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3888191 No.3888191 [Reply] [Original]

This is why my goodwill has no good books.

Saw this guy going through the racks with a handheld scanner taking any books worth any money to resell later.

>> No.3888196
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His haul before I had left.

>> No.3888203

I fucking hate those faggots.
Can't even go to a library sale without seeing at least two of these chumps with their fucking scanners.
Get a real job.

>> No.3888207

it's a relatively easy way to make money
figure out a way to outsmart them or quite crying

>> No.3888210

>Those shoes
I an tell he's an awful person

>> No.3888241
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Quit being a beta faggot and just get a buddy and a baseball bat and beat the shit out of him behind the store which you had lured him to with a qt3.14 and tell him never to come back to this goodwill because it is yours and tell him you will have employees watching to make sure he doesn't come back and make sure he doesn't see your face by wearing a ski mask

>> No.3888246

Read this bullshit.


>> No.3888273

>lol look at this faggot, what is he doing, buying books? lmao

typical american thinks this is anything but totally normal behaviour...

>> No.3888285

These fucking faggots are everywhere and there's nothing you can do about them. They're only going to increase in number.

I used to get old records and CDs for free or dirt cheap by the crateful. Then all these cunts started showing up on Craigslist in my local area, spamming ads all over the fucking place saying that they would pay the highest price for their old music, and 99% of the time, they just flip the valuable records and throw the rest in the fucking GARBAGE.

These cunts are all over Goodwill and they do this shit with everything. Sometimes they are more discreet because you don't need a scanner to know the value of an old video game console or a certain electronic, but you can pick these dipshits out because you've seen them before. I just decided to stop trying to compete with them because it's depressing.

>> No.3888290

You're not too bright.

>> No.3888293

This is why every writer we love hates jews.

>> No.3888296

Yeah man because barcode scanners are a total necessity when browsing for books that you're interested in actually reading.


>> No.3888301

look how fucking ugly he is lel

>> No.3888311


So, what's wrong with this? Dude is trying to make a living by doing something which is legitimate. Isn't this what capitalism is all about? You find something cheap, buy it, and then sell it for a profit.

>> No.3888313

Can you turn the pic before post? It isn't hard, came on.

>> No.3888328

it's why capitalism is so shit

>> No.3888331

Because some people might be interested in reading one of those rare books and actually learning something from them. They can buy it for dirt cheap at Goodwill or they can wait until this dipshit claims it for his own for the express purpose of selling it at an insane markup.

He's exploiting Goodwill and to some extent, the person who donated the book just so that he can fuck over someone who just wants to read the fucking thing and then maybe pass it on to someone else for free. Why are you posting here if you don't see anything wrong with it?

>> No.3888333

it's why capitalism is so shit

But seriously, look how hideous he is. At least he can make some money and buy swords, fedoras, warhammer, gaming-equipment etc., which can dull his pain and bitterness at being born with dem genetics

>> No.3888336

It's easy, OP.

Pick a black felt-tip pen and cover the barcodes.

I do this everytime I give people books, so they don't know how much I spent on the present.

>> No.3888339

>>Why are you posting here if you don't see anything wrong with it?


>> No.3888341
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>> No.3888342

All you kiddos are just a bunch of whining teens.

The books there are for sale. Right? So, anybody who buys it can do whatever he or she wants with it: read it, use it as toilet paper, eat it, or fucking burn it.

It is a good. Nothing else, nothing more. Like your tennage mutant ninja turtles figures, your Nintendo games, or the sausage your mom buys to feed your basement-dwelling asses.

Grow up, retards.

>> No.3888344

just call him a fag
What the fuck is he going to do about it?
He's wearing crocs and browsing Goodwill for resale values. The man's a born beta.

>> No.3888346
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>> No.3888347

bookscanners detected
Hope you're happy, taking away the opportunity to read good books from poor people. But "muh capitalism"

>> No.3888351


Are they for sale or not?

Maybe our reaction is because we're eurofags and here, in the civilized world (a.k.a. Europe) we do not have that kind of stuff because we have well stocked, comfy neighbor libraries where I can get whatever I want.

>> No.3888361


Exactly. And if we want it pronto, we just fucking buy it.

These fat wal-mart dwellers are just so beta, preachy and insecure.

>> No.3888363

this is p good idea

captcha: allusion proof

>> No.3888368

I don't think you understand what's occuring Yuropoor.

>> No.3888369

>here, in the civilized world (a.k.a. Europe)
I thought this was treated the same as fedora

>> No.3888371


Is Goodwill a bookshop or not?

>> No.3888376

It's a thrift shop. Most of your post had nothing to do with what this thread is about and was misguided by a dislike of America.

>> No.3888380

>dislike of America.

They are mutually inclusive

>> No.3888381


Nah, not everybody cares about your decadent country so much as to "dislike" it.

So, it is a second hand shop. Yeah, we have those here. I shop in them as well. Some books I get there I read, some I read and then give as presents, and some I read and then sell.

What is the fucking problem with that?

>> No.3888386

>Nah, not everybody cares about your decadent country so much as to "dislike" it.

>What is the fucking problem with that?
You see no issue with someone going to a store and buying books for the sole purpose of selling them at a higher price?

>> No.3888390

>taking away the opportunity to read good books from poor people
If only there were a place poor people could go to read books for free? Maybe even like a whole network of them across the nation?

>> No.3888391


>He's exploiting ... the person who donated the book

this this this, the person donated instead of selling it like this guy for a reason

>> No.3888392

guys, good books to read =/= good book to resell. the shelves of your library store and goodwill will still be full of great shit to read r=that no one would pay a dime for after this guy has made off with all the "twilight" and "Harry Potter" and GRRM he can carry. relax. These guys do you a service: by making more and more books available online, they drive the prices down.

>> No.3888404

You people get mad if someone doesn't support local bookshops but also get mad when bookshop owners do what they have to do to keep their shops open

>> No.3888405

Guys. relax: good book to read =/= good book to resell. there still be plenty of stuff that's great to read at the library sale and the Goodwill after this guy has made of with all the "Twilight" "Harry Potter" and GRRM he can carry. And he's doing you a service: by increasing the supply of these books online, he's driving down the price.

And if you want an inside track, join your local Friends of the Library and work the sales.

>> No.3888427

>good book to read =/= good book to resell
That's an incredibly flawed thought.

>> No.3888433


Not really. It is called middle man. It is the same as the guy who buys 10 tons of bananas from the producers and then takes them to supermarkets.

I would be mad if the books would be given for free and then some asshole would sell them, but the books are for sale.

If somebody has a real treasure of a book or so many of them, they keep them, sell them, or give them to the local library. Not to this place.

In this place the point is to receive donated books and sell them. If they're bought by a saint or a scanner dude with crocs, it's the fucking same. They're being sold and that is what matters.

>> No.3888443

ITT: Autists sublimating their hatred of notorious shoplifter and penny-snatcher Tao Lin by attacking a stranger in crocs

>> No.3888446

What if the guy donates all the profits to charity?

>> No.3888455

a lot of the books I like best i've paid a quarter for, My copy of "Two Years before the Mast" is a beat up Harvard Classic I got at a yard sale for next to nothing. The best books in life are, well, at least pretty cheap.

>> No.3888470

I'm not saying that you can't find incredible books for dirt cheap (although, you can also find shit books for dirt cheap.) The flaw in your statement is that it means first editions of great works of literature are either not worth reading, or not worth money.

>> No.3888473

>labelling others "decadent"

Pot, meet kettle...

>> No.3888476

>The flaw in your statement is that it means first editions of great works of literature are either not worth reading, or not worth money.
I would think most who collect first editions don't think it worth it to read them though.

>> No.3888483

I think first editions of great works of literature should be resold. They're more likely to be well taken care of if the guy buying them wants to preserve their value. Buy the fifteenth edition trade paperback to keep on the nightstand or read in the park. Thw eords are what you want, and if they aren't, buy a scanner,

>> No.3888487

>82 percent of Goodwill’s revenues go directly into employment and training programs for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment

>> No.3888490

They also hire convicted felons. Good to know if you're caught beating up the scanner guy.

>> No.3888515

So, they channel their revenues into improving conditions for disabled people. And they hire convicts.

Heaven bless the scanner guy then! For he keeps the money coming in and those very noble goals achieved.

Fuck you all, teenage morons. This thread sucks and you cunts are what is wrong with this world.

>> No.3888532


Get a job and buy your books new, you fucking manchild.

>> No.3888542

How does someone like you even end up in a place such as thus?

>> No.3888549

meh. lets be real, you all aren't really all that deserving of goodwill given that most of you are probably middle class and higher yet seem to think that because you 'like' the look of literature on you, you deserve to get pretty dead tree copies for your bookshelf in some vain attempt at physical cultural capital. people who buy second hand but have the means of buying them new aren't really doing the market a favour and are just putting publishers out of business. so idk, maybe you're just as bad as that parasite?

>> No.3888554


I thought this was a place to speak about literature. Sadly, I just realized it is a bunch of adolescents whining about their bourgeois inanity.

>> No.3888561

Fucking this.

>> No.3888570

>All this classism

>> No.3888603

This is law of nature playing out. It only shows how outdated the business is. Think: When this happens everywhere and it is as easy as it is to do it (and maybe you'll earn some bucks making books more available and cheaper), then; maybe it is the way the old business works that is failing to adapt to a changing society? That some of you people continue to rant and bitch about it is the only annoying thing.

>> No.3888618

Found the first edition heart of darkness at goodwill for $7...but I'm keeping it even though it sells on eBay for ~$300

>> No.3888623

What kind of condition is it in?

>> No.3888627

You could retire on that goldmine, son. Just sit on it and let it grow.

>> No.3888630

Look goy, maybe you should wake up earlier if you want to find good books. There's no need to blame hard-working people for your own laziness.

>> No.3888672

The front and back covers are slightly bent in with age, but other than that it's in good condition. Should probably say it was the U.S first edition from 1903 though

>> No.3888725

I love how they feel entitled to goods they haven't purchased yet. You can feel frustrated cause they got to it first, but whining because their business means you actually have to either buy them from a bookstore or online, or pirate them like you should be doing anyway.
What's hilarious is that these people see no problem in people buying way too many books and ballooning their backlogs, which is still doing the same thing, taking books out of circulation that others might have liked to read,
but this time there isn't a "profit" in them. So it's not evil.

>> No.3888742

More people complaining about economics need to understand economics.
If you want to complain about idiots buying secondhand in bulk and mistreating them, ie storing them in humid basements to mold or throwing away ones he can't flip instead of donating them back into the cycle, that's different, we can complain about that, and I'll get on board. But this isn't the pre-Gutenberg days, reading material isn't scarce and precious. and by moving the merchandise around he's probably contributing to getting the material into the hands of those who want it more than he is restricting that happening.
He's not the scum of the earth, he's just another vector in the transmission of goods and services.

>> No.3888750

>I love how they feel entitled to goods they haven't purchased yet.
I love how you're displacing that feeling. I bet you'd be pretty pissed if I came up to you in the supermarket and started taking the goods out of your trolley.

>> No.3888753

what a horrible analogy

>> No.3888755

Denial is the first stage of denial.

>> No.3888757

What if scanner guy is keeping his father's comfortable secondhand bookshop alive?
What if "this asshole" is the reason you can order a copy of a book you really cherish online in a month or so? A book that some old lady was going to throw out, but got thrown to goodwill instead?

>> No.3888768

nice run-on sentence bitch

>> No.3888770

It's not like goods in a supermarket trolley.
It's like a vein of gold.
And readers are prospectors.
It's okay to feel jealous that somebody else found the treasure.
But to be all "fuck this guy for being a prospector, what an asshole thing to do"
Is just bullshit. He got there first.
It's not your gold yet.
Everything else is just the debate about a business being in competition with an individual for resources.
While he's taking advantage. I hardly think he's cornered the market and has a monopoly.

>> No.3888775

You mean it's like someone else getting away with the last Christmas present your child wanted on Christmas eve?

>> No.3888776
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>> No.3888780

Oi m8, u got a problum?

>> No.3888781

ITT: The Market corrects for goods being priced at less than their actual value.
ITT: People losing their shit because economics happens.
Why don't you look to the really egregious corporate manipulation of the market and stop bothering us with the small potatoes stuff. That's where the corruption really has a deleterious effect.

>> No.3888787

>ITT: The Market corrects for goods being priced at less than their actual value.
So many bad assumptions there..

>> No.3888796

Is that the trip rapture?

>> No.3888797

And if they're giving it to their child for Christmas?
How would you feel if you just got there in time to get the last toy for your child and someone said "Nope, sorry, you can't have that, because the person after you wants it too,"

Now I know, you think the fact that he's reselling does away with this argument, but the market has a way of taking the "inherent reading value" of the good into account.
It's fucking economics. If you demonize them for taking advantage of the lower price, than that means you would have been wrong for buying it at that same price. You're complaining that "If anybody is going to get it at an advantage, it should be those who really really want it." But there's no economically feasible way to set that system up yet. We can't function under an idealized morality,
I mean fuck, we can't even seem to punish actual abuses of the system. We're having a hard enough time, metaphorically speaking, with the felons, and you're complaining about the equivalent of a moral misdemeanor.

>> No.3888800

>How would you feel if you just got there in time to get the last toy for your child and someone said "Nope, sorry, you can't have that, because the person after you wants it too,"
It's their store, they can do what you want. You have yet to purchase the good after all.

>> No.3888802

>they can do what you want.
what they want*

>> No.3888806

Bourgeois scum

>> No.3888809

Did I have to specify "after you purchased it"
Do I have to be that pedantic in order for you to analyze the metaphor for the meaning and not for little syntax gaps that you can use to dismiss the entire point of what I was trying to say?"

>> No.3888816

>Did I have to specify "after you purchased it"
It's pretty clear we're talking before the point of actually purchasing the item. Otherwise you should be going "stealing is bad" surely

>> No.3888834

"I'm so mad that someone took advantage of the fact that this was priced lower than it was worth. I wanted to be the one who took advantage of the fact that this was priced lower than it was worth. I'm so mad that the natural laws of economics don't work exclusively to my benefit."

"I'm so mad that when resources become available, some people organize to take advantage of that resource instead of leaving it untapped....for me to tap."

If you wanted to talk about an abuse of the market, that's different. But you're arguing against the way the system naturally works when abuses aren't warping it.

This isn't a bug in the system. It's a feature. You might as well try arguing the allocation of resources in a habitat when a change occurs. What you see as evil is just a natural chain of consequences.
Talk to me when the upset is so severe that it threatens the ecosystem (metaphorically)

>> No.3888847
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I'm not going to keep responding if you're going to ignore the argument to play with the metaphor. You're not a toddler, you don't need things spelled out to you. Nor are you a lawyer needing several clauses and addendum to clarify the definitions and interrelations of the concepts, before you can understand and process its meaning.
If you were too confused by the metaphor, than you are too confused to understand the concepts and therefore too confused to add anything substantive to the debate.

Nobody's going to baby you on /lit

If you genuinely don't understand an argument, we will explain, quite often in length, but when it's obvious you're not engaging with the argument but instead concerning yourself strictly with the dressing, than it's just an exercise in futility.

And I already exercised my futility once today.

>> No.3888853 [DELETED] 

jesus christ dude, just get a cheap/refurbished e-reader and pirate e-texts from #bookz

>> No.3888855

Why don't you just admit that you expressed yourself poorly, and reword your argument?

>> No.3888860

The original point was in response to:
>I love how they feel entitled to goods they haven't purchased yet.
That's all that's been talked about here, get with it. People feel entitled to goods they haven't purchased yet all the time.

>> No.3888868

death to the plebs.

>> No.3888872

Because I didn't express myself so poorly that the meaning is unclear.
And secondly, because I have reworded the argument. Or are you not reading any other posts than the ones responding to your responses.
I'm not interested in debating with you unless you are going to be engaging with the actual substance of the issue. Don't whine because the refutations weren't served to you on a silver platter with squeeze of lemon and a garnish.
Answer the philosophical matters.
Or be ignored.
Because you're one more uninteresting post away from me saying fuck-it and walking away.

>> No.3888876

>Because I didn't express myself so poorly that the meaning is unclear.
This is clearly not the case.

>> No.3888878
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Wait, can someone inform me what this barcode scanner is and why it's so bad?

>> No.3888884

You can scan books with goodreads to learn more about them before purchasing. This thread is sad.

>> No.3888885

nigger savers is a thousand times better, people don't think to go there. I got tons of great finds there.

>> No.3888891

>1.33 MB, 3264x2448
>not cropped or rotated
this is why my board has no good threads
fuck this guy indeed

>> No.3888897

It's a small device that can read the barcodes you see on most products, and then it displays the information on the product (e.g. price). He's buying the books that are worth more money than they are being marketed for at a second hand shop (that runs exclusively off of donations mind you) and then reselling them for a profit. Ideally, the merchandise there is for less fortunate people to buy decent things without breaking their small budget. He's exploiting the donator, the shop, and some poor person who would've bough and read that book.

>> No.3888900
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/Lit is not remedial debate class. You can continue to sit there with a thumb up your ass, and argue the ephemera instead of the argument. But you'll do it alone.
I'm not sticking around for any debate that's degraded to the level of

You can argue with someone else good sir.
Cause I'm not interested in repeating myself over and over only for someone to greentext and say "You're still not making yourself quite clear enough"

>> No.3888904

ITT: Ayn Rand

>> No.3888905

>I would be mad if the books would be given for free and then some asshole would sell them, but the books are for sale.
Except goodwill is a not for profit company with the intent to offer used goods at low prices so poorer people can afford them. They also do a bunch of other charitable shit like job training. They're basically a charity and when people donate stuff to them it's with the understanding that they are helping people by letting them get items extremely cheaply. Books at goodwill usually cost either like 10 or 25 cents.

>> No.3888911

Maybe the guy who is obviously not a Jew and would never do such a thing as you guys are describing is going to these measures just to find good books to read.


>> No.3888919


In that case you wouldn't need the scanner.
I'm going to start defacing the barcodes at the library store I volunteer at.

>> No.3888920

you people have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. In what way does this harm anyone? you're witnessing the glory of the free market. I hope you all cry about it more you grody ass collectivists.

>> No.3888921

Except the profits from their store sales hardly make up any of the money they use for their other charitable shit. The stores exist for the sole reason of giving people jobs/allowing poorer people to purchase goods cheap. He's not helping their goals in anyway. He's actually hampering the stores ability to fulfill one of its main goals.

>> No.3888923

That's what I assumed.
I kind of feel bad knowing by the afternoon the only thing left is mostly old text books or Dollar Store novels

>> No.3888931

If Goodwill wanted, they could have an employee use a similar scanner to get a better price for the book.

>> No.3888940

>If Goodwill wanted, they could have an employee use a similar scanner to get a better price for the book.
No shit you fucking idiot thats the whole reason this is wrong goodwill's intention is to offer books to people at extremely affordable prices. They do this in goodwill kinda the point of the store

>> No.3888948
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>This is why I'm able to order the editions of books I want online so cheaply.
>Saw this guy going through the racks with a handheld scanner taking any books worth any money to resell later.

Thank you smelly scavenger, you're doing the lord's work.

>> No.3888957



>> No.3889008

Oh boy, that's a great idea. We'll undermine the art market by defacing all the works. We'll teach them to appreciate our culture by vandalizing it ourselves, before they have any chance to disrespect it. #booklovers #culture #loveart

>> No.3889015

Yeah man, the fucking barcode is an important goddamn aspect of modern book design.

>> No.3889020

We used to have a guy that did this at the used bookstore I work at. He would bring it a huge crate of books to trade, then pick out a shit ton. To get rid of him, we just stopped taking his books altogether. He'd bring in a hundred books each time and we'd turn them all away. He got the hint and stopped coming. Fuck book dealers that do this. They take advantage of good book prices and ruin it for everyone.

>> No.3889057

The barcode isn't even relevant, you could scribble over any part of the cover and it would serve the same purpose: ruining the book's value so no vigilante will try to pawn it off. You're a real robinhood, mate, I mean, as if any part of the book is an important aspect to the actual words, I think people are starting to lose sight of what's really important in high literature. A sign of modern times, I guess.

>> No.3889073

What the fuck are you even talking about buddy? Either I'm missing something here, or you are, and I can't figure out what I'm missing so I'll let you solve this mystery.

>> No.3889091 [DELETED] 
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notice that man is a jew

>> No.3889097

I'm saying that scribbling over the barcode is fucking up the book. I don't know how you (maybe not you, but the guy I was responding to, or OP it doesn't matter) can get off attacking people pawning off rare and first edition publications for supposedly not treating them with respect by exploiting them through whatever capitalist system, and so establishing yourself as some literary high culture white knight, while being so dumb as to be incapable of appreciating the physical aesthetic, historical or market value of any given copy, as detached from whatever is "literary merit" according to magazines you don't even read (I'm referring to New Yorker, Bloom, Nabokov, whatever canon you pretend to subscribe to; I'm accusing you of feigning an appreciation of literature by incorrectly assuming this is the way you're supposed to convey that, the stance you're supposed to hold). The graphic design doesn't mean anything, these kids aren't selling mass paperbacks, I'm just saying defacing it in any way is an idiotic way to demonstrate your love for books, even if you'd rather the barcode you're trashing be a QRcode or hand-stamped text.

>> No.3889135

>library sales

These are particularly bad. Any time my library has them, there are always one or two bookshop owners who swipe moldy old copies of books I could get there for a dollar or two to sell for $6+.

I know you have to replenish your inventory, but c'mon nigga, I'm poor.

>> No.3889139

from now on anytime i donate books i'm putting stickers over the barcode, then underneath the sticker i'll write with a paint pen "haha fag" if the sucker actually takes the time to peel the bitch off

>> No.3889149

That's stupid.

>> No.3889157

someone who REALLY loves books knows a book's value without having to scan the fucking barcode bro

>> No.3889166


>> No.3889192

5 star post nigga.
>mfw I grabbed a dougal dixon book from one of these fags one second before he reached it.

>> No.3889259

What if he was simply being facetious? Would that make you are not too bright?

>> No.3889463

Is it profitable to resell used books? Even if you don't factor in the time & expense that goes into what he's doing with the alleged barcode scanner...

>> No.3889476

I've read the first 20 posts
I skimmed the next 20 posts
The rest of you are fucked.

Basically Goodwill purchases aren't supposed to be for poor people, they are for anyone. Goodwill can take profits and reinvest it in the community and train people with the services needed by their stores.

Obviously one of the services they need to train their peeps with is how to scan books to properly price them. That way they have more moneys.

Its so simple, its good capitalism.

>> No.3889509

The actual poor people shopping there probably resent you and Screech equally.

>> No.3889512

Depends on the books.

I once found a first edition of Rand's "The Fountainhead" at a thrift store and bought it for a quarter. I sold it on Ebay for over $100.00.

I imagine such events are rare, though. It helps if you know the value and quality of the books. Most people pass over "valuable" books out of ignorance.

>> No.3889522

Bourgeois fuck.

>> No.3889526

yup, how you doin?

>> No.3889532

Planning your arrest and gathering witnesses against you for sweat sucking and conspiracy to industrial homicide.

>> No.3889540
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Goodwill are fucking frauds anyway. Don't donate or support them. The pseudo-charity image they've cultivated is bullshit nowadays (used to be applicable) and they are simply profiteering off of other people's good intentions. Fuck Goodwill, donate your shit to small and/or local organizations.

>> No.3889547


When I was a kid, it was rare to see anything in Goodwill over 20 dollars. Somewhere around the late 90's, they started marking shit way the fuck up. I remember seeing a used copy of "Midnight's Children" for something like $10.00. Ten dollars for a used book that was donated to them?

Come on. It changed like crazy and is now all about mark-up and profit.

>> No.3889551

Try using the words "then" and "than" properly. God damn.

>> No.3889554

Looks like a happy merchant to me

>> No.3889558

Can you provide some sort of source for your hate?

Goodwill's charity isn't in selling shit cheap. Their objective is to get free shit, make as much profit as possible and invest that in programs that benefit the poor.

>> No.3889580

I saw a dude doing this at my Goodwill last week.


>> No.3889595

Thanks for the idea OP. I'm pretty well off with my dad's company but I most def needed a way to get this girl some first additions so she will sleep with me.

>> No.3891954

im a book seller and let me tell you a lot of the books i end up reselling on amazon are unusual non fiction books or stuff that i doubt youd buy anyway (for instance i fould a medical book on antiestrogen therapy last week that listed for 60 dollars), i go to book stores in the ghetto where pretty much no ones buying any lit, occasionally i find a classic or something interesting that i'll keep for myself, im pretty much the only one who does this at these thrift stores though, im sure the classier goodwills have a better selection and are in better neighborhoods and hence more people to compete with, and finally i haven't used a scanner till recently most of the time i can just tell whats expensive

>> No.3891970


boo fucking hoo

>> No.3891989

White people.

>> No.3892007 [DELETED] 


He's not white he's Jewish. The nose knows.