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File: 222 KB, 720x1000, virginiawoolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3873287 No.3873287 [Reply] [Original]

ask to someone who's gonna start Woolf's bibliography anything

>> No.3873305

Hurrr durr women?

>> No.3873313

Ask i have to nothing.

>> No.3873513

I read Mrs. Dalloway a couple of weeks ago and FUCKING LOVED IT. Wanna read more Woolf, what next OP? I'm thinking To The Lighthouse.

Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. Oh gawd what a great book.

>> No.3873525

Poor-hating, edgy cunt. Can't think, can't write.

>> No.3873580

Yeah it's not like her writing is the most fucking beautiful thing ever or that her sentences fucking flow like a mighty ass river affecting everything around it and slightly touching all sorts of aspects and then ending in a big ass sea of feels and shit.

>> No.3873589
File: 17 KB, 220x393, flaneur2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hating the poor

>> No.3873590


I think you mean "feelings".

>> No.3873592

The Waves is fucking great

>> No.3873593

Did you get an internet connection for the first time in your life today?

>not familiar with feels

>> No.3873605

>most fucking beautiful thing ever
>fucking flow like a mighty ass river
I can see that her style has had a great influence on you! I can never understand this. Why do people praise a style whose register and tone is elevated and aristocratic while their own style is completely antithetical, pustulating with demotic profanity and rancid expletives. And yet these shit-stained hands hold up Woolf's as a brilliant author? What kind of flattery is that?

>> No.3873614

I'm not a writer. Even if I were, this is 4chan. Not gonna bother writing in a fancy way. I was expressing my admiration, that post took like 10 seconds to write, I was excited because of how beautiful her writing is (to me anyway). I was writing what I was thinking as it came out.

>style whose register and tone is elevated and aristocratic while their own style is completely antithetical, pustulating with demotic profanity and rancid expletives

Ain't nobody got time to write like that on fucking 4chan. Get off your high horse.

Also, you can't extrapolate my opinion and style to every single Woolf fan in the world, ya dingus.

>> No.3873618

What a pedantic sonofabitch lel, the autism is strong in this one.

>> No.3873635

People on 4chan have too much time if you ask me. I don't extrapolate. There's a fairly fat class of people who praise older bourgeois stylists like Woolf, while their own tone is the crassest and most vulgar thing imaginable. I think it's funny. Just an observation.

>> No.3873649

> crassest
most crass

>> No.3873662

But I mean you do realise that this is 4chan right? Crassest and most vulgar thing imaginable is what 4chan is about. Most people, virtually all of them, wouldn't talk or write irl the same way they do on 4chan. Do you think Woolf said ''Oh please, my dearest Leonard; how I would benefit from having your veiny phallus; which resembles the rivers in the morning with their powerful currents; ripping all sorts of materials from the earth and carrying them in it with all its might and potency; introduced in my cave of delight, with its soft and at the same time pungent smell, which reminds one of a summer's eve down at your grandfather's country-house'' ? Well, obviously not, just like any of us, she'd say: '' COME OVER HERE BIG BOY AND FUCK MY SLOPPY OLD CUNT''

tl;dr Writing style =/= the way one writes in 4chan