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3881445 No.3881445 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book that's written from a rapist's point of view. Got any suggestions?

>> No.3881449

>inb4 ironic joke replies
uh, okay i'll start

Harry Potter lol amirite

>> No.3881448


>> No.3881455


that's why

>> No.3881487

Australian posting hours are inevitably the worst

fuck off &c

>> No.3881501

>Any male author
>any male lead character

>> No.3881506

I'm pretty sure you're the butterfly.

>> No.3881507
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>> No.3881511

Lolita is pretty obvious (and fantastic). Or Disgrace, by Coetzee (though it doesn't focus too much on it, and has a ludicrously weak ending).

>> No.3881524

I'm pretty sure she's prettier than me
I'm pretty sure you're hysterical
I'm pretty sure you should still fuck off

I guess A Clockwork Orange is vaguely related

>> No.3881529
File: 168 KB, 720x960, 386721_10151394914039085_1899345447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catcher in the Rye.

He is a pedophile but they're all rapists aren't they?

>> No.3881532

>I'm the butterfly
>I'm the butterfly
>I'm the butterfly


>> No.3881533

>I'm pretty sure she's prettier than me
I feel bad for you bro.

>> No.3881543

Why has nobody mentioned American Psycho?

>> No.3881589

Every book by a guy, ever.

~ ~ My body, my rules! :D ~ ~

>> No.3881590

How is Holden a pedophile? Wasn't he just against growing up and all that phony bullshit?

>> No.3881591
File: 216 KB, 590x322, pat8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because rape is one of the nicer things that happens in AP.

>> No.3881598

Because /lit/, that's why

>> No.3881614

You want "The Second Trip" by Robert silverberg

artist rapes lots of women, keeps one of his models in sexual slavery. cops catch him. his brain is altered and he's made a model citizen ala clockwork orange, then he meets the model again and,,, things start happening.

>> No.3881646

Child of God

>> No.3881665

Diary of a rapist

>> No.3882035

A Clockwork Orange durrrrrrr

>> No.3882717

Nope, can't think of a single one. Definitely no famous ones...

>> No.3882746

Star Wars Nemesis

>> No.3882775

Not a book, but the movie Naked.

>> No.3882790


>> No.3882824


The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence, the protagonist did some raping with his "brothers"

In Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop it is told from the view points of many rape victims. I think there was a chapter where one of the rapist lusted after one of the main protagonist.

Let the right one in by John Ajvide Lindqvist i think the guy who looked after Eli was a rapist.

Meredith Gentry Series by Laurell K. Hamilton bitch forced guys that despised her to get horny as fuck and fuck her.

The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe... he fuck his grandmother... is that considered rape?

The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett guys got buggered by their "friends", father rapes his daughter and she gets wet, she later becomes a psychotic cunt who lies to her boyfriend but expects him to tell her everything.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson does anal.

The Marquis De Sade Reader

Thats all i know off my head that might satisfy you.

>> No.3882902

>dat pic
Jesus christ she is fucking ugly.
I'm a fucking virgin and i wouldn't touch that

Captcha related: depressed damazil

>> No.3882940

Not necessarily about a rapist, but Nabokov's Lolita may quench your thirst.

>> No.3883326

>not rapist
That guy was all over that preteen pussy.

>> No.3883352

>You revolting creature.I was a daisy-fresh girl, and look what you've done to me. I ought to call the police and tell them you raped me.

Do you know how many times he begged her not to tell? How he bribed her after he forced himself on her?

>> No.3883354

its a shame the movie version cut all the sex out

>> No.3883363

There is a youtube video with the sex(the cut out scenes). Its was ite but they raised her age so she was a teenager and not a preteen when he savaged that pussy.

>> No.3883364

She seduced him, remember? Stop with these ridiculous puritanical denials of the existence of child sexuality. The line you quoted was part of her trying to establish power in the relationship.

fuck you too NSA

>> No.3883372

>She seduced him, remember?
>Humbert's totally a reliable narrator, right guys?
No anon.

>> No.3883374

Was it legitimate rape?

>> No.3883382

Yes, 'fiction': anything by Peter Sotos, this is the to-go guy for rape stuff.

non-fiction: The Diary of Geza Csath by Geza Csath

>> No.3883394

EVEN if she wanted it, she was like 11? in the books. A 11 can't give consent. Don't get me wrong i am not an americlap with that "till 18" bs. 16 Is legal here hitting lolita at 15 wouldn't be a problem... but a 11?

She is FLAT, if it was one of those HGH americlaps that are 11 and pass for 16/17 i wouldn't fault him, but he is attracted to the boyish girls.

Nope it was rape, he as an adult suppose to know that even if she said yes, she at that age had no idea what she was getting herself into.

>but she did it b4

Yea with a kid, a man is different he don't stick in for a few seconds and jizz and he isn't small(usually thicker or more girth)

>> No.3883399

>not getting the subtle undertones of a 'young seductive american' towards an 'old russian'.

>> No.3883405

Your big vocabulary does not make up for your lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.3883406

Humbert's not Russian.

>> No.3883419

true, but the undertone of the 'old continent' is there.

>> No.3883439

>If she had boobs it would have been ok
Seriously, /lit/?

>> No.3883440
File: 33 KB, 443x600, 443px-Vagina_Monologues_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vagina Monologues.
Not even kidding. It's a celebrated Feminist production and plays of it take place at college campuses all over the world but it features not one but TWO grown women fucking a 13 year old girl they nickname "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could" because of her "cute little pussy". iirc they do some BDSM with her (lesbian BDSM is prominent in the entire thing). Afterwards, the young girl remarks, "if this was rape, it was a good rape."

Recently, after several people GOT FIRED for pointing out that the celebrated Feminist play included the rape of a 13 year old girl someone had the mind to revise her age to 16.

>> No.3883447

Story of the Eye I guess

>> No.3883452

Eh, how does a woman fuck another woman? Fingerbanging her?

Who cares. It's not like they have dicks.

>> No.3883462

The woman is her own phallus.

>> No.3883471

>Recently, after several people GOT FIRED for pointing out that the celebrated Feminist play included the rape of a 13 year old girl someone had the mind to revise her age to 16.
Citation about the firing? These were based on actual interviews and there's hardly lesbian BDSM prominent in the interviews about old ladies and squirting. "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could" is a personal experience and glorified as a sexual coming of age, not a "good rape." It's not even written from the adult's perspective, so I'm not sure why you mentioned it

I did find some people who were offended by the use of "c**t" in the play, which is a funny (not ha-ha funny) reminder that Romans thought that the clitoris was the most offensive thing to talk about.

I guess to make a half-valuable contribution though Martin Amis allegedly had an idea about Muslim radicals who enacted some sort of rape campaign across the United States, which he scraped because "faced with Islamism, even satire withers and dies"
Amis is obviously just a shithead though

>> No.3883476
File: 11 KB, 320x240, kill yourself dilbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, we're in way too deep now

>> No.3883479

>>If she had boobs it would have been ok
Where in my post did i said that? Is breast the only thing a girl gets when she develops? Are being purposely obtuse or are you actually this daft?

>> No.3883486



>> No.3883488

nice dubs

>> No.3883489
File: 161 KB, 853x960, 532746_614418035253057_156661885_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most readily available and noteworthy example:

Rape is rape. You might want to check your reaction and consider whether or not it's a pervasive social problem:


Female sex offenders are not only extremely overlooked, in ways that make under-reporting of male-on-female rape look non-existent, but they're often glorified as having done a service to their victims despite their victims experiencing the same trauma and side effects as if they'd been abused by a man.

Check yourself to make sure you're not conforming to this harmful and pervasive prejudice.

>> No.3883517

I think that within the play and within art in general, a more measured response has to be taken. I do agree that women in governmental positions are underlooked in molestation cases (just as male priests are overlooked... you know what I mean), but for some people these experiences are a moment of self-discovery, or at least it was for the person interviewed; it's not an experience I have even secondary knowledge of. It's a shitty situation all around and I'm not sure what to do about it. I don't know if I would fire the guy, but it's oversimplifying to say that it "glorified" rape. To quote a probably infuriating feminist canard, "these are people's stories."
I don't remember it having the "it was a good rape" line when I last went, which might be my shoddy memory, but at least the play has been made more sensitive to people's issues in a few ways. I think it might still be racist or whatever, though.

>> No.3883543
File: 140 KB, 256x239, 1274629211032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how women get away with a bunch of shit.

>they hate a guy
>cry rape
Guy gets charged

>just gave birth
>who is the father
>puts down a guys name
>has to pay child support
>do a P test
>not my kid
>take info to judge
>still has to pay child support

I don't have any hate towards woman but seeing shit like this makes me never want to trust anyone and just be by myself.

I have a question for you. Seeing how in america, you can sue someone for saying the sky is blue when you believe it to be red and win the court case here is an green text scenario for you.

>I had my self castrated
>Meet up with friends at party
>hang out
>a year later
>charged with rape
>says the baby is mine
>places my name on birth certificate

Do you think her lawyer could convince a jury that even though i was castrated i was able to rape her and impregnate her?

I mean this is the country where a guy got off for murder because the girl didn't want to have sex, a mother can get off for murdering her child, a guy can get a shit load of years because he robbed someone with a gun and this is in no way related to a crime you were aquited of and found not guilty years ago or how a woman got 20 years because she fired a warning shot at an ex abusive bf who beat the shit out of her while pregnant.

>> No.3883555


you are profoundly stupid please never talk again

>> No.3883579

>nice trips
All i am saying is that America's Legal system gets away with a bunch of shit.
But the ending of that post all of those things happened.

>> No.3883582

that Bukowski short story where he rapes the tripfags mom.

>> No.3883588


>> No.3883637

>fucking 11 year olds till there vagina is ripped up is perfectly legal.

>> No.3883672

What the fuck has happened here? Who are these people who think that fucking a sick, crying, 12 year old, who afterwards cries in the bathroom, isn't rape? What the actual fuck?

>> No.3883717

Is that Bullkowski story true? That his mom was sexually assaulted by a drunk Bukowski? I remember the thread with the article, police report etc.but someone said it was photoshopped and then the thread was deleted.

>> No.3883737

Am i a pedo if i got a boner when he said they did it 3 times in the hotel room and later she said that "i think you tore something down there?"

>> No.3883743

If it's the short story I'm thinking he's referring to, it's from Hot Water Music and it's Bukowski's friend (when they were children) who raped their friend's mom while they were drunk. It's been a bit though so I may be a bit off.

>> No.3883750

I didn't get a boner at that part but throughout the book, I would stop to jerk off. Fucking Nabokov would describe shit and I'd get turned on. Not so much about the Lolita thing but just the constant sex.

>> No.3883754

The Collector - John Fowles

>> No.3883936

I'm pretty sure he never actually raped the girl in that one...

>> No.3883979

I think Kids is the movie for you. You'll probably identify with Telly quite a bit.