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/lit/ - Literature

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3908905 No.3908905 [Reply] [Original]

Do other philosophical biographies even come remotely close to this level? This is honestly one of the best books I've read in my life.

>> No.3908920
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This one.

>> No.3908928

>life story of some overprivileged jew millionaire who travels europe playing philosopher
>best book of my life


>> No.3908944



Fuck off summerfag.

>> No.3908967


>> No.3908977

i dont remember anything special about it.
what do you like so much?

>> No.3908983




>> No.3908989

I've been reading that. Really great stuff.

>> No.3909012

That book is a cute work of fiction.

Anyone who does a little research on the guy notices that it leaves out a lot and embellishes even more; e.g his horrible character, the guy was a terrible person.

You all know he did beat his students in Austria, but he did equivalent things to his students in Cambridge.

His literary executors have hidden a lot about him and what is known and exposed in his biographies is barely nothing.

>> No.3909027

>not kissing wittengstein's ass

take it to /pol/ i fuckin national socialist

>> No.3909032

yeah he'd get poor young gay kids to move in with him because he was a rich as fuck trustfund asshole and then he would abuse them and treat them like trash...

>> No.3909052
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So what do I read to know the "real" Wittgenstein?

>> No.3909061

take it to /pol/ u anti-semitic bastard how dare you question the great wittgenstein?!

>> No.3909062

>fetishizing a dead philosopher's life and not his ideas and their implementation
yep, i'm on /lit/

>> No.3909066

nag hammadi scrolls

>> No.3909068

There is no "real" Wittgenstein.

Whats with the pol thing? Just stop mentioning that, plus, your empty butt kissing is worst than the questioning you attack.

>> No.3909069

all of 4chan is like that, the kids on here are from this plebby millieu of pop cuilture consumers who consume "art" because they like the personality that created it, like "oh he seems like a cool guy, maybe i'll buy his product!" i think it comes from being raised on worthless commercial pop music where the marketers build a cult of personality around the performer and people buy it because they worship the personality since the art is not worth much on it's own...the problem is eventually some of these consumer drones make it to college and keep approaching art with this attitude like "oh basquiat he was a cool black guy with dreads from nyc, i like him even though i don't know what any of his work actually looks like but i do have a picture of his face in my dorm" lmao

>> No.3909073

>implying you can grasp his ideas without knowing his life
>fetishizing his ideas

yeah, this is lit

>> No.3909075

Guys, this >>3908920 is actually pretty damn good too. It is also the best source we have for Epicureanism.

>> No.3909082

why would i need to know his life to grasp his ideas? if i want to read about rich dickheads i'll watch an episode of lifestyles of the rich and famous on tv

>> No.3909085

i think it's more a lit thing.
i have never come across it in class, it's only here that its part of the culture, i.e. heideggerfag reporting in or such.

very much the same with discussion, people in real life will never (in my classes) be negative towards eachother, like they will be here with ad hominem and what have you not

polite sage, wittgensteins PI is the most important thing imo, the last 100 years

>> No.3909086


>>implying you can grasp his ideas without knowing his life
are you retarded?
>>fetishizing [but not discussing] his ideas [in great detail]
this is fairly accurate

>> No.3909094

Safranski's books are quite good. I don't know how many that have made it to translation, but he's written about: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, The romantic movement and Schiller & Goethe. His books encompasses the whole philosophical and intellectual climate of the time, so they are good as introductions as well.

>> No.3909123
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isnt his favorite paradigm, that romanticism leads to fascism? i havent read anything by him yet, but from what i've heard so far and after seeing him on tv here in germany, he seems to me like a spineless bard of the mainstream cant of the day.

>> No.3909124
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Oy vey! This is like another Shoah!

>> No.3909148

>Being mad at Wittgenstein.
How's your anti-intellectualism crusade going today? Have you killed many people's neurons or only yours?

>> No.3909155

>Have you killed many people's neurons or only yours?
dear god, the construction of this godawful sentence makes me vomit

>> No.3909166

Wow lit, the summer is truly hitting you hard this year.

>> No.3909485
File: 18 KB, 169x225, mzi.gkgopkza.225x225-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Written is some sort of proto-hypertext format, you can read it on different resolutions. He applied set-theory and predicate logics dealing with philosophical problems like a mad scientist. He believed it would be the final push, a sort of world-formula of philosophy.

>> No.3909494


he gave up his fortune and lived in hovels following WW1

those boys describe him as the most kind and loving friend one could wish to have

>> No.3909800


I know, I meant something about his life. I read Tractatus, Notebooks, Investigations and some essays. I'd just like to know which biography is good.

>> No.3910097

>still thinking the Tractatus is a theory of logic and language

do you even Resolute Reading?

Just read the Monk. It's not what I'd call flattering, but it doesn't present the raging homomonster some people want to make him out to be. big deal. he was a misogynist and violent and quite probably autistic, and I say that as someone who admires his philosophy. then again he was also ruthlessly honest, guilt-ridden, and a genius that, I think, is rare to behold. it's easy to get enraptured by his personality, his life as though he were a saint (I personally know people who do) - it's also easy to hate him. idk

>> No.3910109

I don't know why people get the notion that Wittgenstein should be saintly [or, hell, any philosopher]; and, even worse, hold some transgressions he had -- like with the children -- against him, as if it somehow detracts his ideas.

Eitherway, an interesting man with even more interesting ideas.

>> No.3911052

I wish i was autistic.
I get the feeling that i'm only good at mathematics and parts of logic because of my mild autism, but i'll never do something groundbreaking because i'm not thoroughly autist

>> No.3911067

In civilised places, it's spelld, 'show'.

>> No.3911076

It's actually spelled "shew."

>> No.3911081

Anscombe pls go

>> No.3911095

>and quite probably autistic
I've never gotten why Witt became prime candidate for retroactively diagnosing autism in philosophy. Schopenhauer is a far better candidate.

>> No.3911132

>Schopenhauer is a far better candidate.
You're a far better candidate for being a flaming retard.

>I've never gotten why
It's probably because you haven't even read them and are getting your information solely from Wiki.

It's mind-boggling how many uneducated shitheads like you invoke, mention and deify Schopenhauer on here, but haven't read and understood a single fraction of his philosophy.

Hurray for the Age of Wikipedia!

>> No.3911133


Here's an article about the suspicion that Wittgenstein had Asperger's.


It doesn't need to be true, and doesn't speak against or in favour about his philosophy.

>> No.3911135

Tell me why he is wrong or fuck off, cunt.

That is pure shitposting.

>> No.3911141

wtf, fetishization of the artist for his life/personality is something that's been around since the early 19th century at the latest

>> No.3911142

>The website has "autistic" in it
>Wittgenstein must have been autistic, it says so on the website!
>Actually, Wittgenstein must have been twice as autistic, for the website's domain contains "autistic" as well!

>> No.3911144

>Autistics do not form their fundamental cognitive framework around innate recognition of their human surroundings, as non-autistics generally do, but instead develop a cognition informed primarily by the patterns and structure to be found in the broader environment.

interesting then that so much of the later philosophy revolves around the notion of seeing aspects, recognizing likenesses in faces, "fine shades of behavior."

he strikes me as someone deeply in tune with human life - enough so to see how much everyone else is not in tune with it, and thereby to be both enamored with and horrified by the ordinary. that attitude is very much the attitude of the dueling interlocutors of the Investigations, I think.

>> No.3911146

i wonder if nee chee was an aspie

>> No.3911157


Have you read his lectures on Aesthetics?

>> No.3911158

cultural capital reels them in (will me being perceived as somebody who likes this symbol increase my value?), cult of personality sustains the interest.

>> No.3911159


His own recollections of his childhood seem to suggest so.

>> No.3911162

the ones in Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology, and Religious Belief? yeah I own it. They're really only slightly interesting - his reflections on art in Culture and Value are more interesting. But i like the moment in the lectures on aesthetics where he says something like "what belongs to a language game is a whole culture"

>> No.3911167


Kant, by Manfred Kuehn.

On e of the critical reviews: “Kuhen’s fine and rather touching biography reveals a philosophical life lived with pathos, courage, and good humor, as well as terrible and merciless intelligence.” Lingua Franca.

Terrible and merciless intelligence: there can not be a greater praise to philosopher.