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/lit/ - Literature

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3887099 No.3887099 [Reply] [Original]

What makes the perfect troll?
Since /lit/'s the smartest board, what do you guys think?

I'm thinking, a possibly true but objectionably expressed and ambiguously incoherent opinion. Expressed by an entity we largely feel badly towards, but that has characteristics that might make us like it, so we have to reject all of it and go overboard feeling and exaggerating its bad features.

>> No.3887102
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>Since /lit/'s the smartest board

>> No.3887106

sci is the smartest board

ne way the perfect troll is the one in the lord of the rings

>> No.3887110

Other notes:
-I think part of the offensiveness comes from the misinterpretation of our statements in reply to the troll. Since we exist in relation to people, when they misinterpret us it causes us to feel anger towards ourselves for not being understood (not being mirrored properly), even if we couldn't've been clearer.

>> No.3887117
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>/lit/'s the smartest board

>> No.3887119

dont you get it mate op is the perfect troll this is a troll thread he is trolling by saying its the smartest board.

>> No.3887128
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>> No.3887133
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>knowledge of a board's culture, likes, and dislikes
>knows which fires of anger to stoke
>sometimes obvious or repetitive ploys work well eg Quentin.

>> No.3887144

two words - slavoj zizek

>> No.3887147

Well, I cracked it.
The perfect troll is whatever the board members least want to be and what transgresses their rules the most.
Go on r9k and be the sad autist full of terrible rationalisations, plus a blight on people near you.
Go on sci and be the edgy atheist, plus stupid and invulnerable to reason.
Go on lit and be the ultimate pretentious person, plus suck at it and think you're great while using your "higher pursuits" to justify your patheticness.

Rusemaster shall return soon.

>> No.3887264

no idea what you're talking about m8

>> No.3887467

But anon, OP is not a perfect troll since you found him out.

>> No.3887485

>Go on sci and be the edgy atheist,

Are you sure this isn't upside down? Don't they love that? I had an impression that that place is filled with secular little atheists that deify instrumentalism for no apparent reason

When it gets reminded of their intellectual inferiority to /lit/ and its understanding of science at its deepest, /sci/ gets annoyed and butthurt rather easily.

>> No.3887497

Is no one gonna mention Diogenes?

>> No.3887683



>> No.3888396


>> No.3888401

Ask a bunch of questions about shit nobody cares about
Be blatantly condescending while pretending to agree
Raep your victim with logic
Pretend to be objective and ignorant
Put forth a batshit insane position for lulz

>> No.3888412

You might be able to answer, but maybe not.

I see a lot of atheists saying that they are now more intelligent after having converted. My question is: does this boost come right away? Could I like become an atheist for the purposes of passing a test with the newfound intelligence and then go back to what I was? Also, what sort of biological mechanism is involved in boosting a person's IQ after they make a change of opinion over neutral facts of nature and science?

>> No.3888419

The trick of becoming an atheist is reducing selfishness.

>> No.3888426

>What makes the perfect troll?
have a well-informed opinion that differs from what's commonly accepted

>> No.3888458

That is quite a trick. I've met few of any religious stripe that could be described as not being selfish.

>> No.3888477

I don't have the arrogance to be religious. I have to admit, some part of me wishes I did!

>> No.3888489

Well that doesnt make much sense, it's generally atheists that are....oh, you! 5/10 for almost trolling me.

>> No.3888491

I guess we're all 5/10 in the arrogance department.

>> No.3888494

hehehe :^)

>> No.3888624

>dat sexy smirk

>> No.3888799
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>> No.3888810
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>> No.3888863

>I see a lot of atheists saying that they are now more intelligent after having converted.
I've never heard that anywhere. Do you have any examples of people saying that?

>Also, what sort of biological mechanism is involved in boosting a person's IQ after they make a change of opinion over neutral facts of nature and science?
Are you an agnostic?