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3892476 No.3892476 [Reply] [Original]

So what comes after nihilism?

>> No.3892499
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Realization that the future is in fact noble and bright.

>> No.3892504


Do we have good reasons to believe that the future is going to be noble and bright?

>> No.3892510

No, but we can make it so.

>> No.3892511

Hope or despair.
Depends on you, really.

>> No.3892515


Acceptance that you are part of a whole and share in all of it.

"All things change; nothing perishes" - Ovid.

>> No.3892518


Is it a choice?

>> No.3892521


>> No.3892524

existentialism usually

>> No.3892530

You make decisions.

>> No.3892533
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Hedonism. The fact that we only live for our own happiness. Yes yes, call me "edgy", but I do believe that essentially, every motivation we have in life, is for our own, benefit - the benefit being a feeling of pleasure, or the abscence of pain/negativity. It's still "meaningless".

It's quite sad, but I've thought about it long now, and it seems that every existensialist argument is "defeated" by the psychological hedonism/nihilistic-stance.

>> No.3892540

no, it depends on your personality

>> No.3892543


>> No.3892544

>The fact that we only live for our own happiness.
Or you could live for other's happiness.

>> No.3892548


>> No.3892551


>> No.3892554

But essentially, the will to do so, would be that it made me happy - i.e. that I make the use of my need for showing empathy?

>> No.3892560

living day by day, without worrying about anything has meaning or not.

>> No.3892562

not necessarily, human activity in general is pretty arbitrary, no particular reasoning involved. the idea that we only do things for our own benefit is just silly

>> No.3892564


>> No.3892571

egoism and nihilism are mutually exclusive as far as I'm concerned. egoism necessarily implies some kind of meaning

>> No.3892573

>the idea that we only do things for our own benefit is just silly
Hm. Tell me, do you believe that altruism exists -- virtious actions without any "good" results in it for the ones who do it? I generally believe that every action in life must have some clear, selfish motivation to it. At least this is the idea I get whenever I question something I do or don't do. Everything seems to be egoistic. Not saying it's bad or good (I am saddened by it) it's just the way it is. But I have a hard time accepting it -- I'm in what they would call "the hedonist paradox".

>> No.3892574 [DELETED] 

make a movie with your bitch (steven spielnigga)

>> No.3892578

Nah, psycholigical egoism explains motivation. Nihilism just means that there is no bigger meaning to it, that it has no value per se. Perhaps it's difficult to explain it, but do you see what I mean? Egoism doesn't imply morals or clear ethnics other than "you do it for yourself because you must".

>> No.3892588

It's all in how you handle it.
You can do something, and there can be a be a personal benefit, but that doesn't have to be why you do it.

>> No.3892605

Fully actualized human bean.

>> No.3892624

Well... the last part there is what I question. I don't believe that humans have free will (it's a long debate, let's not get into that). Given this "axiom", I just view humans very... robotic. Driven by our own needs; be it physical needs, emotional needs; you name it. I just think there always have to be something for us in any action we perform -- otherwise we wouldn't "waste" energy and effort on said action.

A guy (let's call him X) on this site put up an imaginary sitatuation with this thinking: Let's say he and his friend are robbed in his house. The robber tells him that only 1 of the two can survive -- and it's up to X to decide whose fate it will be. X will either:
1) Beg for his own life, let his friend die. This is because he values his life more. So there's something obviously egoistic here.
2) Beg that his friends survives and he dies -- X would not be able to live without his friend, or to have on his conscious that he's responsible for another guy's death -- or something similar. Again, X does it because this will provide less unhappiness for himself, rather than he survived and would carry the guilt forever.

This thinking can be applied to anything we do in life. Everything boils down to "Would doing this make me more or less happy? What do I gain/benefit from it".

>> No.3892634

10/10, comedy gold

>> No.3892635


Pol doesn't actually read. The just lie and check off all the Nazi stuff so they can hate Jews

>> No.3892638


>> No.3892643

I'd think that the majority have picked up a copy of Mien Kampf, if not read much of it.

>> No.3892646

Misquoted your post? The scenario is not from /pol/ if that's where you're getting at. I asked the same question earlier regarding egoism on /lit/.

>> No.3892683

I'm sure plenty own one.

Anyways,from the Russian perspective, Nihilism is just a western cultural disease. It is a product of all the time Europe was being force fed religion by the Catholic Church.

Nihilism is a worse mental prison though, you have the ability to choose to have real faith in anything you want, and you refuse. It is like choosing to remain a slave. Faith has to be a conscious choice. next step after nihilism? Rejection of nihilism,and true belief.

>> No.3892731


it's like hedonism but no ugly people

>> No.3892741

The development of morality without a God.

>> No.3892742

who cares?

>> No.3892775



>> No.3892813


>> No.3892835



>> No.3892863


You recognize the fact that it's all meaningless.
Straight up hedonism has it's problems (Hedonic treadmill, adaptation, etc.)
Existentialism is bullshit (find me a nigga likes rolling boulders up hills and calls it fun)
Extended nihilism and not caring (buddhism) just lets the world steamroll you and you can't get shit done

Stoicism is a way out.
Do what you can, don't let things get you down. Kind of like those Keep Calm and le Carry On shit the redditors like.

>> No.3892869

what would you recommend for reading about stoicism?

bonus points if modern

>> No.3892887


I hate reading oldfags too.

Seneca > Burkeman (newfag) > Aurelius > Epictetus

>> No.3892895
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mais, existentialism is truth
<let the edge commence>

>> No.3892903


>> No.3892905

Disgusting annoying existentialists

>> No.3892907

oh god you're terrible

>> No.3892909

It's just the world's changed so much since then, I don't think anyone has actually brought back and restated stoicism in the context of nihilism or whatever

>> No.3892917

the lust for power

>> No.3892918
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>> No.3892927

Post-nihilism, obviously: to not even believe in nihilism.

>> No.3892932

nailed it

>> No.3892953
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Suicide upon realizing that life is utterly absurd and even in death every rock that you managed to push up will only come rolling back to either be caught by another being or merely crushed in the wake of your own undoing

>> No.3892956

nah. people will realize pretty fast how unsustainable that is.

>> No.3892958

Find a way a lone a last a loved a long the

>> No.3892995

Sensing some nonsense in there, especially 5 and little bit of 6. Last quote is coolio.

>> No.3893030

tell me the way (seriously)

>> No.3893041

Criticize the idea (not fact) that it's all meaningless.

Gotta be an intelligent and emotionally mature person to do that though, it isn't the cool thing to do but nihilism is a bunch of modernist bullshit anyways.

also stoicism doesn't say life is meaningless

also science is overrated (yeah i just said it, what you gonna do?)

>> No.3893046


>> No.3893062

You're a retard and I hope you die.

stupid kids, fuck /lit/.

you're like the faggots who list Einstein (not a philosopher) as their favourite philosopher.

>> No.3893092

I'm not going to mimic your bullshit, but seriously, you are the worst type of person. Instead of defending what you put forward in the most offhand, smug, "oh it's just common sense" way you immaturely call the poster physically and mentally diminuitive names to put them below you in your mind. You give no reason for the insults either. Why would you think a hedonist would have Einstein (I love the way you felt so superior that you had to make sure the listener knew Einstein was not a philosopher) as their favourite philosopher?

>> No.3893109


This seems to be a trend in kids who post here.

They advocate nihilism. Then they advocate hedonism. Then (if they ever manage to grow up) they see the value in discipline.

Let's hope you manage to grow up.

>> No.3893134

Because I fucking hate you goddamn fuckers and wish you death.

eat my shit, you arrogant weasel

you don't got the balls to actually carry out any of the stupid bullshit you believe in real life

just keep talking about it on the internet kid

go fuck off now, little boy

>> No.3893140

oh boy we got one of those traditional fuckers and their misreading of stoicism

just read it in the original language first before you try to fucking make reason of it you dumbass

discipline? what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

it has nothing to do with age but with shit that corrupts and without clear reason behind it such as postmodernism

it's all postmodernism

modern athiesm? new-atheism? postmodernism.

nihilism? hedonism? postmodernism.

anti-religion? pro-scientific culture? postmodernism.

>> No.3893244
File: 88 KB, 740x238, nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all,

you have to distinguish between

"There is no value", and

"Nothing is the value", which one did you mean when try to bait this thread into debate (moar liek de-bait)?

There is also distinction

between ontological, epistemological, and axiological, nihilism. Though, I doubt /lit/ here cares in this thread.

It is actually a pretty interesting concept. German Idealism, postmodernism, existentialism, Buddhism, stoicism, epicureanism all try to tackle that concepts, with varying degrees of originality.

People shouldn't be afraid of nihilism. The Darkness is your friend, and within you, even more so than the mirage illusion of 'the Light'. It gives you the drive, the power to be in a state of desperation to escape from it.

>"for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." - 1 Thessalonians 5:2

Splendid! Whether you believe or not in Christianity, you cannot overlook the fact that the Messiah Himself (or Herself, since He is rather feminine) guarantees all philosophical categories of nihilism! What joy! Of life which will be an adventure! The resurrection of the Body! Of Life after Life which is Death!


Through nihilism, it is not merely that we are condemned to be free,

more radically,

condemned to be immortal.

>> No.3893250

the fuck is this hippie kid going on about goddamn i getting tired of this shit u know fuck off wth that femine hippie shit u hating on men with that or some shit like how the fuck and where the fuck do the terms orgiatne femine an dmasucline of some goddamn humans i gues but yeah nah u fucker trying to get all emtional and powerful wlel that doesnt work on me i already got proof of the afterlife from persona lexprience but uh that pic of yours is trival hippy atheist science culture bullshit

isnt the lord the lgiht or something that aint no mriage illusion you goddamn half baked chritsian turned nihilist atheist or whatever shit oyu are you dont try to escape from something you dont believe in cuz u know nihlism is a belief not a obejctive fact of obejctivte relaity or some shit what that is not like there is such a thing as an end anyawys stupid idots time isnt linear fuckin uh no god or osem shit sutpid trivel pic avoids the big quesitons and personal issues and uh aftrlefie and shit fuck science

>> No.3893254


>> No.3893256

u wanna go again u punk ass fuckin kid

>> No.3893257

oh fuck another precogntive dream of this shit

see it told you goddamn anti dualists or wahteverb shti u are wis wrong

now how to get in contact with that higher eslf or whatevre they cla lthat shit

>> No.3893259

absurdism was a response to nihilism I think. At least Camus' work was and he coined the term.

>> No.3893262

>mfw /lit/ is being trolled by an old curmudgeon
Well at least it's in character.

>> No.3893265

who gives a shit about that french fuckin faggot u goddamn hippie kid

go jack off to your goddamn hedonists works of science or whatever ur hippy shit is
whats next
buddha the hedonist nihlist from shit hole asia oh yeah

respond to this you goddamn frogger oh yeha a respones to fuckin siht of my goddamn asshole mothefuck

>> No.3893266

oh lol i totally missed the point. But I think after nihilism can lead to acceptance of a lack of purpose and once one has accepted this lack of purpose they can just do whatever they want, I guess that's hedonism in some cases but others will want to help others and so on.
That or suicide.

>> No.3893267

tthe fuck you agoign on i a what the fuck is a curmudgeon some sort of bread or some loaf of shit yeah loaf of shit fro myoru mouth

old or not age doesnt mastter and nobody excpet me knwos my true age but for sure uh fuck law people and people goint o law school and fuck law school and shit uh yeah uh

chractres or fucked shit uh not old not a loaf of bread or old loaf of bread hawtvere ur fuckin FRENCH metaphors are bunhc of siht but uh in character as if self isnt obecjtive thing yo uknow typical atheist matrelist shit

>> No.3893270

you don't have the guts you goddamn pussy fucking bitch you aren't ted bundy and you goddamn fuckin retard stupid fuckhead like how in the fuck crtiizei the first thought of the conept you retard not just accept it like the atheistic dogmaist you are do wathever you want what the fuck does that envem mean first place or heondism stupid shit an uh purpose and mneaign speical thing to humans but uh not sutpid egdy kid shit eixnstai lcirsis because mommy told them that uh they dont have to believe the bibel or uh a SCIEFNETIC BIBLE yeah gave you the sciefnetifc one and so stupid shit beliefs reuslt from that and uh not irtizie uh meaningless you cando that oyu know use your mnid you retard authority loving uh dick i once met a hedonist and she was sorry assb itch loser

>> No.3893277
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>> No.3893281

good swear words i liked them it made me feel bad about myself.

>> No.3893289

curse words
swear words
how about a word about how much of a lazy stinkin piece of trash you are oyu goddamn little cunt lickin tree jacker offer
yyeah jack that tree off dumb ass kid
hope ur mom find s that slippery fuckin shit leaking otu of your trousters

feel bad baout your self alrgiht good or osme s hit yeah good ti is fuck you

uh cuss words i guess custard words yeah custard uh a type of sauce i think but uh sauce that ill fuckin use to lube up my goddamn little quicckering cock and stick its little mushroomed shjaped tweezer up your ass and uh pull out some inner hairs or uh shit pop inner acne yeah

>> No.3893290


Is this guy experimenting on the nihilist condition of our life, with his LIBIDO BREAKER? Keep going, man! You might get pass Nietzsche POWERLEVEL with one-liners, or short paragraphs that pierce through every human delusions.

And I'm not being sarcastic here.

>> No.3893291

pls stop it i dont like it :'(

>> No.3893306

>pls stop

>> No.3893311

there is no nihlist condtion of our life and who fucvking ours is it in the first place u goddamn fuckin sheepish tardersauce yeah tard sauce heh lube for m y dick for your tard asshole anus fuck im bored with this shit and now argugignj with te stupid kids on /pol/ see you latters you goddamn kids or uh humans make the meaining uh you know humans are gods and shit bbut uh you arent one and i am so uh take hat kid


>> No.3893313

nice guy

>> No.3893323

>Einstein was not a philosopher

But he was a philosopher.

>> No.3893325


fitizens/miscers are ruining /lit/

>> No.3893335

no they're not it was a lively discussion you are ruining /lit/ you fucking cockroach

>> No.3893336 [DELETED] 


Fedora hat, and pseudo-philosophizing, op. That's what comes after nihilism.

>tfw I am not a nihilist

I think believing in religion (mythology) is objectively retarded. It's not just my opinion

>> No.3893341

You Egypt, OP?

>> No.3893342
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Fedora hat, and pseudo-philosophizing, op. That's what comes after nihilism.

>tfw I am not a nihilist

I think believing in religion (mythology) is objectively retarded; therefore, I can't be a nihilist since a nihilist doesn't believe anything is objective.

I think nihilism is an idiotic philosophy and I'll tell you why. If you are nihilist, why do you read? Shouldn't a nihilist not give a fuck about education since it doesn't have any objective value in his or her mind?

>tfw People who call themselves nihilists aren't really nihilists. They are just Hipster fags who read a wikipedia article about nietzsche.

>> No.3893343

despair and shame

>> No.3893350

How do you explain people that go through great suffering for an idea? The survival of the idea brings them no happiness, but they do it because it's (what they see as) the right thing to do. Take some Knights from the medieval ages for example. They left their warm homes, their children and wives to go to war. Not because protecting their country made them "happy" but because they believe with all their being that it was their duty and the only reason they existed. The Knight could've went on to live with his family and be happier than ever but doesn't because honor and duty are much more important than happiness to him

>> No.3893353

secular ethics are impossible

>> No.3893356

I'm self defeating

Hedonism disproved

>> No.3893372


No one wants to be killed; therefore, it's wrong to fucking kill. That's how we know killing is wrong.

To say morality(or ethics) doesn't exist is stupid. There is no one person who would like to be harmed for the sake of harmed; therefore, harm(killing, rape, ect) is objectively wrong

>> No.3893373


sake of being harmed*

>> No.3893378


To say secular morality( or ethics)*

>> No.3893386

There are plenty of people that want to be killed... and just because someone doesn't want to die doesn't mean it's objectively wrong. Not even if everyone in the world didn't want to be murdered (and saying so would be extremely arrogant).

>> No.3893387

so you're saying the opinion of the general populace = moral truth?

>> No.3893396

>tfw I think every thing people value is overrated.

People will talk about how great sports are, and all I see is a bunch of fags carrying a ball to the other side of the field.

I'll go to my family reunion, and all my family members are boring old fucks who have nothing
interesting to say.

People will offer me food when I didn't even ask for food and ask my opinion on the taste of the food, and I'll tell them it's shit. After I tell them it's shit they get upset.

>tfw i don't go through drive thrus anymore because I think fast food taste like shit

I think all my male peers are faggots, and I wish they would all get cancer and die. They all have shit taste in women.

>> No.3893401

but this isn't reddit

>> No.3893416


So you are telling me there are people in the world who want to be killed against their will?
Names? Suicide doesn't count because It's voluntary, and you are doing it to yourself, not to someone else.

>> No.3893419


>> No.3893421

You should probably kill yourself pal. You sound like an intolerable cunt.

>> No.3893425


I'll agree with you. Even I hate myself. I am a big faggot.

I am not leaving myself out of my hatred for everything. I think I suck as well. For example, I have a small penis, and I can't get laid if my life depended on it.

I don't suffer from the delusion that I am a good person. I know I am a piece of human excrement.

>tfw i probably will kill myself when I get in the 30-40 age range

I am too much of a cheap skate to pay for hospital bills. I would rather die than pay some faggot doctor to save my life

>> No.3893426

I wouldn't wait around so long :)

>> No.3893431

look into Christianity

>> No.3893439


But it's mythology. Why should I believe in mythology?

I think christianity would make me have more self-hatred. Even jesus told people that if they wanted to be his disciples they had to hate their families, their kids and even themselves.

>> No.3893442

>But it's mythology.

It isn't.

>Even jesus told people that if they wanted to be his disciples they had to hate their families, their kids and even themselves.

Well then you're already on the way, aren't you?

>> No.3893445


Many people don't know this, but jesus was very anti-family values. He never got married himself and he never had kids.

luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

>> No.3893449

I agree.

>> No.3893457
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Weak minded peoples turn to hedonism.

The great and strong folk dedicate themselves to something greater and more social. Scientific discovery, charity, medical disciplines, academic research, exploration etc.

>> No.3893458

>There is no one person who would like to be harmed for the sake of harmed

Wasn't their a news story a while back about some German dude who wanted to be eaten?

Do you just disregard fetishes as abnormal and thus not worthy of consideration?

>> No.3893460

>So what comes after nihilism?

We all grow out of puberty one day and hopefully the mindset that goes with it.

See you in another 7 years or so.

>> No.3893469


but he wanted it. That's not the same as the guy being killed against his will.

No one wants to be killed against his or her will;therefore killing another person against his or her will is wrong.

If morality didn't exist as moral nihilists claim, then you would see cultures that condone murder, but we don't see such cultures because such cultures wouldn't last very long. They would die out.

>> No.3893474
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take a look at this

>> No.3893477

On the contrary, these so-called "strong and great folk" might have turned to these great pursuits just to distract themselves from their initial nihilism/existential crisis. Just because they have ceased to moan about their sickness does not mean they have overcome it, they might have just given themselves an obsession to keep their minds off of it.

>> No.3893481

In the latter case such a despairer will then plunge into life, perhaps into the distractions of great undertakings, he will become a restless spirit which leaves only too clear a trace of its actual presence, a restless spirit which wants to forget, and inasmuch as the noise within is so loud stronger means are needed, though of a different sort, than those which Richard III employs in order not to hear his mother’s curses. Or he will seek forgetfulness in sensuality, perhaps in debauchery, in desperation he wants to return to immediacy, but constantly with consciousness of the self, which he does not want to have.

from Sickness Unto Death, Kierkegaard.

>> No.3893493

like Kafka for example, who was a dreary accountant by day and a psychonaut by night, who sailed the absurd rivers of existentialism and bureaucracy and simply needed to write it all down.

Only after he died did we find his astute writings.

>> No.3893504

There's nothing after nihilism. You have to take a step back and realize your silly mistake.

>> No.3893505

A job or absurdism, usually.

>> No.3893509

>No one wants to be killed against his or her will;therefore killing another person against his or her will is wrong.

I'm sure people who commit great criminal acts don't want to be killed right up to their execution - doesn't make it 'wrong' to kill them though.

>> No.3893517

>Only after he died did we find his astute writings.
>Being a dumb pleb who doesn't know how to fact-check in this year (of all years).

>> No.3893521

>good reasons
Someone's a long way from true nihilism, it looks like.

>> No.3893537

Instead we should adopt Christianity? Because that would in no way be a kind of 'forgetfulness', a leap unmotivated whose undoing asks only a remembrance of its unmotivated quality? Instead, the Nihilo-Hedonist, the 'moral pessimist', is in circulation around the truth, whereas a Kierkegaardean is simply an ostrich, and one so convinced of its impending eradication's untruth that it will deride anybody that might attempt to point out said mother's, Richard III's mother's, curses, deride them for investing direfulness where it does not belong. This is socially-legitimated lunacy.

>> No.3893562


Not that anon, but I can't understand what your point, really.

>> No.3893578

Kierkegaard can't accuse his opponents of being wilfully ignorant when what he advocates for is a construction of truth on the basis of a baseless first premise, the whole 'leap of faith' thing (as of course that thing is itself a kind of wilful ignorance, perhaps a more-so even 'textbook' kind of wilful ignorance than that of his opponents).

>> No.3893587

Does it work if I fall into #2 but not #1? I don't agree with that thing about banks printing money but I'm pretty down with that image of the upper class.

>> No.3893591

if you are normal, pragmatism

if you are a poet or an artist, absurdism

>> No.3895528



>> No.3895531


>> No.3895572

But what about suicidal people?

>> No.3895573

Your 18th birthday, eventually.

>> No.3895579

Tabula Rasa/Übermensch. Do you even Nietzsche?

>> No.3895599


You give your life to Jesus Christ and live happier knowing that no matter what, you are his son and will be accepted in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Read Ecclesiastes.

>> No.3895605


>> No.3895879

wut? curmudgeon used in 4chan?

>> No.3895885

10/10 best new reply, etc
Ctrl+F for master race

>> No.3895889
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>> No.3895923

nihilism is for kids ex dee! bravo!!

>> No.3896146
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What do you think?

>> No.3896157

Are you suggesting that existentialists are pedos?

>> No.3896160

You tell me!

>> No.3896166
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>> No.3896168

i think that whoever keeps posting pic probably thinks that anyone who hasn't accepted jesus christ is a pedo
they seem to be insomniacs like the rest of us