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File: 122 KB, 648x1000, Sasha+Grey+promotes+her+book+KGigOTAyHkNx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3890509 No.3890509 [Reply] [Original]

Multi-talented actress and musician Sasha Grey is now also an author with her first novel 'La sociedad Juliette'.


What are your thoughts on Ms. Grey as an author? Let's try to keep it civil.

>> No.3890511
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>> No.3890515


>> No.3890521


>What are your thoughts on Ms. Grey as an author?

i'm too busy reading authors that are actually good?


2005 called. it says you're basic as fuck.

>> No.3890522

i have no personal opinion regarding her authorship or her book as i cannot read spanish nor is her book published where i am, but she's done some great performance art

>> No.3890524

I can hear the posts by Sasha Grey's ass licking.

>> No.3890544
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She's a modern day Carolee Schneemann.

>> No.3890554

From what little I know about her, I'm sure it is littered with contrived symbolism and overwrought as all fuck.

>> No.3890555

Don't really care but it would be nice if it was good and she could develop a career outside of porn.

>> No.3890556


Her face is broken

>> No.3890559
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>> No.3890560

well, she certainly seems to write from experience
>Catherine, a blossoming film student whose sexuality has been recently stirred, finds herself drawn into a secret club where the world's most powerful people meet to explore their deepest, often darkest sexual fantasies.

>> No.3890562


Look closely. Look at her eyes.

>> No.3890563

bless her heart

>> No.3890569

She's gorgeous, but do we have samples of her writing?

>> No.3890571

Funny, if there's one sure way to troll literally any board on 4chan, it's to start a thread about Sasha Grey, especially if it's not about her porn.

I'll still sit back and enjoy, but it's getting old.

>> No.3890572

She speaks very eloquently in interviews.

>> No.3890575


>> No.3890577

That's... not quite the same thing as writing a novel.

>> No.3890581

>inb4 every newspaper/magazine/website in the world uses the headline '50 shades of Grey'

>> No.3890591

she has a lot of money from her former jobs, so at this point she's hobby hopping, hoping to make a career out of a yet-to-be-determined it

>> No.3890592

Nice. Good on her.

>> No.3890595
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>> No.3890598

>Aesop Rocks

>> No.3890600

Christopher Hitchens used to teach a writing course at uni and he opened it with something along the lines of "If you can speak, you can write. Don't get too excited, not everyone can speak." I probably butchered that, and made it sound faggy, but that was the gist.

>> No.3890605

wow that music taste is so typical of her type of bullshit she peddles. deep enough into a bunch of genres to feel good about herself (not very deep at all fucking davis, coltrane, mingus... entry lvl as fuck), but shallow enough to be pure dilettante fuckery.
awful. eurgh

>> No.3890607
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>likes all those bands
>no Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.3890609


who gives a shit about christopher hitchens

>> No.3890610

am i the only one who likes her and supports her even though i don't give a shit about her writing.

>> No.3890614

In what way do you

>> No.3890617

as a nice and strong human being

>> No.3890618

i buy her stuff on her amazon wishlist

>> No.3890619


>Hunter S.
>Ernesto Guevara.

>> No.3890623

>that entry level everything

>> No.3890626

>Christopher Hitchen
Shit, nigga, we tried to keep it civil !

>> No.3890627


Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.3890630

in what way isn't it, you shithead?

>> No.3890632

she seems like a fine human being

>> No.3890634

It's the type of list of a dark haired emotionally damaged 18 year old girl on OKCupid which makes you think 'could probably bang' because they get off on edgy intellectualism.

>> No.3890636

Just one question:

If she has quit porn forever, why does she use the pseudonym Sasha Grey?

>> No.3890637

but I never said that

>> No.3890638

I love it when she reads to me,

she ASMRs me

>> No.3890639

>Facebook comments as judgment of character
why not just do youtube commentary, or better yet go sleep in the trash

I disparaged aTelecine for being overly experimental without any focus but the Swans influence is cool I guess

Because comparisons to 50 Shades of Gray are apparently inevitable, I welcome an erotic novel written by an actual woman rather than some marketing drone, even if it isn't as delightfully transgressive as my bourgeois sensibilities would like.

OK I like a lot of these and GY!BE is surprising but
>South Fucking Park
>The Anarchist Cookbook
Sasha Grey confirmed for angry teen
the films are all p good tho

lol wat music do you listen to plens

I don't think I've ever seen Sasha Grey in any porn or anything but I support her work idgaf

>> No.3890640


I think that licking toilets and writing entry level essays on existentialism don't make you marquis de sade. Cunt.

>> No.3890641

Yeah, she must be really emotoinally damaged in order to have sex with you...

>> No.3890643
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>> No.3890644

why u hatin though

>> No.3890645

She's not ashamed that she did it, and she's proud of who she is. All the degrading shit she did in porn was stuff she personally got off on. She avoided doing stuff she wasn't into.

As a result, the "porn star Sasha Grey" that we see on-screen, is a part of the real Sasha Grey.

>> No.3890647

Good point.

>> No.3890648
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>she has quit porn forever

>> No.3890649

Why shouldn't she? She's famous and can leverage that in book-writin' or whatever else she does.

>> No.3890651

...or the name's recognizable, so she doesn't have to 'start all over'

>> No.3890652


She's an idiot trying to be a pretentious cunt while selling shit to the exact same demographic of people. Which make up a sizable chunk of the population.

I hate her - but I'd do the exact same thing if there was money in it for me.

>> No.3890653


>Avoided doing stuff she wasn't into

All porn stars say that. All of them are lying.

>> No.3890655
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Joke's on you, I'm edgy enough to regard that as a compliment.

>> No.3890656

Indeed. With all the bickering about whether or not she deserves our respect that used to go on around /lit/, I think a lot of people forgot that she used to eagerly get throat-fucked on camera for fun and profit. It's very unlikely that she gives a shit what anybody thinks.

Besides which, if she changed her name people who recognized her would still know who she was, and people who were offended would throw a shit fit when they "found out."

I'll probably eventually buy her book, or at least pirate it then buy it if it's good.

>> No.3890657

>implying girls don't love having cum shot down their throats and being gagged with cock
>implying they don't think about it throughout the day

>> No.3890660


>Buying a book
>Pirate then buy

You're missing the point of artificial scarcity.

>> No.3890661

swans are awful. shit taste confirmed

>> No.3890663


>Being this sheltered about porn

Your fapping choice is very bland and vanilla.

>> No.3890667

and what's wrong with that you shitcunt,why would you shame someone with that?

>> No.3890669

Sasha Grey never did much more than what I described. And don't you ever call my fapping choices bland and vanilla, got it?

>> No.3890670
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>Faust, Can, Neu

... the list could go on

>> No.3890672

Well, I just read all of the preview on Amazon.

It's prety shittily written.

>> No.3890673

What did I say was wrong with it? I said it was normal. The things most pornstars do is just stuff most normal girls are thinking about or do anyway.

>> No.3890674

>tfw internet porn is a race to the bottom of depravity

>> No.3890676


Sasha Grey done well flithier shit.

>> No.3890677


>Depravity is a bad thing

Hi America.

>> No.3890678

Like what, licking a toilet seat? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.3890682


>She avoided doing stuff she wasn't into.

You understand some of these shoots can be booked well in advance, right? You think she was in the mood to shoot 100% of her scenes that she'd booked when the day rolled around?


No. There were multiple occasions where had to talk herself into getting dicked and used because it was on the books for her to do that day. That's it.

If you think there weren't days when she had to talk herself into being degraded out of something as superficial as a booking that she didn't want to ruin then you're fucking naive.

>> No.3890684
File: 98 KB, 946x1024, Sasha+Grey+Sasha+Grey+Portrait+Session+X7bzDBEtZzux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a classy lady now.

>> No.3890690

i want to smack that smug look off her dipshit face. holy moly.

>> No.3890693

i dont feel either way really filth / cop and everything else they've done makes we wanna gouge out my ears soundtracks for the blind is really good

>> No.3890691
File: 102 KB, 300x315, White_Knight_Chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

Don't cut yourself, dearie.

Pic related.

Regards, Black Knight

>> No.3890697

>implying I'm American
>implying most rational people can't agree that ever-increasing depravity shouldn't be encouraged

>> No.3890700


>White knight

I'm not saying they shouldn't do it - i love porn. I'm just saying they're lying when they say they enjoy being pissed on etc...

>> No.3890701

>tfw that's nearly everyone's least favorite track on that album but you love it and don't understand why they can't see its merit

>> No.3890702

I don't know exactly why, but I have immense hatred towards her; almost unbearable. Any Jungian explanation for my hatred? This is too much.

>> No.3890703

You would really do that, just hit a woman because of the look on her face?

>> No.3890704
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>> No.3890705



Explain the logic behind it without resorting to appeals to emotion or another appeal to majority then.

>> No.3890707

>sasga grey thread
>no toilet licking

whats her best hc video? link please? i'd like to get to know all her multiple facets after reading her book.

>> No.3890708

She's an attractive girl who's carrying out a failing masquerade as you.

>> No.3890709

Fuck that shit. You hate her because she reminds you of your mother.

>> No.3890711

Piss on the toilet then yammer on about subjectivity for a bit and you'll get the full experience.

>> No.3890714

I will publicly castrate you
Angels of Light is rly good tho

I'm sure there are people who don't like going to work on some days but I can say they're more autonomous than someone whose family gets killed if they don't show up one day

I don't really like her hair now but I don't really like my hair now either

>> No.3890716



>> No.3890713

Just search her name and make sure you plug "black cock", "bbc", or "interracial" in there as well because white males can't fuck for shit.

>> No.3890717

part was a reference to you assuming I was American.

>> No.3890719


Good lord it's as if she just found the /mu/ essential chart

>> No.3890720

You still sounds like a white knight.

Because there's plenty of jobs that's hell on Earth.

>> No.3890722

the one with her licking a toilet is the one where she has a collar and stuff on
it's on pretty much any porn site

>> No.3890724

Yeah, it's really gross. I almost can't look at it. I bet she thinks she's oh so eclectic.

>> No.3890725

So what's so terrible about licking a toilet seat, anyway? Was it not clean? What did it have on it?

>> No.3890729

At least her taste in film is good.

>> No.3890731

one forlorn pubic hair

>> No.3890732

She screwed up, then.

>> No.3890734

Or maybe we have bad taste in film.

>> No.3890737

>my pop taste is better than your pop taste

Shut up

>> No.3890738

are you kiddin me

>> No.3890739
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Introverted, loser virgins criticizing a successful woman who has made cash, name and her dreams into reality.

Top lel

>> No.3890742

like i like her, i think shes cute (i think all girls are cute, though), but her taste in film is kinda cringeworthy

>> No.3890746

Are you seriously implying French New Wave and Italian Neorealism is bad taste in film?

>> No.3890747

There's not that much criticism here, though.

>> No.3890749

protip: if you think Sasha Grey is smart and has decent taste chances are you are an ignorant pleb.

>> No.3890750

>Asserting introverts would seek human contact by visiting this board

>> No.3890751


>I'm sure there are people who don't like going to work on some days

Oh come the fuck on. That is hardly the same thing. I'm not saying that she doesn't like the KIND of scenes she does, but that doesn't mean that she didn't sometimes need to force herself to do them when she didn't want to. Which is allowing yourself to be degraded in an instance when you'd rather not be.

Imagine trying to get into that mindset. Allowing youself to be gangbanged and brutally fucked when you'd secretly rather be anywhere else in that moment. It's fucking tragic.

Of course she's going to say she liked doing it 100% of the time. If she were to ever acknowledge the tragedy in those little moments of forced compliance she'd completely unravel.

>> No.3890752

At around 4:45 she talks about her musical taste


>> No.3890753

>using introverted incorrectly in place of shy/autistic

>> No.3890755

Bauhaus, Coil, Cabaret Voltaire, Aphex Twin, The Smiths, All kinds of hot shit dub, The Damned and Squarepusher are all good whether or not they're "try-hard" though

idk, ignoring the French New Wave Italian Neo-Realism etc it kind of makes sense why Grey would like Gaspar Noe or some works by David Lynch b/c of the themes they deal with
the Breillat is, um, a nice touch I guess

>> No.3890757

Anybody got a download?

>> No.3890754

Let me guess, you were born without a social affliction that prevented you from losing your virginity? Whoopty fucking doo.

>> No.3890758


Actually, she doesn't have in my opinion good taste, for what I read, and I do not have yet a judgement regarding her mind, whether she is smart or not.

However, I don't go all edgy and ferocious on her as the teens ITT just because she is a wealthy, famous, successful porn star turned into pop culture icon.

I mean, good for her. I have the same view on her as I have on Brad Pitt, the dude of American Idol, or the singer of any band.

>> No.3890762


That butthurt, top lel

>> No.3890763

And she turned 25 this spring.

Top lel, losers.

>> No.3890764 [DELETED] 
File: 986 KB, 260x485, tumblr_m3i35qIJas1qzayzko1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this.

>> No.3890760

Depends if you think getting screwed is that big a deal, though. Most people do, admittedly, but then most people don't become porn stars.

>> No.3890761


>> No.3890766

If those lowbrow artists were try-hard, it would be a compliment.

>> No.3890767

this gon' be good.
they're all the most shallow examples of each respective genre.
it reeks of 'le eclectic' desperation

>> No.3890768

Still double standards. If we, for instance, held mail services at the same high standard, then not a single postcard would be delivered. Not enjoying it 100% of the time = oppression & exploitation.

>> No.3890770

not to mention
>Dogme95 Von Trier

nobody enjoys that shit

>> No.3890771

I actually read some of the book through the book samples you get on the Apple store. It was bad, but I'm not sure if it's bad in the context of erotica. I've never read any of that stuff so I have not to put it up against.

>> No.3890773

kirkegaard wasn't even on her list. are dropping 'obscureXD' artists to seem like you know what you're talking about?
you don't

>> No.3890772

le modern day marquis de sade

>> No.3890774

Anon's assuming there's a special significance attached to having dicks in you that most human acts don't have. Which, in general, there is, but it doesn't necessarily apply to everyone.

>> No.3890775

*nothing to put it up against

>> No.3890777

sorry but I just can't. There is nothing worse than a woman who pretends to be smart, poses with books, tries to attach her unbearably bad music to bands that certainly she admires but her tastes prove she's quite not yet at the level to grasp, and overall tries to do everything to make herself seem 'oh so smart' when it's enough to read an interview where she talks about what she likes and it's plainly obvious that she doesn't know shit.

It's all a pose, she's trying really hard but few people can see beyond it, after all she's attractive and that's enough for most people to fall for it. When really, if she never did porn she would just be another desperate tumbr whore.

>> No.3890778
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From a goodreads review:

First of all, this book makes '50 Shades of Grey' read like 'Pride and Prejudice'. If the back cover hadn?t revealed who Sasha Grey was, I certainly would have sussed it out after reading just a few pages: the dialogue may as well have been taken straight out of a porn movie. ?Your hard cock feels so good in my tight little mouth. It tastes so good. It feels so fucking good, doesn?t it?? This confused me, as I was under the impression that the protagonist was a college student called Catherine, not a porn star called Sasha. I guess I was wrong...

Grey often puts the story on hold in order to philosophize about the role of sex in film, literature and society as a whole. At times this almost works, but mostly it just ruins the flow of the story: it all feels a little clunky and fragmented. Even more odd is a comparison made between William Blake and -believe it or not - ejaculation: ?You know that line by William Blake about ?the world in a grain of sand?? Well, I can see the universe in a grain of Jack?s come.? That awkward analogy may just have ruined one of my favourite poems.

I've given this book two stars rather than one because, on the plus side, the second half is better than the first, and it's also provided me with my new favourite euphemism: [ during a night of reignited passion with boyfriend Jack, Sasha (I mean Catherine ? I honestly just wrote ?Sasha? without realising!) finds herself sitting on a spice rack: her ass, now ?marinating in its own juices?, accidentally ?snorts? some hot chilli while Jack readies himself to ?leave his yeast in my oven?. Incredible!

>> No.3890779

Is it


I've heard both.

>> No.3890781

That straw couldn't even be in that cup.

>> No.3890782

the second one im pretty sure.

>> No.3890784

>Imagine trying to get into that mindset. Allowing youself to be gangbanged and brutally fucked when you'd secretly rather be anywhere else in that moment.

I don't know, I think the reason a lot of people get into pornography is because they already have sort of fucked up sexualities and such things aren't as tragic for them as it might be for other people b/c they've got enough tragedy already. Everybody has their preferences and dreams, and what’s more important, everybody has the same right to their preferences as I have to mine.

What would be less "entry-level" though
her vinyl collection seems alright
that Einsturzende Neubauten album with the cumming horse would be a nice touch
it's not like she would get less criticism if she was like "o yea I listen to a lot of 3 Teens Kill 4, Wojnarowicz and I have a lot in common u know"

>> No.3890785

That's funny, the person I heard say it the first way was a philosophy professor and the person who said it the second way was a rapper.

>> No.3890788

Its neither
Cai as you would sat it in french. Enjoy!

>> No.3890790

there's nothing worse than a lonely edge on the internet criticizing "tumblr whores" for not being as deep as them

>> No.3890791

Thing is that you can eihter think that wrong kind of sex is wrong, regardless of the feels. Or you can say that porn is wrong because everyone isn't 100% happy-happy all the time.

The advantage of the first argument is that it is logically sound, the disadvantage is that it's based on religion, and you can't make that case without a religious ideological base.

The advantage of the second argument is that it doesn't need religion. But the disadvantages is that is opens for double standards. Few people likes to deliver mail in shitty weather, yet the mail gets delivered. But on the other hand, if making porn isn't happy-happy all the time, then it's oppression.

>> No.3890792


>> No.3890793

Biased troll reviews suspected.

>> No.3890794




>> No.3890795

either or


>> No.3890797
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Schneemann is actually from around where I live.

>play with meat naked

>play with "meat" naked
>muh depravity

>> No.3890798

I don't care that she's a pornstar, and I don't care about a fucked up sexuality either, I'm far from judging. But it's hardly anything to talk about from a 'feminist perspective' as she professes. Women like her give women a bad name, but then again so many self-proclaimed feminists do.

Nothing about her taste is impressive, 16 year old goths listen to Einsturzende Neubaten and Current 93 all the same. Her taste in film is particularly bad and misinformed (just read what she has to say about her 'favorite films' there was a copypasta about it)

>> No.3890799


>I think the reason a lot of people get into pornography is because they already have sort of fucked up sexualities and such things aren't as tragic for them as it might be for other people b/c they've got enough tragedy already.

You're probably right. But I don't see how she could've gotten out of that "career" without some pretty lasting psychological baggage. Maybe I'm just too vanilla to understand.

>> No.3890800

So far it's 50 Shades of Grey for men.

>> No.3890801
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>> No.3890802

nah, the rest of her 'work' is 50 shades of grey for men. men don't read. not anymore.

>> No.3890803

Fuuuuccckk. I thought she was older.

What am I doing with my life.

>> No.3890804

is that kevin?

>> No.3890805

Am I a terrible person if all I can think about when I see her face/hear her mentioned is that sweet little ass?

>> No.3890806


Sasha, please post pics of feet.

>> No.3890807

Sasha Grey analyzes her favorite films:

>"I like the characters and just the story itself."
Sasha Grey, on Stroszek
>"The way the story was told was so unique."
Sasha Grey, on Pierrot le Fou
>"I don't really know how to go into detail about it; the story is so intense..."
Sasha Grey, on Fat Girl
>"It's a really emotional film."
Sasha Grey, on A Woman Under the Influence
>"It's John Carpenter! I mean, come on."
Sasha Grey, on Escape from New York

>> No.3890808


you know damn well it is you fucking namedropper

>> No.3890809

Not doing enough porn, obviously.

>> No.3890810

nah, it's just he's young and i couldn't tell. that first name isn't enough to qualify as a namedrop anyway.
fuck music

>> No.3890811
File: 1.11 MB, 305x239, 1366790978470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I like the characters and just the story itself."

>> No.3890812

I think the thing is that people go in with a lot of baggage and they go out with a lot of baggage. It's a mess.

But if we're talking about feminist perspective, what is to be done about pornography? What models do feminists have to look at? Bettie Page, who might be some model of an empowered pin-up girl, left the industry broken and converted to a fundie. Anti-porn activists obviously haven't gotten any amount of traction, either. What can be done?

>> No.3890813

Why not? She has valid points on female sexuality. I hardly doubt that muhfuggen Tammy "Damaged Goods" Bruce could in a civil tone tell Sasha Grey/Marina Ann Hantzis why willingly licking a toilet bowl on camera isn't feminism. (Bruce would probably resort to some faux christian arguments about dignity or someting. Because christianity is just a good thing, not something she personally believes in.)

And I'm 37. But I don't feel sorry for that. Gotta get busy! Gotta go fast!

>> No.3890815

To be fair, most women start in the porn "industry" hoping they will make the big jump to someplace else. Looks like Sasha was successful in that, good for her.

>> No.3890816

The second one is technically the Danish pronunciation, but the first is the generally accepted English pronunciation. You really only need the second one while talking to snooty philosophy majors.

>> No.3890818

is there some kind of rolled 'd' sound at the end or just straight -gore

>> No.3890821

The d is silent

>> No.3890822

Why is everyone still talking about licking a damn toilet seat? What the hell's so terribly bad about licking a toilet seat?

>> No.3890823

Why is that though?

I mean, it's becoming a little more accepted in the mainstream, but porn is still a relative black hole of mainstream ambition. You're never taken quite as seriously afterwards, if you even drop out of porn.

>> No.3890825

>You're never taken quite as seriously afterwards
You don't need to be. Your chances of independently reaching a level of fame/success where you're 'taken seriously' are so very tiny that you might as well shoot for 'used to be a porn star' fame/success.

>> No.3890827

Toilets didn't even exists when he was alive, I'm sure he would have had he the chance.


It wasn't even used. I mean, it was a toilet used expressly for...licking. Which is kind of weird, but whatever.

>> No.3890829

Pornography barely interests me, it's just another capitalist form of controlling and exploiting weak minds and profit from impoverished women (most of the women who get into porn still do it for the money and not because they want to)

For me the main problem is with the way society looks at women and the way women use their sexuality as a expedient to exercise their only form of control over man. Women should be liberated in their sexuality, there's no doubt in that, but the way they're doing it (slut walks and so on) is, in my view, only detrimental to what they're wishing to achieve.
If women want to be taken seriously and be as equal to men they should focus on their intelligence and not their sexuality, which in any case should never be something to be ashamed of.

You see how women are always portrait as object of sexual desire in every book that's ever been written. Maybe with the exception of the Greeks, like with Medea or Antigone whose other qualities (intellect, courage, resoluteness) shine. I'm over this tired concept of women as object of sexual desire, by them taking it back from men and saying 'I do this for myself, not for men' -this is fair an all- their still forgetting that this is not how you measure the value of a man, and if it's equality that you want, of a woman.

>> No.3890830

>these westerners think licking a clean toilet seat is depraved!

>> No.3890836
File: 302 KB, 520x920, 1365864009900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pornography barely interests me, it's just another capitalist form of controlling and exploiting weak minds and profit from impoverished women (most of the women who get into porn still do it for the money and not because they want to)

>> No.3890840
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 37446613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3890841

That's why I find it interesting.

>> No.3890842

>but they also show unpixellated genitalia!

>> No.3890855


LOL just because you're proud of who you are doesn't make you commendable or respectable.

She's proud of being fucked up in the head, good for her.

>> No.3890858
File: 90 KB, 730x1029, 2745662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike most of you, I downloaded the ebook from what.cd and read it.

It's not a great novel by any stretch but if you're looking to either masturbate or learn about the inner-workings of Sasha Grey's weird mind, check it out. She's such a broken individual. Her years in the industry have dulled her senses beyond belief. She's like a real-life zombie. Her male characters are all abusive, power-hungry assholes with desires all rooted in hedonism. They're also dumb as rocks. Her female characters are strong, confident and keep it together in public but cry and engage in self-harm and self-destructive behavior when alone. It's clearly autobiographical and some of the sex acts are reminiscent of her porn (shit with a guy in a bear costume raping her little red pussy). I can't recommend it and I don't think any amount of therapy can fix her but if you want basically a blueprint of a damaged, wannabe artist, check it out.

>> No.3890859

I think most everyone gets into everything because of the money and not because they want to unless they're pretty privileged as it is.

I wonder what it really takes for women to be taken 'seriously' in any event, and whether it's better to be taken seriously within the dominant structure as it is or to break that structure from the inside. "Equality" is a bunch of bollocks in that regard. Antigone is a weird example, too; she's basically doing what's expected of a woman. Slut walks have their problems, but they're better than 'liberated' sex manuals that tell women how to please their husbands better.

And, in any event, the woman remains. People will continue going into porn regardless of any idealism you might wish upon it. The very least I can say of Sasha Grey is that she knows what she's getting into.

>> No.3890864

>She's such a broken individual. Her years in the industry have dulled her senses beyond belief. She's like a real-life zombie.
um, I don't know where you're getting this from, though? It's reasonable that someone who's going from the most-recognized porn star (maybe) to a "serious artist" at 25 is going to be having some shock from the shift, but idk why this makes her "fucked up beyond repair" or whatever any more than any of us are. The self-harm etc is that it was meant to be a realistic work of modern erotica in contrast to Fiddy Shades

>> No.3890865

>Her male characters are all abusive, power-hungry assholes with desires all rooted in hedonism. They're also dumb as rocks.
>Her female characters are strong, confident and keep it together in public but cry and engage in self-harm and self-destructive behavior when alone.

So it's a pretty accurate commentary on our patriarchal society then. Might give it a read after I finish Laurie Penny.

>> No.3890867

Dude, she spent 18-21 sucking and fucking dicks for money then had a revelation that she didn't want to do it because it lacked the creative component she was looking for. So basically she got used for a cumbucket for years while she found her true self which wanted nothing to do with fucking on camera

>> No.3890873


>> No.3890875


>> No.3890880

So that's why she's broken. I know you're probably autistic and lack basic emotions or whatever, but for many people, wrong choices (especially those that are documented in hundreds of videos) haunt people and get under their skin.

>> No.3890881

>sucking and fucking dicks for money
>wrong choices
now whose autistic?

>> No.3890882

>wrong choices
Dat subjectivity.

>> No.3890883


>> No.3890886

By her own admission, you retard. She's admitted it was the wrong path for her.

>> No.3890888

filtered 4 ever

>> No.3890890

>her job between the ages of 18 and 21 wasn't what she wanted to spend the rest of her life doing
Well, shit. Can we take her back to the shop? She's clearly broken.

>> No.3890892

I fucking love Sasha Grey. I don't even care that she's had her ass pounded by half of LA, would still wife.

>> No.3890895

Most people yes, I wouldn't say everyone. Most people as you know aren't preoccupied with relevant things.

If a woman can hold her own in conversation, for instance, she's never going to be looked down from her male piers. In this case you couldn't talk about a 'dominant structure' because no men around these women would consider them inferior to themselves, such comparisons wouldn't even have the basis to arise. There are many accomplished women, but this is of course a rarity, just as it is as rare to find men of this kind.

Antigone rebelled against the authoritative figure of Creon, which is barely what was expected of her, so I don't really get what you mean.

Porn as an industry should be run by women, just like some brothels are, and stricter regulation on the pay and safety of these women should be issued and that's my final word on it.
Sasha Grey doesn't have the slightest idea of what she was getting into, or she wouldn't try so desperately to redeem her reputation while crying 'it was art all along' but she never was very smart and she has a lot of fans and money so the thought of her ridicule might never have hunted her, it's always the smallest people who can only think highly of themselves

>> No.3890896

surprise surprise

>> No.3890897


she is so... manufactured

>> No.3890900


very well put

>> No.3890903


When are you going to actually make a point?

>> No.3890907

That was a point.

>> No.3890908

Would you give her a foot massage?

>> No.3890910

>she made a bad choice that ruined her reputation in the eyes of the public, why's she so upset lol XD back to the shop

>> No.3890911

>Porn as an industry should be run by women, just like some brothels are, and stricter regulation on the pay and safety of these women should be issued and that's my final word on it.
They're whores. Why do you care so much.

I feel as if there's a bit of difference between working a cashier job at Target for three years and being fucked on camera throughout the same duration.

>> No.3890912

moral relativism pls go

>> No.3890913

Replace woman with boy, and you have just described nearly every poster on /lit/.

>> No.3890915

>Objective morality/utilitarianism

>> No.3890916


No it wasn't.

>> No.3890920

I think to go a little further on this it's p obvious that Grey wouldn't have the exposure to do the projects she does enjoy if she didn't do porn, probably.

my secret goal is to be filtered by as many people as possible while still posting on topic
like a flaming sword that turns every way

>In this case you couldn't talk about a 'dominant structure' because no men around these women would consider them inferior to themselves, such comparisons wouldn't even have the basis to arise.
But this has no basis in reality. If I can find you the source, I can show you a case where a woman scientist transitioned and men would come up to her saying "Your work is so much better than your sister's" or something along those lines. Or archaeology, a male-dominated field despite the equal rates of men and women studying for it (men get to go to dig sites while women do "salvage" work), professors will brush off questions asked by women as being off-topic while going in-depth to men's questions. This is anecdotal, I know, but they're strong anecdotes.

w/r/t Antigone, it was the women who were expected to do burial rites--an unclean task. She's respected for her dedication to (patriarchal) family norms, regardless of personal courage.

And again, the porn industry exists as it exists today. Women like Sasha Grey exist as they exist today. If they're not very smart, what are they to do other than exploit the system that's exploiting them? At least Grey hasn't escaped the industry only to demonize those who come after her, as other models have done.

yeah, being fucked on camera is respectable and makes you a celebrity

I don't have a point, just a lot of edges

>> No.3890924


>> No.3890927

I don't understand how anyone for a second could even entertain the idea that she's not a fake. Maybe you are all posers defending your own kind.

>> No.3890937

she likes atmosphere, so she's alright by me

>> No.3890985

but does it have good bookread? that's the only thing that matters in a novel, after all

>> No.3890989

The book is good leading me to believe she sucked a good writer's dick and got the credit for what he wrote.

>> No.3890992

besides Yesterday atmosphere is beyond mediocre

>> No.3890996

>What are your thoughts on Ms. Grey as an author?

lol no

>> No.3891001 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 830x555, sex-and-submission-sasha-grey-porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3891008


Atmosphere is mediocre? Yesterday is one of my least favorites... Snuggle, Wooden Ships and Free or Dead are all great songs

>> No.3891012

The amount of asspain generated in this thread is off the charts.

First of all, is this even real? >>3890595 Where is it from? Best I can find is some second-string social media platform. Anyone can set up a fake account.

Second, all doise reactions: >>3890605 >>3890607 >>3890623 >>3890634 >>3890670 >>3890719. This would have happened no matter what bands or movies are listed. If it was top 40 and classic rock shit you would have said pleb. The list is actually middling but vaguely canon /mu/core, with an industrial tilt. For some reason there's something wrong with this. People cry "entry level" but if you were to walk down your block's street and knock on doors, asking if they like Coil or Prurient, you'd get maybe 1 person in every 5000 who actually knows those bands, let alone likes them. The only way to avoid either of these two reactions would be to list bands that have under 15k listeners on last.fm which nobody has heard of, at which point everyone would say, "she doesn't actually like those bands it's just a farce, an act, she's just pretending."

And what do you all listen to? >Stockhausen, Brahms, the list can go on... lel. Someone mentioned "nothing in her taste is impressive." Since when does someone's taste in music required to be impressive?I've also heard murmurs that teenagers listen to Current93, Mt Egypt and other things she listed. Can you link me to some of these 16 year olds with a profile like this? Otherwise I'm convinced you're just making it up in your head.

Third, I've only read one post so far that actually talks about the book and the writing: >>3890858
. If you're all in total ignorance, why do you feel entitled to flail about like a fish on hot sand and view your judgment as authoritative?

>> No.3891016

hahahahahaha, le her parents must be proud face

well, i guess you gotta diminish l'ennui of existence somehow

>> No.3891023

I know a lot of girls who are into Prurient and Coil to seem edgy, get a tumblr or something

>> No.3891026

le tricked!

man you really got buttbutchered, i hope your fury subsides hombre, else we'll witness analapocalypse
also everything entry level sucks the shit-caked ass of a haggard three-legged dog

>> No.3891027

>chastity makes one virtuous
>sex is profane

i see some of us have yet to purge our minds of 18th century christian morality

>> No.3891037

10/10 qt3.14 would accept virginity as a malign social construct for

>> No.3891045
File: 650 KB, 622x917, plebss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like you have shit taste in film.
>Early Godard

>> No.3891049
File: 1.18 MB, 1588x756, prurient death in june the list can go on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for links to these girls' profiles. I don't have a tumblr. However, I did look up posts tagged with "prurient" and it's all 20-40 year old men who seem to enjoy prurient, not "teenage girls who want to seem edgy."

Pic related.

>> No.3891057

>omg godard and truffaut so cool love french new wave omg they r amazing!
>Yeah but what about the other many directors in French New Wave? Like Rivet-
>no no, godard and truffaut are the only ones!!!xD

>omg italian neorealism omg i love Umberto D so fucking much!!!111 Ladri di biciclette best movie ever i cry everytime!!
>Yeah but what about Fellini and...
>nono fellini? wtf 8 1/2 is not neorealistic!!! i never watched anything else he made but ur wrong!!!

>> No.3891058

How the fuck is she a poser?

>tfw no qt ex-pornstar who becomes an avant-garde pop icon gf

>> No.3891059


I'm kind of with you here. I have this niggling thought that people mostly hate her because she's part of pop-culture. Her work might be shit and have minimal/no literary merit but I bet nobody here is judging her for anything more than having the audacity to try to use her cultural status in order to become something different. A lot of people are reacting with the same maturity that /v/ does when you bring up feminism.

>> No.3891060

Please show us your patrician taste.

All you faggots just read and watch everything in the classic canon, not much different from Sasha Grey.

>> No.3891063




>> No.3891065

white knight detected

>> No.3891073


Also I'm seriously interested in opinions on why people within pop-culture are so disliked. Do people just hate those in privileged positions?

>> No.3891074

girls I follow on tumblr or lastfm. I'm not going to link their profiles for their privacy but really there's a ton of them, if it's not prurient then it's whitehouse or genocide organ or whatever. I'm myself amazed of it since they're all fairly young and have shit taste in everything else (and are into fetish sexdom shit)

>> No.3891076

You want me to namedrop the directors I like?
Grandrieux, Diaz, Soukaz, Garrel

>> No.3891081

>i can't think of any valid counter-arguments
>i'll just call him names

literally kindergarten level logic. please engage a part of your brain that wasn't carried over from reptiles

>> No.3891091

Does she speak Spanish ?

>> No.3891093

Oh so you're just as bad as her, except you're a 2nd level poseur who thinks he's enlightened rather than an entry-level baby.
Pfft, give me a break.

>> No.3891094


Your point seems to have more to do with recognition than anything else at this point...

>> No.3891098

who do you like anon? I'm asking sympathetically since I mostly agree with you, Grandieux and Garrel especially never appealed to me

>> No.3891103

>Does she speak Spanish?

I'm not sure. I watched one of her low-budget films where she was speaking another language, but I couldn't tell which. It sounded like: "hrrmp graaagh oh yearmmp fuck that throat gghhhg." The deep, throaty, rasping sound, and partially suffocated undertone, makes me think it might be Croatian.

>> No.3891111 [DELETED] 

Somehow pointing out that people who claims to like FNW and IN don't actually now much about them reflects on my personal taste?
Anyway all these artists that I said are somehow unique and are pushing cinema forward. You saying "nuh huh" is not really going to make a difference here.
But I would like to know what you enjoy, since you are probably going to namedrop experimental filmmakers without realizing how the medium actually works.

>> No.3891113

What point? I proved my point in my first post. Anon asked a question and I replied.

>> No.3891115

Somehow pointing out that people who claims to like FNW and IN don't actually know much about them reflects on my personal taste?
Anyway all these artists that I said are somehow unique and are pushing cinema forward. You saying "nuh huh" is not really going to make a difference here.
But I would like to know what you enjoy, since you are probably going to namedrop experimental filmmakers without realizing how the medium actually works.

>> No.3891118

The great majority of the people who listen to prurient on last.fm and tumblr are men 20-25. The evidence I've found so far greatly outweighs your assumption, which seems based on a handful of people you may or may not know over the internet (not sure why you follow them if you think they're posers?) Your reasoning also seems flawed on so many levels.

so let me get this straight: your judgment of several people you don't know who list prurient, mt egypt, and current93 as bands they like is solid evidence that someone else's taste in music--as posted in a social media profile that probably isn't real--is insincere?

hang on, let me get the US state department on the line, they'd love to learn how you can torture logic so thoroughly

>> No.3891131

>I welcome an erotic novel written by an actual woman rather than some marketing drone

There are plenty of other erotic novels written women and are of the same quality. 50 Shades skyrocketed to popularity by riding on the coattails of Twilight. In essence, it's a fanfic promoted by a (very clever) marketing drone.

The fact that you consider overrated smut to be a boon to social progress simply for the fact that it is overrated is hilarious, even for a tripfag.

>> No.3891138

dude, who the fuck cares, why would I be lying for? I know a lot of these people because I was somewhat involved in the scene and I met a number of girls who are into this music, and I can draw conclusion because of comparison with the fewer women that I've met that were diametrically opposite and really smart. You really think that in this age most people don't say to like what they like to look cool to others? Sasha Grey is one of them, trust me.

But honestly I don't care, believe what you will.

>> No.3891139

>This is anecdotal, I know, but they're strong anecdotes.
They're not just anectodes, they're selective and projecting individuals over entire industries. You're going to use sibling rivalry as an example of female persecution? Wouldn't you generally associate that with the testosterone-fueled male competitiveness? It looks like she's been accepted, where

fuck books just came in. the fedex truck is playing soulja boy. this is a dumb thread, and I didn't realize what a dumb poster you are. Swans suck, listen to some real post-punk. Every highschooler knows GY!BE, Sasha is a less radical, less interesting Kembra Pfahler.

>> No.3891177

She looks like a smug liberal arts bitch who majored in women's studies.

>> No.3891181

What the fuck is this post? Yes, she's just listing shit she heard about on Wikipedia, but what are you trying to say?

>> No.3891184


My sides. You and Marilyn Manson have something in common.

>> No.3891188

dumb people brand themselves with french new wave and italian neorealism for its image all the time without ever bothering to watch anything past the most famous, accessible (entry-level) people involved, b/c it's not required to convey their desired image for anyone who (also) isn't that familiar with the genres or medium of cinema, ie their friends in highschool and on tumblr

Welcome to every alt scene ever

>> No.3891189

That a lot of people claims to know things and yet they really don't.
Not saying that's her case, but it is for most of the "french nw so cool" people out there.
Am I supposed to feel bad?

>> No.3891190

All dat misogyny. Seriously, of all the women-hating things you could say about Sasha Grey, you chose that?

>> No.3891196

>But I would like to know what you enjoy, since you are probably going to namedrop experimental filmmakers without realizing how the medium actually works.
You mean like exactly what you did? Sure I could namedrop some "lel so esoteric" contemplative festival circuit filmmakers if that's what you'd like (Sharunas Bartas, Lisandro Alonso, Pedro Costa, the list could go on...).

Andy Warhol's films also "pushed the medium" but that doesn't make them any less worthless beyond their meager novelty. Evolution of a Filipino Family is 9 hours of my life I'll never get back.
My honest favorites are much more canonical.

>> No.3891200

Fuck you, bitch.

>> No.3891206

How is that women-hating? Feminism and women are not the same thing. He's attacking a specific stereotype of the generic pretentious liberal arts girl, it's not any different than attacking "french nw so cool" tumblrs, or a stereotype of the liberal arts male. Even if you find stereotypes oppressive, that only means he disagrees with your ideology, which is does not mean disagreeing with women.

>> No.3891214

What are your honest favorites? I'm not him, I think the most expressive, influential circuit of contemporary cinema is inside the limits of the wide/limited release.

>> No.3891231

I would fuck you from the back ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

>> No.3891234

>You mean like exactly what you did?
Huh, I don't know. Anon asked me what kind of filmmakers I liked and I replied. Somehow you felt insecure and made that post.

>Sure I could namedrop some "lel so esoteric" contemplative festival circuit filmmakers if that's what you'd like (Sharunas Bartas, Lisandro Alonso, Pedro Costa, the list could go on...).

Oh so you're just as bad as her, except you're a 2nd level poseur who thinks he's enlightened rather than an entry-level baby.
Pfft, give me a break.

Can you see how stupid you were?

>Andy Warhol's films also "pushed the medium" but that doesn't make them any less worthless beyond their meager novelty

It could to me. See, people have different education, language, cultural background and many other things that makes an individual different from another. A russian engineer saw more depht and meaning in Ivan's Childhood (you can see her take on it in Sculping in Time) than I possibly could.
And even if you don't enjoy his films, or Diaz films, people who keep trying to make something different and look for new ways to express themselves are always welcome, even if we end up enjoying what they make or not.
>Evolution of a Filipino Family is 9 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Read above. Not everyone is "you".

>My honest favorites are much more canonical.

>> No.3891241
File: 2.00 MB, 447x402, pr0gramm-us4qz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that she knows that you can also use pencils to write.

>> No.3891247

She's a very attractive person but her scenes never did anything for me.

Why is that?

>> No.3891254

*fifty shades of gray


>> No.3891257
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1372307946003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because she's a filthy whore?

>> No.3891270

where did you even see evolution of a filipino family?

>> No.3891278

Stay mad pussy bitch. Be sure to put your tampon in today

>> No.3891291

The fact that people are calling this "the next Fifty Shades" puts it on a different level of criteria, bub; I'm not comparing this to Pornucopia or whatever nonsense you like. Read harder.

>sibling rivalry
It was the same person. Read harder.
I should've said "came up to him" but whaddya gonna do.
I'm not sure what "the testosterone-fueled male competitiveness" is even supposed to mean with reference to my post but it sounds like a silly justification for cases where men actively ignored women's achievements.
le not today face, did you pull the first definition from wiki you saw?
GY!BE gave one of the best shows I've ever seen (not at p4k; I literally vommed), but yea i like stefanus strom powder! go away mincemeat or tenspeed interkosmos giants eurobeat brony pizza kids just a lot of entry-level shit

Calling someone a bitch based on the way they look and extrapolating that she has some ideology you don't like is pretty dumb in some way or another.

>> No.3891298

That is a terrible out fit.

>> No.3891307 [DELETED] 

>Huh, I don't know. Anon asked me what kind of filmmakers I liked and I replied. Somehow you felt insecure and made that post
Scroll further up and you'll see that he was replying to a post you made in which you were acting out your own insecurity, attacking Sasha Grey's authenticity for liking Nouvelle Vague and Neorealism, after listing what you like posted asking you to get off your high horse. That's all. You can like whatever you want.

I downloaded it.

>> No.3891315

>Huh, I don't know. Anon asked me what kind of filmmakers I liked and I replied. Somehow you felt insecure and made that post
Scroll further up and you'll see that he was replying to a post you made in which you were acting out your own insecurity, attacking Sasha Grey's authenticity for liking Nouvelle Vague and Neorealism, after listing what you like I posted asking you to get off your high horse. That's all. You can like whatever you want but keep your false sense of superiority in check.

I downloaded it.

>> No.3891338

>attacking Sasha Grey's authenticity for liking Nouvelle Vague and Neorealism
You have problems with your reading comprehension. I never said it was a problem not liking the Nouvelle Vague or the Italian NR. I never even implied that Godard, Truffaut and De Sica aren't good artists.
Read the following posts again:
>>3891188 (not me)

>> No.3891347

But Hitchens couldn't write.

>> No.3891351


>> No.3891365

>not liking
I meant liking.

>> No.3891368
File: 1.96 MB, 381x338, Wall_rolls_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, has anyone here actually read the book?

>> No.3891375


>> No.3891403

Does /lit/ think she's actually read de Sade's Juliette? I mean, I haven't, it always seemed like something that could either be amazing or horrifically boring.

I would....

...if anyone had links.

>> No.3891414
File: 91 KB, 556x496, criterioncollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds more like she's just plugging in all the character traits expected in a story like this.

I might actually have to buy this.

>> No.3891417

You were still heavily condescending
>That a lot of people claims to know things and yet they really don't.
And (seemingly to me) hypocritical.

>> No.3891424

See >>3890761
You can download the epub there.

>> No.3891428

What de Sade movie is this from again?

>> No.3891434

"Marquis" (1989)

>> No.3891437

pompously over opinionated and long-winded to boot.

holy fuck are you filtered.

>> No.3891440
File: 1.19 MB, 196x133, Penisface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3891446

I am blind. Gracias.

>> No.3891469


Does it really force that unconventional use of articles in some desperate hope someone will mistake it for profundity?

I regret how my curiosity has overwhelmed by better judgement. I want to read this now.

>> No.3891475


She really is. That scene where all those dudes jacked off in her mouth? It nauseated me just to look at it. Who the fuck is into that shit?

>> No.3891480


oh my

>> No.3891481


>boy detected

>> No.3891487

I'm drunk and this is not good for me,,,

>> No.3891484


>"...*my* better judgement..."

>> No.3891488

She's beautiful and cool.

>> No.3891489

>You were still heavily condescending
I wouldn't say heavily. I just pointed out something that is quite common.
>And (seemingly to me) hypocritical.
Not really. What I said is not based on people who like those films, it is for the people who supposedly enjoys a whole movement (and try to discuss about it) and yet only saw the works of two artists.

>> No.3891499

>̶m̶̶e̶̶n̶ sexual deviants
fixed that for you

I bet you also think that liking her being fucked by two raging transexuals while her head is stuck in a toilet is perfectly normal.
Yes, this actually happened.

>> No.3891518


I'm also drunk, and I concur.

Yet I'm still watching it for some reason.

>> No.3891531


>I like how he uses words to showcase ideas
Sasha Grey, on Derrida

>> No.3891535

If you think two paragraphs is "long-winded," I'm not sure what you're doing here.
keep telling me I'm filtered though, maybe at some point somebody will care

posting on this site is less normal than either of those and I'm not sure what a raging transsexual is opposed to a normal one
trans people are exploited in porn too much so it's nice that Sasha gave them a good role or something

I guess I'll go actually read the book rather than continue cultural criticism about porn stars though

>> No.3891569

When she finally offs herself (out of nowhere!) At least Olivia Wilde will get some work in the biographical film Hollywood will want to make.

>> No.3891581

How the fuck do you cross out words?

>> No.3891582

>this actually happened


>> No.3891619


It is a little depressing to listen to her talk about sex and realize that this person is just incapable of a true human connection and that she mistakes the sensory excitement (and exogenous stimuli) associated with sex as intimacy.

Is she like that because of porn or was she drawn to it because she is like that?

>> No.3891641


>> No.3891642


>> No.3891655

>"I had different ideas of what sex was..."

Yeah, I get that too. And even just a few years down the line, it's more acceptable to entertain and talk about those ideas. I mean, we're all talking about BDSM casually, whereas just a few years ago that was a big no-no.

>> No.3891659

>old elton john
>implying 'the union' isn't the best thing elton john ever made
>pleb as fuck

>> No.3891660

˙pɹɐzıʍ ɐ ɯ,ı

>> No.3891662

Thanks b̶r̶o̶ anon.

>> No.3891670

Because she can't be hot and smart

>> No.3891683

>carried over from reptiles
back to le biology 100 with you

>> No.3891696


everything's better than hopping on dicks for a living

>> No.3891713


you're such a fucking faggot, I can't even believe it

>wow that music taste is so typical of her type of bullshit she peddles

meaningless insult

>deep enough into a bunch of genres

so she likes music from lots of different genres, that's actuallya positive thing (assuming it really is her profile)

>davis, coltrane,mingus... entry lvl as fuck

this is why i left /mu/, you people are all full of shit. john coltrane, miles davis and charles mingus are legendary jazz players. they coined entire genres, comepletely changed the entire jazz music scene, experimented, collaborated, tought some of the best musicians to ever be alive and were probably the most or amongst the most talented artists on their respective instrument. all three of them were amazing composers in their own right and not only released a few works that were acclaimed but left a gigantic legacy full of great music. 'entry level' doesn't mean shit outside of 4chan. people like you are the worst, fuck. I hope you choke on a dick you fat, tasteless, meme-spewing faggot faggot.

>> No.3891716


entry level never ever meant any bad you dumb faggot. it means that it's easy to appreciate, that's it. entry level music can be complex, entry level music can be popular or largely obscure. entry level doesn't imply anything besides 'you can dig deeper'.

>> No.3891721

You can always dig deeper. No matter what you read, listen to, or watch.

>> No.3891729


yeah, you got it. that's exactly the point. you can ALWAYS dig deeper. entry level doesn't fucking mean shit at all. it doesnt mean bad and it doesnt mean good, it just means that some people on the internet think it's 'accesible' or 'easy to digest'

>> No.3891749

I don't get it.

I like field recordings and 2deep4u miscellania, but I also still like The Beatles. The one doesn't necessarily have to usurp the other.

>> No.3891761

>porn star
Well America really seems to be the land of opportunity, you can go from a toilet licking slut to a social celebrity.

>> No.3891762


Do another one!

>> No.3891772

>trust me

based on what bullshit

>> No.3891784
File: 575 KB, 1280x1920, gray (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3891797

She's such a qt3.14 with that haircut, not being caked in whore makeup helps too.

>> No.3891803

>talentless b-movie actor
>president of the U.S.

don't underestimate how fare America can go

>> No.3891806


>> No.3891810


Taking stuff you read on 4chan seriously , specially when taste and art is involved... will break you man. In worse ways than porn did to Sasha.

Just browse /lit/ for the occasional good poster, and search some movies in that obscure list some anon posted trying to justify his pathetic existence on the internet.

>> No.3891811


I'm not trying to sound like an apologist [but I'm going to say something totally apologetic]

99.999 percent of anyone who appears in porn, languishes in obscurity. They struggle to elevate themselves above the social prejudices and the normal obstacles related to being famous. Clearly "Sasha" has some semblance of savvy, evidenced by the simple fact that we are even talking about her.

Sure, people like us see strait through her transparent attempt to seem erudite, but the fact that she even thinks that way suggest a presence of mind which is beyond that of the typical porn actress.

>> No.3891822
File: 297 KB, 500x322, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has made her dreams into reality

>> No.3891865

>308 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

not reading this thread but ITT autism

>> No.3891891
File: 709 KB, 1710x1824, cr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least I don't have to lick toilets and buttholes for money.

>> No.3891941
File: 269 KB, 1280x853, gray (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3892203

A bit, it's not even about Sasha Grey anymore.

Oh well, I'm gonna read The Juliette Society and make a thread about it later.

>> No.3892382

Warhol's screen-tests are mesmerizing.

>> No.3892664

I would rater get pissed on by a black gay male than work in an office.

>> No.3893304

So homosexual black guys have nastier piss now?