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/lit/ - Literature

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3905607 No.3905607 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it's ironic that 4chan is one of the edgiest and most ahead of the curve when it comes to internet culture, yet /lit/, the board that would deem itself the most cultured, has contributed close to nothing?

How does it feel to know that sadfrog and feelguy have contributed more insight to the human condition than every /lit/ post and literary effort in existence?

Are you a snob that deems every thought that has a publisher as more valuable than everything that has happened on the internet? In my opinion books and the internet have their own strengths and weaknesses, but would you seriously claim that one randomly selected paragraph from Ulysses or Lolita is greater than content from 4chan that has survived around 8 years of ruthless natural selection?

>> No.3905610


sorry, in the second sentence, when I say literary effort, I don't mean all literary efforts ever, only the ones created by people from /lit/

>> No.3905612
File: 179 KB, 900x599, halpmoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet /lit/, the board that would deem itself the most cultured, has contributed close to nothing?

If you mean the people here are less inclined to ruin the lives of 11-year-old children and ex-girlfriends like /b/, you're right. That's more or less the extent of what this site has given planet earth.

>> No.3905633

>but would you seriously claim that one randomly selected paragraph from Ulysses or Lolita is greater than content from 4chan that has survived around 8 years of ruthless natural selection?


>> No.3905641

feelguy originated on krautchan

>> No.3905649


Im glad you specified that you're talking about earth. Man it would've been confusing.

>> No.3905660

Being specific is always helpful. Vagaries are so... that feeling that makes you feel kinda bleh.

>> No.3905665

Feelguy came from Krautchan, Sadfrog came from some Danish webcomic.

>> No.3905734

Pls be scepter of my passion quote

>> No.3905736 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3905741

>edgy as a positive thing


>> No.3905744
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>> No.3905749

You haven't heard of all the cultural contributions to Sirius B?

>> No.3905751

How I met your mother and Supernatural just started airing in the Sirius system.

>> No.3905756

Think of how devoid interstellar space would be of political and intellectual philosophy if /lit/ hadn't ensured that we strapped a couple copies of Atlas Shrugged onto Voyager I's faceplate.

>> No.3905765

God the guilty boners I got with the opening chapters of this fucking book

>> No.3905769

>implying anyone past the age of 14 gives a shit about internet culture.

Also the reason why sadfrog and feelguy are proliferated so constantly is because of the implicit meanings that underpin them. /lit/ doesn't just say "that feel when no gf". They elaborate on the profundity on what that means.

>> No.3905777
File: 58 KB, 728x90, 2dc01a6c20b94116a518fffec9d6f2e4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ measures its worth on how little it has in common with /pol/. Even though half the people here go there regularly, they pretend they don't to fit in and to feel 'above' it.

So any thread that criticises modern leftism/feminism/identity politics etc is saged and shitposted to death and nothing worthwhile is discussed other than how much better they are than everyone else.

>> No.3905789

>major butthurt

>> No.3905803


>> No.3905821

"Feelguy" was created by Wojak from Krautchan, OP and sadfrog is a variant on Matt Furie's Pepe from Boyz Club. so I don't see how these are 4chan creations.

Also, /lit/ fosters worthwhile discussion, not mindless epic le meymeys, that is valuable in and of itself.

>> No.3905845

Believe it or not, the term edgy is not exclusively sarcastic. It just means cutting edge and maybe a bit transgressive. Strange that this term which probably encapsulates the spirit of 4chan more accurately than any other single word has become an insult here. I think that says something about the demographic shift the site has experienced in the last few years.

>> No.3905848

This. European image boards have been at the forefront of online meta-humour for a good few years now. 4chan is reddit-tier.

>> No.3905854

It's only because there aren't enough people here and threads aren't fast enough

Too few browsers = scattered threads without many posts & regurgetated threads that people love for being reposts and love for being something which the board as a whole identifies with (Chairman Tao, David Foster Wallace)

Too many users = regurgetated threads with reposts which still entertain the flow of newcomers, a pining for the 'old days' (see /mu/s 'mu humour' threads, and /b/'s 'old fags only' threads), shitposting at a max to get attention in the stream of newkiddies

/lit/ is ok at certain times of day, but most of the time it sucks

>> No.3905856

This site used to be funny as it had intelligent people pretending to be retarded. Now it consists of mostly average people trying to come off as intelligent.

>> No.3905859

I think the main issue with /lit/ is that a large number of posters on here are assholes and terrible humans beings who feel the need to disrupt any conversation that begins, or to prevent conversation by starting some inflammatory thread. That is, of course, just the main issue, there are certainly others.

>> No.3905870

B-b-b-but this pamphlet I wrote on why Africans are inferior is technically lit, rite guys?

>> No.3905912

The tumblr core people that post here are just as bad as /pol/.

>> No.3905918

>B-b-b-but this pamphlet I wrote on why men are inferior is technically lit, rite guys?

>> No.3905943

How does it feel to be retarded

>> No.3906085
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How does it feel to be butthurt?

>> No.3906105

I don't feel the need to create content for /lit/, because while I love books, I just don't have the same tastes as the majority of this board. Sure its fun to have a laugh at bad authors, but that is far of a connection I can usually get with most of the users here. It seems our tastes are far to varied to really appeal to the mass of the board. While on all the other boards I visit, even small ones, there is a sense of community and some common things that we can all at the very least chat about whether we like it or not.

>> No.3906198
File: 265 KB, 443x640, 1368557268880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which memes did originate from this board? I've only been browsing /lit/ since late 2011ish.

>> No.3906204
File: 180 KB, 780x1773, spnames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"While on all the other boards I visit, even small ones, there is a sense of community and some common things that we can all at the very least chat about whether we like it or not."

Which others boards do you frequent? /sp/ and /mu/ for me, and the former does have a very solid "culture" as does /mu/, but I have always found /mu/ to be the least appealing as it generally feels like a circle jerk.

>> No.3906209

the image in the /mu/ sticky is based on a /lit/ meme. generally our in-jokes don't make it to the other boards though. they're also more word based than other boards' memes, for obvious reasons.

>> No.3906216

What part of it originated here? The guy wielding the shotgun or all of the album references that decorate him?

>> No.3906218

But people unanimously agree that 'board culture' (i.e. stupid, spammable macros) are cancer. So, you're effectively asking why /lit/ is one of the least cancerous boards on the site.

gg; no re

>> No.3906224

memes are a product of a healthy board culture, not the board culture itself. /lit/ is actually one of the worst hobby boards on 4chan. people here are very unpleasant (e.g. you).

>> No.3906228
File: 24 KB, 200x329, 1338999460759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simpsons is always spot-on
there used to be Penguin Classics cover edits, but I don't remember any other memes from here. I do like the "There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Michel Foucault, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an AIDS ridden sadomasochist interested in fisting. He wished so much that he had some kind of truth to hold on to, but he himself had written to disprove it!" copypasta but that's obviously an edit of something already existing.

>> No.3906229

Oh, because /sp/, /jp/ and /v/ are totally 'healthy' boards.

>> No.3906233
File: 33 KB, 410x254, 1346806339651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or, there are other memes but not any I remember offhand

>> No.3906235

/jp/ is fine. the other two are just normalfag hang outs.

>> No.3906241

Would you include "No discernible talent," "Finnegans Wake, piece of cake," "Start with the Greeks," "Go to bed, Tao," etc., as memes? No one on /lit/ can ever be bothered to open up photoshop, it seems.

>> No.3906244

Is that a fucking joke? /jp/ is 99.9% 'I want to fuck a 2hu' spam, and the other 0.01% is blatant off-topic shitposting:


>> No.3906247

>/lit/ is actually one of the worst hobby boards on 4chan
nah, /mu/ and /tv/ are basically just aspies attempting to one-up each other on obscurity. from what i can tell, the entire purpose of the boards is to post an album cover or screen-cap, so that you can call another poster a pleb when they ask what it is (or what it's from)

>> No.3906249
File: 181 KB, 568x868, edgyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh "Simpson is spot on." How could I forget that one? Some of the Penguin Classics are funny but most are just meh.

>> No.3906252

/mu/ and /tv/ are far more entertaining than /lit/ and have a much stronger community spirit. Those are the main reasons people choose to browse 4chan, not 'serious discussion' (which is shit on /lit/ anyway.)

>> No.3906257

And you're making it even worse by posting cancerous meta threads. Don't complain about post quality and then come here to shitpost.

>> No.3906261
File: 381 KB, 350x263, deepestfeels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, /3/, /po/ and /x/ are the worst in my opinion (/mlp/ and /cgl/ kind of go without saying, total retard tier). This board is pretty damn slow and has been basically, slowly, turning into /phi/ which I think should have its own board, like on 7chan, and we should keep this place specific to literature. That probably won't happen, but it would be a good step towards fixing this board up.

>> No.3906267

>serious discussion
the idea of "just coming to be entertained" is what lets people absorb reactionary ideologies from /pol/ under the pretense of entertainment
not to say it turns people conservative per se but nobody should care that much about the Zimmerman trial, really

in that regard I guess you can add Hemmingway, "Ulysses is a shit novel, very third-rate," and maybe bookstore greentext. The photoshops tend to be of a lower quality, which maybe makes sense for the board I don't know

>> No.3906278

Both /mu/ and /tv/ are corrupt beyond repair from rampant tripfaggotry.

>> No.3906305

They call me Doctor Worm
Good morning how are you I'm doctor worm
I'm interested in things
I'm not a real doctor
But I am a real worm
I am an actual worm

>> No.3907688
File: 54 KB, 1010x383, 1371053426661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe there has been some quality discussion on this board, however, unlike memes, they don't persist as they are typically more involved.

OP caters to the meme famedom of 4chan, but let's consider some basics:

>meme's cater to low attention span audiences
>90% of memes are unfunny, but are forced so much that they become part of the vocabulary (costanza.jpg, le advice dog, etc..)

Do you seriously expect the /lit/ board to excel in this kind of content? Sure, some decent boards come out with their fair share of memes. I'll take the example of /g/ as I visit it often.
>install gentoo
but as a consequence it is also filled to the brim with shitposts (batturstashun, l33t desktopz, etc). Point being, such reputation begets only more shitposters, who mistake irony for normal culture. /lit/ doesn't have that (besides the dedicated Tao Lin troll).

>> No.3907795

do you think that 'internet culture' came from a vacuum, some /ex machina/ construct with its own tools and methods of evaluation, the beginning of some cultural continuum completely separate from the continuum of traditional media? if so, you are mistaken. the tools that we use to determine who is 'ahead of the curve' or not regarding internet culture are not new; they have been undergoing a steady metamorphosis since the dawn of modernity, culminating in the post-modernism in which we find ourselves mired today. before we evaluated the internet as a cultural force greater than fine art with a straight face, we did the same with things like advertisements, popular music, film, and formless confessional poetry. so yes, there is no doubt that 'serious literature' and other such 'intellectual' pursuits have lost some of their luster. but if you want to see how we GOT here--how the history of literature and its critics eventually led to a breakdown of the rubric by which we determined what was and what wasn't 'true literature' or 'true art music' or 'true philosophy' or anything else, (as well as arbitrariness of that rubric in the first place,) you could do worse than discussing literature--and in doing so, you might learn more about feels frog than you would've thought.

>> No.3907801

i thought the costanza >201* >ISHYGDDT meme originated here

>> No.3907810

it contributes to people's taste and knowledge, not me-mes

>> No.3907836

That only suggests that the average person isn't capable of appreciating anything besides snide humor and image macros. Hardly anything worthwhile.

>> No.3907960

wow this is a very well written post
makes me feel like a shitposter bruh

>> No.3908312

The term "I seriously hope you guys don't do that" did, I think, but Costanza was a /v/ or /sp/ addition.

>> No.3908328

memes are social constructs,
memes are merely spooks...

>> No.3908397

The Penis Was.

>> No.3908427

Memes are more valuable because they reach the masses?
OP, do you realize what you're saying?
You would sacrifice treatises on the very nature of existence by men of great genius for image macros and /b/?
I loathe you.

>> No.3908429

fuck quentins bitch ass bein preserved 4 posterity via proxy i hope no austerity measures r given 2 his anti weed agenda filthy kyke conservative dyke

>> No.3908457

Trolley of trickery

>> No.3909228

It was quentin who did it on vee