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/lit/ - Literature

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3894713 No.3894713 [Reply] [Original]

"Mill was a notably precocious child. He describes his education in his autobiography. At the age of three he was taught Greek.[7] By the age of eight he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis,[7] and the whole of Herodotus,[7] and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laërtius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato.[7] He had also read a great deal of history in English and had been taught arithmetic, physics and astronomy. At the age of eight he began studying Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed schoolmaster to the younger children of the family. His main reading was still history, but he went through all the commonly taught Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease. His father also thought that it was important for Mill to study and compose poetry. One of Mill's earliest poetry compositions was a continuation of the Iliad. In his spare time, he also enjoyed reading about natural sciences and popular novels, such as Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe."

>tfw your father will never force you to be a child genius

>> No.3894721
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>tfw 24 and never read any of the greeks

>> No.3894734

>implying intelligence isn't inherited.
His father just tried to use his potential as its fullest.

>> No.3894735

>tfw wordsworth and marmontel don't do shit for it

>> No.3894738

Who the fuck is this about?

>> No.3894742

John Stuart Mill

>> No.3894745

Right, and after being put through the system by his dad and his dad's weird friend Jeremy dude had a catastrophic nervous breakdown. There are ridiculous parents today too, they just mainly don't go in for Classics because the Victorian fetish is near-dead.

>> No.3894748

Wow, his life sounds like Hell.

>> No.3894749
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>tfw played vidya and read Boxcar Children books as a kid
>tfw happy and ranked at the top of your year of law school
>tfw bright future lined up
>tfw not a useless continental philosopher

>> No.3894751

Tao ''Lin'' Mill

>> No.3894758

>implying mental ability can't be fostered through intense stimulation while the brain is in its developing stages
With the right nutrition and training maybe not everyone can be JSM but you can foster a pretty remarkably intelligent child. Why everyone doesnt do it to their kid is beyond me.
>muh normal childhood

>> No.3894765

I swear I'll force my son into mathematics and philosophy as soon as he learns to read.

>> No.3894773

Probably because they want their kid to know the concept of fun.

>> No.3894779

see this is why asia is taking over

>> No.3894783

Of course, you either live for god or for your country, never for yourself. How could I forget.

>> No.3894790

>having fun

>> No.3894802

And yet he spearheaded one of the greatest movements of philosophical ethics in history, make a childhood unpleasant to better the whole world through knowledge. If say that's a very utilitarian trade off

>> No.3894805

name one good thing that fun ever created

>> No.3894807

Having fun is one of my main goals in life, if not THE main goal.

Maybe, so long as I'm not the one who's childhood is being traded without my consent.

>> No.3894813

More fun? Enjoyment of life? Desire to keep on living, thus keeping all the important people alive for that much longer?

>> No.3894818

I'm sure you have a tengenial interest in literature and philosophy, but stating unequivically that x is the goal or purpose of life will get you into a lot of trouble. Unless you are educated on and willing to defend hedonism, I don't suggest backing it in a utilitarianism thread

>> No.3894820

>Itt: people that still consider the thought of going the autistic education way a useful one for their future children.
You need good communication skills and such to succeed in our age.

>> No.3894852

>implying being well read and having good communication skills are mutually exclusive talents

oh my lord

>> No.3894858

I said it's MY main goal in life.

>> No.3894868


How do you know Mill wasn't having fun? He couldn't just turn on the television or play vidya.

>> No.3894872

Of course you can combine them, but going the Mill way just doesn't work anymore anno 2013

>> No.3894873

But his father pretty much pre-ordained it all for him.

>> No.3894884

>that much study
>created one of the most absolutely pointless ideologies ever and supported british imperialism because lol niggers are inferior

You can see how that turned out.

>> No.3894924
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I'm sorry, but have you paid attention to black crime rates and black educational achievements in the last century?

>> No.3894940

I don't know, have you ever thought that might be caused by something called poverty and exclusion? And that might derive from some other thing called slavery? Or did you just think they steal from people because they are black, randomly >implying correlation from causation?

>> No.3894944

I'm not I would do the same to my child.
I'll probably teach him to play the Piano and allow him to draw and express himself properly. Mathematics and philosophy will follow when he is around 8-9 and that's to force him to be able to entertain complex material as he progresses through age.
It's important to keep balance and moderation in mind. I don't want to rain a studying machine that doesn't what to do when he's mentally exhausting. I want him to be able to live life and to explore it in the widest sense, from art to the sciences.
This sounds exhausting, and I find my getting married highly doubtful as I'm a fucking stoical rock by nature incapable of feeling.

>> No.3894953


Jews have been kicked out of nearly every nation they've inhabited in the past, slandered, abused and killed but they're doing pretty alright for themselves, why can't the brothas sort themselves out?

>> No.3894989

Jews weren't indigenous people deprived of any kind of language and knowledge by a much more advanced civilization. Also they had the good luck that the material conditions of their exploitation led them to a cultures that values intellectuals and businessmen highly. Shame on those niggers for not thinking of that, huh?

>> No.3895013


Yeah - you still miss the point of being genocided, scapegoated, and kicked out of their homelands every century or so for thousands of years.

Arguably a worse fate than what the negros of America have suffered and since had the opportunity to rectify.

They go to the same schools and get the same education.

>> No.3895021

I'm going to teach my child that learning is evil and encourage him to poorly in school (assuming I can't keep him away from school altogether).

>> No.3895030


>> No.3895049

>They go to the same schools and get the same education.
Last time I checked, they school I teach at in the shady neighborhood and without computers was the one with black kids. And the private one with a fancy logo and uniform was the jew one. Why yes, it's true that jews have a statistically higher IQ than black people (And, even tough there's not data on it, it wouldn't be crazy to say the always have), but that's externally determined by their cultural values.

>> No.3895053

>encourage him to poorly in school
sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)
you could probably home-school him and teach him the minimum to have him not be taken away or something

>> No.3895062


You're moving the goalposts now. First you said it was because of slavery, then you say that it's because of their culture. Which one is it?

>> No.3895072

>sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)

nah, I'm actually the greatest genius of my generation.

>> No.3895097

Let's not forget East Asians either, or even hispanics. Black "thug" anti-intellectual culture is clearly extremely harmful and toxic, but is culture the sole reason blacks underachieve, or is there a genetic component? I lean towards an at least partially genetic explanation simply because of the example of all the other marginalized ethnic groups in America that have done pretty well for themselves. On the other hand, there's no doubt that if we could change black culture, they would do much better than they currently are.

>> No.3895115

I can assure you there are marginalized cultures just as bad in latin america or Europe. Blacks happen to be the thing in America.

Again, it's both working at the same time. Jews may have been quantitatively more marginalized, but theirs was a historically and qualitatively (and even environmentally) different kind of segregation.

>> No.3895132

Wait, I think an important point to establish is your race, because any debate about this will obviously go nowhere if you're black. So are you black?

>> No.3895138

''This intensive study however had injurious effects on Mill's mental health, and state of mind. At the age of twenty[9] he suffered a nervous breakdown. In chapter V of his Autobiography, he claims that this was caused by the great physical and mental arduousness of his studies which had suppressed any feelings he might have developed normally in childhood.''

You forgot that part.

>> No.3895159


>> No.3895175

>force your kid to learn difficult stuff in his first ten years
>they become retards with a peter pan syndrome
It happened to Mozart

>> No.3895197

Not all sunshine it seems.

>> No.3895200

What is Peter Pan Syndrome?

>> No.3895199
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>All that reading
>Squandered on making Utilitarianism and supporting Imperialism

>> No.3895206

Someone who never grows up, like Peter Pan and people who watch anime

>> No.3895222

Michael Jackson?

>> No.3895271

>thinking utilitarianism step in the wrong direction at the time
>not realizing that imperialism in largely brought civilization to the four corners of the world

Tell tale sign of liberal public education. You know when they say "All roads lead to rome". It's because ther roman were imperialistic invaders, yet they built everything.

And so is the case with the english empire.

>> No.3895288

Because Mill had a bloody nervous breakdown and a whole ton of depression.

>> No.3895292

I went back to my mum's place in the country a few days ago for her cousin's funeral. We were by the roadside and this farmer on a quad-bike stopped beside us. He was a childhood friend of my mum's and they started chatting about old times.

One of the guys in their class had apparently been a child genius, his IQ was so high they couldn't measure it. But the kicker was he was adopted and his caregivers were major major fuckwits. They basically made him a house slave, making him cook, clean --everything. And they beat the shit out of him constantly.

Despite all this, due to the efforts of one impassioned he received a scholarship to the best school in state, board and everything; all his fucking caregivers had to do was buy a uniform, but no, that was too much effort.

Eventually he joined the army to get away from the place, ran into problems with his superiors, and now he's just some fucking bum in his 40s that plays computer games all day and works a dead-end govt job.

Meanwhile I'm of mediocre intelligence and my parents provided me with all the opportunities I could wish for. I fucking hate this planet sometimes.

>> No.3895316

You mean they pillaged, enslaved and mass-murdered everything? You don't even need to resort to "liberal" literature to find that out. They didn't coin the term "administrative massacre" for nothing.

I think it's always important to understand the meaning of such kind of things. Instead of leaving it to a "damn, what a bummer" or "oh well, shit happens" kind of explanation, to actually understand the things, ideologies and ways in which the system works, and not giving up in trying to change them.

>> No.3895340

There's so much squandered potential in this world. Oh my god, man. Being good parents and raising a child right is pretty fucking difficult for most of humanity.

>> No.3895497
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>> No.3895507

And how is he mentally? He might play videogames and be "a bum in his forties" and still be intelectually productive.

Shit, do some investigation and write a book about him. You'll do yourself and him a favor.

>> No.3897651

go fuck yourself. what do desperate capitalist chinese and koreans who can ace tests and retain nothing afterwards have to do with actual erudition

>> No.3897675

>plays video games all day and works dead end job

if he's so smart why didn't he come up with a better way to make money

>> No.3897710

Whatever it is, it's serving them pretty well. Maybe we should take a page out of their book and dump some of this focus on "erudition" in favour of acing tests.

>> No.3897720
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>b...b...but white people have c...c...communication skills.
>we know how to drink at bars and clubs and p... p... party
>those robot asians are good at school but they can't f...f..f..function in the r...r...real world... because they don't d..d..d..drink at bars

>> No.3897724

>chinese and koreans are good at acing tests but not at being erudite
>the city of this guy

>> No.3897727
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>> No.3897739

The one thing you can say about the East Asians is that they are relatively free of Jew influence. East Asian hegemony will break the back of Jew power and I, for one, eagerly look forward to it.

>> No.3897745
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>> No.3897750

Of course, there's the part where he had a mental breakdown.

>One of Mill's earliest poetry compositions was a continuation of the Iliad.

Wow. He wrote a fanfic. I bet he had a body pillow that looked like Ajax.

>> No.3897762

>The one thing you can say about the East Asians is that they are relatively free of Jew influence.

That's actually wrong though.

>> No.3897766

Is it really? Do you have any evidence?

>> No.3897769

don't breed

>> No.3897770

Same thing with South Asians, sure they may sympathize with Israel in its war on Islam but that's as far as it goes, the Hindus didn't exorcize the scourges of Buddhism and Islam just to give in to Judaism.

>> No.3897773


>A Ming emperor gave the Jews the typical Chinese surnames Ai, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, Shi and Zhau because he found Hebrew names confusing.

See how many of those surnames you can find in the ruling Chinese political party.

>> No.3897776


He's probably getting at Marx was a Jew and Marxism was big in Asia for a couple decades...

>> No.3897780

No, Jewish people populated China centuries ago and have found similar success there as they have in the West.

>> No.3897778

At the beginning, there were 17 families[3] but only 7 exist today: Shi, Gao, Ai, Li, Zhang, Zhao and Jin. All these names were transliterations from Hebrew with the exception of Zhao, whose name was bestowed by the emperor. Thus, Li sounded like Levi while Shi [Stone] and Jin [Gold] were translations.” [4] According to Zhang Xingwang there were 618 descendents of the Kaifeng Jews, some of them had left, scattered in Uruguchi, Lanzhou,[5] Xian, Chengdu, Shanghai, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other cities.

"Jin" in China is like "Goldstein" here.

>> No.3897782

>typical Chinese surnames

>> No.3897783

Holy shit.

Then there really is no hope, I guess. The Jews won a long time ago.

>> No.3897788
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While the Chinese government maintained their support for Arab states, a general pro-Jewish outlook has been observed amongst China's urban populace. These attitudes arose largely due to an admiration of Jewish business skills. In particular, books on Jews and their purported connection to financial successes are best-sellers in China.[28][38][39]

>the Jews won a long time ago

>not even 80 years removed from the mass extermination of quite a few jews

top lel

>> No.3897790

you wish, bro.

>As of 2010, it is estimated that 2,000 to 3,000 Jews lived in Shanghai.

Compare that to the 2,000,000,000 Jews that live in new york and you have to face the fact that you are very weak in Asia and always will be.

>> No.3897794

>thinking the Holohoax happened

Remember the 60 million!

>> No.3897799

be careful comrade the moderators are going to ban you

>> No.3897801
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>holocaust deniers on /lit/

>> No.3897805

goddamn /pol/ is everywhere

>> No.3897821

Sarah? Is that you?

>> No.3897824

kill urself

>> No.3897830

im not saying americans are erudite, but people in those countries have been shown to be no more intelligent than the average american. inb4 citation needed

thats what chinese/koreans do too. their youth culture is a duplicate of our culture

you fuckin idiot

>> No.3897836

also the asians we see in america are all the cream of the crop who are willing to work basically around the clock studying engineering...there are plenty of losers and "rebel" types in china, but just like america they don't make it out of their hometown

>> No.3897849

Sorry to intervene here, but that's ridiculous. That is an open endorsement of ad hominem argument. If what you are saying is correct you should be able to criticise the content on the merit of truth and empirical evidence, with no regard to who he is.

>> No.3897853

hint: he is a racist who is fundamentally uninterested in sincere debate

>> No.3897857

>responding to a post made almost 24 hours ago

Could you not at least have had the decency to sage?

>> No.3897871

Whoa that guy looks like an asian elijah woods. That's uncanny

>> No.3897890

Yess. i've been sensing an influx of /pol/ 'ers that need to get the fuck out.

>> No.3898114

i watch anime and i can bench five hundred encyclopedias and read four hundred pounds, so you can fuck the back off

>> No.3898124

I remember my history of science professor once said that the enemies of Isaac Newton said about him, after he died, "if you're so smart, why are you dead?"

I barely succeeded in containing my laughter. Some things never change.

>> No.3898132

my little troy: friendship is fuckyoui'mgreek

>> No.3898160

A professor of mine told me that Milton lived early enough that it was actually possible to basically read *all* of literature. And that's what Milton did. He was extensively educated and basically did nothing except read until he went blind.