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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 500x667, heart-of-darkness-paul-gauguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3903677 No.3903677 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Favorite book.

>> No.3903685
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>> No.3903688

I don't like books

>> No.3903691

Go to bed, Dave.

>> No.3903693
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>> No.3903699
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>> No.3903719
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>> No.3903721
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>> No.3903728
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I heard Nostromo was Conrad's best. Have you read it, OP?

>> No.3903730

Never understood how you, people, can have one exact favorite book.

>> No.3903744

Why not? Some things are bound to hit closer to the mark than others. Maybe you just haven't discovered your literary soulm8 yet.

>> No.3903746

>Never understood how you, people,
Are you a fucking alien or something?

>> No.3903754
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Blood Meridian is shit. Cormac can't even spell "don't" correctly.

>> No.3903762

Did you finish it?

>> No.3903758


>I heard such and such was pretty good, chap, would you agree to collectively show off with me about inferior books that are collectively held to be good by morons?

>> No.3903780

Stop being such a snarky cunt. I was asking because I'm thinking about picking it up, that's all.

>> No.3903790

There are many books that i do really love and that are practically flawless to me, but I just simply can't compare them and choose the best.
nice joke, m8, like, damn, dat was funny, ya know

>> No.3903813


Didn't read beyond page 1. Authors who can't spell don't interest me.

>> No.3903816
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just finished rereading H of D yesterday

fucking masterpiece!

>> No.3903830

Don't comment of books you haven't read. That version you posted is unedited, by the way.

>> No.3903837
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>> No.3903911


Good to know. But honestly, what to expect from a grown man who considers himself an author and writes "dont" like he's a teenage bimbo?

>> No.3903914


Neil Forsyth was my teacher. He's among the "satanic" critics of Milton.

It was a pleasure to study Paradise Lost under him.

>> No.3903984


>> No.3903989

Go to bed, Chinua.

>> No.3903990

Kill Your Friends - John Niven

I never thought a book could ever make me lol

This one did a couple times.

>> No.3904021
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>> No.3904058
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Good shit, apart from what the aliens actually are. Pacifist BS.

Try this.

>> No.3904065

Great, you took a 9th grade PreAP class

>> No.3904064

Whatever, edgy college liberal.

>> No.3904070


Shut the fuck up, child. I wrote my thesis on Moby Dick a million years ago and I know a great novel when I read one.

You're an autistic cunt who can only recognise themes, patterns, and the rest without feeling anything.

That is why you can't recognise the sheer genius of these novels.

You're a true pleb: know all the form, none of the marrow.

Go back to jerking off to your ego while adults enjoy the greatest books of this past century.

>> No.3904073
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Meh, not a fan of heart of darkness.
Infinite jest is my 2nd favorite. I know that all we do is act pretentious cuz we've read it but damn it doesn't get said enough that it is one damn good book.

Pic related, has anyone else read it?

>> No.3904082

lol you sound like a guy who actually likes books.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I am a college liberal? What should I be, a college conservative? Or a college marxist? Or a college apathetic edgy douche? What the hell? Not him but I get so confused by that shit. I mean c'mon what are your political views, surely their not above critiscism.

>> No.3904086

Not OP, but Nostromo is my favorite novel, and in my opinion Conrad's best work. He is my favorite author.

>> No.3904087


>> No.3904102

Nope, is it as good as Exremely loud?

>> No.3904104

fuck your inane thesis on Moby Dick. I bet you thought the whale was an allegory to your own latent homosexuality.

>> No.3904113


Spoken like a true homosexual.

>> No.3904112

I forgot I wasn't on /pol/, sorry. I had forgotten that people on other boards are thinner skinned.

>> No.3904121


How do you like the feeling of balls hitting your chin?

>> No.3904127

Fuck /pol/. You guys ruin this board.

>> No.3904129
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everyone in this thread is a homosexual

>> No.3904132

Haven't had the chance to read it yet. But I can tell you that it's an amazing book. And sad. Very sad.

>> No.3904155

ask your dad

>> No.3904157

Jonathan Safran Foer is the most obviously untalented hack writing today. Seriously, I am embarrassed for you.

>> No.3904159
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>> No.3904174


I swear to God I'll wreck you so hard if I ever meet you.

>> No.3904179

Yes, Nostromo is his best work. Fantastic novel.

>> No.3904190

How is this translation? Anyone read both this and the Penguin? Thoughts?

>> No.3904237
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>> No.3904242
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>> No.3904256
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>> No.3904264

this comment can be read as "authors who can't spell 'don't' interest me"

>> No.3904346

You can eat shit and die. Throw around the word hack if you think it makes you look cool but the guy's only wrote two books that I know of.

>> No.3904350
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#Rekt. Salinger is one of the best modern authors out there, and my personal favorite.

Pic related is my favorite. Nine Stories comes as a close second.

>> No.3905902

I've not read the Penguin translation, but I'm a big fan of Margaret Jull Costa. Her prose is really smooth, melodic and precise. I've also read her translations of Saramago and Marias and they are great too.

>> No.3905907
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>> No.3905911

It's not my favorite novel of all time but it is defiantly Cormac's best

>> No.3905908

2/10 made me chuckle

>> No.3905914

Wow, that's pretty god damn edgy.

>> No.3905919
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>> No.3905924

I play a lot of video games - like, a whole lot - and that is terrible.

>> No.3905929
File: 174 KB, 610x562, It only gets better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905940

"Value for money" is a completely and degenerate concept. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. may be a great game, and I sunk even more time into it, but I don't think I got nearly as much value out of it as I did from, say, The Castle, which took me but a few hours.

>> No.3905942

Wow, his taste in everything is really terrible.

>> No.3905944

this is what people who majored science and math believe

>> No.3905950
File: 24 KB, 260x391, WIld Punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great book of flash fiction. Character creation and storytelling are some of the best I've ever seen, if not the best.

>> No.3905955

Guy who posted those here. I agree completely, it seems to be an argument that /v/irgins use alot to complete failure. Just because something costs a certain price and you get so and so many hours out of it doesn't mean it has value. I could charge you 1 dollar to bang your head against a wall for three hours, that's more entertainment per hour, but is it valuable?

>> No.3905961

i can't believe we share this board with people who posts in boards like /v/ and /pol/

>> No.3905967

At least it's not Reddit and Tumblr

>> No.3905974

Despite the embarrassing amount of time that I spent on S.T.A.L.K.E.R., there were maybe... three or four total hours of true greatness strewn about the game, and they couldn't even come close to, say, The Castle.
The only game I've ever played that's lit-level is Pathologic. That's not a bad thing, really - games and books are different. Games are still young, so we'll just have to wait for more lit-level games.

I never go to /v/. It's just not worth it.

>> No.3905994
File: 9 KB, 133x157, tor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Pathologic? Have you played through all the paths? I got most of the way through the Haruspex but I got tired of people calling me "onion" or whatever.

>> No.3906005

It's "oinon."
I finished the Bachelor and Haruspex routes. I'll start the Devotress route whenever I feel up for it.

>> No.3906007

The concept of a game is in 99% of the cases to entertain. The story is almost never the central point of a game. On top of that, games that actually focus on story tend to have a very cinematic idea about story.

The game Planescape: Torment is generally praised because of its intriguing storyline, but to me it felt very bland. Just because something tips some more difficult subjects (in this case multiple philosophical schools) it doesn't mean the story is well-developped

>> No.3906011

Is that an earlier draft? If so he cut that bit.