBEIANS DIE!!!!

>> No.3921841

>Srinivasa Ramanujan
Oh yeah, you could indeed call him one of the biggest mathematical geniuses of all time.

>> No.3921842
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 1263817613880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the over-hyped poster child of 20th century science

>> No.3921839
File: 178 KB, 527x364, funkadelic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sembene Ousman

Just read a few of his novellas, damn were they good.

>mfw he had the gonads to criticize Islam, gender roles, corruption and traditional values in fucking Senegal

>> No.3921845

Socrates was, he even explained why he was the smartest man to ever lived himself. Read the Apology.

>> No.3921846

And Morrisey is a tonedeaf asshole.

>> No.3921848

Let's all argue without defining our terms. That'll be fun!

Define "smart", I'll give you an answer.

>> No.3921851

single handedly the most repulsive picture I've ever seen. I want to punch that ugly bastard through a wall.

>> No.3921854


Do you think Einstein's contribution to science is 'overhyped'? Care to elaborate?

Please keep his status in popular culture separate from the issue.

>> No.3921855

The Apology explained why anyone who claims maximum intelligence is a fool. Just because he made that implication, it doesn't mean he was the smartest. Even then, it's a subjective implication. A schizophrenic can know he is crazy just as the smartest man in the world can know he is the smartest man in the world.

>> No.3921856
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this might be folk etymology but I'm pretty sure the use of "Einstein" in place of "genius" was only started by some advertisement that used his face to sell stuff so yeah
he was intelligent but a lot of the mystique comes from stuff like that

>implying he wasn't being ironic
he was a moran who couldn't even escape execution and he knew it

u wanna fite

>> No.3921860

Da Vinci and the rest of the polymaths aren't the smartest in terms of raw intelligence, they are just the most talented of people. In terms of brain processing power it's probably some kid with asperger's syndrome. One guy famous for that kind of hyper intelligence is an Indian Mathematician called Ramanujan. That guy was like a fucking magician when it came to maths. He lived in poor India and studied a couple of textbooks and believed that the Hindu gods would deliver him mathematical insights or some shit. His proofs apparently are very elegant and astound even the top geniuses in maths.

>> No.3921863

>implying he wasn't being ironic

nah, he was being straight. He used irony a lot but in the Apology he's very sincere.

>> No.3921864

I don't know, I've had a collection of my short stories published as well as several political and philosophical articles featured in magazines. I can guarantee that neither of you have accomplished as much as I have. This isn't about me though, or you. To say that my personal achievements have anything to do with my argument would be ad hominem. This is about how the amount of academic achievements that Africans have accomplished , when compared to other parts of the world, is next to nothing. I think you two understand this but, because you are insecure, claim that I'm racist in order to feel better about yourselves. Notice that I have not once mentioned skin color, yet you two both have assumed that I am racist; it's your way of projecting your own insecurities upon me. If I had said that Irishmen have achieved next to nothing (which, by the way, isn't true in the slightest, I'm just using this example for comparison), you would have, instead of blabbering on about me being a "nigger" or a "stormfront punk", either ignored me entirely or come up with some successful Irishmen that would counter my claim. The reason you resort to targeting my own personal achievements is because

A. You concede that Africans have never achieved anything, but you feel threatened by an obviously academically superior group of people so you

B. You majored in African American Studies and are trying to justify your waste of a major

C. You're one of those "politically correct" morons who goes out of their way to defend black people as much as possible, even though they probably wouldn't defend you

>> No.3921872

Go to bed, Wittygenstein.

>> No.3921875

Smartest man ever? Are you 12 or something? I had similar questions puzzling me at that age. Some people are even answering it as if it meant something.

>> No.3921879


>> No.3921881

Define "bed".

I kid, I kid.

Back to the racism!

>> No.3921882

yeah but you're missing that the beauty of Socrates is that his wisdom lies in the wisdom to know that he doesn't know.

so the Apology is like irony with the legs cut out from under it - which is tragicomedy.

>> No.3921884

>yeah but you're missing that the beauty of Socrates is that his wisdom lies in the wisdom to know that he doesn't know.

doesn't matter where it lies really, he was the still the wisest men to ever live

>> No.3921888

i wouldn't deny that.

>> No.3921895

The knee-jerk reactions and tiring arguments against him were expected but Dawkins is actually a very renowned biologist. I'm a layman who particularly enjoyed "The Selfish Gene" and "Ancestor's Tale" the former was a life changer.

>> No.3921896


Why do we always feel the need to pick physicists as smartest person eva? Big Bang Theory?

>> No.3921898

so what the fuck is your point about african people? are they genetically stupid or not?

>> No.3921903

Intelligence is relative.

>> No.3921904
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>> No.3921908

So is everything
Discussion killed.

>> No.3921915
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he's an intelligent scientist (or he was; I guess he's more interested in being a charlatan now) but a person who wrote "Postmodernism Disrobed" shouldn't really be considered a public intellectual if such a thing exists
he's supposed to be known for debating but I don't know when he's debated anyone notable

>> No.3921920
File: 53 KB, 500x485, wink-happy-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha goddammit /lit/, sometimes you amaze me

>> No.3921928


No, this is about you, twat, demeaning an entire race (which is an obsolete construct anyway), which automatically implies that YOU do not belong to that race, implying that you are on some sort of a higher position through achievements --achievements which, mind you, have had absolutely nothing to do with you.

And, by the way, your "achievements" are shit. Articles? Don't make me laugh. And me thinking you were going to babble about the cure of polio, color TV, or space travel.


>> No.3921931

His intelligence would have heavily decayed due to malnutrition and other factors.

>> No.3921940



I never thought I'd see this level of stupid on /lit/.

>> No.3921942
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>> No.3921945


Are you serious? Did you not know that Timbucktoo was one of the world-centres of knowledge exchange in the middle ages?

>> No.3921949
File: 47 KB, 300x300, 1135263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, I feel like I'm talking to my creationist uncle

>> No.3921959


>Spinoza but no Liebniz
wtf r u doin

>> No.3921964
File: 20 KB, 450x307, ed witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.3921978

Sidney Lee?

Nigga is u Danish?

>> No.3921998
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>> No.3922129

>His intelligence would have heavily decayed due to malnutrition and other factors.

What makes you think Africans who lived before the modern population explosion were malnourished?

>> No.3922156
File: 24 KB, 300x300, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3922160

someone no one has ever heard of because (s)he had the good sense not to become famous

>> No.3922243

Einstein? Come on, dude. Relative to his previous theorists, he wasn't /that/ salient. He probably doesn't even rank top ten.

>> No.3922247

lol at Tesla not being mentioned yet. I overestimated you /lit/

>> No.3922254

silly piers....

>> No.3922259
File: 710 KB, 1240x1427, Crazy eyes Eco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smartest guy ever is either Umberto Eco or Borges.

>> No.3922260

Holy shit.

>> No.3922261


Well, it's definitely not Eco.

>> No.3922266


>> No.3922270

James joyce is the smartest guy

>> No.3922272
File: 31 KB, 500x368, julio-cortazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy right here

>> No.3922273
File: 37 KB, 554x439, i dunt know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Cioran had the most intelligent grip on existing.

>> No.3922275

أبو علي الحسين بن عبد الله بن سينا
>read it backwards.

>> No.3922276


> dawkins
> smartest man ever

Grabbed a screenshot.

Might as well throw your trip goodbye, Screwtape. You'll never live that one down.

>> No.3922278

chomsky for his encyclopaedic ability to call up a reference to any reference he needs in a discussion

>> No.3922279
File: 34 KB, 570x323, BertrandRussell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gentleman is also a nominee.

>> No.3922282

you realize hes a jesus nerd right?

>> No.3922284


>> No.3922286


>> No.3922287

>completely ignores or plays down the impact religious philosophers like Kierkegaard and Spinoza have in his shitty "Reader's Digest" of western philosophy because of personal insecurities and bias

>> No.3922290

What books written by Russell have you actually read?

>> No.3922291

sigmund freud

>> No.3922295

i've read problems of philo and philo of logical atomism

both were obv filled w quite intelligent thoughts but they were both boring and, i thought, shortsighted

>> No.3922296

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.3922299


Ibn 'Arabi was smarter.

>> No.3922300

a big ass compilation. the cover had a photo of several book spines on it.

>> No.3922302

Wittgenstein and Einstein

>> No.3922304

this guy
has clearly never read any of sigmund freud's works and esp. not the ones for which he was awarded the goethe prize in literature

**snicker** u fucking pleb

>> No.3922305

you're not me.

but yeah, shortsighted is a good way to describe Russell.

his teapot thing is the most head-numbingly inane and logic devoid argument since Pascal's joke wager. it's shortsighted in the name of being pragmatic.

>> No.3922306

Maybe his writing is not as flawless as Borges' but he figured out a lot of the "secrets" of the old man.

Borges proposed semiotic problems in the form of short stories (like the Aleph) and Eco solved those problems.

>> No.3922314
File: 310 KB, 640x480, 9df7fcb2b5e775a4c210b3de4c190bc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad.

>> No.3922316

qt response

is that him sitting there dressed up in a black turtleneck w white hair like steve jobs just sitting there reading a book about the life of foreverturtlenecked steve jobs?

>> No.3922318

Postmodernism is shit.

>> No.3922319

You should read read more of him. But you are right about him ignoring religious philosophers, he was fairly biased towards the atheist view.
You might try "Why I am not a Christian".

>> No.3922321

How so?

>> No.3922323

I stand by my claim.

>> No.3922327

>his teapot thing is the most head-numbingly inane and logic devoid argument since Pascal's joke wager. it's shortsighted in the name of being pragmatic.
Are you serious?

>> No.3922329

pretty easy to do when you're an idiot with no knowledge at all about what it is that you're claiming

>> No.3922336

Don't you get all high and mighty with me.

>> No.3922337

Stick with your mysticism ands pseudoscience.

>> No.3922349

dan brown

>> No.3922351

unread retard detected

read beyond the pleasure principle, in german (after you've read his other works chronologically) and then see how you feel about saying that.

>> No.3922353

And yet you browse 4chan

>> No.3922355

u kids r laff.

i wrote a paper detailing the shift from kant to freud and kant's influence on early freudian schemas

sadly it seems like lit isn't interested in anything that hasn't been presented to them as being valuable, like a child needing an other to tell him what to do (or what not to do) so that he can feel validated

o & not to mention, you're rejecting freud before even reading him-- funny, freud would have some interesting things to say about that

>> No.3922358

"And yet you browse 4chan"

posted on 4chan

>> No.3922363

"fuck off"

>> No.3922365

""fuck off""

>> No.3922391

Yes. It's so poorly contrived I'm surprised that Russell even has any place in the philosophical realm. It's something an angsty high schooler would come up with while angry at Sunday church that their parents drug their NEET-ass to.

He philosophically tries to compare a simple phenomena (simple teacup) to a massive noumenon (every historical deity, creation and destruction mythos, world religions, lifestyles, personality cults, ideologies, personal practiced religion, ect.) that can't be naturalized in the same way. It's totally inane and very adolescent in terms of intellectual maturity.

>> No.3922394

I realize the conflicting remark about a "high schooler" who's a NEET doesn't work. my mistake.

>> No.3922404

Wait, where was that photo taken? I think I recognise that Empik.

>> No.3922408

Actually I found that picture randomly @ the internet, sorry.

>> No.3922429

>smartest man alive
pick one

also 3/10

>> No.3922438

Diogenes, Tesla, or Hegel.

>> No.3922445
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Known for

>Abelian von Neumann algebra
>Affiliated operator
>Amenable group
>Arithmetic logic unit
>Artificial viscosity
>Axiom of regularity
>Axiom of limitation of size
>Backward induction
>Blast wave (fluid dynamics)
>Bounded set (topological vector space)
>Carry-save adder
>Class (set theory)
>Decoherence theory
>Computer virus
>Commutation theorem
>Continuous geometry
>Direct integral
>Doubly stochastic matrix
>Duality Theorem
>Density matrix
>Durbin–Watson statistic
>Game theory
>Hyperfinite type II factor
>Ergodic theory
>explosive lenses
>Lattice theory
>Lifting theory
>Inner model
>Inner model theory
>Interior point method
>Mutual assured destruction
>Merge sort
>Middle-square method
>Minimax theorem
>Monte Carlo method
>Normal-form game
>Pointless topology
>Polarization identity
>Quantum mutual information
>Radiation implosion
>Rank ring
>Operator theory
>Operation Greenhouse
>Software whitening
>Standard probability space
>Stochastic computing
>von Neumann algebra
>von Neumann architecture
>Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
>Von Neumann cardinal assignment
>Von Neumann cellular automaton
>von Neumann constant (two of them)
>Von Neumann interpretation
>von Neumann measurement scheme
>Von Neumann Ordinals
>Von Neumann universal constructor
>Von Neumann entropy
>von Neumann Equation
>Von Neumann neighborhood
>Von Neumann paradox
>Von Neumann regular ring
>Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory
>Von Neumann spectral theory
>Von Neumann universe
>Von Neumann conjecture
>Von Neumann's inequality
>Stone–von Neumann theorem
>Von Neumann's trace inequality
>Von Neumann stability analysis
>Quantum statistical mechanics
>Von Neumann extractor
>Von Neumann ergodic theorem
>Ultrastrong topology
>Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem
>ZND detonation model

>> No.3922448

>Von Neumann had a wide range of cultural interests. Since the age of six, von Neumann had been fluent in Latin and ancient Greek, and he held a lifelong passion for ancient history, being renowned for his prodigious historical knowledge. A professor of Byzantine history once said that von Neumann had greater expertise in Byzantine history than he did.

>> No.3922486

Archimedes, Gauss, Goethe or >>3922445

>> No.3922568

goethe is a good candidate as well

tbqh the thread idea is very stupid as it assumes that intelligence/aptitude/wit/awareness ('smartness') can be measured and moreover that two smartnesses can be measured vis-a-vis the other

my sister, e.g., is smarter than me RE: fashion and etc.

but for all the options being thrown out by the retarded lot on /lit/, i think that my suggestion (sigmund freud-- the man whose insights into psychical life have shaped the world in so many manifold ways and in such a short time)-- is not much of a stretch. to call me a troll for this suggestion is to admit you have no idea what freud actually wrote about.

>> No.3922573

>meaning anything without a good definition

Anyways, I'd argue that Srinivasa Ramanujan was probably the smartest man ever born, in terms of ability to understand divinity. Galois is my favorite mathematician though. Non-mathematicians don't count when discussing brilliance or genius.

>> No.3922578

>ability to understand divinity

wow, /lit/ is overrun with religious folk

>> No.3922581


>> No.3922584

edgy theists are the next stage of internet counterculture

>> No.3922590

muslim detected

>> No.3922593

In terms of IQ, it's probably this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_James_Sidis

He had a sad life though :(

>> No.3922601

Of course we can consider only those with surviving writings..., therefore maybe Peter Abelard, or someone whose name I've forgotten (from the Arabist tradition in the same period anyway) come to my mind.

>> No.3922608

Liberal detected

>> No.3922619

Gauss or Newton. There is no other answer

>> No.3922623

>tfw when most of these men are Jewish

I'm comfortably more intelligent than most people I come across, and educated to a high level, but deep down I know I will always be painfully mediocre. Don't tell /pol/, but I often wish I were ethnically Jewish or at least from a Jewish background. It seems most of the great ideas, scientific advancements and political movements which have had such a profound impact on humanity have all come about through Jews.

>> No.3922630


Jews have been 50% of the world's chess grandmasters while making up less than 2% of its population.

>> No.3922643
File: 332 KB, 624x480, 1373348407916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3922645


That's like basketball and black people. I am Jewish and I cannot even draw a chess match against a 5 year old.

>> No.3922650


Well, duh. We're talking about standard deviations in large groups of people. There are still going to be really stupid Jews and really smart black people.

>> No.3922652

>50% of the world's chess grandmasters
>less than 2% of [the world's] population

how often do you think the dogon play chess, you fucking idiot?

did i just get trolled what the fuck

>> No.3922665

>You could ask: Who presented or created the series of ideas that revolutionized the thinking of man as a whole in the most profound way? In that case, I'd go with Einstein.

Karl Marx.

>> No.3922668


No, that would probably be "J," the author of the Penteteuch. Or Plato.

>> No.3922669

good candidate also

>> No.3922670
File: 915 KB, 2550x3300, motivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the words of god
Get a load of this atheist.

Where are you getting that from?

>> No.3922672


>cannot even draw a chess match against a 5 year old

That's actually a bad example. The cognitive functions chess relies upon actually develop very early, which is why there are many brilliant child chess players. It's the same reason you see so many child prodigies in Maths and Science, but very few advancing our understanding of existentialism.

>> No.3922673

I concur, here is proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vanjlXLN5o

>> No.3922680


If we want to limit this discussion to those men who have had the greatest impact upon the 20th century at least, I would nominate Freud, Marx, Einstein and Darwin. All but the last were Jewish.

>> No.3922707

string theory is a joke, you know that right?

>> No.3922720

Too much made up shit surrounding this guy.

>> No.3922729

ctrl+f 'Wittgenstein'

1 of 1


>> No.3922740



>> No.3922743

I have a feeling you already are =\

>> No.3922745


>> No.3922747


>no one seems to know who this guy is

Somehow, I'm not really surprised.

>> No.3922753


He was the smartest guy of the 21st century, probably. But Leibniz definitely takes the cake, with maybe Goethe or one of the Greek geniuses coming second.

>> No.3922755

Aristotle believed you thought with your heart and that a brain was just a cooling system for the body

>> No.3922759

>21st century

I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.3922765


Shit, I meant 20th. lwl

>> No.3922766
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Well, I'm having trouble parsing your question

>> No.3922774


>information argument

>> No.3922788

based Aristotle

>> No.3922797

and he was right

>> No.3922799
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>> No.3922802


You. I like you.

>> No.3922803
File: 10 KB, 260x193, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to agree with >>3921723
not just the richard dawkins part
>that guy who invented string theory
implying string theory is correct
implying one person did it unaided

>> No.3922804

James Maxwell or Von Neumann

>> No.3922806
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>dat Jewish propaganda

>> No.3922808
File: 6 KB, 195x259, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates obviously
I mean, come on
"All that I know is that I know nothing."
The man was a genius.

>> No.3922809

>Couldn't understand Godel's incompleteness theorem
>Smartest man of the 21st Century

>> No.3922820
File: 144 KB, 500x667, 1369940595891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read the outsiders and i realized im just like mersalut, nobody understands me, too f*cking edgy
i've been listening to alot of burzum right now, you probably havent heard of them

"'What! Are you dead already?' I said to him.
And he then: 'How my body stands in the world
I do not know. So privileged is this rim

of Ptolomea, that often souls fall to it
before dark Atropos has cut their thread.
And that you may more willingly free my spirit

of this glaze of frozen tears that shrouds my face,
I will tell you this: when a soul betrays as I did,
it falls from flesh, and a demon takes its place,

ruling the body till its time is spent.
The ruined soul rains down into this cistern.
So I believe, there is still evident

in the world above, all that is fair and mortal
of this black shade who winters here behind me.
If you have only recently crossed the portal

from that sweet world, you surely must have known
his body: Branca D'Oria is its name,
and many years have passed since he rained down.'"
more fitting for Hitchens imo but he's actually dead now

>> No.3922821

He was right, though I really don't care enough to convince you. It is a philosophical problem, not a biological one, for biology sustains it even so. Anyway, you don't want to know.

>> No.3922826

fuck I need to get out of here, I knew exactly what video it would be prior to clicking it

>> No.3922831

human intelligence is pitiful

even the most "intelligent" of men are so disgracefully limited by their circumstances, by their upbringing, by what they've read, by their prejudices and dispositions. It's why a genius can be a racist when "even everybody knows that racism is bad".
There is far more vanity about being intelligent in the world than there is actual intelligence. Human intelligence is limited but human's capacity for vanity is fucking limitless.

>> No.3922836

Edward Witten for unifying string theory

>> No.3922837

Yeah I agree with this, intelligence doesn't really mean shit when it comes to judging a person.

>> No.3922844

You can meet somebody with an excellent memory and reasoning skills but is as deluded about his own superiority to others as any vacuous teenaged girl born into wealth or beauty.

I said Socrates was the smartest earlier in this thread, and the thing about Socrates is that he actively fought against such self-delusion and hypocrisy as though it were his duty.

>> No.3922850 [DELETED] 

i used listened to nothing but burzum and mutiilation and vlad tepes when i was insane, and now i can't listen to black metal without feeling crazy, how edgy is that, punk (on the real though im emotionally crippled i just found out about ryan davis dying i can't be edgy right now or clever apologies)

>> No.3922854
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I am

>> No.3922862
File: 696 KB, 800x1099, good ol baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Borges, propose Jean Baudrillard.

>> No.3922869

2nd for

Nuemann Janos


John von Neumann

he sped us up like 15 years of science

>> No.3922916

second my nigga Baudrillard

maybe Siddhartha Guatama or Bodhidharma

>> No.3922946

Once again, I didn't even talk about race. Africa is a continent, not a race. Europe and Asia, throughout history, have both contributed FAR MORE to history and academia than Africa has, so to say that some genius would come out of Africa is completely unbased.

I'm published. I consider that an achievement, and honestly, I think most people on this board would as well. I'm young, I'm writing a novel, I have time to accomplish much more in the future. I think you're equating achievements with technology, which, to many people including myself, is hardly an achievement; technology is in many ways destructive and dehumanizing.Even then, Africans as a group of people have not accomplished hardly anything technologically.

>> No.3922947
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>mfw I argued with an atheist on omegle about religion once and he disconnected because he couldn't think of a response when I asked him if ethics can be justified empirically

>> No.3922949

it took ages until the west caught up to the ideas of non-self and emptiness.

>> No.3922957

The smartest man alive is Terrence Tao.

>> No.3922966

go to bed Tao

>> No.3923004

>technology is in many ways destructive and dehumanizing

Man, I knew technology was to blame for leading me to 4chan.

>> No.3923008

u dumb

>> No.3923071


Not only psychology, but modern marketing would not exist without Freud either.

>> No.3923073



>> No.3923081

The smartest man of all time is probably an unknown, crippled by his intelligence, which weighed down upon him, making him sink into the dredges of obscurity.

>> No.3923082

Aristotle was pretty good.

>> No.3923089

>There is far more vanity about being intelligent in the world than there is actual intelligence

I like this person.

>> No.3923094


>> No.3923101

>thinking genuinely smart people seek out notoriety

>> No.3923813

Goethe, Gauss, Wittgenstein, or maybe Tesla. The smartest living man I know of is Marvin Minsky.

>> No.3923819

This makes me feel better about myself. It let's me know there's a chance I might be the most intelligent man of all time.

>> No.3923823


sorry your self loathing and laziness means you're stupid rather than intelligent

>> No.3923836

Hegel, no question.

>> No.3923872
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>> No.3924107

you done fucked up

>> No.3924160
File: 189 KB, 1051x1966, Niccolo_Machiavelli_uffizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3924164

>invented the computer virus
Well it looks like he's losing the intellect battle with Dr. Kaspersky.

>> No.3924168

It isn't a joke, it's actually a pretty compelling theory from a mathematical perspective. The recent backlash is a result of a lack of experimental evidence.

>> No.3924178

dat appeal to mathematics as authority

>> No.3924181
File: 39 KB, 550x295, Machiavelli-crashworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that statue.

>> No.3924183

>people saying wittgenstein
>not even acknowledging that "smart" and "smartest" is another language game

>> No.3925322


>> No.3925648
File: 21 KB, 220x288, N.Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3925727

as a jew, let me reassure you that there are a lot more sheep in this barn than you would expect.

>> No.3925740

I don't mean to alarm you, but your .jpg is moving.

>> No.3925766

is he reading that stupid fucking steve jobs book

>> No.3925776
File: 37 KB, 193x226, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3925785

stephen hawking, because he was the first one to discover science is better than philosophy.