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3887671 No.3887671 [Reply] [Original]

If our objectification of reality is arbitrary, why believe that anything exists, including us?

>> No.3887674

Because it's convenient.

>> No.3887675

I can't see why not to be an extreme solipsist. While also not existing/believing I exist.

>> No.3887684

Because people will think you're a dick and hate you.

But hey, they're all just figments of your imagination, right? What do you care?

>> No.3887695

Why would they hate me?

>> No.3887699

well imho it gets you nowhere except a couple of fits of psychosis...letting yourself fester under the weight of such beliefs is a sure way of developing some neurosis

>> No.3887702

Because solipsism is an equally big assumption.

>> No.3887706

>if our objectification of reality is arbitrary

>> No.3887713

Any reasons to believe it is or isn't?

>> No.3887714

Also is this solvable with Hegel?
I have a feeling my question is basically right, but could be transcended by looking at knowledge in a different way.

>> No.3887747

Try not believing you exist and see what happens.

>> No.3887753

Language doesn't permit it. If you don't stand in relation to anything, you become nonsensical.

>> No.3887766

I knew a guy who believed he was dead once. His brother had killed his parents and himself, or else he had killed his brother after his brother had killed his parents. I'm not sure which.
The point is he freaked out over his parents' murder and thought he had been killed also. When the police found him and he was sent to a locked mental facility, he reasonably deducted from this position that he had been sentenced to hell.
I keep thinking he's going to be disappointed he's not dead when they release him.

>> No.3887799
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>any reasons to believe it is or isn't?


>> No.3887929


le remove retard from premises face

>> No.3887943

yeah Aquinas was such a fuckin tard bro shit's hilarity

>> No.3887955


>one of the most respected thinkers of his day
>fuckin tard

Pick one. And the only one history allows you to pick is the first.

>> No.3887956
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get out

>> No.3887965

I really hope they don't have sarcasm where you come from. Also, Aquinas was indubitably the most respected thinker of his day. A more proper description would be "one of the most respected thinkers of all time."

>> No.3887978

i guess i was a bit rash, he is after all the man who claimed to float and hover around the notre dame after god had granted his book two thumbs-up
also faith doesn't prove anything as regards the metaphysical claims of religion, it just shows you're willing to take answers on no evidence whatsoever, like a little slave, so you shut your mouth