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3869792 No.3869792 [Reply] [Original]

Classic books that have animals as important "characters" in them?

>> No.3869794

hurr durr, Animal Farm

>> No.3869796

I guess I really should have phrased that better. I meant domestic animals.

>> No.3869805

Findley's "Not wanted on the voyage"... been a long time but the cat was an important character.

>> No.3869810

the one about the rabbits trying to find a new home. it was made into a really good animation movie

>> No.3869814

Watership Down?

>> No.3869820

I am a cat


>> No.3869825
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>> No.3869832

Wind in the wilows

>> No.3869835

Anna Karenina

>> No.3869836

The Redwall series.

>> No.3869862


>> No.3869878


The Unbearable Lightness of Being, I guess. It doesn't really come in heavily until the end.

>> No.3869961

'Journey to the West'

>> No.3869965

Under the Net

>> No.3869972
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Only book ive read more than twice
I cried
every time

>> No.3869982

where the red fern grows

I dont know if it is a classic or not but I like it

>> No.3870031


>> No.3870035

The Master and Margarita. Behemoth is the best animal character there is.

>> No.3870037

White Fang
The Jungle Book
Of Mice and Men

>> No.3870099

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

>> No.3870108

Tell us ... where does the red fern grow?

>> No.3870127

Where his dogs are buried at the end

>> No.3870503

Theres that fucking lovecraft story with the cats. Don't remember the name.

Probably not a classic, but n'way just trying to be of service.

>> No.3870513

Native Son

>> No.3870514


You mean non-human animals, right?

Fucking plebs

>> No.3870518
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>> No.3870522

Life of Pi

>> No.3870529

Oh, right. Domestic animals.


Animal Farm?

>> No.3870532

Disregard the woman. Aesop was his true soulmate.

>> No.3870546

I don't know... I tend to avoid books if they've been adapted from a film.

>> No.3870556
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>> No.3870558

The whole book is a christian allegory. Don't do it.

>> No.3870579

so is narnia but i thought they were good. of course I'm talking about when I was a kid, but as far as kids books go it was good.

>> No.3871617

Really? No one has said call of the wild?

Call of the Wild, by Jack London, fantastic.

>> No.3871706

oh god that book was so shit, 300 pages just to build up to that terrible apologist metaphor. the first 250 pages are 'lol let's look at pi tying some ropes, oh and now he's eating raw fish, oh and now he's out of water, oh look how pretty it is i bet you miss your family pi'

>> No.3871710

the movie is solidly entertaining though, in a fluffy Disney suburban soccer mom way that isn't completely insulting

>> No.3871725

>way that isn't completely insulting

This is not accurate.

>> No.3871868

OP here, this looks like what I'm looking for. Bought it already.

In any case, thanks everyone, and do keep the suggestions coming if you feel like it.

>> No.3872344


Glad I could help :)

>> No.3872358

The spiritual sequel "White Fang" might be up your alley.

>> No.3872360
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>> No.3872397


This guy gets it.

>> No.3872400

Heart of Darkness

>> No.3872445
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>> No.3872447

too far?

>> No.3872462

All of them. Humans are animals.

>> No.3872474

Aesop's Fables and a whole shitload of mythology. Peter Pan definitely counts (Nana and the Croc, at least).

>> No.3872559
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>> No.3873120

Call of the Wild.

The main character is a domestic dog that gets kidnapped, and made to drag sleighs.

>> No.3873136

In 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' by D.H. Lawrence, the keeper's spaniel Flossie displays prophetic behavior throughout the book.

>> No.3873143


Man that was such a great book. I remember the day my English teacher in the 6th grade read that to the whole class and cried at the end. I can't even read the book on my own now because it will never be the same as her reading to me.

>> No.3874370

Murakami's Wind Up Bird Chronicle. It has a bird which is quite important, and a cat which is even more so.

>> No.3874400

Naked Lunch

>> No.3875131

Dunno if this qualifies but Of Mice and Men uses a lot of symbolism through animals.

The Plague Dogs definitively fits your criteria