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/lit/ - Literature

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3902707 No.3902707 [Reply] [Original]

what are /lit/'s thoughts on fan fiction?

>> No.3902857

Seems like badly written, unoriginal crap.

>> No.3902867

why would waste time with it when there are infinite amounts of actual literature to read?

>> No.3902887

Those generalizations are not fair. There is some well written and original fan fiction out there. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality being one.

>> No.3902895

While this may be true for the majority, it is untrue for the whole. You can't generalize a universal statement, especially with an opinion such as that. Unoriginal, yes. Crap it really depends on their vocabulary and writing style.

>> No.3902896

it seems to me the most abhorrent expression of a general attitude towards art this is regressive in the extreme: that art is there to satisfy your desires (and not - to question them, or better, to ask you to satisfy what it, the artwork, wants); and when such art does not satisfy your wants, what better route to express your regressive personality than to recreate that universe on your own, only where everything goes your way.

>> No.3902901 [DELETED] 
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I think about it sometimes — the weight of all that useless expression. The hours spent conceiving, writing and editing all of those stories. On 'fanfiction.net' there's over ninety-five thousand submissions for the show 'Glee'. Almost a tenth of a million - on a show built on musical performances. The literary medium makes the essence of the program inaccessible, but countless people are still driven to contribute minutely to the gradual accretion of meaning in that imaginative world.

It makes me feel unstable thinking of reality in that way: through the lens of reiterate individual insignificance. It's like getting vertigo when you're lying on the ground, looking up.

>> No.3902903

There is some good one, especially the ones writing as a training exercise by people wanting to write real books and people that have actual talent.

Like Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality or Nightmares of Futures Past

>> No.3902905
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I think about it sometimes — the weight of all that useless expression. The hours spent conceiving, writing and editing all of those stories. On 'fanfiction.net' there's over ninety-five thousand submissions for the show 'Glee'. Almost a tenth of a million - on a show built on musical performances. The literary medium makes the essence of the program inaccessible, but countless people are still driven to contribute minutely to the gradual accretion of meaning in that imaginative world.

It makes me feel unstable thinking of reality in that way — through the lens of reiterated individual insignificance. It's like getting vertigo when you're lying on the ground, looking up

>> No.3902907

This looks like an unfair generalization. Who are you to say everyone who writes fanfiction writes it so everything goes their way? Maybe they just want to please the audience, or have enough original ideas of their own for it to be more of a story than a fanfiction.

>> No.3902912

There are more repetitive essays about Shakespeare than fanfiction in fanfiction.net

People are forced to do it in schools. Now THAT gives me vertigo.

You should be sad about real stuff instead of people learning to write by using an established universe.

>> No.3902913

i think
this^ guy is right: there are some giants in every fandom like the Methods of Rationality and Fallout Equestria

>> No.3902919

the very concept of fanfiction is recreating a given fictional universe within one's own narrative framework, a stage of re-working. that has nothing to do with what might amount to a conscious or unconscious expression of "things going their way."

it's probably also telling that fanfiction is near exclusively derived from the dregs of the culture industry, and from those that seem to instigate the most extreme fanaticism among "fans" and engage in the richest creation of fictional universes i.e. where the tendency of escapism is on the very surface.

>> No.3902922

"normal" fiction usually goes through a filter that weeds ot the pedestrian, the clumsy, wish-fulfilment self inserts and simple sex-fantasy slash type fiction. Not always, of course, but it at least garauntees a workmanlike attempt to disguise these things with some kind of story.

Fan fiction ofetn doesn't even bother with groundwork: the assumption that you knwo who kirk or spock or edward the sparkly vampire are is made with the same offhand casualness as the assumption that you're familiar with the starbucks menu. You're supposed to know the players and the setting and evne the major mood and theme, so these are sketched cursorially of at all. Then we get internal monologue, charcter deviations and inconsistent beahvior that is either a) related to what the character showed in previous, unreferenced situations, b) related to wht the author thinks the character should feel or do or think based on their own prejusdices and assumptions,also unexpalined or c) worst of all, based on what the author wishes that he could do if he were the character. It almost always focusses off plot and theme and spends most of the time on a romantic subplot or revenge fantasy or self fulfillment fantasy of the authors, or occasionally just becomes a mouthpiece for the author's opinions and "insights" in a completely unrelated area. And this is when they're well-written enough to be followed at all.

For most of us, this is just not worth the trouble.

>> No.3902921
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I stil haven't seen a definition of what "fan fiction" is. Is it when you use an entire set of characters and settings from another piece? If it simply takes place in a location mentioned in another book is it "fanfiction"?
I think that once a character or location is created, it is open to anyone to further expand that characters life, or the setting.
I was in a library yesterday and saw a display piece of some fan fiction from the early 1700's. Someone was upset that their "type" was being misrepresented in a story by one of the antagonists, so they wrote another story with the same character, detailing her life before the original story and giving insight to why the character may have done X or Y.

>> No.3902925

>the very concept of fanfiction is recreating a given fictional universe within one's own narrative framework, a stage of re-working.


There are several fanfictions that don't alter the story, and are instead continuations that either don't contradict canon or are happening in parallel. They just want to borrow the universe to "play around" with it, like the writer of a realistic novel would maybe want to use the Iraq war as something that happens in their novel.

Have you even read some good ones? I can make some recommendations if you want.

>tendency of escapism
All literature is escapism, and all writers want escapism. I know you don't want to compare 16 year old girls to 50 year old men, but they are quite similar when writing.

>> No.3902930
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It's not about feeling 'sad'. It's subtler than that. 'Real stuff' at least has - or can have - the illusion of cosmic significance, a kind of emotional or philosophical grandeur which solidifies reality. It's the minute expressions of individual meaninglessness which interest and horrify me.

>> No.3902931

>There are several fanfictions that don't alter the story, and are instead continuations that either don't contradict canon or are happening in parallel.
that still amounts to an extension or wish-fulfillment beyond the given text, which is all I said.

and no, not all literature is escapist. even the most fantastical creations can serve as precisely a mirror of what is distorted and false within given society (Beckett, for example).

>> No.3902932

A literary work that borrows the universe, characters or events (either completely or partially) from an original work.
That's my personal definition at least.

>> No.3902935


>> No.3902942

slit your wrists and bleed all over your soggy heart you edgy faggot

>> No.3902943

I know it's an extension of wish-fulfillment, but real writing is also mostly wish-fulfillment beyond the real world.

I know it's different from normal writing, but I like to think of it as a genre, like an unwilling collaboration with the original writer. It can end up being quite good, EVEN if what you said was true.

>> No.3902956


Christ, it's one thing not to be able to think, but not being able to feel either? You're a dud.

>> No.3902961

I could go with that, looks like a good definition to me. Do you think there's a boundary where people start to cry out "Fanfiction!"
If I wrote a novel about the guard who escorted Meursault to his cell, and Meursault isn't in it at all aside from the guard mentioning he took an Algerian to jail today to his wife over dinner, and the rest of the story is about that guard, is that fanfiction? If the guard had some sort of response to his dealings with Meursault, but Meursault isn't in it at all in person, only mentioned...is that fanfiction?
I guess I'm wondering how small a splinter of something else would be needed to put something into that category?
I really don't like that "fanfiction" is so disregarded, I think it's elitist. I'm glad that anyone is writing anything at all. If something gets someone excited enough about something that they actually write something on their own, that's great and shouldn't be discouraged in any way. With encouragement the next thing they write could be a masterpiece, or dare I say even the fanfiction itself can be a masterpiece.

>> No.3902963

you can't justify your broken ideas of the world

>> No.3902974

>I really don't like that x is so disregarded, I think it's elitist.
/lit/ in a nutshell
I think fanfiction is actually against the rules here. moot and the mods hate fanfiction even without having ever really tried to look for good ones. And /lit/ will never change. fuck, I hate it so much.

>> No.3902981


>> No.3902987

That's like me posting Twilight and saying it represents literature.

>> No.3902989

post some good fanfiction

>> No.3902997

twilight is a perfectly good representation of literature its probably a good idea to have an opinion of your own

>> No.3903004


>> No.3903016

I wonder if there is a way to (it isn't possible) count the words people have written complaining about fanfiction against the words of original prose they themselves have written.
The phrase "fanfiction" is usually used in a bitter sort of way, with a bit of nose being upturned and a subtle tinge of jealousy.
Art is an open source project.*
*Quote available for use under a Creative Commons license.

>> No.3903017

But My Immortal is better than most fanfictions in so many ways. It is entertainment at its highest level.

>> No.3903024

>Every inch of wall space is covered by a bookcase. Each bookcase has six shelves, going almost to the ceiling. Some bookshelves are stacked to the brim with hardback books: science, maths, history, and everything else. Other shelves have two layers of paperback science fiction, with the back layer of books propped up on old tissue boxes or lengths of wood, so that you can see the back layer of books above the books in front. And it still isn't enough. Books are overflowing onto the tables and the sofas and making little heaps under the windows.

>> No.3903025


Im so hyped for the next Methods updates.

Last chapters were too sad :(

>> No.3903027

I fail to see anything wrong with that. Read at least up to chapter 5 for it to reach 10/10 comedy and up to chapter 7 for 10/10 plot.

>> No.3903031

The Tiberium Wars is the only good one I ever read.

>> No.3903041
File: 1.05 MB, 800x1067, methods_of_rationality_by_zerinity-d4a9rv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Mah nigga.
I would highly recommend this. It takes a deeper look at the world Rowling's superficial world and builds upon it with a compelling plot. My personal favorite part is how the author looks at the more ridiculous aspects of Rowling's plot and details and makes them better or less contrived. Harry is insufferable in the beginning, but his character as well as the writing style and plot improve as the story progresses.
For those who are interested,

>> No.3903042

dubs checkem

>> No.3903043

Your interpretation of "good" is irrelevant as to whether or not fanfiction should be written or read by others.
I wonder what you think of jazz.

>> No.3903044

I can't get over how stupid Harry and McGonagall look in that picture

>> No.3903059

Even as much as I enjoy the story, I agree with you on that.

>> No.3903065
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>> No.3903066

>all that foreshadowing
partial transfiguration
the reason for buying the medkit
his father's rock
killing the troll with wingardium leviosa
putting his wand through his enemy's eye socket
"sad lovestruck girl that dies at the end of act 2"

>> No.3903079

Shit niggas /lit/ has one rule

>> No.3903083

I dislike fan-fiction on the basis that it is effectively a continuation of a universe and/set of characters which haven't been conceived by the work's original creator. The same goes for books and movies which want to persist but do so in a way which just means getting some other dude in take the reigns, only the worst thing about fan-fiction is that it's not a proven dude as it usually tends to be in those mediums, it's just some dude, some nobody, who really can't come up with their own original idea and can't live with the idea that something must end and their desperation for that said thing to continue through in their own way is something I can't respect regardless of the quality of the work.

And the work is usually crap and focused around pop-culture products. Those are my reasons.

>> No.3903086

It is an unfair rule probably designed to keep gaiafags from coming here. But I think it's pretty late to avoid that.

We should get that rule removed.

>> No.3903097

I'm fine with anything as long as it's creative and entertaining. Seriously there isn't enough of that these days.

>> No.3903100

Dude, it isn't (always) about a continuation of a story or expansion of the story, it can be about a different interpetation of a story. Usually the story that's the target of fanfiction speaks deeply about current culture, and resounds deeply in some people. The ability of the "fanfiction" writer to write their own point of view using the same lens is a very valuable tool, and cultrually important. It doesn't really matter if the author of the fanfiction is "good", lush prose and well defined characters. It's part of a conversation about that particular story, which is in itself just the opening sentence of the conversation.
Do you think, in the days or storytelling, before people were reading and writing these stories, that Gilgamesh had fanfiction?
Is "The Divine Comedy" fanfiction?
Fanfiction doesn't happen because people don't want to move on, it's because people are excited about something they read. Yeah, we should turn up our noses at that stinky outsider pablum.

>> No.3903135

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore

>> No.3903172

i some of the more mainstream jazz like herbie hancock robert glasper frank carlberg dave holland and john law but dont really know anything about it ill listen to anything that sounds pretty i guess
alan moore's swamp is one of my favourite books ill give it a read

>> No.3903190

Honestly, some if it is rather decent. Keep in mind that this 'some of it' represents about 1% of fan-fiction, and is usually written by people with quite a large history of creative writing, or (as has already been stated) people with an exorbitant amount of untapped talent. Other than that, I'd say that a good 98% of it is borderline unreadable. The other 1% reads like a bad pulp novel.

Anyways, fan-fiction may possibly be the epitome of uncreative media. The fan-fiction author already has a set of characters to work with, and at least some kind of basic template for his/her potential plot. There's no 'creative writing process' or any of that going on. It's more along the lines of 'I've watched 75 episodes of this TV show, read this book more than 9000 times, etc. and can mimic its writing style pretty well. Look at my fan-fiction, guise!'.

However, I have seen fan-fictions which surpass the rest in sheer creativity/general focus. One of them sticks out to me, due primarily to its well executed existential philosophical ruminations and absolutely breath-taking prose. Nothing I've ever seen from fan-fiction has managed to surpass it in terms of sheer literary quality. A link has been provided below.


>> No.3903195


>using surpass two times in a row
>nigga u dun goofed

>> No.3903252

I love fan fiction. I feel like I'm one of the only ones that do. Its amazing to see the what would happen if other people go a hold of the source material. The good and the bad are fascinating to read, and I think it really helps fans come together and appreciate the series even more. Man, I still have some good fan fiction that I reread over and over. I mean its just fun! I feel the same way about fan art and other fan items.

>> No.3903809


>> No.3903834

not gonna lie. that shit is hilarious.

>> No.3903866

Fan fiction, instrinsically, is horrible and bad and plebe and unoriginal and uncreative and the writes are probably into gay on gay action and yaoi

>> No.3903870

intrinsically * *

>> No.3903943

As a writer of fanfiction, I will agree with the opinion that the vast majority of it is utter crap. Sturgeon's Law and all that.

But like many negative aspects of fandoms, I think the amount of bad fanfiction has been greatly enhanced because the internet is a thing. Obviously there was fanfiction before the internet. Someone mentioned the Divine Comedy, which is basically Biblical self-insert fanfiction with some "pop-culture" references thrown in (Dante's political enemies being in hell and what not). But the sheer amount of people that slapped together some horrendous slash-fic and throw it up on fanfiction.net or deviantart drowns out everything else. Stories with somewhat decent writing are ignored because they're not interesting enough to get giant fanbases of their own, and they aren't terrible enough to warrant humorous live readings.

I think fanfiction can be useful for aspiring writers to at least practice writing something. Some fanfiction even ends up just being original stories that happened to take place in the same world, with no or almost no interaction with the actual main characters. That's what a lot of my stories are. They're still basically crap, but eh, I never said I was that good of a writer.

>> No.3903975
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fan fiction is awful and people who write it are awful

>> No.3904000

Oh, I cannot be the only one who would read a story about a Cat people on the Enterprise, with a proper Canary Sue

>> No.3904165
File: 112 KB, 284x284, annieface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Fanfiction writers made the concept of sex with rubiks cubes seem viable

These niggas are scary

>> No.3904235
File: 68 KB, 188x204, 1328861868695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit acting superior for reading "actual literature" instead of fanfic
>mfw you're all too dense to acknowledge most classic lit is just fanfic of myths and earlier works

>> No.3904266

There is plenty of good fanfction. Most "classics" are fanfiction. After all, consider the following:

Did Shakespeare invent the character of Hamlet?
Did Luo Guanzhong invent the character of Cao Cao?
Did Sophocles invent the character of Oedipus?
Did Homer invent the character of Achilles?

There's nothing inherently wrong with fanfiction. Before copyright law was invented, they were called "folktales."

What gives it a bad rep in modern times is the low barrier to publish. Anyone can post bad fanfiction online. But guess what: anyone can post bad original fiction online too. It just gets less attention because there's an already established audience for fanfiction.

>> No.3904271

This has to be revised because nowadays people think of being geeky as a good thing.

>> No.3904287

The Author – Hi people, I don't own Harry Potter and Telletubbies, but I think J. K. Rwling must think about doing a crossover. It would be very cool!

Severus Snape, Professor and Lover

Severus Snape was very sad. He was not having many pleasures doing lectues and teaching stuents anymore. All those adventures happening at Hogwarts sucked the inner life from his bones...and he had nothing more to accomplish. He went to Dumbledor:

"Heaadmastet, I want to be expelled, I don't have what it takes to teach anymoire."

Dumbledore was puzzled:

"But Snepa, you are my best professor, you can't go and waste the knowlegde you have!"

"Oh Dumbledore...I'm so sad." said Snape putting the back of his hand on his forehead.

Dumbledor, the powerful and wiseful magus he wwas thought a solution:

"Okay Snape, I'll transfer you to another place, somewhere calm where you will help good creatures that have n o parents."

Snape got greatful thatDumblerdo understood his feelings and pushed him to place less onerous to his advancing age.

Snape took a train and after days, finally reached an colorful and wonderful place. It was the Tubbydome Supertronic, the place of dwee]lling of his new students. He reached there, and a periscophe welcomed him:

"Profwssor Snape, you arrived!!!!!!! The students waits you in the classroom."

Snape was still sad, but his powerful stomach got chills, because the mystery of novelty aproacches his comfort zone.

When Snape entered the classroom, four color creatues were there seatting on the chairs. They said to Snape:

"Eh-Oh!" and Snape smilled, feeling his heart get full of ingnominous passion.

"Alright dear students, today, you will learn potion making."

"No, we want to learn how to be adult!" cried the four Teletubbies. They had live for many long inside that perfect bubble, only experimenting the baby joys of youth. But every day was equal to them, not really happened at their house and life was boring.

When Snape arrive, a flash of hope filled their hearts with the promisse of life beyond the perfect prison they got trapped whne they got born. Only that dark robbed and pale skinned man can save the babies from this terrible fate.

>> No.3904291

"But kids," said Seevrus "I must acomplish the curriculum!"

"Oh professor, I'm dying from inside, don't let the evil periscophe suck the last remnants of humanity locked in my so fatal brokened heart" saaid the yellow Teletubbie, Laa-Laa, with a sensive voice, calling for a strong man to free her mind...her body.

Snape looked her, and felt somethnig funny inside his pelvis. It was a long time since the last time he shared a intimacy filled momnet with a woman. Snape was starting to break:

"But Teletubbies...if the periscophe woman watches us...how can we have privacy?"

The purple leader, Tinky Winky, got up and uttered with his powerful throat:

"I have a secret place professor. We can learn there and free ouselves from the bounds of madness that others inflicted upon us!" said him hitting his chest with a clench hands.

Snpae looked down, thought, and followed the purple leader. They opened a secret door inside their house, a door leading to the basement.

The place was full of rats and cockroaches. Water infiltrated the place and mold smell was present in dangerous quantities. A lot of earth and dirty was covering the place, and a hole in the wall could be seen.

"You are making a hole?"

"Yes Snape," said Tinky Winky, "we must escape, so we are creating a exit route to get out of the evil crunchs of the woman periscophe."

"Oh, I must help you Teletubbies."

"Prodfessor" said Laa-Laa, "first, teach us how to adult!"

Snape nooded in agreement. He, wth his wondrous magic wand created a giant bed, and some wine and cheese to acompany this iluustrious wisdom moment.

"Teletubbies, lay her with me, I'll teach you how to be a man. Oh, but you Poo, aren't ready yet. You are too young baby. Stay here in the corner and play with you small hose." and Poo got sad, but neverthless, he did what Snpe said and watched the others while they got teached.

"So" said Snap, "Laa-Laa, you make a pair with me. Tinky-Winky, you go with Dipsy. Watch me while I play with Laa-Laa and mimic my movements. This way you will learn."

Snape them got on his kness and looked at the layied Laa-Laa. She was sweatting a bit.

"Don't be afraid small yellow girl, just spread your legs." and she did. An engorged vagina shine at her crotch, but it was full of cotton yellow pubic hair. Snape picked up a scissor and cut it.

"Snape" said Dipsy "Tinky Winky have no crotch mouth, but a very strange tongue. It's filled with purple wrinkled skin!"

>> No.3904292

"Oh Dispy, he don't have crotch mouth. But behind him, you will find a pork's eye. Don't be afraid, it's dirty, but after a while you will like the fine flavor of melted chocolate covering your lips."

Dipsy turned Tinky Winky, and the purple Telletubbie revealed his deep purple anal hole.

"What I do?" asked Dipsy.

"The same I will do with Laa-Laa, don't be afriad. Tinky Winky will scream and moan, but you must go on. " said Snape with a calm and softfull deep voice.

"Oh professor" said Laa-Laa with a moaning lustful voise, "I think I peed myself. I'm feeling moist."

"No Laa-Laa, you not pee. You only are happy that I'm here."


"Yes. Now...suck my index finger" and she did.

And Snape unclothed himself. His pale shiny penis appeared and all of the Teletubbies got impressed. His nut sack was very white and hairy and exhalled a snake oil parfum essence. Laa-Laa felt a jolt of pleusre down her antenna.

"Now boys, do as I do" and them, Snape introducted his wizard wondrous penis inside Laa-Laa. She screamed:

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" and a flush of yellow blood got expelled from her now broken hymen. The yeloow blood covered Snake, and he rubbed himself with that sticky liquid.

"Prodessor" moaned loudly Laa-Laa, "isn't this wrong? I'm feeling so dirty."

"No Laa-Laa, don't be ashamed. When you bit the forbidden fruit, the knowlegde will fullfil you inner most desires. Be my Eve!!!" and Snape punch her uterus with his roquefort penis. The Teletubbie girl moans more and smilles her face.

Dipsy do the same on Tinky Wonky, puncturing the purple asshole with the green penis he is so proud of. Tinky Winky screams:

"AAAAHHHH! You hurts me my dear friend!!! Stop, I cannot withstand your protuberant obelisk of delectation!"

"I can't" said Dipsy with a condensending voice "professor said I must go on with our journey throughout the steps towards a greater understanding about our true nature as alienated species from our parenthood."

"Tinky Winky was suffering the destiny of those under the yoke of their own expectations. But Snape was wise and appealed:

"Dipsy, use your bodly fluids to appease the sorrow of your roost companion."

Dipsy them spit on his hand an immense gob of putrid mucus. It was green as his body and full of dancing crawlers that were enjoying the hot abode that was his nostrils. Dipsy covered his fluffy hard penis with it and penetrated Tinky Winky again. This time, the purple one enjoyied.

>> No.3904300


Snape was funcking hard Laa-Laa. A lot of yellow blood continued to get ot her defilled vaginal daisy. The pain hurted her much:

"Profezro, It aches my skin and negates the maturation you unleash inside my sacred womb."

"Be calm my yelloew student. After a while, no pain can touch you. Wait the massage of gods." and she did. After a while, the orgasms started, and she had multiple ones. Her chest grew a pair of xanthous brests, and they lactated the nectar of the houses of holy.

But she wasn't in her mature years yet, and her bowel controls were rudimentary. The orgasms unleashed a cataract of pappy hot shit thru her untouched lutelous anus. The slop of dung covered the bed and the smell was atroucious. The flow was so intense, globs of shit splashed at Snape's legs and hit his pale and sweet face.

"Ohhhhhh Laa-Laa" said Snape "finally, the cocoa honey bestow us with this feast of gormandized gut's contents!!!!!!!" and Snape rubbed his face with the black fetid hodge-podge ooze Laa-Laa vomited with her anus. It so was hot and disgusting that Snape vomited a mash of orange juice, bloody spaghetti and mama's chilli pepper over her lustful body. It reached Laa-Laa vagina and burned it and splashed all over her tummy. She rubbed the vomit all over her belly and breasts and swallowed a good portion of it.

Laa-Laa is happy, she reached a new stage of illumination and now can let go her shame of being the mistress of a snake old man.

Dipsy took a portion of that hot boiling dung and deposited it inside Tinky-Winky's anus. Now, the penetration is complete. They are enjoying the most complete recollection of human's past lives as beings dipping inside their own bodly properties.

"Snape" said Laa-Laa, "can I penetrate you too?"

Snape got pensive. He never thought about something so insulting to his manhood, but the pleasure was so insane, he nooded with a moan:

"Yeeeeesssssss" and Laa-Laa prepared her finger full of vomit and macaroni strings. She moved slowly her index finger and prepared to penetrated it...and she did!!!! The finger entered Snape left nostril and started to fuck it. She was fast and didn't want to lose time.

>> No.3904303

As Laa-Laa fucked Snape's nose, the vomit in her nails entered it and he breathed it. He gaged and coughed the bloody puke and it hit Laa-Laa's eyes, but she laughed.

Laa-Laa them put her other index finger inside the other Snape nostril, and he felt the pleasure more intense. Laa-Laa's tits lactated like no other in the world, like a fountain of milk and passionate dung. The milk and shit shower was so intense it reached Poo, that was at a corner masturbating to the whole scene. He drink the shitty covered milk and peed himself in pleasure. Even a small Telletubie have the right to fell the magnificent joy of the motherly nourishment coming from his sister's breasts.

Now, Snape is ready to cum. He grabs his penis and fell the throobing coming...and them...the cum-tastic delight goes out of his powerful snake hose and fills Laa-Laa's small vagina with a gorgeous and thunderstriking goo that overflows her and wash the last pureness that yellow and sexy body had one day.

She cums too, and now, she is a complete fl, a yelow and tasty alien woman girl with nice and softly cotton breasts. Her Telletubbie body got gorugeously tasty an even her brothers think she is delicious now that she have breasts.

Dipsy cums inside Tinky Winky too, and the two cotton alien boys now discover what it takes to make a real action hero.

"Boys" said Snape "you have graduated. You now are full fledged mature and responsible adults. You can take care of your own butts and do with it all you deserve."

Poo was a little sad, but she know her time will come.

"Snape" said Tinky Winky rubbing his cum covered and hurting ass "We must escape, the perischope woman is already searching for us, because we haven't returned to sleep."

"Okay Tinky-Winky, you lead the way" and the Telletubbies and Snape followeed Tinky-Winky's down the hole they excavated. The cave was very dark and long, but Snape used his wand to iluminate the way.

As they walked, down the cave, a light at the end of the tunnel was near, and they raced towards it. But someone was expecting them. A figure was facing the cave, with his back turned against the light out of the tunnel.

"You shall not pass." said the voice

>> No.3904305

"Who are you?" askjed Snape

"I'm very disappointed with you Snape. I thought you had a rocky shadow heart. But it seems I'm wrong. It was a mistake sending you here to placate these little rainbow bastards. A mistake I'm going to correct."

"Wait, I know that voice...it's---" and them, the figure emerges from the light, create a flowing flame around him, and his face is revealed. It's Dumbledore!!!!!

"No! You!" shouted Snpae.

"Yes, me!"

"Why do you want with the Telletubbies?"

"Oh, you don't know? They are Death Eaters Snape! We must kill them!"

"Death Eaters? That's impossible!"

"No..." said Tinky-Winky "it's true. We worked to Voldermot."

Snape got awed:


"Voldermort promissed that he would free our homeland from the dementors horde invasion. But, as we worked for him and infiltrated inside the Hogwarts, Dumbledore caught us. Now he absorbs our energies to fuel his mecha-bulldozer that---"

"Shut the fuck up!" cried Dumbledore. "You now will die!"

"No, I will not permit!" said Snape. He created a strong bound with those aliens, and he can't let them die, even if they are working for the enemy.

"So" said Dumbledor "you will die too!" and Dumbledore invoke the killing speel from his wand. But them, Yinky-Winky, from the bottom of his purse, pulled out a Colt 45 Revolver and shoot Dumbledore, but the wizard deflected the bullet.

"HA, you cannot kill me!"

"Snape, go, save the Telletubbies, I'll buy you time!" cried Tikny-Winky.

"No!" shout Laa-Laa "we can't let you die here!"

"But you must, our he will kill us all and no one will can save our homeland!!!" and the Tinky-Winky advanced in the Dumbledore's direction shooting rapid bullets at him.

>> No.3904308

Snape used his wand and started to drill a hole in the cave, circumventing the vicious battle happening near the entrance. Snape and the Telletubbies managed to drill another hole out some feet awya from the confrontation and gotout of the cave. They raced away from it, and at some distance, they saw Tinky-Winky shooting Dumbledore:

"Dubledor!!!!" cried Tinky-Wink. He picked a hand grenade, pulled the pin, threw it at Dumbledore and shout "Die BASTAAAAAAAARD!!!!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" and the cave exploded, lauching debris all over the place.

"Fast Telletubbies," said Snape "HIDE!!!!" and they did. A lot of rock felt from the sky and fumes and dust covered everywhere.

"Tinky-Winkyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" cried the three Telletubbies, and Laa-Laa tried to run and find her purple brother, but Snape prevented:

"No, you can't! This place is unstable, we will die staying here!!!" cried Snape and the earth started to shake. They raced away from the crumbling Tubbydrome Supertronic, avoinding the falling rocks and the posion flower that attacked them.

After a while, they reached a safe haven.

Laa-Laa was very sad and crying much:

"Why? Why we let him die Snape?"

"Oh Laa-Laa, he saved us and was his desire that we escaped."

"But it is not fair..."

"I know...I know" and Snape hugged Laa-Laa, and the other Telletubbies did it too.

Now, these four heroes must find a way to save the Telletubbie planet from the horde of dementors that are trying to invade and conquer the place, slaving all of the millions of telletubbie inhabitants. Who is behind all this? Is Voldermort involved? And Snape and Laa-Laa? Will they be together till the end?

Snape says:

"Laa-Laa, I promisse, we will avenge your brother..."

The End?

>> No.3904312
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>> No.3904316

you are confused and wrong. we still have a public domain, no one is saying the use of public domain settings and characters amounts to fan fiction, that's retarded.

Fan fiction specifically refers to amateur fiction made by fanatical devotees, or "fans", of a contemporary work. I see people try to broaden the definition of fanfiction in bizarre and strained ways as an attempt to legitimize it, but that's just completely defeating the point of the label "fan fiction".

Its like saying "poison" isn't so bad because when you think about it all medicine is basically a form of poison.

>> No.3904318 [DELETED] 

>The End?
>The End?
>The End?

>> No.3904419



>> No.3904678

Yeah, you know what? I'm jumping ship over to you guys.

I just a private message on ff.net
>Hi love the story.can my O.C. Loryn and David be in the sotry?

Fucking hell, if this is my audience I'm not bothering anymore.

>> No.3904711


If you write fan fiction, you are not an author. Do not delude yourself.

>> No.3904806

you could have said that you were from gaia or deviantart or tumblr and retained a bit more dignity

Actually, probably not, but that's at least as bad

>> No.3904843

Who said anything about being an author?

Why do you care about "retaining dignity" when you post anonymously?

I write fanfiction. Actual authors do too. Shakespeare did.

>> No.3905183


>"my audience"

you take yourself seriously enough to think you have your own audience. You think you're an author.

>> No.3905222



>> No.3906403

Street performers have an audience. Monkeys who fling poo have an audience. Your soapbox rant has your audience.

Seriously, you're the pretentious one deluding yourself here.

>> No.3906700


I read this on a lark and actually quite liked it. I got a Breakfast at Tiffany's-feel from it.