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3914913 No.3914913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



Check it - it's the July issue of TAR!

AWARD WINNER THIS MONTH: A Story Like That by Kristine Brown

>Mourning, dysfunctional relationships, and sad alcoholism? Oh yes -- you're gonna need some tissues for this one!

Check out Basil's stuff too for a portal into Glorious nighttime Nippon!

>Fiction critiquin'
>Poetry discussin'
>Cover sucks again-in'

Enjoy the TAR, /lit/.

Have you finished that spider-smut you promised me yet, anon?

>> No.3914928

and yet again my poem has not appeared :(

>> No.3914929

Once again, I wasn't sent a rejection letter.

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.3914931

wasn't even, rather

>> No.3914930


>> No.3914940


We try to accumulate feedback from all the editors for each submission, so frequently our Roster is set up towards the end.

This month, we've accumulated at least a bit of feedback for each piece, so as I send rejection emails out, you can expect to get some reasons for rejection as well (particularly for Fiction).

>> No.3914941

When can we expect the letters?

>> No.3914945

Within the next two hours.

Was your submission a work of fiction or poetry?

>> No.3914954

Not >>3914941, but I also wasn't sent a rejection letter, mine was a poem

>> No.3914977

wow. that's really ugly. may I suggest investing in a copy of indesign, elements of typographic style, deleting all clip art from your comp and some eyes?

>> No.3915151

I thought the first one was going to be really cliche until the author introduced the dead boyfriend. It got much stronger after that, even if the main character was a little underdeveloped.

The ending, however, could definitely use some work. I think I "got it", but it felt a bit rushed.

Also, what is the maximum word count for a TAR submission? If I wanted to send in something say, 40 pages long, would it have to be published incrementally?

>> No.3915170

Yes, we do serials. However, it may take an issue before we can look over the whole thing to see if it needs work.

>> No.3915192

That's okay. It's far from finished.

I don't want to waste the editors time, but would it be possible to have the whole thing published at once? How soon would you need it for the October issue?

>> No.3915264

You fuckers need to release this earlier, can't review everything until tomorrow. Nice cover, though.

>> No.3915282

T-thanks for the rejection mail

>> No.3915344

not bad, things only got good when she touched on the dead boyfriend.

>> No.3915399

I suggest you learn some tact and manner, you fucking ruffian.

>> No.3915405

Rejected to TAR?
If you recall they publish anything. Parrot porn, blueberry girl smut, tentacle shit... Unless it has changed drastically in the last month. Well to be fair you guys probably haven't sent the right stuff. Send them more smut and stories about dicks attached to animals and you'll be in.

>> No.3915444

This was my order of preference for the prose:

A Story Like That > Polly's Visit (second read through) > Erythrina ~ Stronghold Baby > Polly's Visit (first read through, I was hungry at the time so who knows).

I'm not really qualified to critique so I won't, but if anyone has specific things or aspects they're worried about and want feedback on I'm happy to give it a try.

I'll read the poetry at a later date.

>> No.3915456

How many pieces should/can we submit at once? I'm talking about poetry specifically.

Should I send in a submission with several poems or just send the one I think is the best?

>> No.3915486

how do I tactfully say that it looks like a piece of garbage then m8

>> No.3915893

wow. some of the worst poetry I ever read. do you guys even subtle?

>> No.3915895

but he's right.

>> No.3916159

>wasting the editors' time

But anon! TAR was DESIGNED to be a waste of time for readers and editors alike!

>would it be possible to have the whole thing published at once?

At 40 pages? Doubtful. We try to keep each issue around 30 pages.

If you give me some formatting specs (font size, spacing, margins) I can tell you an approximate number of issues it would have to be divided among.

>How soon would you need it for the October issue?

We may just be able to look it over if you send it in early September. Mid to late August would be a better bet, though.

Yeah, you're right. I've gone ahead and reduced the clutter on the formatting. I guess I went a little gung-ho with the clip-art.

I felt the exact same about it; however, I think the abrupt ending really works if you consider the piece a mimesis on the labor of mourning. The ending remains the same as the beginning, despite all the hurling and drunken dancing.

Did you recieve your e-mail? If not, there is a possibility we never got the submission to begin with (I've had subs show up in the spam folder before) -- what was the name of the submission?

Here's the thing: a well-written story about parrot porn and blueberry inflation is a better read than a poorly-written story with opaque descriptions and clunky sentences. We published tentacle guy's stuff because he had a good sense of his own style, making his stories enjoyable reads.

>> No.3916163

We publish multiple works from the same author quite frequently. However, if an author sends in more than 3 submissions that we really like, we will probably spread them over a couple issues. So go ahead and send in any works of yours that you like!

>> No.3916760

Just don't see how parrot porn or blueberry smut could be well written. Explain yourself and send a link so I can judge these again.

>> No.3916764


>> No.3916867

Did you actually read them? That dude's (I'm pretty sure it's a single dude) prose/pacing/etc are of comparable quality to the rest of the stuff in the mag, maybe even better than the average submission; the only difference is his subject matter isn't serious at all.

>> No.3916928

The parrot porn story is by a different guy. I was in the thread he posted in before he got it in TAR. In fact it didn't change much at all. I liked it. Thought it was hilarious. Just looked at it again (its a two page story) and the line about the girl cracking on the sidewalk still gets me. Funny shit. Also I like blueberry girl and the tentacle monster one which are both done by the same guy. If TAR would put more of this stuff out I'd read it more often. Sometimes they publish some of the most dull crap. It's nice to read from time to time, but they shouldn't forget where they come from.

>> No.3916954

I've written a few comedy shorts for the next one. Don't know if any of them will get in, but one's about a girl turning into an apple and another's about an expanding rubbish bag.

>> No.3917166
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>a girl turning into an apple
>an expanding rubbish bag

Our sides shall know no peace

>> No.3917399

bump, will critique soon

>> No.3917677

A Story Like That - Copious grammar and spelling errors, cliche language, and taking twice as long as necessary to tell the story/10

Northern Wine - You're still goddamn meandering after two parts, without any purpose of connecting these vignettes?/10

>> No.3917698

If you want to revitalize the TAR name, you need to start awarding stacks of cash.

>> No.3917744

Erythrina - 9/10, Consistent, working style, some memorable images. Got in, did what you needed, got out.

Polly's Visit - 8/10, Well written, touching, nice characterwork.

>> No.3917779

Hisashiburi Kawabata-sensei - Japanese fashion terms/10. Not bad, though you should never spend a paragraph describing a setting only to say "Anyway – this was not her destination." It shows that you were trying to write an anime.

Stronghold Baby - 7/10. Fairly well written despite being a bit self-consciously "quirky". Succinct, though not terribly memorable. Points for the subtle JMT use.

>> No.3917794

How many submissions do you typically receive for each issue? What's the size and quality of the competition pool?

>> No.3917805

It varies for each issue: 15 low, 35 high.

As far as quality goes: several submissions are a definite "No," some are a "maybe" most are "good" and a very select few are "great."

Occasionally we get one that's a sure-thing. We debate the most on which good submissions should get in.

>> No.3917825

Poetry, Dates in the titles edition.

Brain Bug - 5/10, cliche topic with competently boring execution.

Crumbs Under the Couch - 7/10. Strange that you didn't keep metre, though the linebreaks are not bad as they are. You're good, pick subjects beyond your messy apartment.

"Gracie Vance, blah blah blah" - 7.5/10, some forced use of vocabulary and nonsense like "you brief, infinite thing." take away from the well executed aspects, such as stanza 3 and 4.

Greek Theatre blah blah blah - Absurdly overwritten/10 Stanza 7 gelled with me somehow.

Never Aware - Boring/10 "Energy Bulb" made me giggle. Try to be less melodramatic, ditto to the previous two fellows.

Mobility - 7.5/10. Decent metre, memorable lines are bogged down by stuff like Stanzas 6, 8, and 10.

The World is Flat - Why did you write this/10

>> No.3917864
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>yfw Maurnouchi Line is not raised, and is not a loop and does not stop at Akihabara, and the author is mistaking it for Yamanote Line

>> No.3917867


That was actually the end of Northern Wine. The overall linking point, at least the point that was intended, was to show the passing of time by showing 6 generations of a family (The nephew in part 1, the uncle (myself) in part 1/2/3; in part 4: the uncle's mother (the girl), her mother (the girl that kills herself), her mother (the lady she visits), and finally her mother (the lady the little girl actually calls 'mother'). I tried to make this more obvious by making everyone crazy, but I guess it wasn't clear enough.

As for the theatre setting, it's supposed to show that THAT's where the girl wanted to be. I thought this was too ambiguous at first which is why, which is why I added the crap about the tree;

>A deciduous tree sat behind the group. A metal bar wrapped around the tree for people to sit on, and she wondered why no one had taken the opportunity.
>(i.e. why did they not sit on the tree/why did no one recruit her).

But I guess it wasn't enough either.

Part of the problem with the first one, I think, is that splitting across two months makes it less obvious. But mostly it's my own lack of ability. Thanks for the feedback though, it's always appreciated.

P.S. if you were the guy that mentioned the persimmons last time, I was actually mistaken; I later found out what my nephew likes tamarillos. Persimmon are a completely different, orangish, fruit that smell like literal semen (the mistake actually makes it kind of hilarious, I think, although I doubt anyone here would look far to see a pedophile reference).

>> No.3917870

1chan, pls, pls, do not cry.

>> No.3917872

This is somehow worse than self-publishing. I hope none of you use your real names.

>> No.3917873

Lmao, thanks I'll edit it on my own stuff. If you see any other incongruencies keep 'em coming.

>> No.3917886

>the shop outside of the Electric City exit of Akihabara is not the AKB Theater but the AKB Cafe. The AKB Theater is in a different spot.

>> No.3917889

Where's the actual theater located?

>> No.3917892

On the 8th floor above the Donki

>> No.3917915

I was honestly wondering when I saw it, how they could possibly fit a stage into such a small building; I just figured maybe they weren't that popular. I only spent an hour or two in akiba. Two middle aged dude's (one actually used 4chan),who I met randomly, showed me around the place, and I had to say goodbye outside the 'theater' because they had tickets. I assumed, since they were so psyched, that it was the actual place.

Is the Donki building the big one across the road, or is it in a different part completely?

>> No.3917919

Was indeed the persimmon guy! I agree, the splitting did hurt it; going back and reading them consecutively, it works better than operating on memory. Keep at it, you';re worth reading.

>> No.3917937

nah, you might be thinking of UDX. donki is don quijote, the cheap store. if you know where club sega is, it's on that road to the right on the opposite side of the street a ways up. you'd probably not randomly see it, though they do have some tvs next to the elevator entrance which show akb videos, or sometimes a little bit of the performance that is going on in the theater (or so i've been told huehuehue)

>> No.3917957

Yeah I think if I ever want back I could probably pick it out. Mentally I can't see it though, the video thing don't really help because there were shit ton of screens around playing into the streets. In the short time I spent there, I think I found 4 or 5 stores dedicated solely to AKB in random department buildings--might have even come across the Donki itself--and apparently that's actually way less than there was.

Nice place though. Akiba was probably my favourite part of Tokyo along with Ueno park in the afternoon/evening and Shibuya crossing.

>> No.3918057

This was a good read. a lot of the poetry was a bit crap though.

>> No.3918876
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Come on you bitter retards who got rejected, we need more rankings and discussion.

TAR is the only good thing /lit/ has going for it right now.

>> No.3918886

fuck off

>> No.3919647

not how you pronounce his name smh

>> No.3919708

Tried Story Like That. Couldn't finish it, thought the initial image was established insufficiently clearly, so the subsequent visual bits didn't work.

Erythrina was better. That American wilderness scene isn't for me, and the "don't believe me" was a bit too blunt for my liking, but the language was well done and the shift into the ending at the bar was excellent.

>> No.3919743

Northern wine is shit, stopped reading very quickly.

Erythrina is great up until
>of that I reckon true.

Polly has too much description and overdoes the Super.

Hisashiburi Kawabata-sensei is trying to hard to show off how much the author knows about Japan. Reads like a caricature.

Stronghold Baby shows promise but there's nothing special in it.

>> No.3922626

Has anyone done a tier list of TAR issues?

>> No.3922851

What do you use to put this issue together? Have you considered recruiting 1.) a photographer/graphics designer and 2.) a layout editor?
That might be a "next step" in terms of the publication. A professional image would definitely create some buzz. Hell, you could even make TAR available on tablets, creating an interactive ezine if you find the right people. It's honestly not even that difficult to do.

>> No.3922892

this would be cool. i like the TAR, but god damn its poorly designed.

>> No.3923428

would like to see this play out.

>> No.3923749

>What is The Metric?

>> No.3925292

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3925357

It's another /lit/ based lit-zine, www.themetric.co.uk

>> No.3925362

I'm not sure it's entirely correct to say /lit/ based.

>> No.3925784

why not? just have a look at the last pages

>> No.3925808

I don't think this is a /lit/ based magazine. I don't think they are affiliated at all with 4chan. Which, honestly, probably a good thing. I like that they have an epub, but that wasn't quite what I was suggesting. I was leaning more towards the presentation you find on in magazines in apple newsstand. It's more accessible that way and much more appealing. Considering there is only one page in the lit journal/mag category, I'd imagine you would get a lot of traffic by opening up to this forum. It's just more accessible and attractive.