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/lit/ - Literature

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3881299 No.3881299 [Reply] [Original]

>English major gf
>I tell her once how easy I thought it was the write a love scene
>She gets upset because I made light of the situation and tells me to give writing a shot and THEN tell her how easy it is.
>I write my first short story
>She gets butthurt because it's better than hers.
Ever since then I've loved writing.
How did you get into writing /lit/?

>> No.3881305

I just love stories man.

>> No.3881309

figured i could do it better than 95% of authors out there

>> No.3881311

I saw a NanoWriMo thread on here and thought, hey, that could be some fun.

I've written other stuff since but never finished that story. Got 30k or so words down when I came to a scene with an octopus and I was like-- there's nowhere to go from here. I know everything that happens after the octopus, but that fucking octopus man.

At this point I write so much better than I did back then I'd have to redo the whole thing anyway.

>> No.3881313

fame and money. I also like the idea of using words to persuade people to see the world through my moral lenses. poets are essentially moral persons.

>> No.3881321
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>English major turned editor turned law student
>Love ancient history, biology, geography, language, travel, outdoors, culture
>Have read heaps of classics like Iliad, Odyssey, Beowulf, Baghavad Gita, Gilgamesh, Ivanhoe
>Enjoyed a few fantasy novels like LotR and Dune for fun
>Tried getting into others, found many to be total crap
>"I bet I could write fantasy way better than this"

mfw in my spare time, drawing from my experience and interests to write the kind of fantasy stories I'd enjoy reading myself

>> No.3881322

Post something.

I got into writing because I loved it. I loved being in someones world and experiences all the associations and implications of that world.

>> No.3881325

I couldn't find anything that I'd enjoy reading, so I decided to write it myself.

>> No.3881329

It's a small exert, nothing special, but it's something.
>In this turbulent time we live in it would only seem fit to say that the working class will always be in some form of boundless servitude to the cruel, depravity of the wealthy. Be it obsessed with blunders of the many various celebrities, or working miserable jobs for them. Not to say all of the wealthy are evil, and not all poor men are just.
Theodore had shown me the worst qualities of men, were Max had taught me the most precious. I still see my brother on occassion. He still refuses to acknowledge my presence, and I his. My father is still heartbroken over my sisters choice to leave, and I fear he will be until the rest of his days.
I never did learn where Max and Clair had gone, despite telling me he would send for me, I was most certain he would not. Whether they were afriad of being caught, or they just decided to live the rest of their lives together, peacefully, their retreat was hasty. My mind still drifts to the events of that night, leading up until my final vision if Max and Clair, and how I miss them so.
I had decided it was time for me to move out of my family's estate after the incident, the memories sometimes too painful for me to bear. I moved into what was once Max's house, overlooking the beautiful ocean. I still, sometimes, out of habit, drink tea on the balcony and reminisce about the many conversations we had had there. I often find myself staring at the horizon from the balcony, hoping one day my sister, and her love, will return to me, but as I sat alone, endlessly waiting, until the sun kissed the ocean, and laid to rest, I knew I would never see them again.

>> No.3881331

failed greentext but there ya go.

>> No.3881332


I've found found this to be the most satisfying and enjoyable way to write. Not for anyone but yourself, as you always know exactly what to put down on the page: not what someone else would read, but exactly what you'd enjoy. If others like it that's totally cool, but there's no second-guessing or hesitation ever.

Makes me pity all those people writing for that imaginary audience. The one they don't have but believe they have to write for to "get famous and make money!"

Newsflash: the odds are about painfully against you that you'll ever make money or even get recognized. At least have fun while writing if anything.

>> No.3881341

Can't tell if rich white kids or set in the 1910s. Not bad though.

>> No.3881346

in the**

>> No.3881343

It's rich kids set in int 2020's

>> No.3881342

You do have an "ear" for rhythm, which is one of the most essential things for writing and which is lacking in many oc posts here. I don't really like the tone and the subject, but it's not bad.

>> No.3881347

Well that works. (sage because this comment is banal, not because I'm angry).

>> No.3881351

Change the voice to a more modern one. You're using big words to look smart, and it's not working.

>> No.3881353

It's a resurgence of the neo-20's so the dialect is meant to mirror it. But I will definitely take that into consideration.

>> No.3881355

What? He used pretty simple and commonly understood words. I'm looking through and not seeing what you're talking about.

>> No.3881356

eh, i dunno about this. it seems like its reflecting his characters well and done with a slight sense of irony kind of like Salinger. And it's in first person. it depends on how the rest of the piece works itself out, because if nothing "bad" happens to the character this would get annoying.

>> No.3881367

He does go through some shit yes.

>> No.3881382

>Theodore had shown me the worst qualities of men, [and] Max had shown me the most precious [<-read this out loud and change it]. I still see my brother on occasion. He still refuses to acknowledge my presence, and I his [<-awkward]. My father is still heartbroken over my sisters choice to leave, and I fear [that] he will [stay this way] [for] the rest of his days.
>I never [--] learn[ed] where Max and Clair had gone[. Though they said they] would send for me, I [knew that they] would[n't].
Whether they were afraid of [capture], or they just decided to live the rest of their lives together, peacefully, their retreat was hasty. [<just rewrite all of this, follow the logic of the character's words, not the art of them. I guess what I mean to say is: this sentence is run on. ]

My mind still drifts to the events of that night, leading up until my final vision if Max and Clair, and how I miss them so. [<-rewrite this too]

Also, I don't think that kids in the 2020s will talk this way! It just isn't believeable. If I were you, I'd start with futuristic speech, and embellish it with 20's stuff, not the other way around.

>> No.3881385

I'll also take that into consideration.

>> No.3881409

I started writing because it was next up on the list (recently over music) looking for something I'm actually good at. the phase will be over in a few months i think. I dont seem to have any special talent here

>> No.3881415

>those phases
for me it's constantly between art, music, and writing.
At least it always goes full circle.

>> No.3882073

iktf bruh bruh

>> No.3882332

I never really "tried" to write, it was just something I did.

I was like 19 and went to the wedding of a girl who was pretty much my best friend in kindergarten. Her and my mom were close friends and coworkers, so even when she moved schools I still saw her occasionally (Small KY town, so yeah). Her wedding was a weird experience for me. I mean shit, I played on the swings with this girl and now i'm watching her get married.

I don't really know how it started, but that night I wrote a short story. My first real non-classwork piece ever. Something about that day made me want to put this story down, and it wasn't even one really related to the day in question, just something that came to me.

It was about a guy who finds a photo of his high school girlfriend in a box under his bed when he's cleaning up so his fiance could move in. Cut to the old girlfriend who just ditched her abusive husband with some cash she managed to stash away from him. They run into each other on the street, and he doesn't recognize her. They just keep walking.

It's not my proudest piece, but it's my first.

>> No.3882335 [DELETED] 

i started so i could write about the plights of niggers

>> No.3882924

>I never really "tried" to write, it was just something I did.
>I was like 19 and went to the wedding of a girl who was pretty much my best friend in kindergarten. Her and my mom were close friends and coworkers, so even when she moved schools I still saw her occasionally (Small KY town, so yeah). Her wedding was a weird experience for me. I mean shit, I played on the swings with this girl and now i'm watching her get married.
>I don't really know how it started, but that night I wrote a short story. My first real non-classwork piece ever. Something about that day made me want to put this story down, and it wasn't even one really related to the day in question, just something that came to me.
>It was about a guy who finds a photo of his high school girlfriend in a box under his bed when he's cleaning up so his fiance could move in. Cut to the old girlfriend who just ditched her abusive husband with some cash she managed to stash away from him. They run into each other on the street, and he doesn't recognize her. They just keep walking.
>It's not my proudest piece, but it's my first.
This is the conversation you have with the imaginary interviewer in your head isn't it?

>> No.3882941

OP asked why we started writing, so I told him. If there's a problem you have with that, then you should probably head back to /b/.

>> No.3882951

i spelled gameboy correctly without help when i was 5. everyone flipped out around me, and i liked that, so i kept spelling shit real good. i also write neat shit that gets bitches wet.

>> No.3882995

I don't have a problem with it just admit it you've imagined telling to this to an interviewer that's asking you about your recently published novel

>> No.3883004


I like you. I won't eat you.

>> No.3883010

OP here, and do that in the shower.

>> No.3883237

>Be young(like 10)
>Reads first Arthur C. Clarke book.
>Jump to Stephen King.
>Decide to be a writer.
And yes, reading Clarke at 10 yo

>> No.3883295

>no gf

>> No.3883331

writing is the last hope I have to lose my virginity without paying for it

>> No.3883358

Just celebrated our 4 yr. anniversary actually.

>> No.3884003
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>we had to write these "personal narratives" in grade school
>people wrote about major trips/vacations, sports events, etc.
>I just wrote about buying milk, talking to people, etc. in a really surrealistic way, taking note of everything
>have to read them to class
>get laughs
>this feels good

I was gonzo before I knew what gonzo was.

>> No.3884053


I mostly do essays and historical stuff. I just love piecing this shit together man. Sure, I don't have the talent to be a literary giant or anything, my prose is more than likely crap and I couldn't do characterization or voice or anything like that to save my life, but I love putting stories together.

Currently working on something about the Anglo-American relationship during the Suez Crisis. Oh man, there's no rush like finding that PERFECT piece of evidence that backs up what you say

>> No.3884066

That actually sounds really interesting.
Go on, anon.

>> No.3884069

I've always been creative in my writing and had a flair for seamlessly well-flowing narratives with generally good creativity and well constructed plot arcs. Throughout school I would always excel at ''open'' creative writing opportunities, but never actually did any mandated writing; simply for fun.

What got me into ''officially'' writing:
I read a really shittily written sci-fi book that had an amazingly original and brilliant plot.
It drove me crazy so I decided I would write my own sci fi.

>> No.3884074


Basically what I'm finding is subverting the traditional, generalized image of the United States in the Cold War; that they were the ones turning countries and entire regions into Cold War battlefields.

However, what I'm going into is that it was actually the British-French-Israeli group that arose to push Nasser into submitting to the Canal Company that was trying to push the US into turning the Middle East into a Cold War battlefield, but the US actually resisted this impulse. Especially interesting when you juxtapose it with the stuff going on in East Europe at the time.

I'm also trying to work some stuff in about Anglo-American paternalism toward Nasser because its good shit and I have a lot on it, but I don't know how to make it fit

>> No.3884088


You just #rekt that guy.

>> No.3884241
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>being this retarded